A not so happy ever after

I'm the one for you

It was finally the wedding day. Being the maid of honour you needed everything to run smoothly for the bride which means waking up at 4.30am to start preparing as she slept. You got up and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth but someone was already inside it was Onew he was also brushing his own teeth. You were bout to leave when he opened the door making a gesture for you to come in as he moved over.  He was wearing a plain tee with his sleeping pyjamas on that had of course Winnie-the-pooh on them. You also had on Winnie-the-pooh pyjamas that Onew picked out for you. In silence you brushed your teeth beside him and washed your face. After washing your face a piece of hair flew out of place before you knew it Onew’s hands were on your face fixing the strand of hair as you leaned on the bench he came closer. His eyes watched your body as your breathing became fast his hands slid around your waist but that didn’t exactly help your now rapid breathing. His legs touched your bare legs as his lips lightly grazed along yours but in that moment you knew that this was wrong & pulled away.

‘Um…We should go prepare the venue & stuff... Uh right.’

You quickly moved out of the bathroom to your dorm to get dressed. Chucking on a simple jeans & singlet you grabbed Onew and the both of you went to pick up the cake to bring to the venue. The cake shop was open grabbing the cake you had to make your way to the venue.

The wedding was being held outside at a beautiful garden that showed in the distance the view of the ocean. Onew asked the assistants to carry the cake with the rest of the food. You felt dizzy once again but was careful not to show any sign of it to Onew or he would make a big deal out of it anyways you still have a full bottle of pills in your bag.

The area was large but still very empty and it was yours & Onew’s job to make it like a dream for Nina & Minho’s special day…

It was 7.30am and everything was done. The tables were set, the seating chart was perfect and the music was prepared nothing could go wrong.

It was time to wake up Nina & Minho. You arrived back at the dorms as you & Onew parted ways, you went into the room to see Nina sitting up in the bed once again she kept on chattering as you went to chuck her in the bathtub Onew & Minho were leaving to round up all the guys but Minho wanted to say goodbye but strict rules no seeing the bride before the wedding as you pushed all of them out of the door with a bright smile.

You shoved Nina in to shower you could hear her singing Lucifer in the shower as you just laughed to yourself. Rushing her out of the shower the other members pulled her into the room to dry her body.

The wedding was scheduled at 2.30pm and it was now 11.40pm so rushing back & fourth between the venue to the dorms was very tiring especially with a very high Nina. You called Onew to make sure everything was set up as you pilled Nina & the rest of the girls into the car along withLisa.

Nina was pulled into the tent farthest away from Minho’s area so they couldn’t be able to see each other. Lisa went with you to go check on the boys as Dongwoon came out of nowhere pulling you into a tight hug. You pulled him into a tent with Onew to get dressed as you did they gave each other glares as you backed out of the tent telling yourself you don’t have time for this drama right now, yelling from outside for the both of them to get dressed you rushed over to Minho’s t

Minho was already dressed and he looked like a prince he was wearing a simple black tuxedo but it made him SHINe. He couldn’t wipe the large smile off his lips as you told him to prepare. 

Nina finally not really calmed down as she slid on her dress you were in awe until you realised you have to get dressed as you rushed past everyone you ran into the nearest tent. You pulled off your shirt slipping into the nice silk of your dress, once again needing assistance you felt someone’s hands on your back and you knew it was him. His hands went to your bow as you pulled your hair out of its bun letting it fall into perfect curls.

You turned around grabbing his warm hands and you nearly died. Onew was wearing a tux and his reddish hair was spiked up revealing his gorgeous brown eyes that were eyeing your own body. Your hands went up to his chest as he leaned close to you taking in his warm musky scent you hear music playing outside it was SHINee’s One for you.  Onew clasped your hand and in that moment his lips touched yours once again.


‘You look beautiful. ‘He told you as he placed his fingers on your lips before heading out of the tent. You ran back to the girl’s make-up tent to check your make-up before finally checking on Nina when you saw Lisa sitting at the table with all the bags as you looked for your own to grab a pill before leaving she handed you your bag with s strange smile on her lips as you shrugged it off, you went behind the curtain and swallowed two.

Everything was finally prepped and ready as Nina made the final touches the music began. Standing just at the gate you could see everyone stand Nina’s family, Minho’s family, and SME mangers, TVXQ, F (x), Super Junior, Nichkhun and other Kpop Idols your eyes were caught between Onew & Dongwoon.  The first few bridesmaids left as you were the last one before the bride you gave a smile of encouragement to Nina before walking down the aisle.

You slowly walked down the aisle careful not to trip. You watched all the guys eyes on you but you kept your head straight focusing on that one person smiling up at you from Minho’s side. You finally made your way next to the other bridesmaids as Onew bowed his head to you with a cheeky grin.

The music started as you looked away Nina made her way down the aisle with her floral pink bouquet that you personally made with a finishing touch of pink bows it made her look like a dream. You turned your head to look at Minho his eyes couldn’t leave Nina as she came closer his smile grew making you all bubbly inside for them. She came and placed the bouquet in your hands as the ceremony began they exchanged vows.

Minho wrote his owns vows for Nina as expected since he is a singer;

‘From the first day I saw you at SME, I knew you were the one for me. We have made many great memories some where you would just want to hit me others where I couldn’t stop smiling but it doesn’t matter because if I could I would replay all our memories just to be with you over & over again. We have had our ups and downs but no matter what I’m going to take care of you. I will always take care of you that’s a promise. Saranghae Yebboh. ‘

Your eyes became watery as Onew looked at you he wanted to come over and wipe your tears. You heard sniffles from Key & Jjong making you smile. Nina had tears welling but attempted to pull them back or her make-up would be ruined.

Father Wilmington  called for the rings. As Onew pulled them out of his pocket, your eyes welled once again. They slid the rings on each other’s fingers as the priest announced them husband & wife, they kissed and you probably the loudest applauder.

The Wedding party was now being moved to a hotel as everyone piled in the car you were grabbed by Dongwoon as Lisa was pulling back Onew. Everyone was at the hotel at no time as all the tables were set for the newlyweds. It was finally speech time making you cringe at the thought of having to face everyone you took another pill for safe keeping.

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lux-et-veritas #1
@ x__Tao: I love Onew as well so I would appreciate it if you would turn your attention towards the guitar instead. Much obliged.
I love onew :D
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwwwww <3<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
so cute :"><br />
OHHHMYYYGOOOSH! I totally love this story~!!! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
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anyway, new reader here! and I just finished reading the whole story .. it was really nice! The BEST! :DDD<br />
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Though at first I felt bad for Dongwoon but when I saw that he was kinda cheating with Alicia I was like "serves him RIGHT! D:" when Onew punched him before it happened .. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that this story is really GREAT! nooo! AMAZING! nooo, wait! FANTASTIC! okay .. there ain't enough words to describe how much I love this fanfic of yours! seriously! ♥ (:<br />
I hope you will make a new fanfic with still Onew in it as the guy that the main girl will end up with .. HWAITING~! (((: ♥
u finished already???