
Our Journeys through AsianFanFics ⇝


So AFF's fifth anniversary is coming soon and it happens to be on my ex-bestie's birthday ( >.< ) and I decided to write up this blog post! You can write about yours as well!

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 

I joined AFF on the 13th of October, 2013. (omfg it happens to be my secret bias hyosung, bi and jimin's birthday on that very day skrmz) and my first account was derpyeolxo. Idk why did I made that my username either, Chanyeol isn't my top 6 EXO bias, lol. And then I found my username kinda...idk. I wanted a username that won't expose my bias. Like how derpyeolxo tells the others that my bias is Chanyeol. Mhm. So I created this account after I saw a tumblr picture with the quote hopes & dreams. Idk why didn't I make it hopexdreams thouh, but I think my current username is meant for me. (OH AND I CREATED THIS ACC ON KAI'S BIRTHDAY DO U FEEL ME). I knew the existence of this site over 2/3 years ago, but I wasn't a kpopper back then. Yes, I'm a new kpopper; since 280513. So after 5 months of being a kpopper, I created my first account. Yupz ^^. What made me stay was.. idk. I just felt the need to stay. I love reading fanfics, and I needed a nice place to read and let out my fanfics after I quit Quotev. I also stayed because of my promise. I promised myself that for once, I would be a reviewer, contestant for a writing contest, contest host, roleplayer, admon of a roleplay and a roleplay owner. So far, I achieved all but a contest host. But that doesn't mean I'll quit after I host a contest of my own. Maybe after I get extremely busy to the point that kpop isn't a life necessity to me then I'll quit. (:


Some of my favorite things in this site is.. the upvote and subscribe thing. It makes me happy when I see an upvote or subscriber at my story's stats. I also love how we can use layouts and shet. I love HTML but sadly I don't have the creativity. OTL. In the future, I'd love to see this site having more fonts. I don't see all the fuss over AFF changing too much. Imho, change is good. It helps you adapt to a variety of situations. ^^ 


Well that's it for now, I guess. Tell me yours! ♡ 


find it here! 

Thanks for your submission! 

-HeRan ♡



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sorry I haven't updated in a while, I know. I'll have some more post soon! -Soori


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Chapter 32: Lol XD tks for posting :)
How weird is this that I'm posting your blogs on a number that you can relate to!? This is all coincidental, btw. I'm not stalking you all or anything, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-cldte #3
Chapter 19: wah! i'm the 18th chapter!
my birthday's on the 18th (of nov, XD)! XD heh
Chapter 22: Thank you for posting! I love the idea of this.. I hope this is spreaded more widely.. btw, you're like so awesome for posting on chap 21 coz one of my most fave numbers is 21.. xD
Yoruclaw #5
Chapter 24: thank you this. I'm this will lead to great success (i dunno what i'm saying) Anyway happy birthday AFF! Wooh! I'm sure you made aff proud. (coz you made me proud ^^)
I believe you have asked my permission already :) you can post up mine ^^
Chapter 15: < 3 much love 2 u bae
Chapter 16: I love this <3 You're smart, thinking about on doing this. It's not a collection, It's a story. Story of US! ^______________________________^ GOOD JOB! and Goodluck :)) and it's really amazing that I was put in Chapter 15 :)) That's my birthday and my favorite number <3
coercion #9
Chapter 8: w eeps wanting to participate yet,
is embarrassed to u m.