Episode 1(Part 1) - What's inside


(Back to third Person's POV)


After Ag. was done with their Wardrobe and Hair and Make up. They were immediately sent to the Beach House not far from the Tent the Production team set up.

"Bridegette Unnie and Mr. Park planned this all along, didn't they?" Ji Dae asked

"Well, Unnie did give us a heads up earlier" Rae Reasoned while tucking her hands inside her pockets.

"Man, It's Freaking super cold here. Why did they set the Location on the beach anyway, they know it's winter" Ah Yun said

"This is the coldest Christmas I've experienced" Yoo Ah said as she rubbed her hands together

"That makes the two of us" Sora agreed.

"So Cold~" Ji Dae sang as she sprinted towards the house.

"It's so cold outside! Ahchu!" Rae exclaimed as she entered the house with the others. then the other members laughed.

"Aigoo~~ The Mighty Carnivore got a cold!" Sora teased as she ruffled Rae's hair then everyone laughed.

"You should eat more Vegetables" Nichkhun commented as he suddenly appeared in front of the girls.

"Upstairs, we're going to start now" He said while smiing then lead the way as Ag. follwed him from behind.

As they arrived, the director immediately greeted them.

"Hello Ag.! and Congratulations on your first win on music bank" He said then hugged each one of them.

"Thanks Kang Dong Min" They replied as they bowed at the senior.

"Your Welcome. Well, Anyways, I'm going to brief you how to do Variety shows since this is your first Variety Show. Right?" She asked

"We Went to Star King Last Time" Sora said with a smile, a little pride in her voice.

"Oh, You did? I didn't get to see the episode! I think that episode would have been the funniest since they had 2 guest clowns there!" The Director said while laughing, reffering to the 2 mood makers of Ag., Sora and Ah Yun.

"Thanks Kang Dong Min"  Ah Yun said

"Aigoo~ Drop the formalities, we've known each other for almost 2 years, even before you debuted, we knew each other. Why act so formal now?"

"Uhm..Since you won that award on that show and you haven't contacted us for a long time How could we act informal with a World renowned Kang Dong Min?" Yoo Ah Joked then the group laughed

"Well, anyways, here's how we're going to start the show. The Guests and The hosts will say their greetings then you will follow. Then after, the hosts will explain how things will work on this reality show then have the first segment then we're going to have the shor break and the show continues after" She explained as the girls were listening carefully.

"Got it?" Shea sked then they nodded

"Okay, Let's get ready! Production Team, Stand by! we're on in 5 minutes" She said then smiled at the girls then left to attend to some things.

"Unnie hasn't changed a bit" Rae sighed "She's still loud" 

"You got that right but you know what's changed about her?" Sora asked

"What? She looks the same" Ah Yun said

"She's more mature and she lost her squel response every time she shouts" Sora pointed out. 

"Anneyeong! Suzy-imnida" Suzy said then looked at Nichkhun.

"Anneyeong! Nichkhun-imnida" Nichkhun said "And we are your hosts for Ag. Angels" They said in unison

"We have our guests and of course, the rising stars. Ag." Suzy said as she motioned to the people seated across her.

"Yes, The rest of 2PM and the rest of Miss A is here together with Ag." Nichkhun continued

"Anneyeong! Miss A-imnida" 

"Anneyeong! 2PM-imnida"

"Aneeyeong! Shinning Ag.-imnida!" Ag. Introduced themselves

"Today, we're going to start the show, Ag. Angels" Suzy said

"Are they really angels? Are they really nice? We will all find out with the help of our Guests" Nichkhun said as he eyed the guests.

"The show is going to be 4 mini segments and 1 main segment, which will be revealed later on, right now, we're going to reveal what's the first part. Which is titled 'Whats inside' " Suzy said

"Before we start the segement, Guest stars, please go out and prepare for the second segment" Nichkhun said then the guests stars obeyed and went out.

"What is this? They went out when we just started?" Ah Yun asked curiosly.

"You'll see why they went away" Suzy answered with a smile on her face.

"Ah...Okay" Ah Yun replied casually

"So, We prepared some questions for you to answer and it will reveal the truth about Ag. Member's relationship with each other and their attitude and some other personal things that fans want to know" Nichkhun explained

"This sounds...scary"Sora commented then all of them laughed

"First question, What are your nicknames among the group? Please explain, Let's start with Yoo Ah's nicknames, the others would give her nicknames and the explanation" Suzy asked

"Appa because just like a father, when his child has a problem, he doesn't know how to comfort his child and show his affection towards them but does things secretly to help them, and just like a father, she's irreplacable in one's life" Sora explained which made Yoo Ah smile sweetly.

"Very touching. But, is it true?" Nichkhun asked the other members then they nodded

"How about Sora's Nickname?" Suzy asked

"She's Doggie 'cause like a dog, she's very determined and very friendly and easy to be around with" Yoo Ah casually said

"And Just like a dog, She uses her cuteness just to get what she wants and just like a dog, she's very loyal to her friends and family and she protects everyone she loves from harm. She's very lovable, you know" Ah Yun added

"Ah Yun, What's her nickname?" 

"Pure" Ji Dae said then flashed a smile before continuing "Because Unnie, compared to us, is more familiar with Korea 'cause she grew up here where as, the others of us, grew up in different countries. Unnie is also Purest in heart and she is very kind, but she is also a prankster, so she's not that good" Rae said then laughed

"And Plus, Ah Yun unnie is very Pretty even without make-up, sometimes, we even call her Goddess. Her beauty is so pure and effortless, sometimes, she doesn't even wear make-up and she still looks stunning" Ji Dae added which made Ah Yun's lips curve into a smile.

"How about Rae?" Nichkhun asked

"Oh, this girl? She's called Clueless" Ah Yun joked as she gave Rae a High Five. "No seriously, Her nickname is Carnivore, 'cause she doesn't eat vegetables and just like those carnivores, she's very aggressive sometimes and just like any other carnivore, she's easy to hunt, in short, she's the target of all pranks" She continued then laughed with everyone

"I eat Lettuce" Rae mumbled but was audible to everyone.

"Okay, How about The Maknae?" Suzy asked

"Ji Dae's Nickname is Human Pretzel" Yoo Ah said which made  Suzy and Nichkhun curios

"Wae?" Suzy asked

"Aside from the fact that she's very flexible and she can twist her body into a pretzel anytime (figure of speech, keke), She's the most versatile of all of us, at such a young age she can do things that other kids her age couldn't. She can easily adjust to pressure and be able to adapt to the surroundings and fit herself to a role she's given" 

"Okay, let's proceed to the next question, Suzy" Nichkhun motioned at Suzy to read the next question

"Next, Who among the members has the shortest temper?" Suzy asked then the girls looked at each other.

"When I say go, you will point at the member who has the shortest temper" Nichkhun said "Go" He continued then  1 pointed at Rae, one at Sora and 3 at Ji Dae.

"What? Why?" Rae exclaimed in english. Quite surprised of the outcome.

"When did I become short tempered?!" Ji Dae said in surprise.

"Maknae line? Aigoo~ Oh Wait, there's Sora" Suzy commented then laughed with the others.

"Yoo Ah-ssi, why did you point at Ji Dae?" Nichkhun asked while holding in his laughter.

"Well, Because our Maknae is really serious and strict when we practice and when one of us commits a mistake, she kinda gets pissed off and starts to sigh heavily as if implementing something" Yoo Ah explained

"I do not, I only do that when I'm tired" Ji Dae explained which caused laugther among the people around

"How about you, Sora-ssi, why did you point at Rae?" Suzy asked

"There was this one time when we were still trainees when the both of us had to practice together and I saw late for like 12 minutes and when I arrived, she started to give me a cold shoulder and it lasted for a week or so. At first I shrugged it off but it was starting to get worse so I ask ed her what was up then she just told me that time is very important and we don't have the luxury of being tardy when practicing and then she told me that waiting for 12 minutes for nothing to do was really unbearable and asked me to never me late again" Sora explained in full detail

"Unnie, It happened a long time ago and you still haven't let it go?" Rae asked while holding in her laughter

"Ani. It's like the first time a dongsaeng scolded me about tardiness" Sora said jokingly when everyone laughed

"Ah Yun, Why did you point at Sora?" Nichkhun asked

"Unnie is really petty about everything. There was one time when we were practicing for our debut and it was my part t rap but I choked on my saliva then messed it up. After practicing, she went over to me and told me that when we go to the stage, I should stop fooling around and take it seriously and that I should prevent choking from my saliva when rapping" Ah Yun explained which caused an eruption of laugther in the room.

"Choke because of saliva, that's funny" Suzy commented

"Who is the most messy?" Nichkhun asked then everyone pointed at Ji Dae, including herself which caused the hosts and the staffs to laugh.

"Wae?!" Suzy asked as she was having a hard time holding in her laughter.

"Well, Unnies have always told me that I should arrange my bed sheets and do this, so that and what not but I'm to busy doing something else" Ji Dae explained

"We understand why she can't clean her room because of her schedule being packed, when she's not working, she's at school so she doesn't really have time to clean her room" Yoo Ah explained sincerly.

"Who is the most pretty member?"

"Oh Definitely, Ah Yun" Sora answered right away.

"Who is the most emotional?"

"I'm Very positive that The most emotional member of Ag. is Rae" Yoo Ah answered

"Next, Now we will start with the individual questions. These questions are given to us by fans" Suzy said

"First question is from a fan from Busan" Nichkhun said "I'll read the letter" He continued then opened the envelope.

"Hello! I'm Ji Hae from Busan, I absolutely love your new song! I really adore Park Yoo Ah, The Awesome Leader because she is so pretty and has a very soothing voice. I was wondering, Yoo Ah-unnie, Why is your new song very sad?" Nichkhun read the message.

"Well, Uhm...Aside from the obvious meaning, There is another meaning to it" Yoo Ah started

"What is the other meaning?" Suzy asked, feeling the serious atmosphere

"We're going to be spending another Christmas away from our families and it really makes us sad to think that we can't be with our parents and siblings and other loved ones for Christmas. As the title goes 'My Last Christmas Wish' Our Christmas wish is to be able to say I Love you to our parents personally. Also, the song kinda tells you a story of regret and it's the kind of regret we're feeling now" Yoo Ah explained

"What kind of regret are you feeling now?" Nichkhun asked

"Lots of regrets, Actually" Rae mumbled as she looked down at her palms

"Can you give us one?" Suzy asked

"All of us are regretting those times when we argued with our parents about some things and we regret having those times instead of bonding with our family and expressing how much we are grateful towards them and how much we love them" Sora answered, getting thick.

"If you want to give your family a messgae, you could do it right now" Nichkhun said as he looked at the 5 girls infront of him. 'They're too young to be separated with their parents, they're too..vulnerable' He thought.

"Mom, Dad. How are you? Uh..I hope you're doing fine there in Miami. I miss you both! I love you! Merry Christmas!" Yoo Ah said as she was starting to get teary eyed.

"Umma, Appa, How have you been? Appa, Don't forget to drink your medicine and Umma, Please attend your check-ups. Don't skip meals and Stay Healthy. Sranghae Umma, Appa. Advance Merry Christmas!" Sora spoke in english, keeping it short so that she won't get too emotional and cry.

"Mommy, Daddy, Jin Woon-ah! Take care of yourselves! daddy, Try to drink Vitamins and Don't skip meals. Mommy, Stay healthy and Beautiful. Don't go out too much. This winter is very cold. Jin Woon-ah! Don't get yourself a girlfriend, you're still not allowed to have one. Take care of Mom, okay? I love you. Take care! I Miss you so much!" Ah Yun said as she too, was getting teary eyed.

"Mom, Unnie, Rinnie. Stay safe, okay? Take care of yourselves. Always remember to lock the door before you guys sleep. I miss you very much. I love you" Rae said in english, keeping it short because her tears were starting to fall.

"Umma, It's been 3 years since you left me. Thanks for leaving me in good hands. I really miss you very much. Appa, Even though we haven't spent a very long time with each other, I am very grateful that you are here. Thank you and I love you" Ji Dae said then looked down, leting her tears fall as she remembered the painful past then she received a hug from Rae.

"It's okay Ji Dae" Rae whispered

"Wae?" Suzy asked as she was looking at Rae and Ji Dae

"Ji Dae lost her mom 3 years ago" Yoo Ah explained as she touched Ji Dae's knee then rubbed it.

"It's okay Maknae Princess, You have us" Yoo Ah smiled sweetly

Wee~~ atlast! I updated! ahahh! well, this is the first part of episode one!

I stayed up all night writing this.. LITERALLY!!! oh and this video I made.. hahah! wanna see it?

I made it for YooAh-Key love team! If I have time, I'll make for the others, too.

Here's the Link


Anyways, Here's the update! (so sorry if I'm late) Merry Christmas and A happy new year!!!

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sorry for not updating, huhuhu.. i have been busy once again and i seek your forgiveness. i will rty my best to update this month furing our chirstmas vacation.


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^^ Happy Pill.... <3

Congrats to Sora! HAAH. <3 Update lots!
Chapter 24: I love this chapter! And it's ok about not updating for a while, I understand (also a senior and hating every minute of it -___-) Take your time updating~ ^_^
Chapter 24: :D Happy Pill! Don't take too much of me, you might get an overdose! HAHA. Cute update. But short. HAHA. Can't wait for the next!
HAHA/ Choi minho is a tease!!!! Hwaiting for the Exams...

Woah... Ag is that awesome? YEAH CHOI MIN HO WE ARE AWESOME!

HAHA// Where's the babies?!?!?!
OMG I LOVE THE MINHO-AHYUN MOMENT!!! <3<3<3<3<3 Great update!! Can't wait for the other girls too~ ^_^
EVIL COUPLE!!!!! Noooo, i gotta stop you... i;m not buying that idea... NOOOOOOO~~~~

Dongho? Good in Math? *puke*

HAHA! Ag is super dorks!!1 HURRAY for that!!!!!
Omg Ahyun's studying for SAT exams...I'M STUDYING FOR SAT EXAMS!!! That's creepy... xD Haha anyway loved this chapter!! Can't wait for the next update~ Have fun at your camp! ^_^
Why yes, yes we are complete dorks. xD Loved this chapter!! Hm, I wonder what Minho and Ahyun were talking about... Update soon please~ ^_^

oh wow! how can they call Rae short? they are all super high..
omo! what Minho and Ahyun were talking about? O: