All is Forgiven

I'm the one for you

You rushed to the roof and slowly opened the door to find a boy in a striped black & white hoodie with black track pants on facing the sky with earphones on, he was eating cookies & cream ice-cream.

Slowly walking up behind him you tapped him on the shoulder…

‘Taemin I told you to not interrupt me… ‘

As soon as he saw you he walked away but before he did you grabbed him arm and pulled him back to face you. He refused to turn around but you tugged at him until he slowly turned to face you.

‘Did Taemin tell you I was up here? I told him not to anyways I have to go…’

You thought to yourself that evil little…. At least he has acting skills.

‘Why are you so angry at me? Is it because of Dongwoon if that’s what it is that was nothing I was helping him? ‘

‘I’m not angry more upset let’s say I’m upset okay? Helping him yes flirting and staring at his body was helping him….’

‘I wasn’t staring at his… How would you know anyways unless you were staring at me? What does it even mean to you so what if I was staring it’s now like you’re my boyfriend!’

‘You were too staring at his body and I saw the way he was looking at you, how do you even know if he is a nice guy or not? I wasn’t staring! Practically the whole room know you two were flirting and staring at each other even ask Minho.’

Before you knew it tears trickled down your cheeks ever since you were young you were never good in a verbal argument and would always end up in tears. Onew saw your tears and released his anger and rushed to your side and held you as you sobbed into his chest.

‘I’m sorry I don’t know what I was even thinking when I accused you I guessed I was clouded with jealousy that he was touching you and you were smiling at him. That smile that I loved so much was staring up at some other guy. I’m sorry.’

You looked up at his face and his eyes were clouded with sadness. He wiped away your tears and took off his jacket placing it over you but now in his arms you didn’t feel cold anymore. You forgave him and ended up listening to his iPod while eating ice-cream   before you knew it, it was morning and somehow you were in your bed beside you was Nina sleeping peacefully. Looking around it was only 6.50am you got up from bed to brush your teeth and put on day clothes. Today was freezing because it was finally winter besides your bed was your favourite black hoodie that was your older sisters and it was so fluffy and warm inside, the jumper had a cute print on it that said ‘HUG ME’ in white writing and had large front pockets along with that you wore blue faded jeans with your hair Korean styles (the little tied up part with your hair down).

Walking outside because it was too early to wake everyone else, you walked out to the kitchen to see Taemin in a hoodie as well but adorable pink sleeping pants. He was eating breakfast he quickly ran up to you and hugged you but not how Onew hugs you more like an older brother hug which also made you bubbly inside.

‘Good morning Alicia want some food?’

‘Okay thanks and why did you hug me?’

‘I had to obey your jumper’ he told you with a cute giggle as you realised again what you were wearing.

You sat down beside him and he gave you a piece of his chocolate toast with some orange juice. You guys ate together and after a while Taemin apologized for not telling you where Onew was yesterday.

‘I’m sorry Onew hyung forced me not to tell you I really wanted to but I guess you guys made up anyway, yesterday after Music Bank Onew hyung was really quiet and was just staring in the distance so I guess something was wrong, when I asked him he just said he doesn’t like B2st and he went to shower…’

‘Oh it is okay, Taemin oppa don’t worry thank you for caring about him, are you going to school? Do you want me to make you lunch?”

‘No its okay Onew Hyung woke up at 4.30am to make my lunch and went back to bed, he is still asleep… are you going to the Winter Festival on Thursday?’

‘HE WAKES UP AT 4.30 OMO, I guess he is tired and I don’t know… Is Onew oppa going?’

‘All of us are going I heard Minho Hyung has planned something special for Nina but he won’t tell anyone and Onew hyung he said he wants to go but I’m not sure… oh I should go get ready Bye Alicia J’

Taemin rushed off to the dorms to get ready for school as you ate in silence thinking about the upcoming festival as you finished eating you got up but felt really dizzy grabbing on to the seat for support the dizzy spell was gone as you shrugged it off other people were waking up.

Minho came out wearing exercise clothes he noticed you sitting by yourself he sat beside you.

‘Annyeong, Alicia you want to exercise with me? Is Nina awake yet? Did she tell you what happened yet?’

‘Annyeong Minho oppa, No its okay I think I want to just relax before training starts again I don’t think she will wake for a while she is like a dead body in there JNo I was with Onew but I guessed I  feel asleep so I didn’t see her come in. So tell me how did you guys make up?’

‘Really a dead body, I have to see that one day! Oh yesterday when she came into the dorm everyone was in the lounge I was the only one in bed  she came bursting in screaming and apologizing at the same time, it was scary and cute at the same time. I calmed her down and we sat on the bed and discussed the whole situation she deleted Yoseob’s number for me. After  a while we lied in the bed together for a while but she fell asleep so I carried her into the dorm as I did Onew was carrying you and putting the blanket on you…’

As Minho told you the story you felt your cheeks go red from the thought of Onew tucking you into bed and also him seeing your bedroom let’s hope he didn’t see that photo book of him that you hide under your pillow.

Minho left to exercise, after that Taemin went to school and you were waiting for people to wake when you decided to go to your dorm to wake Nina up so you are not so lonely. Walking into the dorm you felt nauseous and felt like you were going to vomit so you ran into the dorm room closest to you and into the bathroom for the toilet but nothing came out. Slowly walking out of the room you noticed there were two snoring bodies in the room. It was TVXQ boys, OH CRAP you thought to yourself as you attempted to turn off their lights and walk out and of course you trip over something and somehow land on Changmin!!! Quickly backing up Changmin made a noise and turned around but luckily did not wake up as quick and carefully as you could turning off the light and shutting the door.

You turned and slid down the hallway wall trying to calm your mini heart attack. F(x) came out with their stunning clothes they had to go to their photo shoot seeing you on the ground they rushed to your aid.

‘Are you okay? You look really pale! Maybe you should go back to bed!’

‘I’m okay thank you for caring about me but I’m fine have fun at your photo shoot’

You politely bowed 90 degrees and they left you on the floor. Sliding up you felt better and slowly walked up to the dorm.  You opened the dorm to see four dead bodies snoring quietly away it was already 9.30am and no one was awake!!! You went up to Nina and she was turned the other way so you tickled her and she freaking whacked you, so you quietly back away but called her name and she said Minho!!

Walking out of the room you felt so lonely and bored. Walking back out to the lounge room you went to the television and turned it on without a thought… The first think that pops up is B2st’s ‘Fiction’ Music Video. It was Dongwoon’s part harmonising while Junhyung raps, he had his intense eyes on but you remembered Onew and switched the channel. After a while of pointless switching you heard doors opening FINALLY SOMEONE IS AWAKE you thought to yourself. Looking into the hallway you see Key, Jonghyun, Nina and the rest of the trainees come out but no Onew. You walk up to them and they all of bags as they all sat at the table slowly Key started making breakfast for everyone.

‘Where is Onew?’

‘In the bed sleeping can you go wake him? We have to go pick Taemin Later’

Your heart leapt a beat when Key told you to go wake him you are finally going to see SHINee’s dorm. You took a deep breath in as you turned the door handle inside was very clean and neat much tidier than your own dorm.  You see two bunk beds but between the two bunk beds is a single bed. The single bed was small containing a body curled up in a cute Yellow Winnie the pooh blanket with their head buried under the blanket. Also on the bed were a few stuffed animals that were so freaking cute. First you went up to the bed and called his name to see if he would respond:

‘Onew oppa….’

After a few more calls you gave up on that so you went up to the bed and slowly pulled of his blanket… Underneath he was sleeping quietly wearing only black track-pants he was sleeping on his back showing his chocolate abs that tensed as he breathed in and out. Onew had milky white skin that looked good with his nicely toned body as he breathed in you couldn’t help but admire his body. His face looked so peaceful and like a baby that would make you want to hold him but looking at his body you would want him to hold him against that muscled body. (Anyways back to the story lol got distracted with describing ONEWS BODY SHH DON’T JUDGE ME!!)

After staring at his body for a few more moments you remembered why you were in here, his palm was near you so you reached out and circled your finger in the palm of his hand. As you did this he stirred and grabbed your hand and his eyes smiled up at you.

‘Enjoying the view?’ He told you while still holding your hand.

As you realised what he meant by that you turned your face away from him but he tugged you that you fell down and landed on top of him. Your face was so close to his that he could easily move his lips so that they touch yours. You could feel his warm body underneath your layers of clothing and he was watching your face with his dark hazel eyes. Your heartbeat beat hard the longer you were on top of him.  You wanted him to kiss you but as he looked like he was about to lean up and kiss you, someone walked in and the both of you turned away and stood up. That person was Key asking if we wanted any food before Minho ate the rest because he was back. Both Onew and you shook your heads so Key walked out leaving the both of you in silence. You turned to him and he smiled at you and told you he should get dressed but before you walked out he pulled you into a tight hug that made you bubbly inside that you could have skipped out of the room!

Everyone was finally ready for more training with SHINee & Super Junior. Today unfortunately you & Nina were put with Super Junior. Key & Jonghyun were walking towards the other room when Onew & Minho quickly added that today they should practice all together. Everyone agreed but when they did Nina, Minho, Onew and you all gave each other a quick glance while smiling at each other.  Today the trainees were going to do one-on-one training to test flexibility and facial reaction. Onew & Minho were heading towards you & Nina when Super Junior in and said that because that they were here first they want first pick of trainees.

Super Junior was SHINee’s sunbaes so SHINee had to agree. Onew looked up at you with a hopeful glance that maybe no Super Junior members would choose you.

Nina was picked by Eunhyuk and Minho got a little jealous which made Eunhyuk very satisfied. As the trainees left you were one of the last to be chosen you and you still had a large chance of not getting chosen so Onew had a hopeful smile until Leeteuk chose you. Onew’s face went away but with a smile you reassured that it will be okay. Onew got this girl that lives in your dorm room she is okay but she has a boyfriend so you were reassured. Minho was paired up with this girl that Nina dislikes because she stole Nina’s clothes. Nina’s face went very evil as she watched Minho & that girl! Onew helped her stretched but he was very distant with her not like how he is with you he didn’t really touch her but Minho and that chick were another story. When Minho was stretching that girl was all over him, touching him and using lots of AEGYO!! Minho looked turned off so instead he looked over to Nina & Eunhyuk as he did Eunhyuk touched Nina turning both teams into overload.

Leeteuk was a good leader but not anything like Onew he was kind and made you laugh a few times while training. As stretching began you looked at Onew and he was smiling at you the whole time that he accidently was ignoring the trainee when she was asking him a question.

After two hours of facial expression practices and some vocal techniques trainees were allowed a break.  Most people for the break went to eat, sleep or watch television. Slowly everyone exited the room leaving Onew, Minho, Nina & You. Nina & Minho were giving each other flaming charisma’s from across the room so both you & Onew were debating whether or not to help the situation or not.  Onew went up to Minho & you went up to Nina.

‘How are you feeling?’

‘That Choi Minho why the hell is he angry at me for? I should be the one angry at him, did you see the way she was practically molesting him over there?’

‘Yes but did you see the way he stared at you the whole time?’

‘Yes but…’

‘SEE!! Now go over there and start being all lovey-dovey again’

She slowly got towards Minho and they both walked out to talk…

Onew came up and sat beside you once they were gone.

‘We did goodJ‘You both said at the same time

Onew then stood up and pulled out his hand as a gesture for you to get up as well. You grabbed a hold of his hand but as you did you felt dizzy once again and sort of swayed and you could feel your knees buckling underneath you. He had one hand around your waist and the other on your arm steading you before you collapsed you leaned into him for support as the feeling went away once again.

‘Alicia are you okay? Let’s get you to bed okay I’m not letting you practice any more if you are like this?’

You looked into his eyes that were filled with concern as he tried to walk you to the door but you stood still and told him you felt fine again but as you did the feeling came again and you shook and fell in his arms. He carried you like you were a piece of paper in his arms, they were warm and the yucky feeling went away.

He put you in your bed and tucked you.

‘I’m tired that’s all… I will be fine if I just rest thanks’

He slid into the bed with you and he opened his arms for you to rest in. You leaned against his chest and felt better. You listened to his heartbeat that was increasing as you snuggled closer to him he held your hand and left it on his chest as he kissed your head you drifted to a peaceful sleep.

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lux-et-veritas #1
@ x__Tao: I love Onew as well so I would appreciate it if you would turn your attention towards the guitar instead. Much obliged.
I love onew :D
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwwwww <3<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
so cute :"><br />
OHHHMYYYGOOOSH! I totally love this story~!!! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
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anyway, new reader here! and I just finished reading the whole story .. it was really nice! The BEST! :DDD<br />
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Though at first I felt bad for Dongwoon but when I saw that he was kinda cheating with Alicia I was like "serves him RIGHT! D:" when Onew punched him before it happened .. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that this story is really GREAT! nooo! AMAZING! nooo, wait! FANTASTIC! okay .. there ain't enough words to describe how much I love this fanfic of yours! seriously! ♥ (:<br />
I hope you will make a new fanfic with still Onew in it as the guy that the main girl will end up with .. HWAITING~! (((: ♥
u finished already???