Instant Click



I was trying to aviod Minho all day but he keeps on going near me. Wae?! It's so hard to face him after what those childsih dongsaengs of mine did.

"YAH! LEE NAM RAE! JO JI DAE!" I hissed at them while they were on the Veranda, talking about something, I bet it's about Math they are really serious about their studies. I can't blame Rae though, Her mom is always on her back about her college grades recently but Ji Dae, I really don't understand her. No one is pestering her about getting perfect scores but she's just too hard on herself.

"Oh Unnie, can you help us balance this chemical equation using the redox method? I'm really not that into chemistry" Ji Dae asked. She's really devious, you know that? She's the type of Maknae that can be evil at times but still look very innocent. Just like Cho Kyuhyun or Shim Changmin. See what she's doing right now? She's using the very hateful Nerd talk to make me back away from them.

"Cut the crap, you know Why I came here" I said jokingly then put my armns over their shoulders

"Uh..Unnie, you know that song that I was going to write? I need to do it now" Rae said then hurriedly went out of the veranda and into the house

"What's your excuse?" I asked the Maknae, she seemed scared...It's not a known fact but This Evil Maknae is not very Evil when she's around me, afterall, she IS facing a Prank Queen. So she should be scared. 

"Math!" She screadmed then follwed Rae

"They're so easy" I chuckled then leaned on the railings of the veranda. "Wonder when they'll realize that I'm just showing my love for them" I said then laughed at myself.

"Ah Yun-ssi?" Someone called then I turned and found myself extremely close to Choi Minho's Body. HONESTLY! I can seriously feel his hot breathe against my skin, it felt good yet weird but I backed away from him.

"Dude, you should not do that. It freaks me out" I said then tried to calm myself then realized I talked informally to him.

"Ah, Sorry. I didn't mean to speak informally to you" I bowed. Honestly speaking, I really didn't grew accustomed in using Honorificssince most of the people I know are younger than me, it was when I entered the group when I gained 2 older sisters and when Yoo Ah Unnie isn't around, the 4 of us would normally drop the honorifics since like me, the rest of them aren't used to Honorifics as well.

"Ah, It's okay" He said then he leaned his arms on the Veranda railings

"Listen, I wanted to ask you something" He started "Why are you avoiding me?" He asked 

"What is it?" I asked

"About what your dongsaeng shouted when we saw each other at the parking lot the other time"  He said. Uh Oh...I'm going to kill someone later.

"Oh" I nervously laughed "That" then I looked down "She's just weird, she says alot of things but she never gives it a thought. You don't need to be bothered by it" I told him wihtout looking at him in the eye.

"I'm not bothered but your actions seems to tell me that you're the one that's bothered by it" He teased

"Omo, the serious Choi Minho is a tease? " I laughed my head off

"Who says I'm serious?" He asked while raising an eyebrow

"Your Actions tells us that you are serious to the core" I told him

"Really?" He asked. I nodded

"Well, I think my Sense of Humor is higher than normal people so I get misunderstood. alot" He said then chuckled to himself. Is he serious? Higher? More Like his Humor is very unique that he is the only person that can understand him.

"Man, you're different" I told myself, i thought he didn't heard it but I was wrong

"I guess I shold accpe tthat as a compliment" He said then we laughed together

"I think we're going to get along" We both said the same sentence at the same time then we burst out laughing.

"What is this? We didn't even talk to each other yesterday but now we instantly click" I told him then he flashed a smile then I felt warm inside. Weird...

"Yeah, Friends?" He extended his arm then I took it and smiled back

"Friends" I replied then shook his hand then we heard the front door open.

"Yoo Ah unnie and Key-ssi must've arrvied" I said then glanced at the door.

"Ah Yun, Yoo Ah...Confusing names, it sounds the same when I first heard it" He said then I laughed

"Yeah, We get that alot"  I said

"But you two must be completely different, she seems very...Motherly and you seem likean outdoor type of Girl" He said then I cracked up

"Well, She is a Mother to us...and also a Father, she serves as our Parental Figure. You're right about that part but She's very Athletic, you know" I told him

"Really? I heard that every member of your group participates in Contests before" He said

"That's right. Therre were lots of times when I was sent overseas to Compete in Various Sports Competitions" I said

"What kind of sports?" He asked

"You know, the usual sports, Taekwando, Badminton, Track and Field, Swimming, Soccer and other sports" I said nonchalantly then he gasped

"You competed in those fields? Wah~~ You are turly great!" He said in a praising manner then we laughed together

"How about the other members?" He asked

"Yoo Ah Unnie plays Ice Hockey and played in a team in her division when she was still in America, Sora Unnie participated in Traditional Dance Competitions in Daegu and Debate Competitions in Japan, Rae joined Academic Competitions but also joined a swimming competition back in the Philippines, Ji Dae, is a Champion Gymnast in Macau and like Rae, she also participates in Academic Competitions" I said then looked at him...I laughed so hard at his EPIC reaction. His Mouth was hanging Open.

"You guys are Unbelievably.....Awesome" He said "If you weren't Idols, I bet you'd still be in the news for all those contests" He said then I shook my head

"If we weren't idols, we won't be in Korea" I said

"Why?" He asked

"Me and my mom and brother should be in England with my dad but We decided to stay behind because of my job, Which is actually a good thing because my dad is finally reconsiderring the idea to quite is beloved job and build his own company here" I said in an excited voice.

"That's..great to hear...I also have a brother, an older brotehr at that, He studies in Seoul University" He said as he looked up in the sky with a genuine smile on his face. The whole room seemed to light up. Oh Wait, What am I saying?

"Rae also studies there, She goes there atleast Twice A week, Once a week if we're too busy" I said

"Doesn't she fail in her classes? My brother told me that if you miss one class, you'd have trouble catching up to the lessons" He said

"No, Failing is never in our Group's vocabulary, whether it's in our music or in our studies, We should never fail" I said then suddenly remembered my SAT Exam coming up.

"Oh, Shoot" I muttered

"What's wrong?" He asked me as he faced me

"SAT Exam" I breathed heavily

"They make it a fuss but it truth, it's really a breeze. I...also got accepted in Seoul University but I still haven't enrolled because of my hectic schedule" He said "But, I'll enrolll next year if you enroll with me. After all, it's good to have a friend in a big university like Seoul University" He continued then smiled at me. What the heck is he doing?!?

"Sure. I'll that that as a challenge!" I said with an energetic voice and beamed a smile at his direction.

"Good" He said then we shook hands to seal our deal



It's our summer vacation and yet, I am busier...

Gash, hope you forgive me...

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sorry for not updating, huhuhu.. i have been busy once again and i seek your forgiveness. i will rty my best to update this month furing our chirstmas vacation.


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^^ Happy Pill.... <3

Congrats to Sora! HAAH. <3 Update lots!
Chapter 24: I love this chapter! And it's ok about not updating for a while, I understand (also a senior and hating every minute of it -___-) Take your time updating~ ^_^
Chapter 24: :D Happy Pill! Don't take too much of me, you might get an overdose! HAHA. Cute update. But short. HAHA. Can't wait for the next!
HAHA/ Choi minho is a tease!!!! Hwaiting for the Exams...

Woah... Ag is that awesome? YEAH CHOI MIN HO WE ARE AWESOME!

HAHA// Where's the babies?!?!?!
OMG I LOVE THE MINHO-AHYUN MOMENT!!! <3<3<3<3<3 Great update!! Can't wait for the other girls too~ ^_^
EVIL COUPLE!!!!! Noooo, i gotta stop you... i;m not buying that idea... NOOOOOOO~~~~

Dongho? Good in Math? *puke*

HAHA! Ag is super dorks!!1 HURRAY for that!!!!!
Omg Ahyun's studying for SAT exams...I'M STUDYING FOR SAT EXAMS!!! That's creepy... xD Haha anyway loved this chapter!! Can't wait for the next update~ Have fun at your camp! ^_^
Why yes, yes we are complete dorks. xD Loved this chapter!! Hm, I wonder what Minho and Ahyun were talking about... Update soon please~ ^_^

oh wow! how can they call Rae short? they are all super high..
omo! what Minho and Ahyun were talking about? O: