The Morning After

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“Urghmm..” went Zico groggily as he turned his throbbing head only to meet that of someone’s squishy stomach.

“What the..” he exclaimed softly as he sat up and stared at the woman who was then sprawled out across his couch.

He watched her intently as her chest rose and fell heavily behind her baggy t-shirt. Her hair was far from neat as some strands escaped from the tight ponytail she wore last night. She had her head prepped up against the top of the couch with her body slumped in an uncomfortable manner. Her faded skinny jeans accompanied her long legs that were stretched out, barely touching the coffee table in front of her which was filled with that of empty soju bottles.

“Aish this woman..” Zico said, scratching his head, as fragments of last night’s happening pieced in his head bit by bit.

Slowly, he took her head in his arm, held her legs with the other and lay her down properly on the couch such that she was lying down facing the ceiling. He then took a sit on the floor as he continued to eye the figure that was deep in sleep. Trust her to stay put and listen to me whine like a spoilt kid last night.. And spend the whole night sleeping in that weird position. 

Zico only managed to shake his head at the thought.

Suddenly, the woman started to squirm in her slumber. She only settled down after shifting her position such that the two were face to face.

Zico held his breath. Her face was so close to his. He blinked several times, paralysed and unknowing of what he should have done next. For some reason or another, he did not move from his spot, as much as it was quite an uncomfortable situation for him to be in; to be that close to another woman again, apart from her.

Unknowingly, his heart started to ram against his broad chest.

Still recovering from shock, he focused his gaze on her eyes that were closed and apparently, somewhat puffy. He raised his eyebrows. Did she cry or something? Unaware of the answer to the question, he chose to shrug it off. Gradually, he moved his sight onto that of her nose. It was sharp and.. Perfect? He actually thought that it fit her face quite right. Then, he looked even lower and noticed that was slightly opened. He couldn’t help but to let out a small laugh upon realizing how she had traces of drool coming out the side. Psh this girl. Probably thinking of food even in her dreams.

Instinctively, he took a wet tissue out of the packet that was on the table, put it to her face and wiped it off as gently as he could, not wanting to wake her up. As he was wiping it off, his fingers naturally pushed aside the few locks of hair that was covering her face. He tucked it behind her ear and unconsciously proceeded to her face. His fingers shuddered at the contact, but surprisingly, he enjoyed the feeling and decided to continue doing it.

He never noticed it before but the woman actually had a pretty small face which was accompanied by, as difficult as it was for him to admit, near to stunning features. Who knew you were actually so pretty huh?

Being so close to her, Zico’s senses couldn’t help but tingle as he took in the scent of her perfume. It was sweet and light, like that of lavender.

A small smile crept on his face as he felt the familiar sweet and light sensation he had once felt. Back when they were together, him and..


Upon the sudden unwanted thought, Zico finally snapped out of his trance, only then realizing how the closeness between them and his actions were inappropriate and totally uncalled for. As though he had just touched something hot, he jerked his hand away from her and moved back, accidentally bumping into the coffee table behind him, causing a loud dragging noise.

“What the hell Zico? What in the bloody ?!” he whispered to himself angrily, appalled for having done such a thing and thinking such thoughts, as he winced at the pain he felt on his lower back while eyeing the figure in front of him awaken from her slumber.


“Argghff..” cried Jae Kyung as her sleep was rudely interrupted by that of a horribly loud and unpleasant sound.

She stretched her arms and legs which cracked at the sudden pull of joints. Her whole body was aching so bad for some reason. She frowned, feeling irritated over the discomfort she was feeling. Oww.

As she cursed herself silently for not having slept properly, she rubbed her closed eyes, removing whatever traces of sleep left from it. She sighed as she remembered her dream. What the hell was that annoying sound? To think I had to part with my lovely bulgogi because of it.

Unwillingly, she pried her heavy eyelids open only to be greeted by the stunned look of a man sitting on the floor beneath her. His hair was unkempt and all over the place. To be completely honest, she actually thought it resembled a bird’s nest. He was crouching on the floor quite a distance away from her, his lean frame showing through his white t-shirt, which was of perfect fit, and the pair of black bermudas he was wearing. His eyes were slightly swollen and puffy and he had them opened up wide, looking at her, wearing an expression full of shock. Aww such a cutie.

“Oh hey handsome.. And what are you doing looking at me like that for, Jiho..?” asked Jae Kyung sleepily, a small curl involuntarily forming at the sides of her lips as she called out the name which she found to be so pleasant.





Jae Kyung rubbed her eyes again and looked at the man, hoping for her eyes to have made a mistake. But there surely was no mistake about it alright. Upon realizing who the figure in front of her was, she sat up straight and turned her head away in reflex. She swore she could feel her cheeks burning as she cringed, recalling what she had just said. Omg Jae Kyung you freaking idiotttttttttt~!

For Jae Kyung, the stretch of awkward silence that followed afterwards was deafening. All she could hear was the sound of her heart beating ever so quickly in her chest. Mentally slapping herself, she closed her eyes, wanting desperately to bury her senseless head into a hole already.

“Urmm.. So are you like.. Awake now?” went the familiar voice of the man, suddenly breaking the quietness and Jae Kyung’s train of thoughts. It sounded unsure and a little bit shaky.

Slowly, she turned to face Zico and shyly gave him a slight nod as she continued to stare at the ground. She wasn’t even able to look at the man in the eye due to the overwhelming embarrassment she was feeling then.


“Urhh.. Ok. So thanks for the soju.. I’ll uhh.. Pay you back.. Like I promised..” said Zico as he fiddled with the wet tissue in his hands.  

Slowly, he shifted his gaze upwards, only to find her stealing a glance down at him. He literally jumped at the sudden and unexpected eye contact. Almost instantly, he looked away from Jae Kyung, unable to hold on to the intense moment any longer. His heart started to race.

“Mmm ok, ah I think you can go now, thanks for yesterday, I’m much better now, thanks for the beer, I’ll include it in your next pay check, have a good rest for your back so it won’t crack anymore,” said Zico hastily as he got up, grabbed hold of Jae Kyung’s wrist and pulled her towards the front door.

Before the stunned woman even had the time react to his sudden actions, he pushed her out of his house and slammed the door to her face after managing a lame smile and a weak “Bye bye.”.

Turning his back to the door, he leaned on it and slid onto the floor. He exhaled, releasing whatever anxiety he had been feeling previously, thanks to her. He closed his eyes for respite, only to be greeted by the image of her.

And her soft, luscious lips.

 As they made their way.

On top of..


Zico opened his eyes immediately, finding himself gasping for air. His heart rate had increased dramatically at the sudden remembrance of their kiss. Feeling both his ears and cheeks burn as though they were on fire, he brought his fingers to his lips and touched them lightly as he recalled how they had tingled against hers last night.

“Ahhh.” cried Zico as he let out a long sigh. As much as he knew then how there was probably more room in his heart for another, his mind convinced him otherwise. Man, I am so ed up right now.

In ultimate frustration, he clenched his fists tight and banged his head hard against the wooden door behind him, hoping desperately for the pain to numb him from all the unnecessary feelings that he was starting to have towards her then. 

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kangnam #1
oooh i wonder what zico will say :o
hope you update soon! <3
kangnam #2
for a moment i thought they're going to kiss, but it didn't happen ;A;
please update soon!
update update i missed this fic!!!! :D
the comment down here. ↓ yeah, like, FOREVER. =)))
Jiho's long legs... I could stare at them forever
kangnam #6
lol @ TEKKEN....

please update soon! ^^
siloxanefire #7
LMFAO 'TEKKEN'!! icwudt hahaaa
kangnam #8
I really hope you update this soon ^^
subscribed! <3
LOL? Taken by you Zico?
I'm with Pyo on this one... I'm lost. Why IS she even so worked up about a text.