Level 19


He continued.

"At the basketball court that day, i was just playing around. Well, hitting on you literally but was failed. So i gave up on you".

You stayed silent for a while. You looked at Mark and sighed.

"What an excuse, Mark. Well, it was a good tactic".

You said sacrasmly. Then, you walked away from the cafeteria and went to the library. You laid your head on the desk and take a nap, thats what you thought. You didn't wanted to think anything right now. Soon, you opened your eyes. He was looking at you the whole time. He saw you were looking at your watch, so he answered for you.

"It's 2.30".

You were shocked knowing what the time is now. You quickly stood up and went to pack up your things in the class. But, you were stopped by Kai action. He grabbed your hand preventing you to walk further. You looked at him.

"What ? Let this hand. I'm late you know".

He showed you your bag.

"It's here".

"How did you know i'm here ?".

"Ju- there was someone told me that they saw you here".

"Ohhhhh, the someone-

"Let's go. You said you were late right ? Let's go".

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh, right. Let's go".

You quickly took your bag and went home, using Kai's motorbike. You refused him that you will just go back with Mr. Shin but he didn't approved it. He gave you helmet to wear while he was waiting for you to hop on the back. As he had finished wearing his helmet, he looked at you. You were still not wearing your helmet.

"Why ? Somethings wrong ?".

You hesitated at first to tell him, but you told him at last.

"I'm.... trauma with the motorbike. You know the story".

//right, i forgot that she had trauma//

He speak in his head. But then, he gave you encourage. He went to you and put the helmet on you.

"Don't worry. Just hold me as tight as you can, alright ?".

You nodded slowly and hop on the mototrbike. Kai started the engine and went to send you home. Little did you know, someone was watching you.


"Haeryung.... what are you ? Are you playing with us or what. Mark had kissed you, and Kai also had kissed you. Why can't you see me ?" *sighed*


You arrived at your home. You got down from the motorbike and gave Kai back the helmet.

"See you tomorrow".

"So fast ?  You didn't want to invite me in ?".

He said jokingly.

"For what ? No, i have to study. Just-

"Kai, my son-in-law".

You looked at your mother who was at the door, with widen eyes. Kai didn't hear it clearly as your mother was too far, so he asked you what is it.

"My mom said, you are here, Kai"

"Really ? It doesn't sound like that though".

"Up to you, you wanted to believe or not. I don't care. Just go, faster. Now".

"Why ?".

Your mother went to your side and said.

"Why you didn't invite him in ? I had cooked many for lunch, he can joined us".

"I was about to invite him in, right ?".

You lied.

You looked at Kai and he smirked at you.

"She is-

"Let's go in. I'm hungry".

You pushed your mother before she heard what Kai will said. You pinched him with your other hand before walked in to the house.

"Yeah, let's go. Kai, come".

"Yes, Mrs. Kim".

He followed behind and you, Mrs. Kim and Kai arrived at the dinig table soon.





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wolf88_bangtan #1
Chapter 21: I want her to be with kookie instead but at the same time i want her with kai.. and at the same time i want her with mark or maybe jackson?:D
kissmelover123 #2
Chapter 3: Was it jungkook!
Chapter 21: aww hahaha, maybe.. i'll take back what i say? :p
Chapter 20: aishhhhhh!!!! i hateeeeeee her father!! so controlling.. -.-
Chapter 20: Omg i feels like.. Uh what kind of father is that.
hyunniemia #6
Chapter 20: arrgghhh!!!i hate that old man~~~ u shouldn't be a father!!!!
crabbypatty #7
Chapter 20: Gees...slowdown old man...no need to slap...what kinda father is that...shees...
Karinkatoki #8
Chapter 20: Oh my cheesecake! What is with her father,like ugghhh!! Please update soon! :)
Chapter 19: So for all this while mark lied to her about jb? Omg im curious about what will happen with their relationship. Update ><
crabbypatty #10
Chapter 19: Awwww kookie is upset :(