Chapter 8 (Part 1):


CHAPTER 8 (Part 1):






Non-school hours that Ms. Choi had mentioned meant after class during weekdays and off course including weekends. According to their schedule, they’d be at Chanyeol’s apartment today.

The giant knew Baekhyun would probably wake up late this morning, he once again didn’t set his alarm because he had just fell asleep inadvertently at the couch last night as Chanyeol recalled. They’d start at 10am today to finish two sets of review the whole day. By that, they’d be free on Sunday.


Baekhyun’s phone was ringing a shrill tone at this ungodly hour. It was some sort of déjà vu except from he was already awake now, taking his pancakes and a cup of coffee for breakfast. He picked his phone up from the dining table and answered, not checking the caller’s ID.

“Hello?” The genius voice was barely clear. He still had pancakes in his mouth.

“Good morning sleeping beauty! Are you awake?” The voice from the other line said. Baekhyun swore that voice was familiar but he didn’t know when did he encounter it. He put the phone away from his ear and looked at the caller’s ID. He read ‘Park Chanyeol’.

“Ch-Chanyeol?” He mumbled after swallowing the remnants of his pancakes.

“Yes Bacon. I actually call to wake you up. I was thinking if you’re still sleeping after what had happened last night.”

Baekhyun summoned up what had happened the night before. He had his weirdest dream ever. “Last night?! Ah. Don’t worry I’m already awake.”

“Great! See you at 10 okay. Are you sure you can go here alone?”

“Off course. I’m not a kid!”

“Okay. I’ll open my GPS so you could track my address.”

“Sure. Bye!”

“See you Bacon.”



Baekhyun swore the giant was acting weird, or it was just his imagination. That call really seemed to be a déjà vu to him. His mind was already weaving about the dream he had last night and then this conversation with his partner just added to his worries. He got his phone and check Chanyeol’s number. He stared at it trying to recall something he wasn’t sure about.

“Hm… Could he be that guy?” He retorted.



The genius was on his way to his partner’s house. He had to take a bus to get to the subway. Baekhyun didn’t want to be late so he left his house earlier than he had to. Based on his reckoning he’d be at Chanyeol’s house 15 minutes before 10am. But he was wrong. He arrived there even 30 minutes earlier. He didn’t expect a smooth ride today. There was no traffic and he wondered if the train he had ridden on was a bullet train.

He was now in front of the giant’s house. He observed the outside view, it was too big for an apartment. The walls were smartly painted with navy blue. They even had a small garden after the gate where beautiful flowers were blooming. Baekhyun admired it. He gazed at his watch and it was exactly 9:35am. He was dang too early, he didn’t want Chanyeol think that he was excited to got to their house and meet him today so he opted to wait outside until the exact time they had agreed to.

Ten more minutes had passed and Baekhyun was getting more bored stiff now. He was just standing there and nothing.



Chanyeol was asked by his mom to buy stocks from the grocery. He rode his bicycle to the store and bought all his mother had listed for him. She promised to cook delicious chows today especially for their guest.

As soon as he was done, he put the bags of the stuffs he had bought to the basket at the back of his bike and pedaled back to their house hoping that he’d be there before Baekhyun arrived. But he was still a bit far when he glimpsed at a familiar figure in front of their house. It was definitely Baekhyun. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a yellow v-neck t-shirt. A trendy shoes and a backpack to complete him up. His clothes were perfectly fitted on him. Chanyeol loved the picture. He stopped and greeted his partner.

“You’re a bit early Bacon uh.” The giant grinned.

“Ah yes– ah no I’d just arrived here.” Baekhyun startled.

“If that’s you say.” Chanyeol chuckled as the genius frowned at his statement. “Let’s go inside!” He offered and leaded their way into the house, wheeling his bicycle along.



“Chanyeol are you there?” A voice from somewhere said. Baekhyun was sure that it was a woman’s tone.

“Yes mom!” The giant responded and turned to Baekhyun. “Common, have a seat there. I’ll just bring these stuffs to mom.” He sneered before pacing to the kitchen. The shorter guy nodded and did as he was told.


The surrounding was not that odd for Baekhyun though he didn’t usually come to someone’s house except from his bestfriend’s. He esteemed the arrangement of the house. Everything was well-organized and stylish. The living room was as cozy as their living room. He felt somewhat at home. The sofas he was sitting on were sure tidy and squashy. The walls were painted with sky blue and it was relaxing. At the other side few steps from the couch he was sitting on, there was a cabinet where picture frames were put on view. Pictures of Chanyeol when he was a kid, he guessed. He was with his parents and a little girl that he supposed Chanyeol’s sister. They sure looked a happy family. Baekhyun grinned at the glee.


“Oppa!” Baekhyun turned his head from the direction of the squeal. He saw a little girl who was stepping down the stairs. He was sure he was the one she was calling at.

The genius stayed still at his seat as his eyes followed the kid dashing towards him. “Hi pretty girl!” Baekhyun gave him a happy beam.

“Are you Baekhyun oppa?” The little girl asked and sat beside Baekhyun.

“Yes. How’d you know me cutie?” He leaned on the kid and gently pinched her cheeks. He can’t help her cuteness.

“Oppa said you want to meet me. And he said you’re nice so I want to meet you too.”

“Ow. You’re Chanyeol’s little sister?” The kid nodded. “I see. You two have the same cute fairy ears e.” Baekhyun was playing at the little girl’s ear. “What’s your name?”

“Chanhee. Park Chanhee. 8-years old. Nice to meet you oppa!” The little girl stood up and bowed.

“Uh. You’re too formal cutie.” Baekhyun chuckled before he stood up and bowed too. “Hi Chanhee. I’m Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun, pleasure to meet you pretty girl.” And backed to his seat.


Chanyeol resurfaced from the kitchen door with a tray on his hands. He was actually there for quite a while watching the two on their sala. He paced towards them and placed the plates of pastas and glasses of orange juice onto the table. He sat across Baekhyun and Chanhee.

“Chanhee, are you bothering your oppa?” He teased. The little girl scowled at him.

“Don’t worry, she’s not. She’s actually nice and cute!” The shorter guy muttered before turning to the little girl beside him and once again pinched his cheeks. Chanyeol grinned, his sister seemed to like Baekhyun.

The giant offered his pasta to his sister but she refused. She said she wanted to share with her Baekhyun oppa. Chanyeol facepalmed for his sister cheekiness. But the shorter guy gleefully shared his food to Chanhee.


“Oppa!” Chanhee mumbled. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at her, but she was indeed talking with Baekhyun. The giant slightly wavered but soon smiled.

“Yes cutie?” Baekhyun replied, lips curving upward.

“Do you want to see my toys?”


“Please oppa. Come play with me.” Chanhee showed her aegyo. By that, Baekhyun knew he couldn’t say no.

“Okay cutie. Where is it?”

“In my room! Let’s go there.” The little girl jumped from the couch and held Baekhyun’s arm. She excitedly grabbed him upstairs.

“Chanhee, don’t come to my room, okay?” The giant butted in. The shorter guy looked at him but his sister seemed not heeding. She was too excited and hyper to pay any attention to Chanyeol. He pursed his lips. “Bacon, don’t come to my room, okay?”



Author’s Note:


This story is half-way done, I guess. YEHET! XD

And, this chapter is looong, so I cut it into two parts.                                    

Next chapter will be… oops no spoiling. Just read it. Okay? :))

Thank subbies and readers! Also to silent readers out there. kekekek

Please do comment. :DDD

Keep safe everyone! ♥

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My goal for this story is to reach 50 subbies and 1000 views, and finally it came, and it's still counting... yehet! :D I wanna say thank you to all! T_____T


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Chapter 17: I like the ending chapter - it's like Baek erased all the corrections he made from the first chapter and rewrote them.
Dammit, this plot is making me cry due to excruciatingly painful happiness...
TinlovesLuhan #2
Chapter 16: Good job saeng! Keep writing! This is making me kilig :D Hihi <3
Chapter 16: This story is so good but it would be better if the ending was a little longer or smth haha but great fic :) <3
Chapter 17: Soooo cute .. it's a shame it's over
jambydsy #6
Chapter 16: This was really wooooooooowoowowowwowww
jambydsy #7
Chapter 13: The most romantic scene
jambydsy #8
Chapter 12: He said YEOL tge second time
If u like u can change it :D
...aaaww they are all cute
jambydsy #9