What's The Big Idea?

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“So you’re saying this.. This is all about..

 A text message?” asked Pyo earnestly as he scratched the back of his head, unable to register what he had just heard from the woman seated next to him who had her arms crossed in front of her.

“Umfhh..” went the woman as she mumbled inaudibly, still refusing to look at Pyo in the eyes.

I guess I’ll take that as a ‘yes’..

Pyo frowned. Nothing was making any sense to him then. Not his noona’s weird outfit. Not her violent behaviour towards his hyung. Definitely not her absurd answer of a ‘text message’ as an explanation. There’s sure to be something I’m missing out on here..

“OWWW! KYUNG DAMN IT!” cried a raspy voice all of a sudden, breaking Pyo’s train of thoughts.

On reflex, he turned his head towards the source of the sound and focused his sight on the figure that was slumped on the couch opposite him. The man was pressing a pack of ice-cubes to his then bruised nose while giving the bespectacled man next to him what seemed to be a death glare.

“Sorry Zico! I just wanted check on the damage this chick did to you!” went Kyung, emphasising the word ‘chick’, as he flashed his signature greasy smile at the only woman in the room, who, unfortunately, wasn’t looking back at him.  

“For the thousandth time Kyung, it’s not what she did to me that’s making my nose hurt. It’s just that..” responded Zico through gritted teeth before being cut off by a man with pretty features.

“Yes yes. It’s just that your nose has yet to recover from a previous injury and it's very fragile~” went Jaehyo in a sing-song voice as he continued to adjust the position of the alligator clips he had put all over the sides of his hair.

It seemed as though he was more interested in his own appearance than everything else that was going on in the room.

“But.. What injury? I don’t remember Zico getting into an accident or anything..” said Minhyuk with a slight frown emerging on his face as his voice trailed off. The red-haired man next to him could only afford a thoughtful nod in response as he looked blankly at the situation unfolding before him.

“So you think I’m lying now?? Taeil-hyung help me out here! You believe me don’t you?? Like how I believed you when you told me the thing about the fishes??” cried Zico, jerking up from his seat, in a desperate attempt to get at least one person on his side.

“Oh yeh, fish.. Wait.. Fish? Oh my! My fishies! I forgot to feed them after getting Pyo’s call to get ready to come to your place for the gathering!” cried the oldest hyung absent-mindedly in a frantic voice.


“Hyunggggg?!!!” groaned Zico as he flopped back against the couch with his eyes tightly closed. Geez thanks for the help.

At that instant, he wished the ground could open up and swallow him up alive or something. Never had he felt so humiliated in all his life. As much as he didn’t want to acknowledge it, he knew then that the burning pain he was feeling on his nose was not the result of a ‘previous injury’, like what he was trying so desperately to convince the others, not to mention himself, of. And what made it worse was the fact that he knew that they probably already knew it too.

It’s all because..

All because of..

Grimacing at the thought, he exhaled loudly and opened his eyes only to have his gaze set upon the figure seated on the wooden chair opposite him.

..A damn girl.


Jae Kyung could only manage to roll her eyes as her sight met that of the man with the injured nose, who was apparently giving her a cold stare then. Oooh scary~

It was funny to her how the same man who was staring her down was the same man who was bent on not admitting to his friends how her punch from earlier was what that was causing him utmost pain then.

“Cheh what a total sissy,” scoffed Jae Kyung all of a sudden, causing all heads to turn towards her direction.


Come again..?” responded the man in question as he removed the pack of ice-cubes from his face, only to reveal a huge scowl.

“Oh, sooooo yoooou’re deeeeeeeafffff nooooow?” replied Jae Kyung in a mocking tone accompanied by a contorted face, as she made some meaningless hand gestures in the air while replaying the pre-punch scene in her head.  

“OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” echoed the group of men in the room as they nudged each other while letting out shrieks of laughter, much to Zico’s annoyance.

“Shut up!” cried the injured man at last, flinching, as he looked away to the bare space on Jae Kyung’s left, unable to maintain anymore eye-contact with anybody else in the room.

It was probably inappropriate then but Jae Kyung couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment as she watched her prey grow smaller and smaller after each sarcastic statement she made. He was constantly shifting about in his seat uncomfortably while trying to stop the majority of his friends who were continuously poking fun at him.  

He, for one, wasn’t looking particularly happy about it. But isn’t that the whole point?

Unknowingly, a huge smile crept over Jae Kyung’s face. She felt like a sadist then, gloating over someone else’s misery. But she decided later that maybe her frequent dealings with an unreasonable character might’ve eventually led to complications with her emotional health after all. Guess everything has its consequences right? So just sit back and enjoy the show, Jae. He totally had this coming.  


Pyo sat there, dazed and confused, as he silently watched the commotion that was going on before him. Slowly, he looked up and focused his sight on his hyung who was seated just opposite him. The injured man then had his eyebrows closely knitted together as his eyes remained glued on that of nothing in particular. He gulped. Ok so hyung’s probably pissed so I guess I can’t ask him anything now.

Pyo then turned his head to his left and looked at his noona curiously. Her arms were still crossed in front of her chest, right arm over left, as she remained still in her distracting yellow outfit. On a normal day in a normal situation, Pyo would’ve probably laughed to his noona’s face and picked on her weird fashion sense. But it wasn’t a normal day and it most definitely wasn’t a normal situation -unless punching someone in the face was something that happened on a day to day basis, which fortunately wasn’t the case- he decided that maybe it was best if he didn’t talk about it just then.

 As his eyes continued to wander aimlessly on her, he couldn’t help but notice how her right fist was swollen and slightly bloodied. He winced as he imagined the pain she must’ve been feeling then. Aish that must hurt.

But what struck him as the most absurd then was how, unlike the frown she had on from earlier, his noona was wearing a slightly different expression on her face. What’s that..?



Pyo could only stare at her in bewilderment as a million thoughts raced through his mind. Has noona gone mental? What’s she so happy about? Isn’t she in pain? Why is she wearing strange clothes? Is the world coming to an end soon? OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING SOMEONE TELL ME PLEASEEEEEEEE?!!!!!!

Pyo needed answers and he needed it as soon as possible. All the unanswered questions zooming around in his head at top speed were making him panic.

But he decided later that maybe that wasn’t the most important thing that mattered to him. Because as of then, all Pyo needed was assurance from his noona that she was doing ok, both physically and mentally.

Unable to contain himself anymore, Pyo reached out for his noona’s uninjured hand, grabbed her wrist tightly and dragged her over to the kitchen.

“HEY WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA?! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO ASK HER FOR HER NUMBER MAN!” went a voice as the pair made their way out of the room hastily.

“Yeh Pyo what’s the big idea?? ..Not like I was going to give him my number anyw..” rambled his noona before getting interrupted.

“Sorry Kyung hyung I just need to help noona out with her wound first!” replied Pyo as he held up the woman’s bruised hand for everyone in the room to see before completely leaving their sight.



Honestly speaking, i've been going back and forth on this one for the longest time evaaaaah (ok so i consider 4 days long.. :/).

Let's hope the next chap would come to me much easier so i dont have to stay up nights to wreck my brains out for something decent, logical and entertaining to write.  

-crosses fingers-

Hahaahahahhha and WOW i wasnt expecting such good responses for my prev chap!!

And to be completely frank, i didnt know my last chap was gonna be considered as a cliffhanger.

Bt thn again, maybe it's because i alrdy knew back thn what was gonna happen next anyways HAHAHA!

OK sorry i like to talk to myself.

But before i leave, just wanna say HELLO to new readers & subscribers!! <3


Ok rolling out.


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kangnam #1
oooh i wonder what zico will say :o
hope you update soon! <3
kangnam #2
for a moment i thought they're going to kiss, but it didn't happen ;A;
please update soon!
update update i missed this fic!!!! :D
the comment down here. ↓ yeah, like, FOREVER. =)))
Jiho's long legs... I could stare at them forever
kangnam #6
lol @ TEKKEN....

please update soon! ^^
siloxanefire #7
LMFAO 'TEKKEN'!! icwudt hahaaa
kangnam #8
I really hope you update this soon ^^
subscribed! <3
LOL? Taken by you Zico?
I'm with Pyo on this one... I'm lost. Why IS she even so worked up about a text.