
Our Journeys through AsianFanFics ⇝

Your AFF Journey!

Tell us how and when you came across the site, what your first username was (if you remember/if it's not the one you still have) and why you continue to stay. What are some of your favorite things about the site? What's something you would love to see on the site in the future? And any other kind messages you'd like to leave!

Create a graphic or a layout dedicated to the anniversary! Write a fictional story about your "adventure" coming to AFF. Whatever it may be, tag your post with #AFF5Years, as that would be the easiest way to track them all, and see if you make new friends this way.


(just type it as 'aff5years')

Thanks dream_keeper88 for posting this ^_^

Based on the post she linked, apparently AFF was created on April 2nd. Guess who else entered this world on this date? -winks-

Can't believe I never knew that. We should get a special prize for having our birthdays on AFF's birthday. I'm kidding. That would be kinda unfair.

So I came across this site WAY BEFORE I made an account. I think I try to search up a decent Yesung fanfic. Got through two chapters of one, and then decided it wasn't worth my time to keep reading. My first fanfic is the reason why I'm here. I decided to upload it because my friend said I should put it up on here. The rest is kinda history.

The sad thing is that all my friends that were in my original "kpop friends" group have left this site. I think they all left because they got too busy to read or write. So here I am. All alone. 

Except not really. I have you guys, my wonderful AFF friends. The reason why I come back even when I don't really want to read or write. But I like talking with you guys, whether I've been talking to you guys for the last few years to a month ago. (Sadly, I don't think there's a person on here that I've been talking to for the last 2.5 years. But people change. That's how life goes.)

I have two stories that I still plan to continue, but I think they'll be put on hold because there's this one idea I developed this Thursday that is begging to be heard. I'm not sure if I'll post it on here or whatever. We'll see.

Anyway gtg seeya! 


find it here! 

Thanks for your submission! 

-Soori ツ 

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sorry I haven't updated in a while, I know. I'll have some more post soon! -Soori


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Chapter 32: Lol XD tks for posting :)
How weird is this that I'm posting your blogs on a number that you can relate to!? This is all coincidental, btw. I'm not stalking you all or anything, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-cldte #3
Chapter 19: wah! i'm the 18th chapter!
my birthday's on the 18th (of nov, XD)! XD heh
Chapter 22: Thank you for posting! I love the idea of this.. I hope this is spreaded more widely.. btw, you're like so awesome for posting on chap 21 coz one of my most fave numbers is 21.. xD
Yoruclaw #5
Chapter 24: thank you this. I'm this will lead to great success (i dunno what i'm saying) Anyway happy birthday AFF! Wooh! I'm sure you made aff proud. (coz you made me proud ^^)
I believe you have asked my permission already :) you can post up mine ^^
Chapter 15: < 3 much love 2 u bae
Chapter 16: I love this <3 You're smart, thinking about on doing this. It's not a collection, It's a story. Story of US! ^______________________________^ GOOD JOB! and Goodluck :)) and it's really amazing that I was put in Chapter 15 :)) That's my birthday and my favorite number <3
coercion #9
Chapter 8: w eeps wanting to participate yet,
is embarrassed to u m.