top secret

Yunho's P.O.V.

After lunch I went down to Changmin's workplace. I had beed really lucky Jaejoong hadn't noticed my nervousness. I was even more lucky Jaejoong could only read living people's minds, so he couldn't read mine.

When I entered the workplace, I was met with Changmin lauhging at me. Hard. "You should've seen your face when Jaejoong hyung came in! Hillarious!"

I smacked the back of his head, although it only hurt me, and told him to respect his hyung.

"When are you going to tell him...hyung?" I rolled my eyes at the mock hyung he added, and told my best friend I had no idea when and if I was going to confess.

"Anyway, that's not why I called you down here." he flicked his hand upward and a replica of a molecule appeared on the holographic screen.

"That's the poison. I found it in your blood from when you were dying and Junsu's, and it matches the symtoms. What's strange is this atom in the middle."

Changmin made the screen zoom in on the specific atom. "It's Unuseptium. The odd thing is, Unuseptium is one of the atoms of which we know they exist and what characteristics they should have, but we haven't actually found yet.

Now that I have one of the actual atoms, I can scan the earthcrust and look for it. I found the only place on the planet where this atom can be found naturally, and it's no wonder no scientist has found it before.

The only place you can find Unuseptium is smack in the middle of North-Korea." Great. We're dealing with the north again.

"I thought you getting poisoned was a test or something, and Junsu getting poisoned was just because he switched sides, but that's not the case. Look, this is my blood from when I had MS."

The screen showed the familiar composition of different bloodcells. "Look at this molecule over here. It's different from the one you and Junsu were poisoned with, but it contains unuseptium. Some simulations showed that it can actually cause MS. Even me getting sick was caused by whoever poisoned Junsu."

It was quite a shock. Someone had been trying to kill us since ten years ago.

We called the others down and shared what Changmin had found out. Junsu seemed scared to death when he heard the poison came from North-Korea.

"Changmin, can you look through the police report about a fire at baekbeom-ro 07-gil number 104?" Jaejoong asked.

Our maknae looked up the file, and based on the report he made a digital reconstruction. When the victim opened the door, a bucket of water, probably holy water because Jaejoong was a vampire, was dropped on the victim. Then the ground at the victim's feet suddenly burst into flames and the whole place burnt down.

We all looked at Jaejoong. How the hell did he survive that?! He couldn't have run away since the holy water burns him like acid, and burning a vampire alive is one of the few ways to kill one.

"I wasn't the victim. I was out when a thief sneaked in and that happened." Jaejoong explained.

"Still, how coupd the fire start? Shouldn't the water stop it?" Yoochun asked confused.

"Unuseptium is a halogen. They are extremely reactive. The fire might be the result of that reaction. Wouldn't be the first material that burns when in contact with water.

Anyway, I'll just hack some North-Korean secret agencies to see if I can find out who did all of this.

Jaejoong, I finished my project, so I have time to eat with you guys again. Make diner for five. No, wait, make that six. I'm hungry."

Wait, Changmin doesn't eat. Why is he asking for diner?

"Uhm... Changmin? Why six? Including you there are only four people eating normal food."Junsu asked confused.

"Eating for three people is nothing when he's hungry. Once he had a very important project, so he barely ate for three days. The first meal after that he ate enough for six people. By himself."

The newbies seemed kind of shocked at my words, but Changmin only put on his most innocent eyesmile.

After everyone left I asked him about eating diner again with us. "I upgraded myself so I can eat and taste again. Partly to raise less suspicion, but mostly because I want to feel normal.

It's been ten years since my normal human life stopped Yunho. Ten years. I need to be able to feel normal again. Even if it's just for a moment."

I pulled my soulbrother into a tight hug. Changmin burried his head in my shoulder, and judging from the soft sobs he let out, he would have cried if he could've.


A/N: this chapter is chemically correct. Unusepium exists, hasn't officially been created yet (athough a group of scientists claim they have done it, it's not been officially aproved yet), and is a halogen. I do my research people.

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Chapter 17: I like this fic a lot..its rare for them to be non human especially half ghost..man, I wish I am half ghost so I can sneak out on YunJae without them noticing...bwahahahaa..*no I am not sasaeng*
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 17: Phew! Luckily Min has backup plans. Now they know who is coming for them....and it is connecting to Su's past.
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 17: Wow this is a great story. I just found it. Can't wait yo see the next update.
Aimensi_2402 #4
Chapter 16: NOOOOOO CHANGMIN~!! Somebody save my baby!!!
Chapter 16: Poor min!!
Kattan69 #6
Chapter 16: Oh no Min!!!! Where is that evil bastard.....make sure someone fry him.
MizzPeel0007 #7
Chapter 16: Wait is Changmin saved Jaejoong but sacrificed himself instead, hope that don;t let that guy escape from them as he already tried to killthree of them already. But, what is the reason for the attack?
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 15: Why, take Jaejong, seems that they knew he was vulnerable at the moment and used it at their advantage. Ah, someone else should have stayed home. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: Wooohhhh this is so good!!! I love everything about this story author nim....please keep up the good work!!!! Fighting!! ^_^
Chapter 15: please update more......please.....