top secret

Changmin's P.O.V.

Jaejoong had explained the mission. Give the money with the tracker to the badguys and take the hostage back safely.

"Yoochun, you'll be in sniper position for when something goes wrong. Changmin, there won't be any local tech problems, so you will stay here. Yunho, the victim might be wounded so I want you along. Junsu, the criminals told us not to come with more that two. Are you okay with staying home wih Changmin?"

Junsu nodded and smiled at me.

"We'll leave in half an hour. The exchange will take place in the big, empty warehouse in the northern industrial area. Questions?"

No one had any questions, so I went down to my workspace while Yunho, Yoochun and Jaejoong left, to see if the criminals were setting up any traps for Yunho and Jaejoong.

I saw something interesting on the footage of one of the securituly camera's and told it to Jaejoong. "There's a ytrap in the entrance, so be careful when you step inside."

I saw a group of people building some kind of machine and watched them closely to find ot what they were making. After they finished it and turned it on, all the the camera's switched off.

"Jaejoong, they have built an ultrawave. You won't be able to use any kind of technology inside. Yoochun, you stay out of the ultrawave's reach, so I'll be monitoring the zoom on your sniper ok?"

They confirmed that they'd heared me when Junsu knocked on the door. When I opened it, Junsu seemed worried.

"Junsu hyung, are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm just... I'm worried about Yoochun. It's his first mission in a long time without me." "He'll be okay hyung. Come, they have almost arrived."

Junsu sat down with me, and I opened Yoochun's zoom on the holographic screen when he told me he'd taken position.

Junsu sat next to me with his knees pulled up to his chest. "Hey, Junsu, your hyungs will be fine. They can take care of themselves." I pulled Junsu in a sidehug, hoping to comfort him a little.

"Hey, you wanna kook diner for the hyungs with me? I think they'll like it when there's food for them when they get home." Junsu smiled a little at the thought of cooking diner for his hyungs.

We could see the exchange, and everything went well until the leader of the criminals pointed his gun at Yunho, who was holding the little girl that had been taken hostage.

Jaejoong had his own gun out as well, but there was little he could do to prevent the two of them of getting shot. Yoochun couldn't help either since the leader was mostly hidden by a concrete pillar.

For some reason Yoochun switched on the infrared filter, and when the criminal fired, so did he. Yunho shielded the little girl with his body, but nothing happened.

"Yoochun, dud you just shoot a bullet out of the air?!" "Uhm, yeah..."

While we were talking, Jaejoong had already killed the two accomplices, and the criminal leader left with the money, which had a tracker in it.

Jaejoong looked eager to leave, and I could see why. The wind was blowing the bloody smell of the two corpses right into his face. He's probably lucky that hus facemask and coloured contacts are hiding his fangs and red eyes.

I heard something happening next to me, and when I turned I had something close to a dèja vu. Junsu was clutching his chest, coughing up blood. I quickly analized a bit of the blood.

"Changmin! Junsu! What the hell is going on!"

"Junsu has been poisoned. Hurry up!"

"We dropped off the girl already. we're on our way. Do you know what kind of poison was used?" Yunho had immediatley switched into his doctor mode.

"Yes. The same poison used on you two years ago." I said as I injected the antidote Yunho and I had developed after the accident two years ago into Junsu.

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Chapter 17: I like this fic a lot..its rare for them to be non human especially half ghost..man, I wish I am half ghost so I can sneak out on YunJae without them noticing...bwahahahaa..*no I am not sasaeng*
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 17: Phew! Luckily Min has backup plans. Now they know who is coming for them....and it is connecting to Su's past.
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 17: Wow this is a great story. I just found it. Can't wait yo see the next update.
Aimensi_2402 #4
Chapter 16: NOOOOOO CHANGMIN~!! Somebody save my baby!!!
Chapter 16: Poor min!!
Kattan69 #6
Chapter 16: Oh no Min!!!! Where is that evil bastard.....make sure someone fry him.
MizzPeel0007 #7
Chapter 16: Wait is Changmin saved Jaejoong but sacrificed himself instead, hope that don;t let that guy escape from them as he already tried to killthree of them already. But, what is the reason for the attack?
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 15: Why, take Jaejong, seems that they knew he was vulnerable at the moment and used it at their advantage. Ah, someone else should have stayed home. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: Wooohhhh this is so good!!! I love everything about this story author nim....please keep up the good work!!!! Fighting!! ^_^
Chapter 15: please update more......please.....