First Kiss

I'm the one for you


Tonight was the night of the winter festival and everyone was very excited and cheering to go everyone but you. Today was like hell with an aching head, a blocked nose, and non-stop coughing it was hell. The girls were all jumping with joy and Nina was the most excited because Minho has finally asked her to go with him, she wouldn’t stop talking about him…

This is what she would say: ‘OMO MINHO asked me I can’t believe it well I can but ahh and everyone said he planned something ahh he is so perfect I have to look awesome!!’


SHINee today had been out all day doing fans meet so you haven’t seen Onew all day meaning he doesn’t know you are like dying in bed right now in need of his sweet scent. After a while everyone was ready for the Winter Festival as Nina told you everyone was leaving she waved goodbye and everyone was gone.

…Meanwhile at the Winter Festival SHINee boys have arrived and have met up with the trainees. Immediately Onew notices that you are not there as he pulls Nina aside and questions her about you. He rushes home in a hurry to stay with you.


Onew pulls open the door and sees you lying there in your jumper and track pants with messy bed hair. He comes and sits beside you…

‘Why didn’t you tell me you were sick I would have come straight home I would have stayed home from the fans meet, I want to look after you… ’

He told you as he put his head on your forehead. As you started coughing he went behind you and started your back as his hand slid up and down your back the coughing went away. He told you he will be back as he left the room you could hear noises coming from outside. Curiosity got the best of you as you peeked your head outside you saw him rushing around the kitchen a few minutes later he came back as you rushed back into bed you tripped over your blanket he came to see you on the ground. He placed something on the ground and carried you back to the bed as he did he shook his head and your hair.

He made you soup and next to the soup was cough medicine that you hated because it tastes like HELL!! He saw your expression and placed the medicine on the table. You were about to pick the spoon up when he placed his hand on top of yours and pulled the soup towards his lips blowing away the hot steam from the soup before letting you eat it.

After finishing the soup he pulled out the medicine making disgusted face he gave you a small cup and poured it in. You refused immediately…

‘I will be fine seriously a day in bed is all I need!’           

Yes, you told me that last time and remember what happened, now can you take some more for me?’

‘Oppa don’t worry I will be okay I need my rest is all’

‘I can’t take that chance and risk you getting hurt I wouldn’t be able to bare watching you hurt or sick  please if you take just a little then I will give you something’

You opened your mouth and he poured the disgusting medicine into your mouth and he asked you to close your eyes afterwards.

Obediently closing your eyes you could feel him leaning in close to you and could feel his arms slide around your waist. Your heart was like a hammer inside and as you were about to open your eyes his lips lightly touched yours, your first kiss with him he was gentle and sweet. He turned his head closer to yours as his lips became more intense on yours, your hands slid up to his chest where you could feel his heart beating underneath his thin tee, his heart was beating at the same pace as your own which only made yours speed up. Your eyes peeked open as he pulled away and he smiled;

‘Was that worth drinking the medicine?’

‘It was worth so much more than drinking medicine’

Your hands went up to where his lips touched and they were so soft where his lips left. Until you realised…

‘Why did you kiss me? You are going to get sick too you say you can’t risk me being sick but you can risk yourself! Did you think about how I would feel?’

You pushed him away and him but of course he turned you around and pulled your face to his.

‘A kiss from you is always worth getting sick; I would rather get sick then not be allowed to kiss you.’

Leaning down he grazed his lips against yours and pulled you closer. Nina then burst in with Minho the both of them holding hands, Nina put her hand close to her face and something ‘SHINee’ attracted your eyes.

‘OMG, Wah YEPPOH let me see’ you told her as you pulled her hand close to your face examining the ring closely.

‘FINALLY you two are an official couple, we all have been waiting for this!’ Onew spoke up as he patted his dongsaeng on the back.

‘Now all we waiting are for you two to be an official couple’ Minho said as he pokes Onew in the stomach. After Minho made that comment Onew turned to you making you blush and change the subject. ( I posted another fanfic of what happened with Minho & Nina at teh festival)

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lux-et-veritas #1
@ x__Tao: I love Onew as well so I would appreciate it if you would turn your attention towards the guitar instead. Much obliged.
I love onew :D
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwwwww <3<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
so cute :"><br />
OHHHMYYYGOOOSH! I totally love this story~!!! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
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anyway, new reader here! and I just finished reading the whole story .. it was really nice! The BEST! :DDD<br />
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Though at first I felt bad for Dongwoon but when I saw that he was kinda cheating with Alicia I was like "serves him RIGHT! D:" when Onew punched him before it happened .. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that this story is really GREAT! nooo! AMAZING! nooo, wait! FANTASTIC! okay .. there ain't enough words to describe how much I love this fanfic of yours! seriously! ♥ (:<br />
I hope you will make a new fanfic with still Onew in it as the guy that the main girl will end up with .. HWAITING~! (((: ♥
u finished already???