I Will Always Be The One For You

I'm the one for you

You approached the stage with Onew right behind you his hand on your back assured you once again. Onew began with a cute joke and a smile as he looked over at you, he handed you the microphone with a reassuring look.

‘The first time I met Nina was at SME and she was a weirdo but that was okay because I was exactly the same. When we received the news that we made it into SME we were so excited because of course we get to meet the Mega Super Stars SHINee!! When we first met SHINee I could tell straightaway Nina & Minho were a match-made in heaven, just the way they looked at each other made me wish I had someone look at me like that. Nina & Minho are the sweetest couple I have ever known and they make me believe in true love. TO NINA & MINHO FOREVER HELPING CRAZY PEOPLE LIKE MEJCHEERS’

You got off the podium receiving a hug from Nina & Minho and a hug from Dongwoon. The music began as they were pulled onto the dance floor for their first dance as mist swirled around Nina’s dress; you sat watching them in awe as couples slowly made their way onto the dance floor. Dongwoon was nowhere to be seen until you saw him at the bar talking to some girl but for some reason you couldn’t care less at this very moment.

You looked to the door where Onew & Lisa were in a heated argument as she stormed off towards the bar for a drink. Onew looked upset as he drifted outside you followed him knowing there was only one place he would go.

Onew was on the roof as your arms slid around him turning him around. He smiled immediately as he saw you after a while he just held your hands watching the stars in silence. When Jonghyun came up announcing that Nina & Minho wants to know where two of the most important people left to.

Running back down it was time for Nina to throw the bouquet. As all the girls lined up somehow you got pushed beside Lisa. The music played as Nina taunted all of youse with the bouquet as all the guys whistled and cheered the girls on.

The bouquet was in the air as you felt it graze your fingertips you went for it but someone beside you shoved you to the ground; it was Lisa. On the ground you felt really weird like you were going to throw up as everything became blurry and distorted you heard something as you looked in the distance Lisa had the bouquet saying she guesses you wouldn’t be getting your hands on Onew. As you saw Onew brush her off and the last thing you saw was Onew & Dongwoon running towards your lifeless body…

You woke to be found in a hospital bed with the white hospital gowns on over your now shivering body. As someone crushed your body with a hug it was Dongwoon saying something to you but your head hurt too much to really comprehend what he was telling you. You were then crushed by another body this time it was Nina as you slowly made out what she was saying;

‘…OMO did you know how worried we all were?? Why didn’t you take your meds? Are you crazy? We thought you died on the dance floor when you weren’t breathing you know how scared I was?? Is this the reality you wanted?? You have been unconscious for three days!!’

‘Sorry, what do you mean? I took my meds that whole time?’

‘Obviously you didn’t. We did a tox scan all they could find was orange vitamins that they use for kids in your system.’

‘WHAT? Pass me my handbag!’

They gave you your handbag and inside your handbag was your vitamin bottle that now only contained Kids Vitamin lollies that tasted exactly like your medication. You realised that Lisa was acting strange that day and it was her the whole time.

‘It was Lisa, I remember her touching my bag and she gave me this really evil smile.’

As you said that the door closed as you saw Onew’s shadow through the window knowing where he was heading.  Onew didn’t come back but you didn’t hear from Lisa ever again.

Nina had to go home with Minho as she hugged you telling you goodbye. You looked over at sleeping Dongwoon as you remembered his face running towards you as you out but Onew’s face was clearer. You asked Dongwoon about that night he left out many details mainly he said he carried you after you collapsed and stayed with you 24/7 as you his tired head you thanked him and he said it was nothing that comment made you a little uneasy but you ignored it.

Dongwoon finally had to leave because of his schedule as he left without even kissing you. In an angry mood you lifted the blanket over your head and tried to sleep until you heard someone came inside the room.

‘…She is asleep’ you heard a nurse say to the other person.

 ‘Oh it’s okay I won’t be long I promise.’ It was Jonghyun as he came in he sat beside you without moving the blanket.

‘Okay, Alicia I don’t know If you can hear me or not but I... oh jeez Onew is going to kill me if he finds out but anyways I need to tell you and I hope you understand. Onew is the one that carried you out of the hotel that night he was the one that took care of you all those nights not Dongwoon. Onew is the one that carried you from the roof to your bed that night; he is the one that gave Dongwoon the jacket to give to you. The night you collapsed we saw Dongwoon kissing another girl and Onew wanted to tell you but he couldn’t bring it to break your heart but when he saw you collapse he couldn’t…  Onew really loves you he never wanted to tell you because he believed you deserved better than him but Alicia no guy could love you as much as he does… Please Onew is my best friend and he is in pain. I hope you understand. ‘

He closed the door behind him as him as tears flowed from your eyes they wouldn’t stop as you cried out everything. Dongwoon came inside as you calmly explained to him everything somehow he understood but the both of you weren’t angry or upset it was just a natural break-up that flowed without hesitation.

The hospital released you as Nina picked you up they gave you your hoodie with jeans you got dressed to confront Onew.

He was on the roof as you approached him he turned away. You grabbed him by the arm and refused to let go.

‘Why… Why didn’t you tell me all these times…? Everything you did for me? Why wouldn’t you just tell me why did you help Dongwoon?’

‘What did Jonghyun tell you? Why? Why didn’t I tell you? Because you are better off without me I have made you cry so many times and I can’t handle seeing tears escape those eyes anymore. I just can’t... Go be with Dongwoon he makes you happy and I will be fine.’

‘Better… You call being cheated on better than having someone taking care of me the way you do? You make me happy not him every time I was with him all I could think of was you. You are like forever replaying in my brain. If you refuse to see me cry the only way you can stop my tears is by kissing me.’

After you said that comment he pulled you close as his lips touched yours like never before this time his lips weren’t soft and short it was long and intense like not having some in a while they you can’t stop after a taste. One hand immediately slid around your waist pulling you even closer as your hand slid up to his soft hair, you refused to let his lips leave yours.



You were sitting in Onew’s warm lap beside the camp fire with Nina & Minho on the other side of the fire cuddling up with Onew always felt so warm and safe. You were on a camp trip with you best friends and the boy you loved what more could you ask for. As you looked up to the sky his lips touched your cold neck as he whispered into your ear:

‘ I will always be the one for you’

As you drifted asleep in his arms…


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lux-et-veritas #1
@ x__Tao: I love Onew as well so I would appreciate it if you would turn your attention towards the guitar instead. Much obliged.
I love onew :D
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwwwww <3<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
so cute :"><br />
OHHHMYYYGOOOSH! I totally love this story~!!! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
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anyway, new reader here! and I just finished reading the whole story .. it was really nice! The BEST! :DDD<br />
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Though at first I felt bad for Dongwoon but when I saw that he was kinda cheating with Alicia I was like "serves him RIGHT! D:" when Onew punched him before it happened .. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that this story is really GREAT! nooo! AMAZING! nooo, wait! FANTASTIC! okay .. there ain't enough words to describe how much I love this fanfic of yours! seriously! ♥ (:<br />
I hope you will make a new fanfic with still Onew in it as the guy that the main girl will end up with .. HWAITING~! (((: ♥
u finished already???