I'm the one for you


Taking a deep breath in as you enter SM Entertainment’s auditioning room to see a panel of smartly dressed men and woman giving you intense glares, you also spot a bunch of other teens trying out for that one important spot to become a trainee and eventually an idol like you have always dreamed.

They told all the trainees to stand in a line behind a large poster of all popular SM Artists everyone’s eyes gazed up at the large poster and had hope that one day we would become like them…

Everyone in the line was getting ready when the large wooden doors opened and in came in SHINee, Super Junior and F(x). Your heart nearly popped out of your chest, you couldn’t breathe everyone in the line looked as stunned as you no one could move. You couldn’t believe your eyes in front of you were top star idols the idols that usually at home you would be staring in awe at on your computer eating ramen in dorky winnie the pooh pyjamas. You then realised how much this meant to you and how much you wanted to be like the suddenly one of the girls ran out crying she couldn’t handle the pressure and her mom ran after, you just told yourself I can do this HWAITING but then you suddenly look into his eyes and you nearly fainted right there in front of him, you made eye-contact and he smiled not in a thousand years would you believe he would smile at you…. It’s Onew you would spend endless hours staring at the computer screen just waiting for his smile to appear to make your day, the guy that you spend all your savings on just to buy his posters, Onew the guy that you have wasted all your computer’s memory on pictures of his smiling face…He then saw you were still staring at him and he mouthed the words HWAITING and smiled at you and now you were determined, you knew you could do it! The others don’t stand a chance against you!!!

They called each of youse from the line and told everyone to show them something a song, dance or personal talent. The first few did singing SNSD’S songs and yeah they were okay but then you saw your biggest rival it was this girl and she was one of those girls where you say ‘why can’t I be as pretty as her or How can she be so perfect?’  She started she did ballet and sang Super Junior’s sorry sorry in a ballad. How are you going to beat this? Your name was next they called your name and your heart hammered really fast inside you but then you stole a glance at Onew one more time and his smile grew wide and he mouthed Hwaiting one more time. They put on Lucifer and you perfected the dance and SHINee was proud you could see their faces when Lucifer was playing and they cheered loudly you finished Lucifer but you still weren’t done you also did a remix of F(x)’S NU ABO and ended with a cute pose that made SHINee and the rest of the idol’s stand from their seats. You politely bowed and were about to sit down but just as you started walking that rival stuck her leg out and you fell down… It was the most embarrassing moment ever until Onew rushed down from his seat and picked you up and said its okay I do it all the time you were really good... then he sat you down on your seat and jumped back on his own seat. You turned to look at the rival and she just stared in awe at Onew and all you could think was THAT’S RIGHT BIAACTH: P

The panel of judges then told us to wait in this room while they discussed and the idols went with them. Sitting there you wondered if you even had a slight chance of getting in, you could see B*tch face giving you evils out of the corner of your eye.

After a little while they all came back in slowly the judges called a bunch of people to step forward the ones that did didn’t go through. It was finally you left with b*tch face and another boy that danced really well but couldn’t really sing. They told you to step forward and b*tch face snickered you were trying rally hard not to turn around and wreck her pretty little face.

Onew then stoop up:
Congratulations you are going to become a SM trainee. The rest of you tried hard but unfortunately you are not what we are looking for but try again next year.

They left the room and of course that chick gave me the dirtiest look she could and all you did was give her one of the biggest smiles you could before she left.

The panel of judges came down and shook your hands and told you to come to the agency tomorrow at seven to sign you up and start training you. F(x) came and greeted me and said they look forward to help training you; you bowed politely and said KAMSAMNIDA.

Super Junior and SHINee both came down and greeted you really cutely and said that thank god it was you and not the other chick. You just giggled and they all went


And you blushed. Onew came close to you and said Congratulations and he told you that tomorrow all of SM is going to come help you through training and he was looking forward to teaching you. Key came out of nowhere and said

You know it was Onew that really convinced the judges to let you in, We all knew you were going to get chosen but he kept going and saying that you were good at singing and dancing and have the looks to become one of the most successful new idols.


Oh it is okay you got in all by yourself I just emphasised on how good your performance was.

I should get going my mom is waiting outside to see if I got in or not. I should go; I will see you all tomorrow.




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lux-et-veritas #1
@ x__Tao: I love Onew as well so I would appreciate it if you would turn your attention towards the guitar instead. Much obliged.
I love onew :D
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwwwww <3<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
so cute :"><br />
OHHHMYYYGOOOSH! I totally love this story~!!! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
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anyway, new reader here! and I just finished reading the whole story .. it was really nice! The BEST! :DDD<br />
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Though at first I felt bad for Dongwoon but when I saw that he was kinda cheating with Alicia I was like "serves him RIGHT! D:" when Onew punched him before it happened .. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that this story is really GREAT! nooo! AMAZING! nooo, wait! FANTASTIC! okay .. there ain't enough words to describe how much I love this fanfic of yours! seriously! ♥ (:<br />
I hope you will make a new fanfic with still Onew in it as the guy that the main girl will end up with .. HWAITING~! (((: ♥
u finished already???