top secret

Yoochun's P.O.V.

I walked down to Changmin's labaratory in the morning of my second day here. I knocked on his door, and after a while he opened it. "Sorry for the wait. I was just finishing something."

I told him it was fine, and he let me into his workplace. "I have your guns ready. Have you already decided about the weapon return system?"

"Yeah. I talked to Yunho. It seems safe to me." Changmin called Yunho to come down through the intercom, and the elder stood inside soon after.

"You have the password of this place?" I asked because Changmin hadn't opened the door this time.

"Yeah. Changmin and I have been best friends since... Forever I guess, so that's why I can just get in here." "So the two of you are very close?"

"Yeah, we like to call ourselves soulbrothers because we're closer than just friends." Changmin explained.

After Yunho had prepared everything for the operation, it only took him a few minutes to actually insert the chip. I tested the handgun and sniper Changmin had made for me and they were fantastic!

"Your sniper has a night filter and an infrared filter, so you can get a clear view in every sitution. Also, I heard that you used to throw daggers. I can design some of those if you want them." I nodded and Changmin contenued working.

When did he make all of this? Did he work all night?

walked into Junsu's room. "How are you feeling Junsu? Getting comfortable wih them?" "I am hyung. They're all really nice to me. Do you like them too?" I nodded and ruffled Junsu's hair.

I had a crush on him since he came into the agency, but I never told him. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have right now.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Junsu shook his head and told me he had had nightmares again. He has cut all ties with North Korea, but his past still haunts him.

"Sleep now I'm here to protect you." Junsu lied down with his head on my lap, and I his hair to make him relax. Junsu fell asleep in seconds. The sleepy smile on his face showing me he was having a pleasant dream.

I heard soft footsteps on the hallway, and they stopped in front of the door to Junsu's room. I slowly took my handgun out, and pointed it at the door. This wouldn't be the first time North Korean spies tried to kill Junsu.

There was a soft knock on the door and I heard Jaejoong's voice asking if the younger was inside, but his voice was a little different from normal. Was he taken hostage or something?

"Come in." I called , but I kept the gun aimed at the door. The door opened slowly Jaejoong entered, but something about him was different.

His eyes seemed to have gotten darker since last night. Also he was now wearing a facemask, so only his eyes were visible.

He came in alone though. The change in voice must have come from the mask.

When he noticed I was pointing my gun at him, he pulled out his own in a flash. "Yoochun, drop the gun. I have the best reflexes in the agency. If you pull the trigger you will have a bullet in your head, no matter how well you aim." Jaejoong warned me.

"How can I trust you. Are you the real Jaejoong? Your eyecolour has changed and why are you wearing a facemask, got something to hide?"

"My eyes seem different because of the light. I'm wearing a facemask because I have a weak immunesystem. That's also the reason why I have a special diet."

His reasoning seemed fair and he didn't even look at Junsu, so I lowered the gun.

"You were a little paranoid there Yoochun. Care to explain?" "Junsu has been attacked by North Korean spies before. Seeing we are in Junsu's room, I wanted to be careful." Jaejoong nodded understanding and ruffled my dongsaeng's hair.

"I came to tell you some news." I looked at him questioningly, and he said:

"We have a mission."

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Chapter 17: I like this fic a lot..its rare for them to be non human especially half ghost..man, I wish I am half ghost so I can sneak out on YunJae without them noticing...bwahahahaa..*no I am not sasaeng*
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 17: Phew! Luckily Min has backup plans. Now they know who is coming for them....and it is connecting to Su's past.
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 17: Wow this is a great story. I just found it. Can't wait yo see the next update.
Aimensi_2402 #4
Chapter 16: NOOOOOO CHANGMIN~!! Somebody save my baby!!!
Chapter 16: Poor min!!
Kattan69 #6
Chapter 16: Oh no Min!!!! Where is that evil bastard.....make sure someone fry him.
MizzPeel0007 #7
Chapter 16: Wait is Changmin saved Jaejoong but sacrificed himself instead, hope that don;t let that guy escape from them as he already tried to killthree of them already. But, what is the reason for the attack?
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 15: Why, take Jaejong, seems that they knew he was vulnerable at the moment and used it at their advantage. Ah, someone else should have stayed home. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: Wooohhhh this is so good!!! I love everything about this story author nim....please keep up the good work!!!! Fighting!! ^_^
Chapter 15: please update more......please.....