Yoochun's background

top secret

No P.O.V.

A nineteen year old Yoochun jumped from platform to platform as he threw daggers to the targets twelve meters below him.

After his parents had died when he was eight years old he had joined the circus, where his sharp sight and great aim had gotten him the act of knifethrowing.

Over the years he had perfected his aim so every throw was a bullseye.

Now came his final jump of he show. He had to jump down to the platform three meters below him, making summersaults on his way down, while throwing two daggers in different targets.

Yoochun took a deep breath and took out his last two dagges before jumping down. He had memorised when to release the two daggers, and as he landed he could see the two targets. Two perfect hits.

The crowd exploded in loud cheering, and Yoochun left the rink and returned to his trailer.

He didn't expect a visit, so he was rather surprised when there was a knock on his door. When he opened it, there were three man in black suits in front his door.

"May I ask what you are doing here?" Yoochun asked, trying to be as polite as possible.

The men entered the trailer before closing the door. Yoochun was beginning to feel scared. What did these men want?

The three men showed their badges. They were agents of the NIS, the national intelligence service.

Yoochun's fear increased. What if they were going to hurt him?

"We want to offer you a job, Yoochun. Your skills would be very useful for us."

"What kind of job?"

"We want you to be a secret agent."

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Chapter 17: I like this fic a lot..its rare for them to be non human especially half ghost..man, I wish I am half ghost so I can sneak out on YunJae without them noticing...bwahahahaa..*no I am not sasaeng*
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 17: Phew! Luckily Min has backup plans. Now they know who is coming for them....and it is connecting to Su's past.
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 17: Wow this is a great story. I just found it. Can't wait yo see the next update.
Aimensi_2402 #4
Chapter 16: NOOOOOO CHANGMIN~!! Somebody save my baby!!!
Chapter 16: Poor min!!
Kattan69 #6
Chapter 16: Oh no Min!!!! Where is that evil bastard.....make sure someone fry him.
MizzPeel0007 #7
Chapter 16: Wait is Changmin saved Jaejoong but sacrificed himself instead, hope that don;t let that guy escape from them as he already tried to killthree of them already. But, what is the reason for the attack?
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 15: Why, take Jaejong, seems that they knew he was vulnerable at the moment and used it at their advantage. Ah, someone else should have stayed home. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: Wooohhhh this is so good!!! I love everything about this story author nim....please keep up the good work!!!! Fighting!! ^_^
Chapter 15: please update more......please.....