All Nighter



“Thanks for covering up for me unnie!” Rae said as she came out of the secret door then hugged Sora.

“I think it’s a bad thing to lie, now I feel bad, you owe us big time Unnie!” Ji Dae said, pouting

“Maknae Princess is Right, and besides he said he’ll apologize” Yoo Ah told Rae

“ know me, I can get uh…” Rae trailed off “Who knows what I can do to that Dude” Rae said. Everyone in the room nodded. The last time Rae got angry, she almost broke her phone into 2 pieces. Not a pretty sight. Seriously.

“At least give him a second chance Rae, you know, they’re our co-workers and it wouldn’t be nice if there would be a conflict between” Ah Yun said “By the way, did you really go to the roof top?” she asked, changing the topic

“Yeah, I stayed there for like 5 seconds then sprinted back here. Man, it’s scary there at this hour” Rae said then pretended to shiver.

“Rae, just remember to never hold a grudge on him, okay?” Ah Yun asked

“Ne Unnie!” Rae said then flashed a smile

“Kaja, let’s practice” Yoo Ah said then Ji Dae’s phone rang

“Ji Dae, you know the rules” Sora said

“Can I answer this one? It’s my brother, Kwangmin” Ji Dae said

“Fine Maknae Princess” Yoo Ah gave her the signal to answer her phone

“Yes Kwangmin?” Ji Dae said

“Ah, Noona! We have something to tell you!” Youngmin’s voice boomed through the other line, obviously, kwangmin’s phone was put into loudspeaker

“Geez, No more honorifics, please?” Ji Dae begged

“Arasso, Ji Dae, we’re going to visit you tomorrow during your MV shooting tomorrow!” Kwangmin shouted, causing Ji Dae to pull her phone away from her ears.

“Cheongmal? Arasso Arasso, see you tomorrow then, Anneyong” Ji Dae said then hung up and then grinned widely.

“What’s wrong with you?” Rae asked

“My Brothers are going to visit me tomorrow” Ji Dae answered

“Tomorrow? But we have an MV shooting at Dream High with UKISS”  Sora Reminded Ji Dae

“Yup. I know that” Ji Dae said “They’ll visit me at the set” she continued

“Wait,Isn’t Dream High a name of a Drama?” Rae wondered

“It’s also a school for students who want to be singers, actors, dancers, basically, a school for people who want to enter the entertainment industry” Sora explained. Rae nodded, finally knew something new this day then she turned to Ji Dae.

“Ahw…Ji Dae being visited by her brothers...that’s so sweet” Rae cooed, being emotional and all.

“But wait, if they’ll come, then…” Ah Yun started a sentence but didn’t continue

“There won’t be issues, since Ji Dae was once a trainee in Starship Macau, it won’t be a problem” Their Manager came in.

“Wah~ Unnie, you’re so sneaky!” Ah Yun told their manager who is just 4 years older than her.

“Okay, let’s start the practice. Tomorrow is going to be a packed schedule, first on our agenda tomorrow is the MV shooting for ‘Secret Christmas Wish’ then a Photo shoot for the mini album cover and recording of the remaining songs then we have rehearsals for Music Core, after that, you will go directly to your coordinator for the fitting of the costumes for Music Core” Their Manager went over their schedule for tomorrow, Ah Yun groaned.

“It sounds so tiring! For the love of  G-” Ah Yun said but was cut off due to Yoo Ah’s dagger stare.

“Hell yeah, The Fu-” Sora said then earned a glare from Yoo Ah, it’s not a well-known fact that AG has a High principled Leader, Ah Yun, she can’t stand if someone curses or swears in front of her, she immediately scolds them and it’s also not a well-known fact that AG has 2 members who constantly swears, Sora and Ah Yun.

“We have growing kids around us, please don’t fill the air with your foul words” Yoo Ah said while Sora and Ah Yun hung their heads lowly.

“Sorry Unnie” Both of the girls said then Yoo Ah smiled.

“Just please watch your words next time please, Bad words are like nails being dug down the chalk board to my ears, and as older girls, we need to give our dongsaengs a suitable environment for them to grow and learn” Yoo Ah spoke like a Mom, sometimes it irritates the others but most of the times, it makes them feel better, being away from their mothers make them sad and having Yoo Ah around makes them feel that they’re with their caring and loving mother.

“Ne Unnie, we will, we’re sorry” Ah Yun and Sora said, feeling guilty

“So, can we start now?” Their manager butted in, the girls nodded then began practicing their first ballad song that they’re going to perform live at Music Core three weeks from now.  They practiced for hours, trying to perfect the song.

“Unnie, can’t we go home yet? It’s been hours” Ji Dae asked their manager while looking at her watch, thinking that her father would be probably waiting for her outside their house.

“Oh right, what time is it?” Their Manager asked

“Almost 2 in the Morning” Ji Dae answered

“Oh Time flies so fast, Kaja, you girls must be tired” Their manager said then they packed their bags and got down and waited for their manager at the front Entrance of the JYP Ent. Building.

“It’s so chilly outside” Rae complained as she hugged her jacket tighter.

“You bet, after all, Christmas is fast approaching” Yoo Ah said

“Cheongmal? Then, JYPNation Concert will be soon” Rae said, remembering that Every Christmas Season, JYP will hold a concert with all the JYP artists.

“It will be our first JYPNation concert ever!” Ji Dae squealed excitedly.

“Yeah, Hope it will be exciting” Sora said then suddenly, their manager arrived and they entered the van and there, their conversation was placed to a halt because all the girls were dead tired and they were sleeping while their manager was driving them to their dorm. When they arrived, their manager woke them up.

"Girls...Wake up, we're here" Their Manager lightly shook the AG members. 

"Huh? Uh..."Was all that Ah Yun could say, she was the first to wake up, unlike the others, she is a light sleeper. She walked out of the Van and waited for the others to wake up, after 15 minutes, Rae fianlly woke up and they walked towards the elevator and went up to their level and walked to their apartment and then, they continued their sleep.

Seeing that The girls Haven't even bothered to wash up or even change clothes, their manager was forced to wake them up again, but this time, in a harsh way. Their Manager walked up to the Stereo Player and inserted a CD then put the volume into MAX and put on ear muffs and played the track, within ten seconds, All the girls were awaken and walked to the living room with pained expressions. Their manager stopped then heavy metal music and took her ear muffs off.

"UNNIE!!! what was that all about?!" Rae asked, half furios, half hurt

"Wash up then change your clothes, NOW!" Their Manager said firmly

"But Unnie we're ti-" Sora was then cut off, again.

"NO BUTS! now do as I say or else you'll get sick and be punished by me" Their Manager warned

"But if we're sick then you couldn't punish us, right?" Ji Dae asked

"Yes I can, I am evil" She answered then smirked, the 5 of them gulped and hurridly went to the bathroom to wash up and change clothes. Seeing that The girls hastily did what she told them to do, she smirked.

'They're so obedient, That's why I LOVE them' She thought then went inside her bedroom and slept.

After Doing what their Manager told them to do, the 5 girls returned to the living room, only to find it empty.

"I guess Unnie is sleeping already" Yoo Ah said then sighed

"I guess we should sleep too" Ah Yun said thenwent with Yoo Ah to their bedroom.

"Yeah, we should too" Rae and Ji Dae both said then walked toweards their shared room while Sora was walking beside them, and went inside her Solo  Room. (Wah~ She's lucky! she has a room all to herself, LOL!)

"It's already 4:30 and we need to wake up at 9 AM, Uh... I suggest we don't sleep!" Ah Yun told Yoo Ah

"Are you serious? But we need eneergy for tomorrow" Yoo Ah said

"Hmm..But I bet we're going to be energetic if we eat lots of sugar" Ah Yun replied

"Sugar is bad for our health and our Figure" Yoo Ah said, being a Healthy person, she refuses to eat excessive amount of sugar.

"But I really wanna surf the net tonight" Ah Yun whined

"Now the truth has finally come out of your mouth. Ah Yun, We should sleep, as in NOW, it's getting late and Manager Unnie would kill us if we don't" Yoo Ah said "But yeah you're right, I soo Miss my Twitter, I haven't logged in since last week" Yoo Ah was suddenly infected by the Ah Yun-virus.

"then let's stay up late" Ah Yun said then for the first time, Yoo Ah agreed. They pulled an All nighter internet use. it was around 5:00 AM when they looked up something interesting.

"Whoa...Silver Chains are amazing" Yoo Ah exclaimed as she stared at the picture at her Laptop screen

"Yeah" Ah Yun agreed also then they heard their door open, revealing an angry manager.

"What the HECK are you doing?!?" Their manager asked angrily.

"Uh...We were just..Uh..." No one was able to answer

"Go to bed NOW!" Their Manager instructed then left the room

"See? I told you she'd be angry" Yoo Ah said as she closed her laptop and climed up her bed

"I bet she will forget about it tomorrow, now let's get some Sleep so that we'll have a little energy for tomorrow" AH Yun told Yoo Ah. 

"Correction, it is already morning, today is our MV Shooting, we only have less than 4 hours to sleep" Yoo Ah said then immediately feel asleep, Ah Yun quickly followed.

Wah~~ I updated.. LOL~~ How's this chapter?? was it too crappy? boring perhaps??
I can't update next week and the week after that 'cause my sched is packed... 
We will soon have the measuring of our body measurements for our CAT uniform. wee~~ so excited 
this wednesday, we're going ot have our NCAE (a national exam) so i need to prepare.. BADLY.
Comments are CERTAINLY LOVED!!! :DD Hope you enjoyed my little update!! :)
Author's Additional Message:
Wondering what AG's Rooms look like?? Then take a Look!!! :D

Yoo Ah and Ah Yun's Room

Rae and Ji Dae's Room

Sora's Room

and The Manager's Room

Story Behind AG's Apartment / Dorm /Condominium

- The Previous owner of the Apartment / Condominium had 4 daughters and 1 son. When JYP Ent. Bought the Apartment, it was already fully furnished, then Mr. park decided that he would not spend money to refurnish the partment since the furniture was still in good condition. When the Dorm was handed down tot he girls, they decided that the Master's Bedroom would go to their manager and they would decided who will have the solo room by drawing of names. Sora, who was lucky to be the girl who has a room of her own was the first to pick a room, fortunately for her, the previous owner's son adores yellow (and the son was GAY) 

SO that's it, BOW... heheh Hope you enjoyed and wait for my next update.. maybe.. 3 weeks from now?? uh.. can u do me a favor?? please don't abandon this story!!  please!! :))
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sorry for not updating, huhuhu.. i have been busy once again and i seek your forgiveness. i will rty my best to update this month furing our chirstmas vacation.


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^^ Happy Pill.... <3

Congrats to Sora! HAAH. <3 Update lots!
Chapter 24: I love this chapter! And it's ok about not updating for a while, I understand (also a senior and hating every minute of it -___-) Take your time updating~ ^_^
Chapter 24: :D Happy Pill! Don't take too much of me, you might get an overdose! HAHA. Cute update. But short. HAHA. Can't wait for the next!
HAHA/ Choi minho is a tease!!!! Hwaiting for the Exams...

Woah... Ag is that awesome? YEAH CHOI MIN HO WE ARE AWESOME!

HAHA// Where's the babies?!?!?!
OMG I LOVE THE MINHO-AHYUN MOMENT!!! <3<3<3<3<3 Great update!! Can't wait for the other girls too~ ^_^
EVIL COUPLE!!!!! Noooo, i gotta stop you... i;m not buying that idea... NOOOOOOO~~~~

Dongho? Good in Math? *puke*

HAHA! Ag is super dorks!!1 HURRAY for that!!!!!
Omg Ahyun's studying for SAT exams...I'M STUDYING FOR SAT EXAMS!!! That's creepy... xD Haha anyway loved this chapter!! Can't wait for the next update~ Have fun at your camp! ^_^
Why yes, yes we are complete dorks. xD Loved this chapter!! Hm, I wonder what Minho and Ahyun were talking about... Update soon please~ ^_^

oh wow! how can they call Rae short? they are all super high..
omo! what Minho and Ahyun were talking about? O: