
More than Two

Chapter 15: Pain


[Saturday June 22nd, 2013]


The whole week, BamBam and I have been avoiding each other.  After the incident in the piano room on Monday, we just gave each other space.  I barely talked to Yugyeom these past few days and I declined every invite from Youngjae to the JYP building.  Even at school, BamBam tried to pass by my locker infrequently.  And when Jr. and Yugyeom came to see me during lunch, BamBam wouldn't be with them.  The guys, including Youngjae, gradually found out about what had happened that day.  Youngjae wasn't too happy about it.  I hope we end up getting back to our normal selves.


I stand in front of the mirror and stare at my back through my tank top.  A bruise is starting to take color because of the multiple hits I got from the piano.  It wasn't pretty but why does it matter, right?  What concerns me is the suffering that comes with it.  Just by putting on a jacket, I can feel a slight sting.  And I've tried to prevent myself from lying down on my back, but I forget most of the time.  So I end up getting hurt even more.


It'll heal soon... Right?


I examine the injury, noticing the small size of the discolored skin.  Although the color is not everywhere, the pain is spread like seeds in a garden; in other words, all over the place.  I wonder how I'm going to survive in PE... I guess I'll just have to figure out something.




I hear my eomma shout to me from her room, telling me to get the door for her.  I shrug then run out of my room and down the stairs.


When I open the door, I'm surprised to find BamBam standing there; the person I least expected to show up at my doorstep.  We make eye contact for a few seconds until I look away.


- "What brought you here?" I ask, looking at everything but him.

- "I came here because..." BamBam's voice trails.  "I... I wanted to apologize for what I did," he mumbles.


I don't say anything for some reason.  I wanted to tell him that I forgive him but the words weren't coming out.  He sighs after my silence.


- "I know I hurt you. But believe me when I say that I truly am sorry and I wasn't intending to do so. You're very special to me, Yunhee. I wouldn't want to make you feel pain," BamBam explains.  He gently takes my hand and I blush.  "Please forgive me, Yunhee. I promise I won't hurt you ever again. And if I ever break that promise, then... I'll allow you to hate me forever. But please, just don't hate me now,"

- "Don't say that," I whisper.

- "Huh?" BamBam wonders.


I sigh and close my eyes.  Opening them again, I finally look at him once more.  He seems sad, worried and confused all at the same time.


- "I never hated you and I never will hate you. No matter how many times you hurt me, you will always be my friend. You got that?" I reassure him.  I reach for his shoulder with my free hand.  "So don't ever think any other way,"

- "Does this mean you're forgiving me?" BamBam questions and I smile.

- "Mh," I agree with a nod.


Right after I said that, loud pops are heard and confetti is burst out on each side of the boy in front of me.  This shocks me and I jump forward, into the arms of the one and only BamBam.


- "Congratulations!" people congratulate in singsong voices.

- "Finally, the two of you made up! It took you forever!" a familiar voice says.


I swiftly look up and glare at the people beside me.  Yugyeom, Jackson and JB at my left then Jr. and Mark at my right.  They were hiding behind the wall so I couldn't see them at first.  But when they heard me forgive BamBam, they came closer and encircled us.  The five have confetti poppers in their hands and they all popped them at the same time, saying congratulations right after.  They had huge smiles on their faces.


I quickly move away from BamBam with my hands clenched.


- "YAH!" I yell and they all look at me with fright.

- "Woah there. Calm down, calm down," Jinyoung takes my hand hesitantly.

- "Aww! Did we scare you?" Jaebum teases, reaching for my cheek to pinch it.


I shoo his hand and I snatch my arm from Jr.  I take a second to look at all of them with my sharp stare.  I groan and turn around in my tracks.  I enter my home and leave the door open.


- "Can we come inside? It's kind of hot out here," Jackson asks as he sticks his head through the doorway.

- "Do what you want. I don't care anyways," I respond in an annoyed tone.


They all enter the house and take off their shoes.  I go into the living room and they follow behind me while they chat.  I carefully sit down at one end of the longer sofa, remembering the bruise on my back.  Next to me are BamBam —ironically—, Jackson then Yugyeom.  On the smaller couch, there is Jinyoung, Mark and Jaebum seated.


- "So what did you guys come here for?" I question.

- "Didn't BamBam just tell you? For an apology," Yugyeom states the obvious.

- "I know that. But I meant you guys not him," I gesture my hands towards BamBam.  They all look at each other, wondering what to answer.

- "We had the day off," Jr. starts.

- "And we were bored" JB continues.

- "So we came here," Jackson goes on.

- "And we dragged BamBam with us to apologize," Yugyeom adds.  I look at the four with a raised brow, while BamBam chuckles.


Did they practice talking that way, or we're they always like this?


They all look at Mark, who hasn't talked since he came in.  We wait for him to say something.


"Do you have food?" the oldest speaks up.


I roll my eyes as I head to the kitchen.  I find chip bags, cookies and some leftovers of a cake.  I put them all on a tray, adding a jug of water and glasses to it.  I bring it all to the living room, where six guys were waiting patiently for the deliciousness.  They stare at me like little children.  I slowly place each item on the coffee table, occasionally eying each one of them.  When I step back, they all wait for me to say something.


- "You may eat," I give them permission, as if I needed to.  They all smile.

- "Jal meoggessseubnida (thank you)!" they say in unison, before devouring the snacks like pigs.


I shake my head as I go back to the kitchen to return the tray.




The six boys are still in my house for some reason.  I can't get them to leave.  It's been four hours that we're sitting here, and they are somehow not bored.  They played a few games, chatted for awhile and ate a lot.  Right now, Jaebum, Jinyoung, Mark and BamBam are having a conversation about something.  Jackson and Yugyeom are playing some game.  And it seems like it needs quite a lot of space because they pushed BamBam and I closer to the side of the couch.  I'm actually at the edge.  I feel like I'll fall if I move–


"AHH!" I scream as I fall off the sofa.  My side makes contact with the hard floor, and I feel pain throughout my body.  I hear the six snicker at me.  I turn to look at them.


"Gwaenchanhayo (are you alright)?" Jr. asks me with a smile.


BamBam has his hand reached out to me, offering me help to get back up.  I accept and I stand up.  I glare at the two boys laughing the most and I walk up to them.  I hit their heads lightly —but hard enough to feel the impact— with my fist and they wince.  They both hold the area hit.


- "Ow!" Yugyeom and Jackson whine at the same time.

- "Yah! You fatties!" I insult them.  "Stop moving around so much! You made me fall down and now I'm going to have to deal with more injuries!"

- "Haha, mianhe (sorry)," they apologize with uneasy smiles.  But they obviously purposely did that to annoy me.

- "Did we tell you that," Jackson starts.

- "You look awfully cute today?" Yugyeom finishes.  They are trying to avoid my anger by complimenting me.

- "What are you two talking about?" I question.

- "It's true. You seem to be wearing something different than usual today," Mark states.


I turn around to look at the three others on the other couch.  I notice all eyes were on me.


What were they talking about?


I then realize what I'm wearing.  It's a really hot day, so I decided to wear something a bit short to let my skin breath.  A tank top and shorts seemed fine at first.  I didn't think I'd have visitors today.  I guess I forgot about my outfit since I was so busy serving these guys some food and whatnot.


- "What do you think BamBam?" Jackson suddenly asks the one next to him.  I look their way and the small boy's cheeks redden.

- "W-well... uh, I..." BamBam stutters.

- "Doesn't she look pretty?" JB then joins in the conversation.  A shade of pink appears on my cheeks as well.


I don't wait for anyone else to say anything.  I just run out of the living room and head straight for my bedroom.  I sit on my bed, taking a deep breath.




My door creaks as it opens slightly.  It's probably BamBam at the door.  Maybe the guys sent him to come see me.  Typical.


- "I don't feel like talking right now," I say without facing him.

- "But can I enter at least?" he questions.


Wait a minute. That's not BamBam's voice.


I look at the person at the door.  It's Jr.


- "Oh, it's you. Uh, ne. Come in," I tell him.

- "Were you expecting someone else other than me?" he asks me.  "I can leave if you want,"

- "Oh aniyo (no). Please stay. I think I'd rather talk to you than anyone else," I admit.  He comes in the room.

- "So what's bothering you? If it's Jackson and Jaebum hyung's teasing, then you could just tell them to stop. If anything, you can come to me for help," Jinyoung suggests as he sits next to me.

- "Ani (no), I'm used to their teasing. It's just that I was embarrassed. I guess I'm actually blaming myself for what I'm wearing," I confess.

- "Come on, don't be like that," he pauses and pulls me up.  He brings me in front of my mirror.  "Look at yourself. You're cute. We all think so. So don't be embarrassed on how you look. Be thankful that you have this unique beauty. Arraseo (okay)?" Jinyoung reveals as he smiles.  He puts his hand on my back.

- "Ah! Oppa, please don't put your hand there. It hurts," I inform him.

- "Why? What's wrong?" he looks at my back.  "Whoa. Is that BamBam's doing?"


I nod.  He examines the bruise.


- "Wah, um, I'm really sorry for what BamBam did to you. I'll be sure to take extra good care of you from now on," Jr. expresses.

- "Gomawo (thanks) Jinyoung oppa," I thank softly.

- "You should cover that up a bit. It really covers a big part of you back. I wonder how I didn't see it at first," he mumbles the last part.


I chuckle, thinking the same thing as Jinyoung.  I pull out a loose shirt from my drawer.  I put it on, over my clothes so I'm more covered up.


- "I think now that I'm wearing this, I feel more comfortable going back out," I tell Jinyoung then I head for the door.

- "It was because of BamBam, right?" he stops me from leaving.

- "The bruise? Ne, I just said so," I answer.

- "Ani, I mean the reason why you found it awkward out there," Jr. clarifies.

- "Um... I guess so. Probably because I know he likes me," I agree.

- "And because you like him too, right?" he adds.  I look at him with a shocked expression.

- "W-what?" I interrogate.  He smiles at me then leans in closer to my face.

- "I know you like him. But don't worry, I'll keep it a secret," he replies then winks.


How did he find out?


When he backs away, he grabs my hand and brings me out of the room.  We walk back to where the others were.  They were surprisingly quiet when we got there.  JB, Jackson and Yugyeom stand up.


- "Joesonghabnida (we’re sorry)," the three bow at me as they apologize.

- "We didn't intend on making you run away," Yugyeom begins.

- "We didn't think you'd react like that," Jackson says seriously.

- "We're very sorry," Jaebum apologizes again.


The three bow once more.  Jinyoung and I glance at each other.  We then look back at the three regretful guys.  Before I can say anything, Yugyeom comes up to me.


- "Mianhe. I'm not usually like that," Yugyeom tells me, although I already realized that.

- "Gwaenchanha (it’s okay). Don't be so hard on yourself," I forgive.  I pat his arm reassuringly.  I look behind him, at JB.  "And you too,"


He comes closer, and he ruffles my hair.


- "Too bad you changed. You really did look cute," Jaebum smiles at me.

- "And you mister, I'm forgiving you as well," I mention.  Jackson walks up to me with a smile and open arms.

- "Ah! Wait you can't–" Jr. stops midway.


It was too late to stop him.  Jackson already did what he wasn't supposed to do: hug me.  And of course it would be the Jackson Wang signature hug; the one where his arms wrap around the person's body perfectly, like two puzzle pieces put together.


- "AHH!" I scream.  He steps back swiftly.

- "What? What did I do?" Jackson worries.  He then gets a hit from the JJ duo.

- "Yah! How can you do that!?" Jaebum shouts.

- "Don't you know that she has a huge bruise on her back!?" Jinyoung yells at well.

- "Huh!? What!? Mianhe! I didn't know!" Jackson starts to panic.  I'm not really sure why.


Yugyeom tries to help me, asking if I needed an ice pack.  I refuse though.  BamBam and Mark stand up to come closer to the scene.  They laugh slightly at the ridiculous looking boy in front of me.  They end up coming next to me, trying to take part into this mess.  They use the famous 'Are you alright?' line, where I nod as an answer.  The JJ project continue to scold Jackson.  I just try to relieve the pain with a slight rub on the back. But I'm obviously failing at it.


- "Gwaenchanha. I forgive you for that too," I nod my head at Jackson.  "Just try to hug people with less force. Your arms squeeze too tight. Relax them a little, please,"

- "Of course, of course. I'll try my best," Jackson nods vigorously as the others laugh.  He somehow seems very serious.

Hi everyone! I'm back and... HAPPY NEW YEAR!  2015 is finally here and so am I with another update (first of the year XD)!  So this chapter is very relaxed, as you can probably tell.  No Youngjae though :( Sorry.... However, I put a lot of GOT7 (-1) because I felt as if I don't put them enough anymore... I'm sorry if you didn't really like it that much, but this is what I have for you guys.

Oh and if you haven't yet... Please take this :)

Well that's it for now! God bless you! Peace~


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Chapter 1: I completely understand about fighting parents. Mine fought frequently when I was growing up, but now that I'm an adult (and live in a different house), they don't seem to fight very much. I definitely feel her pain of wanting to escape. I'm glad she found a friend, too. Youngjae seems like a nice guy. I hope they stay close.
I'm so curious about who she will choose!
Young jae and bambam omgeeeee my two got7 biases
teddysenpais #4
Chapter 16: sobs, i've been so emotional over this amazing fanfic! ;________; can you think of making a second ending for yunhee and youngjae, perhaps? ^-^
outofmymind7 #5
Chapter 16: craziness going on here. I think I'm getting my bam feels. this kiddddddd. thank you for updating author-nim. :))))
2good4you6 #6
Chapter 16: asdfghjkl!!!! Bambam. He's so cheese this kid. I like him best. :) But Younjae is a cutie XD
wonderbang_9pm #7
Chapter 16: That Yunhee and Youngjae moment tho.... ahhhhhhhhh! I can't anymore. It's too much. Too many feels for me to hangle. hsaaddashadsdashuoiadsdffghjk
got7babiesyo #8
Chapter 16: Great update!!! author-nim I missed you. Watched Dream Night too!!!