
Start Over

What the hell..?” was all Jae Kyung managed to say as she watched his silhouette disappear among the sea of bodies.

Still recovering from disbelief, she wrecked her brain, trying hard to think of possible reasons that could have led to Zico’s sudden change in attitude. But because there seemed to be no logical explanation for it, she decided to leave it at that and head home to retire for the day.

“I guess I’ll just have to ask him another day then.” sighed Jae Kyung as she made her way to the nearest bus stop alone.

She looked at her black strapped leather wrist watch to check the time. It was 11.30pm. The last bus would be leaving at 11.45pm sharp. I guess I’m not too late.

As she filled the empty seat of the bus stop, she couldn’t help but to feel a tinge of loneliness creeping up on her. The night suddenly looked so dark and cold. Jae Kyung shivered in her seat. To think she felt warm just a little while ago. When she was with..

“Hey Jae! What’re you doing out here alone?” went a familiar voice, almost scaring the living daylights, or in this case, nightlights, out of her.

She turned to be pleasantly greeted by the person who had caused her the warmth she felt earlier.

“This seat taken?” asked Zico as he made his way to the vacant spot on the bench next to where Jae Kyung was seated.

But before she could respond to his rhetorical question, he slid next to her on the bench.

There was absolutely no space in between them then, causing Jae Kyung’s heart to feel the familiar pounding sensation that she had felt earlier.  

“So for the second time, what cha’ doin out here alone?” asked Zico again, smiling as he turned to face her.

“Well.. Aren’t you asking the obvious?” replied Jae Kyung playfully as she positioned her head to look at him.

At that moment, she realised how they were seated so close to each other. Jae Kyung’s body shuddered at the way their shoulders were touching.

She managed to take a good look at Zico’s face up close. His skin was as smooth as porcelain, making it hard for her to stop herself from caressing it. His eyes were staring into hers so intently, causing her cheeks to flush like crazy; they were practically on fire. As her eyes explored his face further, she noticed his lips. His thick and plump lips. They looked so inviting. She felt so embarrassed to admit but she actually wondered what they tasted like. The mere thought of it caused her to unconsciously bite her bottom lip.

Zico smiled at this, satisfied that he was able to bring out a reaction from her, as he leaned in closer. Jae Kyung could feel his soft breath on her face as she inhaled the scent of his aftershave. Her mind was in a state of euphoria by then. With much anticipation, she felt her eyes closing tightly.

It’s coming. It’s coming.





Jae Kyung literally jumped at the sudden interruption.

“So are you coming on or not?” asked the grumpy, sleep-deprived bus-driver.

“Uh.. Yes yes. Sorry!” she apologized as she climbed up the steps of the bus under the scrutiny of the man behind the wheel.  

As she made her way to the back seat of the bus, she looked out the window and couldn’t help but feel disappointed. She had been sitting alone all the while.

She plopped onto the seat, sighing.

“Aish what the hell is wrong with you Jae Kyung? Fancy having thoughts about..” she said, mentally slapping herself, feeling hesitant to complete her sentence.


At the mere mention of his name, her heart raced. Her cheeks burned up too. She covered her face with both hands and exhaled loudly.

She knew then that she would never be able to look at him the same way.



(Dont be too sad cause i cant be thr to spend your day with you ok..?)


A delusional girl is delusional.

K second and third things go second and third (just in case you didnt already know).


And i must add how work recently has been causing me to have writer's block.

And its annoyingggggggggggggg.

Like i really wanna make this good but so far, the latest chapters i just wrote in my drafts just seem so.. Crappyyyyyy.

I cant take it anymoreeeee.

I swear after im done with work (in about another 11 more days?), im just gonna sit in my room for days and come out with something so brilliant that even i myself will not believe that it came from me.

Yes im gonna do just that.

(Gah i cant wait. :()


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kangnam #1
oooh i wonder what zico will say :o
hope you update soon! <3
kangnam #2
for a moment i thought they're going to kiss, but it didn't happen ;A;
please update soon!
update update i missed this fic!!!! :D
the comment down here. ↓ yeah, like, FOREVER. =)))
Jiho's long legs... I could stare at them forever
kangnam #6
lol @ TEKKEN....

please update soon! ^^
siloxanefire #7
LMFAO 'TEKKEN'!! icwudt hahaaa
kangnam #8
I really hope you update this soon ^^
subscribed! <3
LOL? Taken by you Zico?
I'm with Pyo on this one... I'm lost. Why IS she even so worked up about a text.