Awkward Love

I'm the one for you

Nina practically burst up to you as she did she waved her hand around her face making you noticed the giant ring on her middle finger. You finally realised that the ring was an engagement ring practically throwing your arms around her you pulled her into a hug.


Nina spilled all the details to you as you went and hugged Minho as well. Onew went and hugged the both of them smiling brightly a smile that you haven’t seen in a long time.

‘Alicia, Onew we would like you both to be the maid of honour and the best man at the wedding.’

 You & Onew exchanged glances but in the end of course you agreed. The hugging was all done and now all the hard planning. As the maid of Honour and the Best man both you & Onew are expected to do lots of planning and work which means lots of time with him making it so much harder to erase him…

The wedding is planned three weeks away. Today Nina & Minho ordered the maid of honour & the best man to go & check on the cake and do a little taste test.  Arriving at the cake shop was fast because of the crazy driver.

Onew and you walked into the cake shop and it was beautiful inside the nice smell of new baked cookies and couples were everywhere. Onew & You walked up to the reception area and he asked if we could try the wedding cake as he did the waiter said:

‘The cake is finished you can have a taste test we will bring it out to you just go sit at the booth and by the way, you two make a beautiful couple.’

Your cheeks flushed red as Onew saw your cheeks you could see a small smile form on his lips. Sitting on the booth there was not much space so you ended up sitting right beside each other, as your knees grazed his own your heart leapt. The waiter came back out and placed a slice of cake down but only one fork before Onew could call him back he skipped away yes he practically skipped away.

Onew looked to you;

‘Come on its not like we have never shared food before it will be okay’

‘Fine, ladies first’

‘No I insist you try it’

He picked up the fork and placed a piece in his mouth as he did his dimple appeared making you all fuzzy inside. He his lips making you almost drool.

‘YUM, now you try some.’

He placed the fork in your hand as you grabbed a slice and ate it in one bite but as you did a bit of icing went on your lips.

He started smiling brightly as he noticed the icing on your lips as you raised your hand to wipe it he stopped you;

‘No your hand is dirty.’

As he leaned over he moved close as you closed your eyes his lips touched yours. You nearly died right there in the cake store. After a minute he moved away he smiled at you and as he did you heard a cough from the other side of the table it was the waiter;

‘Oh young love. I’m, guessing you both like the cake.’

Still in a daze from the kiss you couldn’t reply so Onew talked and you just nodded along with what he suggested.

After the cake store the next stop was the formal clothing shop to pick up the boy’s tux and the bride maid’s dress, Nina’s dress was specially made so wouldn’t be picked up until the night before.

Entering the shop everything smelt new making you feel that you wouldn’t fit in at the shop but Onew dragged you inside. Onew had to go try on his tux so you waited outside his dressing room and of course you couldn’t help but imagine his getting dressed just behind that small curtain. Your fingers traced your lips once more just to make sure that kiss was real and not a figment of your imagination. You went up to see the large mirrors when in the reflection you saw him walk out of the change rooms…

Onew had on a black suit with a black untied bowtie. He came beside you and his smile couldn’t help but come out. You turned around to see him as he tried to tie his tie in the mirror he couldn’t get it right so you stepped in. Your hands went up to his neck fixing the tie with the whole time his eyes were on your face. You finished but couldn’t bring yourself to let go of him, you raised your head and stared into his eyes. His face moved closer to yours but as he did you heard the assistant call your name to try on your dress. Letting go of him he whispered to you;

‘Don’t worry I will wait for you…’

 You took a breath and pulled the curtain back to see Onew quickly standing in his tux. Your dress was simple yet elegant with a nice green and a bow. Onew’s eyes grew as you walked towards him, the assistant made you try on the heels making you stumble.  As you got closer you walked up towards the mirror ducking your head to avoid his wide eyes. Climbing up the stairs you stumbled and his hands immediately caught you in time. As he took you towards the mirror his eyes didn’t leave you. The assistant came up behind you to fix the bow on your dress but Onew told her he can do it. Onew’s warm hands came up behind you as he tied the bow his eyes watched you in the mirror.

‘There now you are perfect but you were always perfect’ He told you as he smiled at you through the mirror. Your cheeks flushed red at the mention of being perfect in his eyes. His eyes caught your cheeks as he your now heated cheek with his finger. You stood beside each other looking at your reflection besides him wondering how you got this way with him. Someone’s voice interpreted your thoughts and by the looks of it their voice disturbed Onew.  It was Dongwoon he came in with Lisa.

‘Oh hi what are you two doing here?’ Lisa’s screeching voice boomed in the room holding a soft drink.  Dongwoon came up beside you pulling you away from Onew as Lisa came up beside Onew.

‘Wah, yeppoh Alicia but this bow is distracting but other than that really nice.’                                           

That made Onew’s smile leave as Dongwoon mocked the dress as you nodded along. Lisa was talking to Onew saying she preferred a neck tie than a bow tie. Your smile also vanished making you clench your teeth you went to go take off the dress leaving the others to talk. Looking back once more you saw Onew glanced back at you as the both of you shared a look you shut the curtain. 

Arriving back home Nina & Minho were in full couple mode with matching tees sitting on the lounge linking fingers. You & Onew arrived home together because Dongwoon & Lisa left for schedules and other stuff. Trying to sneak past the lounge to not disturb the couple Nina & Minho caught you & Onew with the outfits. The couple made you & Onew try on the outfits and do runway for them. They pushed you & Onew in the bathroom together to get dressed. Onew slid off his shirt in front of you and you couldn’t help but stare at his body. He caught your eyes and he smiled as you blushed turning the other way. He looked at you to get dressed but you glared back at him;

‘I guess you want me to turn around.’

‘No please watch.’


He told you with a sly grin on his face while sitting on the bath tubs edge. You couldn’t help but smile back as you pushed him making him fall into the tub. You leant out your arm for him to grab, he tugged your arm and he was up but he was strong pulling you to him making you stumble falling down on him. Leaning against his bare chest was warm but you laughed awkwardly and he turned the other way while closing his eyes so you could get dressed. You easily slid into the dress but as the zipper was at the back and you have no assistant you attempted to zip the dress when his warm hand slid across your zipping the dress.  You turned around to look in his eyes as he fixed your bow. You opened the door and on the other side was Nina & Minho, you realised they were on the other side of the door listening in the whole time. Both you & Onew gave them a glare before they did a cute giggle sitting back down.  You & Onew spun around 50 times to show them the outfits making them squeal and gasp.  Nina pulled out her camera telling you & Onew to do a couple pose. That made it a little awkward but Minho pushed Onew close to you as Onew came up and hugged you from behind a bright smile came upon both of your lips. After a few more cute poses it was over.

The wedding date was approaching as it did Nina became more crazy/psychopath. It was your job to pick up her dress. Minho decided that it would be a good idea for Onew to come with you. You & Onew glanced back at the couple and suspected there was an evil plan in their heads.

The both of you went to grab the dress together in the car and you talked with him like you were old friends no awkward silences no mention of Dongwoon or Lisa just friends.  Nina’s dress was specially made by Minho’s mum’s friend who was a dress maker. The Korean wedding dress was princess like with a tiara and a bow (yes I like bows leave me alone). Picking up the dress was easy as you paid for the dress another ‘Omo you guys are a cute couple’ just made the both of you smile. 

 You gave Nina the dress while pushing the boys out of the dorm room. Nina looked like a princess in the dress as she placed the tiara in her hair you gasped in awe and when you did Minho groaned complaining he really wanted to see his Yebboh as you shushed the boys. Jonghyun, Key & Taemin were trying to push open the door and Key really wanted to come in saying he is a stylist.

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lux-et-veritas #1
@ x__Tao: I love Onew as well so I would appreciate it if you would turn your attention towards the guitar instead. Much obliged.
I love onew :D
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwwwww <3<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
so cute :"><br />
OHHHMYYYGOOOSH! I totally love this story~!!! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
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anyway, new reader here! and I just finished reading the whole story .. it was really nice! The BEST! :DDD<br />
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Though at first I felt bad for Dongwoon but when I saw that he was kinda cheating with Alicia I was like "serves him RIGHT! D:" when Onew punched him before it happened .. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that this story is really GREAT! nooo! AMAZING! nooo, wait! FANTASTIC! okay .. there ain't enough words to describe how much I love this fanfic of yours! seriously! ♥ (:<br />
I hope you will make a new fanfic with still Onew in it as the guy that the main girl will end up with .. HWAITING~! (((: ♥
u finished already???