Breakfast and Preparations for MV Shooting



Yoo Ah's POV

I heard giggling sounds from the other room. Urgh! Don't they know I am trying to sleep? Aish.. This is the punishment for having Childish Dongsaengs...But Hey! Even though they're Childish at times, I still Love them like they're my sisters.

I woke up and walked out of the Room, leaving the Sleeping Beautiful Figure alone. Seriously, Ah Yun's the Prettiest Girl I Know. If I am not a girl, I'd definitely have a crush on her but I AM A GIRL so I don't. keke...

I stretched and yawned then looked at the wall clock. OH MY GOSH!!! It's almost 9:00 AM and the SHooting Location is Miles away! I hurriedly went back inside our room and woke Ah Yun Up.

"Unnie...5 more minutes" She muttered, eyes still closed

"Ah Yun, Wake up! It's almost 10:00 AM!" I lied, if I don't, the chances of waking the Beauty Queen is 1 to 100. So it is kinda needed.

"WHAT THE!!! OMO!!" Ah Yun shot up from her bed and hurriedly took her towel and ran inside the Bathroom. I guess she's going to take a bath. Well.. Better go and see what the others are doing.

"Good Morning!" I happily sang as I entered the Room.

"Eh? Unnie, Why are you up?" SoRa asked, looking a little shocked and frightened?

"Sora Unnie, should we tell Yoo Ah Unn- Oh...Good Morning Unnie!!" Rae said, she looked worried.

"Uh-Oh" Maknae Princess uttered as she entered the room, holding  a cup of chocolate milk.

"Yah..What are you guys talking about?" I asked

"Uh..Nothing?" Sora, the VIsual Maknae said then tried to act cute. PSH! Cuteness overload!!! Honestly, Our Visual Maknae is even Cuter than our ACTUAL Maknae.

"I think we should tell her about it, I mean, sooner or later, they're going to find out about it" Rae said. What are they Hiding? I looked at Ms. Smarty Pants, she gulped.

"I think you should do what you think is wiser" I told the three of them, mostly to Rae since Among all the members of Ag, She's the one who's most probably to be the first to spill the secret. She Doesn't know how to keep a secret.

"Yoo Ah? You're awake already? Are you inside Sora's Room?" I heard our Manager call out

"Yes Unnie!" 

"Come Here in the Kitchen for a second, I need to talk to you" She yelled

"Ne Unnie" I said then proceeded to the Kitchen

"I thought Manager Unnie woke Yoo Ah Unnie and Ah Yun Unnie" I Heard Ji Dae tell Sora

"Unnie didn't wake us up. Your giggles did the Job" I said with a smile on my face then walked to the kitchen where I found Manager Unnie cooking. Mmmm Smells Delicious!

"Unnie that smells yummy" I commented then she turned towards my direction then smiled

"It's almost done, Clean yourself up before we eat breakfast" She said. We're running Late and yet she still wants us to eat breakfast?

"Arasso Unnie" I said with a smile and was about to walk away

"Yoo Ah, I just want to remind you about the rules" She said using her serious voice

"What about the Rules Unnie?" I asked, slightly curios

"You were the one who made the rules up together with the other members so I assume you will follow them, right?" She said with a slight smirk. What's in Her mind?

"Eh?" I said with a raised eyebrow. What does she mean?

"Look at the Rule Panel you put in Last month" She instructed me then returned to cooking. Uh..Okay. 

I did what Manager Unnie said and looked at the Rule Panel which was located near the Living Room.

"No Over Eating, No Snatching of Food of Others, NO BOYS INSIDE THE APARTMENT except if it is authorized by EVERYONE" I read the Rules out loud and got to the last Part which was...

"No Over sleeping, if someone from the group over sleeps and doesn't wake up one hour before the schedule then She will be punished by the other members" I read then gulped. P-P-Punishment? Oh Crap! Now I regret putting up Rules. I walked briskly towards My room and was greeted by Ah Yun.

"Unnie...What's wrong with you? you look like you have seen a ghost" She said then walked towards me.

"Ah Yun.. we have to prepare ourselves..The other members will punish us" I said

"EH? WAE?!?" She asked, Her eyes widened, probably stunned 

"Rules about over-sleeping" I answered

"But...They'll spare us for sure" She said confidently

"I'm not so confident about that" I said

"Wae?" She asked

"Well..Probably because they're hiding something from us" I told her

"EH? SERIOUSLY?!" She asked

"Ne, I went inside Sora's room earlier and Rae said they should tell me about 'it'. Still don't know about what 'it' is" I said

"Oh..They'll probably tell us during breakfast" She said. Why is she SO POSITIVE?

"Okay, I'll believe your Optimism" I said then got my Towel and went inside the Bathroom, leaving Ah Yun alone to Blow dry her hair.


"Unnie, we have something to tell you" Ji Dae said as she put her plate in the sink.

"What is it?" Yoo Ah Asked then took a bite of her Sausage.

"We created a UCC account" Rae said while stirring her porridge, looking glum and having the 'Why this AGAIN?' look on her face.

"And we uploaded a video" Sora continued

"What Video? and Rae! stop playing with your food, Eat it" Yoo Ah said

"Urgh! Unnie! Why do I always have different food when we eat? Sora unnie is also Chubby but she gets to eat the same food as you but why do I get porridge instead of Sausage?!" Rae complained

"Sora Unnie has a nice body, her face is only the chubby part therefore, she does not need to be put into a diet" Ah Yun answered. Rae just sighed then started to slowly eat her food.

"Well..What Video did you upload?" Yoo Ah asked again

"Tour of our Apartment inside our rooms, etc." Sora answered

"So you didn't get to film our room, right?" Ah Yun asked

"Nope" Ji Dae said as she sat back down.

"You went inside our room then filmed it without our permission?! while we were alseep?!" Yoo Ah asked, totally shocked by the revealance

"You went inside our room and filmed us sleeping?!" Ah Yun asked with a stunned expression

"WHAT?!" Both of them looked at each other

"It's no biggie was like for 10-15 seconds" Rae said

"AND! It will also serve as the first video EVER uploaded on the official Ag UCC account" Rae said, quickly finishing her porridge after saying the statement then hurriedly put the bowl in the sink.

"But-" Ah Yun tried to cut in

"AND! the 10-15 second sleeping film of the both of you will serve as your punishment for over sleeping" Sora said

"That's our punishment?" Yoo Ah Asked. the three just nodded

" We wanted to make it as light as possible" Ji Dae said with a smile on her face

"But still.. You guys punished us" AH Yun said with a smirk

"Yeah was a light punishment" Rae said

"I guess that was cool of you" Yoo Ah muttered

"Girls! Are you done eating?" Their Manager asked then walked inside the Dining Room

"Uh..Yeah unnie"Yoo Ah answered then hurriedly put the dishes in the sink.

"Let's Go, we still have time to arrive and welcome the staff" Their Manager said then they all nodded and walked out of their apartment and drove to their destination.

"Wah~ The school is so big and it looks like my school back in Daegu!" Sora exclaimed as she went out of the Van

"So Cool~ I would be so happy if I were to study here" Ji Dae said

"The weather is so cold! How could I forget to bring a jacket and only wear an over sized hoodie shirt?" Rae scolded herself as she hugged herself for warmth

"Your really forgetful sometimes, you know that?" Yoo Ah said as she went outside the van

"Yeah...No need to remind me, it's the only thing I would not forget" Rae smiled to herself, smile turning to a giggle.

"New Yorker" Yoo Ah teased

"Miami Girl" Rae teased back. Coming from the same country as her, Yoo Ah kinda felt close to Rae when they first met. Rae may come from New York and she may come from Miami but both of them easily clicked because they liked the same Singer, Miley Cyrus. It was easy for the both of them to get along.

"It also looks like my school back in Incheon but The color, the architechture, the Gates, the field, the windows and the door are different" Ah Yun joked then everyone laughed hard. (okay, I'm not really good at making jokes but PLEASE pretend that ah yun made a really funny joke.

"Ah Yun, You know what?" Yoo Ah started, clutching her stomach.

"Whut?" Ah Yun started to fool around, acting like a gangster who is about to beat someone

"You can be Hodong Oppa's Colleague" She said then everyone had another reason to have another laughing fit. 

"Besides being an artist, I also wanted to be a comedian" She said then puffed her cheeks.

"But you look really pretty to be a comedian. I'm not saying comedians are suppose to be ugly or anything" Ji Dae said

"Yeah..I think Maknae is saying that You don't look like a comedian, because you don't look funny enough. You know how comedians have that image and you will immediately know they're comedians?" Sora asked then AH Yun nodded, paying close attention

"Yeah, You don't have that look, you look way to serious and sophisticated. If you pick to be a comedian, No one would take you seriously" Sora explained then Ah Yun nodded

"Then, I guess I made the right choice of being an artist instead of being a comedian? Being part of Ag?" Ah Yun asked

"You Bet!" Yoo Ah, Sora, Rae and Ji Dae yelled as they hugged Ah Yun.

"Girls, Kaja, let's go to your dressing room so you can prepare for the Shoot" Manager Unnie said then everyone followed.

"Good Morning girls!" One of the staffers greeted

"Anneyongasaeyo Ahjussi!" They greeted back then bowed a 90 degree bow

"Very respectful, I've worked with tons of idol stars but they're the most respectful and well-mannered of all" He said with a smile

"Kamsahamina Ahjussi" Everyone said then did another bow then the Staffer smiled then went to attend some of his work.

"It's really nice of him to say those nice words" Ji Dae said with a smile.

"Yeah..He was just saying the truth" Their manager said as she opened the door of Ag's dressing Room and everyone went inside. Each one of the Ag members were handed a hanger with a cloth cover and was told to change into it, after chaning their clothes they were imemdiately told to sit down as make up artists start to make up on their faces.

"Ag, you are needed at the set" The one of the Production Crew said as she went inside the dressing room. As if by Cue, The girls were done with their Make Up and smiled and nodded then followed.

"Anneyong! I am Shin Dong Ho, UKISS's Maknae. How are you today?" DongHo greeted Ag with a bright smile on his face.

"Hello! I'm Kevin, I accompanied our Maknae. By the Way, I'm from UKISS too" Kevin smiled then held out his hand which Ag happily shook one by one.

"Hi! I'm Ag's Leader, Park Yoo Ah, Nice to meet the both of you" Yoo Ah greeted

"I heard your from Miami, That's so cool~ I'm from San Diego" Kevin said in English. Yoo Ah just smiled

"Hello! I'm Shin Sora, from Daegu" Sora greeted "Only speak Japanese and Korean oh and the Daegu Dialect too!" Sora said then everyone chuckled

"I'm Kim Ah Yun, From Incheon, Korea. I speak Korean and mild English" Ah Yun said with a bright smile then shook DongHo and Kevin's hand.

"Hi! My Name is Lee Rae, I'm From New York, USA but I also lived in Quezon City, Philippines." Rae said in English

"Oh~ So cool!" Kevin Exclaimed

"I'm Jo Ji Dae, from Macau, I speak Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese (Idk if madarin and cantonese are the same.. LOL) Mild English" Ji Dae said

"OMO! Just like me! I speak those languages too!" DongHo exclaimed then went beside Ji Dae

"We're going to get along well" He said

"Did you say Macau? Just like Alex Hyung!" Kevin said. After getting to know everyone else's name, they sat inside the tent that was set out in the school field. 

"Ag and Dongho, Let's go and shoot the first scene!" The Director yelled

"They get to wear School uniforms but I don't. Why am I the star of this Music Video?" Ji Dae grumbled to herself.

Here's another update!!!!

I want to say thank you for the support and uh...

I can't update next week 'cause we're going to have our exams before our

semestral break and I have to update my other fic in my other account...

heheh :)) hope you guys understand! :)) 

UKISS's Kevin and Shin Dong Ho appeared in the scene.. you might be wondering, right?

Well, Uh...I ran through Ji Dae(junhee07)'s fanfics and she had a ton of Dongho fics haha

and as for kevin...he's just a cameo(i think.. LOL) Maybe he'll stay longer? 


and uh.. i couldn't figure out who your other biases were

(except for junhee07's was pretty obvious..LOL)

Please tell me, Please *does puppy dog eyes*

*oh and I was suppose to make AH Yun and Yoo Ah do some physical punishment

but it seemed unsuitable 'cause they're older

than the other members (except for ah yun  and sora though)


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sorry for not updating, huhuhu.. i have been busy once again and i seek your forgiveness. i will rty my best to update this month furing our chirstmas vacation.


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^^ Happy Pill.... <3

Congrats to Sora! HAAH. <3 Update lots!
Chapter 24: I love this chapter! And it's ok about not updating for a while, I understand (also a senior and hating every minute of it -___-) Take your time updating~ ^_^
Chapter 24: :D Happy Pill! Don't take too much of me, you might get an overdose! HAHA. Cute update. But short. HAHA. Can't wait for the next!
HAHA/ Choi minho is a tease!!!! Hwaiting for the Exams...

Woah... Ag is that awesome? YEAH CHOI MIN HO WE ARE AWESOME!

HAHA// Where's the babies?!?!?!
OMG I LOVE THE MINHO-AHYUN MOMENT!!! <3<3<3<3<3 Great update!! Can't wait for the other girls too~ ^_^
EVIL COUPLE!!!!! Noooo, i gotta stop you... i;m not buying that idea... NOOOOOOO~~~~

Dongho? Good in Math? *puke*

HAHA! Ag is super dorks!!1 HURRAY for that!!!!!
Omg Ahyun's studying for SAT exams...I'M STUDYING FOR SAT EXAMS!!! That's creepy... xD Haha anyway loved this chapter!! Can't wait for the next update~ Have fun at your camp! ^_^
Why yes, yes we are complete dorks. xD Loved this chapter!! Hm, I wonder what Minho and Ahyun were talking about... Update soon please~ ^_^

oh wow! how can they call Rae short? they are all super high..
omo! what Minho and Ahyun were talking about? O: