
The Girl who was send to me

The next morning soft noises of shifting woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and and looked trough my room with a blurry vision. While I rubbed my eyes I lifted myself up and looked at the moving object from earlier.

“Appa.” the girl smiled widely at me as she saw me waking up.

“What the- Oh. It's you. Looks like you woke up.” I rubbed my eyes again.

“Hm.” she nodded happily.

“Aigoo. You're so cute.” I petted her head and it looked like she liked it.

“But I'm not your Appa.” I moved my hand and her face turned sad. The smile disappeared and it kind of broke my heart.

“Huh?” she looked with big sad eyes at me, as if she was about to cry.

“No no no no. You can call me Appa.” I convinced her and she immediately smiled again which made my heart flutter.

“Are you hungry? You must have not eaten for days.” I stood up and she nodded as response.


“By the way, how should I call you?” I sat across her when we were eating, well I was eating and she stared at her food. She looked up and blinked at me after I asked this question.

“You know, whats your name? How did they call you in the labor?” I asked again.

“Object XOXO.” she answered in a monotone voice.

“Well... What a heartwarming name...” I sighed.

“How do you want to be called?” I went on with questions. This time too she blinked at me blankly.

“Fine... how about... Miri?” I looked at her and she smiled widely as she heard it.

“Do you like it?” I smiled at her and she smiled happily back while she nodded.

“I like it too. It's cute. Just as you.” I petted her head. This may become my new favorite habit.

“Why aren't you eating.” I pointed at the untouched plate. She shifted in her chair and finally took the fork while she stared at my hand. She was imitating me, because she doesn't know how to eat. I chuckled at her cuteness and put my fork down to go beside her.

“Like this, alright?” I took her hand and showed her how to take the food. She watched me concentrated and learned quickly. Her focused face was just too adorable and I laughed slightly when she spilled some of her food on her lap. She looked apologetic with big eyes at me as if I would scold her for making herself dirty. But I silently stood up, grabbed some tissues to wipe the food away. When I was finished I looked at her and petted her head.

“It's alright. Just pay more attention.” I told her and her worried face brightened ans she nodded. Even her cute nods are adorable.


After cleaning up I remembered that D.O would come over today. And like he was reading my mind the doorbell rang.

“Show me the beauty.” he walked in casually as I opened the door for him.

“Woah, she's totally cute. How can she be raised in a labor?” he eyed her intense.

“Dude, what is she wearing?” he looked at me as he noticed the oversized clothes of me on her.

“Oh I'm sorry that I don't always have some woman's clothes at home.” I huffed.

“Was she when she was delivered?” D.O wriggled his eyebrows.

“No. But she spilled food on her dress. What are you thinking?” I hit him lightly.

“Just look at her! She is so adorable!” he rushed to her and pinched her cheeks while she was staring confused at me.

“What's her name?” D.O clung on her. I was about to speak but her voice stopped me.

“Miri.” she smiled happily as she said the from me given name of hers.

“I see. Miri.” D.O repeated as he through her hair.

“What are you going to do with her?” he turned to me.

“What do you mean?” I answered him while walking to him.

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Chapter 16: Awwww was beautiful story!!! I like it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 16: Finished reading and it's so cute ^^ kyaaa~
I just finished reading your story "This coffee shop is our place" and the Sequel and it's so good! I'm excited for this one ^^
rudelysweetk21 #4
Chapter 16: Hooo so cute and sweet :D
Anniefan #5
Chapter 16: Awwww so sweet! I can't wait or yo future stories! Fighting!
kimaejae #6
Chapter 1: Wow this is……DAEBAK!!!!^•^
Chapter 2: I thought Jongin's gonna be the "human-like" experiment xD
Anniefan #8
Chapter 1: Omg! This is so creative! Please continue!
"New author stories"
Klicked on it
And I was like: freaking out, dancing(u know, I can't dance) and looking like a derp maniac
Sounds interesting <3