
Start Over


Jae Kyung didn’t know exactly how to feel at that point of time. She looked down at her wrists where he had left an imprint of his fingers. And all she could think of was how she wanted to cut off his hands so bad for causing hers to swell in pain.

Biting her lower lip out of anger, she threw her fist up in the air, mentally attempting to give him a punch in his face. But she stopped midway when she felt pain in her arm area. She could have sworn she felt a ligament tear or something.

“OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!” she cried as she massaged the tense muscle on her shoulder.

And to think I spent an entire night sleeping uncomfortably just to stop you from crying like an ultimate baby!

She was angry, FURIOUS, RAGING MAD.

“Ok calm down now. Anger’s only going to cause you wrinklesssss~” recited Jae Kyung to herself, in a lame effort to calm herself down.

She in as much air she could as possible. Breathe innnnnnn.

Then slowly, she exhaled. She was going so slowly to the point that she could feel her heart going to pop as it screamed for more air. Breathe ouuuuuuut.

As a follow-up step, she put her hands to her face and patted it lightly. Yes yes. No wrinkles yet.

As she moved lower to pat , she froze, keeping all ten fingers on her small lips. Under her fingers, she could feel her lips as it formed into an exaggerated pout as her mind replayed the scene.

That one crucial scene.

Where her lips.

Had so passionately.

Planted themselves.

On the lips.



Jae Kyung hid herself behind her two hands, feeling her cheeks as they burned like stake on a grill. She broke out into a fit of giggles as she remembered what happened. She felt like a little girl all over again. Wanting to be a princess. As she waited for her knight in shining armour to come.

But the only difference now from then was that, she didn’t have to wait. Her knight, apparently in a white t-shirt, had come!

Feeling the anger from earlier just dissipate away, she turned away from the knight’s door and skipped away. Literally. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD I THINK I’VE GONE MENTAL.

It was funny to Jae Kyung how the same man had the power to make her feel emotions from extreme sides of the spectrum. Initially, he made her want to murder him. But suddenly, he made her feel all jittery and.. Fluffy?

Whatever it was, as she made her way home that morning, despite the weird mood swings that Zico had been warped in, causing her to be his medium of stress relief, she was happy.

Because at the very least, there was that cough-kiss-cough with you-know-who (not voldemort, obviously) as consolation, and that in itself was good enough for her.


“Bzzzz. Bzzzzz.”

Wrapped only in her towel, Jae Kyung immediately dashed out of her bathroom to her “Hello Kitty” covered bed where her ears had picked up the sound of her phone vibrating just a while ago.

A huge smile crept up on her face as she was pleasantly greeted by the name she saw on the screen of her phone as it lit up. It was a text message.

The smile however, almost as quickly as it formed, disappeared into a thin line as Jae Kyung read the message. Her eyebrows furrowed intently as she read the message again, hoping that she had been too excited before to have read it correctly. But unfortunately for her, there was no error for her to correct.

She felt her heart squeeze and her head about ready to explode as it thought tirelessly trying to figure out a possible explanation for the confusion that was smothering her then.

Finally arriving at her wits end, still unable to come out with a logical explanation for everything, she decided that maybe it was a better idea to just confront and ask him personally.

As fast as she could possibly go, she yanked open her closet door, pulled out whatever it was that came to her sight first, not caring for once whether they were presentable or not, wore it on clumsily and shot out of the house as soon as possible, leaving behind her phone in the process, which happened to still be on the inbox page.

It read,

I think we should stop seeing each other. Give me your bank account number and I’ll transfer your pay and whatever miscellaneous crap that I owe you as soon as possible.” – Rude Boss. 

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kangnam #1
oooh i wonder what zico will say :o
hope you update soon! <3
kangnam #2
for a moment i thought they're going to kiss, but it didn't happen ;A;
please update soon!
update update i missed this fic!!!! :D
the comment down here. ↓ yeah, like, FOREVER. =)))
Jiho's long legs... I could stare at them forever
kangnam #6
lol @ TEKKEN....

please update soon! ^^
siloxanefire #7
LMFAO 'TEKKEN'!! icwudt hahaaa
kangnam #8
I really hope you update this soon ^^
subscribed! <3
LOL? Taken by you Zico?
I'm with Pyo on this one... I'm lost. Why IS she even so worked up about a text.