No One Will

So I
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Kyuhyun’s POV

This is the truth. I am falling for Ryeowook. I am falling in love with Ryeowook. I’ve realized this a long time ago, truthfully. But I kept it to myself, even tried pushing it away. I’m in love with Ryeowook but at the same time, I’m in love with my wife too. I still love her and most of the time, I feel like I’m cheating on her. I feel so guilty that now, Ryeowook occupies most of my mind and my heart. I… I don’t want to forget her. I really don’t.

But…. Staring at Ryeowook like this, under the dim lights of my room with his mouth slightly parted and his head tilted, I cannot help it. There I go, falling deep again. Ryeowook looks so confused that I just want to take his shoulders and shake the confusion out of him. I don’t understand why he wants to go back to his abusive husband but whatever it is, I know that I will never let him go back to that .


Closing the gap between Ryeowook and I, I pull him towards me and he stumbles forward. I catch him and hold him by his waist, tipping his chin up with my finger. He’s so delicate and small and those bruises on his cheeks… I wish I could have been there sooner last night. I lightly touch them and Ryeowook wince a little.

“I love you, Ryeowook.” I whisper. “I love you so much.”

Ryeowook stares into my eyes and I know he can see how sincere I am. I mean every word of it. Ryeowook swallows and then looks away, not wanting to look at me. His hands fondles with my shirt nervously.

“W-what about… What about your… Wife, Kyu?” Ryeowook asks. “You love her too.”

“I do.”

“I… Kyu,” Ryeowook finally looks up to meet me in the eye. “Do you love me or her more?”

“Do you really want to know the truth, Ryeowook?”

Ryeowook avoids my gaze again and he loosens his hold on mine. He pushes me away softly and turns away from me, hugging himself. He shakes his head and I can see him trying hard to control his tears. Taking a step closer to him, I hug Ryeowook from the back, my hands slipping around his waist. I kiss his neck and my fingers trace slow circles on his waist.

“Come here.”

I drag Ryeowook to the other part of the room. I realized that Ryeowook stopped looking at the pictures on the wall and I didn’t know if… I didn’t know if he saw the last two pictures. Honestly, this part of the wall was dedicated to my wife. I love taking pictures and I have almost thousands of picture sof her and Henry. I placed six pictures on this wall, six of my favaroutes of my wife and Henry. But…

I took out two just a few months ago.

“Look at this, sweetheart.” I whisper.

Ryeowook gasps and cover his mouth with his hands. I cannot see his reaction fully since I am still backhugging him but I can tell that he’s shocked. He shakily brings up his fingers and he starts the picture slowly. He stares at it for a long time before he moves to the next picture. Ryeowook doesn’t say anything for awhile making me nervous. Finally, Ryeowook turns around, looking at me straight in my eye. He suddenly caresses my cheeks, his eye glistering. I take his hands in mine and I kiss each knuckle lovingly.

“Is it weird that I love you just as much as I love her, Wookie?” I ask quietly. “If I ever did hurt you or made you feel like I’ve not loved you, then I’m truly sorry, Ryeowook. I’ve been confused for way too long.”

“And I just want to come to a conclusion right now.”

“I love you just as much as I love my wife. I love you just as much as I love Yoona.”

God. Her name. How long had it been since I said her name out loud. I used to hate saying her name and truthfully, I didn’t think that I could. But today… There’s no heartache, there’s no painful memories. I feel alright. I feel bright and I just… It just feel so nice to be able to say her name without my heart breaking.

“Yoona.” Ryeowook whispers. “That’s nice name.”

“Im Yoona.” I say. “Cho Im Yoona.”

Before I can say anything else, Ryeowook jumps onto me and cups my face, his lips pressed against mine. Without hesitation, I allow him to slip into my mouth and his tongue, bless his y tongue, explores me. He explores me shyly and I grin in the kiss. Ryeowook senses this and he grins as well. Ryeowook breaks apart just when I am about to take the lead.


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YohaNaoki #1
I miss you teacher Mira~
Happy New Year!!!! Have a great year ahead...... ^.^
nicoyuu #2
Chapter 9: love the last part when kyu comes to wook room, i can picture how the scene would be
Chapter 28: Please update soon
Baby Henry is cute
Chapter 3: I snorted milk out of my nose when kyuhyun said it sounds like henry is a beggar
Chapter 28: I can never get tired of this fanfic ❤️️❤️️
Chapter 28: This is a great story indeed..
I love it!! ^_^
xXChocolateCookiesXx #8
Chapter 28: This is such a beautiful story <3
YohaNaoki #9
Chapter 28: Miraaaaa~~~ Oh God.... I'm really miss kyuwook so much... I've re-read this fic since I tweet to you last night.... I miss them so much...