
The Girl who was send to me

“Hyung!“ I was surprised by his sudden appearing.

“I see, you two are getting along well.“ he stepped closer to us while he chuckled.

“What are you doing here?” I scratched the back of my head.

“I wanted to give you something.” he became serious.

“Huh? Couldn't you do it when I was back?” I tilted my head.

“No. I have to leave. Tao and me are moving away because... several reasons.” he spoke to me.

“I want you to take it.” he handed me a small plush cat. I saw how the expression of Miri changed. Her eyes became empty again.

“It was the only toy she had back then.” Kris explained as he let the animal go.

“So are we going to not see you anymore?” I asked a bit disappointed.

“Well-” Kris wanted to speak but someone cut him off.

“Miri!” we both shouted as we saw falling backwards. I was about to catch her but when she fall she landed in the arms of someone else.

“Got you.” he whispered and ran off.

“Yah! Xiumin! Stop it!” I ran after him and caught up with him. Just then I saw he was injecting something in her. I quickly teared her from his arms and held her in mine.

“What have you done to her!” my grip tightened as I saw her not reacting and my eyes began to become watery.

“Just give up. She would be so useful for science.” he protested.

“No! She isn't an experiment. She... She... She is my love!” I shouted angrily at him.

“Oh boy, how cute.” he laughed.

“What did you gave her?” my tears started to fall on her face.

“I don't know. However. Now she won't be any use for me... nor for you.” he grinned a last time before he disappeared as fast as he appeared.

“Is she alright?” Kris arrived too.

“I don't know.” I looked with my teary face at him.

“Let's see.” he came to me and felt her arm and neck.

“She's not breathing... and her heart doesn't beat too.” he murmured and I panicked even more.

“What does that mean?” I totally lost the control over myself.

“Wait.” he suddenly pulled a injection out of his pocket and gave it her.

“All you can do now is waiting.” he squeezed my shoulder a last time before he left me alone.

“Miri...” I whispered her name while I brought her home.


She didn't wake up for days and it made me crazy. Even Baekhyun didn't know what to do. But one day where I was sitting in the corner, just waiting for her to wake up it happened.

“Miri.” I said and immediately walked to her when I saw that her chest was moving up and down again. Slowly she opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was my crying face.

“Kai... Why are you crying?” she said weakly.

“Because I love you.” I only managed to say as I squeezed her in my embrace.

“I can't breath.” she pushed against my chest but I didn't let her go.

“No. You're mine and I won't ever let you go.” my arms wrapped around her even more.

“Kai... I won't leave you.” Miri looked up and gave me her eye smile.

“Because I love you too.” she finally hugged me back.

“Promise me.” I took her face between my hands.

“Promise.” nodding she agreed. After she promised me I still hold her face and was now moving it closer to mine.

“Now you have to stay with me forever.” I whispered against her lips.

“I promise.” she repeated and I finally closed the gap between our lips. Something I missed really hard. Those soft lips against mine. Her sweet scent in my nose. And just her voice saying my name made me happy. To the extend where I could die happily.  




Hello  my fellas~ 

Hahah :D
 Sooo, I'd really appreciate it if you comment what you think about it~

I really hope you liked it >_<

It was just something I wrote after I had an idea .___.


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Chapter 16: Awwww was beautiful story!!! I like it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 16: Finished reading and it's so cute ^^ kyaaa~
I just finished reading your story "This coffee shop is our place" and the Sequel and it's so good! I'm excited for this one ^^
rudelysweetk21 #4
Chapter 16: Hooo so cute and sweet :D
Anniefan #5
Chapter 16: Awwww so sweet! I can't wait or yo future stories! Fighting!
kimaejae #6
Chapter 1: Wow this is……DAEBAK!!!!^•^
Chapter 2: I thought Jongin's gonna be the "human-like" experiment xD
Anniefan #8
Chapter 1: Omg! This is so creative! Please continue!
"New author stories"
Klicked on it
And I was like: freaking out, dancing(u know, I can't dance) and looking like a derp maniac
Sounds interesting <3