
Start Over

“Ah it,” said Zico as he was awakened from his slumber.

Though it was just for a while, the short nap was just what he needed. Especially after having stay awake for countless nights.

It wasn’t because he didn’t want to sleep; He just couldn’t.

Last night, however, was an exception.

Massaging his then throbbing head, Zico’s vision started to clear as he focused his sight on the empty beer cans that filled the floor. Even though Zico wasn’t a good drinker, he figured that if drowning his sorrows was the only thing he could do to forget what happened, he’d do it.

Even if it meant having to suffer from a bad hangover when he woke up the next morning.

He had one too many drops of alcohol last night and his body apparently wasn’t coping well with it. With his whole body aching from fatigue due to the lack of sleep and his low alcohol tolerance, Zico could only manage a soft groan. But he didn’t regret anything. Because as stupid of a thing as it was to do, it distracted him from the excruciating pain that he had been feeling inside.

Exhausted - mentally, physically and emotionally, he gathered whatever strength he had left and pulled himself out of bed. The world around him started to spin as a result of him getting up too fast. He was feeling light headed. Slowly this time, he trudged to the toilet, holding on to the wall as support. Just as he reached the entrance of the toilet, as if on cue, his stomach started to act up. As though something was squeezing his insides, Zico felt the content of last night’s consumption making its way up his throat. On instinct, Zico hurried to the toilet bowl where he regurgitated like no tomorrow. After he was done, he felt even worse than he already did.

As he crouched on the cold, tiled floor of the toilet, his mind began to run amok. Involuntarily, as a mental picture formed in his head, Zico whispered quietly as if he was having a real conversation with a person.

The same person who had caused him this much pain in the first place.

“Sleep comes to me, but I keep waking up. I eat, but I can’t digest it.. I am like this these days. How about you?”.

But the only answer to his question was the sound of his heart beating solitarily to that of amplified silence. 


YEH so that was chapter 1.

I hope im doing ok.. :(


(i sound ohsodesperate)

Bt oh well.

Gonna upload the 2nd one soon.

Hopefully it'll go uphill from here onwards.


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kangnam #1
oooh i wonder what zico will say :o
hope you update soon! <3
kangnam #2
for a moment i thought they're going to kiss, but it didn't happen ;A;
please update soon!
update update i missed this fic!!!! :D
the comment down here. ↓ yeah, like, FOREVER. =)))
Jiho's long legs... I could stare at them forever
kangnam #6
lol @ TEKKEN....

please update soon! ^^
siloxanefire #7
LMFAO 'TEKKEN'!! icwudt hahaaa
kangnam #8
I really hope you update this soon ^^
subscribed! <3
LOL? Taken by you Zico?
I'm with Pyo on this one... I'm lost. Why IS she even so worked up about a text.