
Start Over

Jae Kyung stood there dumbfounded. She just couldn’t believe why she had gone along in the first place. It was like a deer entering a lion’s den; plain stupid.

She really didn’t see why the both of them had to have ‘a little chat’, as he had so lightly put it. Especially not after the bad first impression Jae Kyung had formed of him.

They were strangers and she was determined to keep it status quo.


“So I guess you’re not much of a seat-er..?” asked Zico, breaking her train of thoughts. He was already halfway in wolfing down the kimchi pancakes.

That was how much he loved it.

Almost as much as he loved her.

Jae Kyung only managed to force out a weak smile as she took a seat one sit away from him.

“So I see you’re not much of a clean-er?” she replied as she looked around what seemed to be a wrecked house.

Clothes were lying all over the place. The sink was filled to the brim with unwashed plates and utensils. Worse still, the whole house reeked of alcohol.


Zico wasn’t usually like this. He was a neat-freak as far as anybody was concerned. But after all, he had been distracted of late. His mind was preoccupied with other, much more grave, thoughts.

“Feisty eh?” he replied as he continued with his pancakes. “But let’s just get some things out of the way now. We all know what you’re here for; To be a spy for Pyo. So let’s just adhere to the kid once, alright? Cause I really need to get him, and the others, off my back for a while.” said Zico again as he chewed his food.

She rolled her eyes. Great. A man without manners.

“So what exactly are you getting at?” asked Jae Kyung hurriedly. She wanted him to get to the point already.

“Whoa you got a blind date to attend to or something?” he smirked. “Yeh but back to the conversation.. Let’s make a deal. I don’t ask about you, you don’t ask about me. Just come over every evening to ‘check up on me’ and report to Pyo that I’m doing fine..” said Zico.

“And what’s in it for me again?” asked Jae Kyung, incredulous.

“I’ll pay you.. Handsomely.” replied Zico smugly, emphasising the last word. Pyo had been telling him stories about her previously and he knew that she was in some kind of financial rut.


As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Jae Kyung was completely taken over. Zico’s bait was working its magic on her and she simply couldn’t refuse, given the situation she was in.

As ironic as it was, the errand that was supposed to be depriving her of a job opportunity somewhere else had eventually ended up offering her one. An easy and high-paying one at that.

She sighed and responded, “Ah.. So.. Where do I sign, Boss?”.  



Hahahahaha thanks for your support~!

(And can i just add how i think you people's tastes in fanfics are greaaaaaaaaaat?? Muahahahhaha sorry i am delusional.)


Ok so new chapter upload (even before a whole week is up) cause i ish having me a bad day nao. :(

And i dont know why bt i seem to think tht by uploading another chapter, i can somehow make myself feel better.

So you're probably like "...... huh ...?"


Hmm yeh i thought so.


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kangnam #1
oooh i wonder what zico will say :o
hope you update soon! <3
kangnam #2
for a moment i thought they're going to kiss, but it didn't happen ;A;
please update soon!
update update i missed this fic!!!! :D
the comment down here. ↓ yeah, like, FOREVER. =)))
Jiho's long legs... I could stare at them forever
kangnam #6
lol @ TEKKEN....

please update soon! ^^
siloxanefire #7
LMFAO 'TEKKEN'!! icwudt hahaaa
kangnam #8
I really hope you update this soon ^^
subscribed! <3
LOL? Taken by you Zico?
I'm with Pyo on this one... I'm lost. Why IS she even so worked up about a text.