Important News

I'm the one for you

It was morning and someone was talking to you interrupting you from your sleep.

‘Good morning sweetie’ Dongwoon told you as you realised you were back in your dorm room you made the assumption that Dongwoon found you in the morning and must’ve carried you here to sleep.  He leaned down and kissed your cheeks as you got up to notice that none of your members were inside. You panicked thinking you were on schedule until Dongwoon realised putting a hand on your shoulder telling you that everyone went out and today was your rest day.

In your bed with Dongwoon flooded back memories of your first kiss with Onew or him feeding you soup with his arms around you shaking your head you realised you were with Dongwoon not Onew. You finally got up & got dressed when you heard the door slam outside thinking it was Nina & Minho you poked your head out but of course it wasn’t them… It was Lisa & Onew before you could quickly go back inside with Dongwoon her annoying voice called out to you;

‘Oh Alicia is that you there? I didn’t know you were home. Onew look its Alicia.’

All you could think to yourself was try not to punch her for the love of god put down the scissors.

‘Annyeong Lisa unni, Onew oppa… ‘

You bowed to them and Onew bowed his head, you lowered your head and you saw they were linking fingers. Onew was wearing blue clothes you always told him when he wore blue he looked really good in blue outfits, it brought back more memories that you needed to erase. Your fist tightened but as it did Dongwoon’s hands slid around your waist and you thought this couldn’t get any worse.

‘Annyeong, Onew hyung I’m guessing you’re my noona if Alicia is calling you unni. My name is Dongwoon I’m from B2st. Nice to meet you. I’m Alicia’s boyfriend.’

‘B2st! oooh I love B2st!! SHOCK right?’

Lisa & Dongwoon kept on talking but you lost focus and saw Onew’s reaction when Dongwoon said that he was your boyfriend. Onew’s eyes grew and he looked like he was trying to control himself as your saw his fists tightened around Lisa’s hand.

‘… You guys agree right okay lets go right now!’ Lisa said pulling your attention back to the conversation. Dongwoon and Lisa made plans for a double date at the movies. Both you & Onew had to obey as you were piled into the car you were pushed next to Onew as Lisa continued to talk to Dongwoon. The car swerved to the right forcing you to lean into Onew as you did his arms held you making you were safe but as soon as the car was straight he released his hands making you feel a little disappointed.

Finally you arrived at the cinemas where they were showing all types of film. The other two went and bought the tickets leaving you & Onew to buy some snacks. Heading to the snack aisles you both waited in line for the frozen drink and in front of you was a couple that were getting the large cup to share, you remembered that one time you went to the cinema with Onew you both did the same thing. It was finally your turn and you went to the Blue flavour you love but at the same time you remembered that Onew also loves that flavour so both your hands collided. His hands were on yours for a split second but it felt good you have missed his hands that always seem to be warm. He looked into your eyes and moved his hand so you could go first. After the drinks you got some popcorn and went to sit in the cinema. Somehow you managed to get the seat directly between Onew & Dongwoon with Onew on your right and Dongwoon on your left.

The movie began and it was a horror film that made you want to run out of the cinema at the first scene. You looked down and just ate the popcorn as you did you noticed both Lisa & Dongwoon were like hypnotised by the film leaving Onew & you to eat the snacks in silent. You braved the courage and looked up as you did a scary face popped up and instinct made you grab the closest person. In a flash you grabbed Onew’s arm because there was no armrest you easily grabbed him leaning on his arm. Dongwoon & Lisa were too focused on the movie to realise what was going on between you & Onew but in this moment he grabbed your hand squeezing it telling you that you were safe which made you relax. You slowly got up but didn’t let go of his now linking fingers on yours, the movie cinema was too dark for anyone to see how tight you were holding on to his hand. When another scary part popped up you looked into his eyes and he squeezed your hand making you feel safe. After the movie everything went back to before he let go of your hand and stood beside Lisa without a second glance at you or Dongwoon.

Dongwoon had to leave because of B2ST’s schedule and Lisa was going out with a girlfriend some face named Steph or some .

Thus leaving you & Onew to go back to SME in the car alone for the first time in ages. Once again the car driver was a maniac swerving the car left & right making you lean into Onew but of course you didn’t complain because every time he caught you.

The car stopped & Onew got out first but because of the car ride it made you really dizzy so as you got out you stumbled a little. Onew immediately caught you letting you lean into his chest as his eyes filled with concern.

‘Alicia, are you okay? Do you need your vitamins?’

You see that one time you got really sick Onew took you to the hospital and they diagnosed you with this disorder that you need pill every couple of hours or you could collapse and well let’s say never be seen again.

‘No, I’m fine thanks’

He released you but still looked concern as you started walking he forced you to get your pills out and take one. You walked up to the dorm rooms together and everyone was in the lounge room excited with news to tell the both of you and Onew.

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lux-et-veritas #1
@ x__Tao: I love Onew as well so I would appreciate it if you would turn your attention towards the guitar instead. Much obliged.
I love onew :D
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwwwww <3<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
so cute :"><br />
OHHHMYYYGOOOSH! I totally love this story~!!! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
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anyway, new reader here! and I just finished reading the whole story .. it was really nice! The BEST! :DDD<br />
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Though at first I felt bad for Dongwoon but when I saw that he was kinda cheating with Alicia I was like "serves him RIGHT! D:" when Onew punched him before it happened .. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that this story is really GREAT! nooo! AMAZING! nooo, wait! FANTASTIC! okay .. there ain't enough words to describe how much I love this fanfic of yours! seriously! ♥ (:<br />
I hope you will make a new fanfic with still Onew in it as the guy that the main girl will end up with .. HWAITING~! (((: ♥
u finished already???