AG Members


Who are the Members of AG?


Hey Everyone! here's the list of ACCEPTED APPLICANTS.. and i found 4 amazing applications that caught my attention to complete AG group but they're roles clashed so I adjusted some of the info's/// hope that's okay :))

Park Yooah

Position in group: Main Dancer, Leader, Supporting Vocals

Partner: SHINee's Key

Birthday: February 21, 1992

Life Story: She was born in the US and stayed there with her Parents and brothers for 10 years, when her brother was transferred by the company he is working for to the Korea Branch, he returned to his home country and lived there alone. Being extremely close to his brother, Ahyun tried everything she can do just to be with his brother, That includes Auditioning online for JYP Ent. Due to her talents, she was accepted and was sent to Korea to train for 7 years. 

Hobbies: Playing the Cielo, Playing the Drums, Dancing, Singing, Playing baseball, basketball, & Ice Hockey.

Personality: Boyish, Caring, Has a Leader-Like personality, Wise, Friendly, Easy to be around, Clumsy, Sweet, Patriotic (even though she grew up in the US, she still LOVES KOREA)

Shin Sora

Position in group: Main Dancer, Second Youngest, Supporting Vocals

Partner: 2PM's Chansung

Birthday:December 17th, 1993

Life Story: She is born in Japan to a Korean father and a Japanese Father. She is fluent in both languages since her parents won't allow that their only daughter would be clueless about her root countries. Her life was just simple, being average and all but despite that, she is spoiled because she is infact, an ONLY child. When she reached the age of 12, she returned to Daegu, Korea and was placed under the care of her Grandmother, there, she learned how to dance traditional Korean dance and was able to develop her Dancing Skills. before her grandmother passed away, She told Sora to continue her passion for dancing and then she was inspired and auditioned for JYP Ent.

Hobbies: Dancing, Playing the Bass Guitar, Debating, Doing Funny Imitations,

Personality: Caring, Agressive (At times, LOL), Kind, Loving, Friendly, Optimistic.

Kim Ahyun

Position in group: Sub Rapper, Eternal Centre, Supporting Vocals

Partner: SHINee's Minho

Birthday:October 6, 1994

Life Story: She lived a normal life of a Korean Girl, She is an average student, had tons of friends and is extremely close to her family. She is very Optimistic and very competitive and because of that, she won tons of awards in Sports competitions. When she reached the age of 12, her father applied for a Job in England and was accepted, determined to get her father to return to korea, she Auditioned for JYP in a talent search held in Incheon and was accepted, after weeks of staying in seoul alone, her mom and her brother moved to seoul to accompany her in her training days and also to give her moral support.

Hobbies: Writing Lyrics, Dancing, SInging, Rapping, Joking, Fooling Around, Drawing, Playing the Guitar, Playing Soccer

Personality: Hard working, Competitive, Funny, Wise, Friendly, Protective to Friends and Family, Athletic, Friendly, Caring, Loving, Honest.

Lee Rae

Position in Group: Main Vocals, Main Dancer, Second Youngest

Partner: 2PM's Nichkhun

Birthday: January 12, 1995

Life Story: She grew up in America with her mom and her sisters, her dad left them when she was 3 years old without any reason. Growing up with only One parental Figure, she was doing okay, except unlike any teenager, she knew how to stand on her own feet, she was independent, She grew up without her father but even wneh she didn't knew her father, she didn't hate him, being a positive thinker, she thought that if she found her dad, they would reunite and be a family again. Af the age of 9, she graduated elementary school since she was sent to school early. her mom was transferred to another branch of her company in another country, in the philippines. there, she finished her highschool education and was scouted by Park Jin Young, she was sent to korea to train, in her mind, if she would become a hallyu star, it would be easier for her to find her father.

Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Playing the Guitar, Swimming, Composing Songs, Listening to Music, Eating.

Personality: Independent, Loving, Friendly, Sensitive, Emotional, Moody, Hardworking, Positive thinker, Childish, Weird, Respectful, Has low Patience, Hates being COMPARED, Has a spnky personality

Jo Ji Dae

Position in group: Maknae, Lead Vocals

Partner: Boyfriend's Kim DongHyun

Birthday: July 7, 1995

Life Story: Her parents Separated when she was still a baby after her mom found out that her father had an affair and had twin sons that is only 24 days younger than her, Her mom divorced her dad and she brought her to Macau with her, After 12 years of staying there, her mom died and at the age of 13, she was forced to return to korea and stay with her father. she doesn't have pent up anger towards the twins or the twin's mother or her dad, she just hates the fact that she doesn't feel that her dad was proud of her since her brothers were trainees in Starship Ent. Because of that, she decided to audition in JYP Ent. and she got in.

Hobbies: Pulling Pranks on People, Fooling arond, Playing the Piano, Singing, Dancing

Personality: She's a 4-Dimensional type of girl, pretty weird, childish at times, can be mature, Friendly, Has a Bright personality, Happy Go Lucky, Strong, Caring, Loving

As you See, I shuffled the age arrangement, Lee Rae should be the Eternal Centre but I changed the postion due to some circumstances... Hope you guys understand.. anyways.. Congratulations to the Accepted applicants and pretty soon, i'll start updating... Just wait.. hehe.. I still have school though.. maybe next week or the week after that?? Hopefully, you won't abandon me and this story... Please wait. for the update... :)) and I'm sure you know the rules if you are choosen.. please do follow or else i'll sulk.. LOL JUST JOKING... but seriously, please comment everytime i update, your comments give me determination to update. once again, Congratulations to the choosen applicants :)) 

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sorry for not updating, huhuhu.. i have been busy once again and i seek your forgiveness. i will rty my best to update this month furing our chirstmas vacation.


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^^ Happy Pill.... <3

Congrats to Sora! HAAH. <3 Update lots!
Chapter 24: I love this chapter! And it's ok about not updating for a while, I understand (also a senior and hating every minute of it -___-) Take your time updating~ ^_^
Chapter 24: :D Happy Pill! Don't take too much of me, you might get an overdose! HAHA. Cute update. But short. HAHA. Can't wait for the next!
HAHA/ Choi minho is a tease!!!! Hwaiting for the Exams...

Woah... Ag is that awesome? YEAH CHOI MIN HO WE ARE AWESOME!

HAHA// Where's the babies?!?!?!
OMG I LOVE THE MINHO-AHYUN MOMENT!!! <3<3<3<3<3 Great update!! Can't wait for the other girls too~ ^_^
EVIL COUPLE!!!!! Noooo, i gotta stop you... i;m not buying that idea... NOOOOOOO~~~~

Dongho? Good in Math? *puke*

HAHA! Ag is super dorks!!1 HURRAY for that!!!!!
Omg Ahyun's studying for SAT exams...I'M STUDYING FOR SAT EXAMS!!! That's creepy... xD Haha anyway loved this chapter!! Can't wait for the next update~ Have fun at your camp! ^_^
Why yes, yes we are complete dorks. xD Loved this chapter!! Hm, I wonder what Minho and Ahyun were talking about... Update soon please~ ^_^

oh wow! how can they call Rae short? they are all super high..
omo! what Minho and Ahyun were talking about? O: