Music Bank Scandal

I'm the one for you

It was morning and you woke up to someone fake coughing to attempt to wake all of youse. You peeked one eye open to find SHINee’s manager standing above all of everyone, looking around you see everyone slowly waking up Nina was sleeping on Minho’s chest with his arms entwined with hers. You looked down to notice Onew had one arm out last night so you could rest on his arm like a pillow, something you also noticed is that your hand was still holding his as he slowly awaked he smiled up at you but jumped up when he saw his manager while releasing your hand.

Everyone was now awake and alert, standing up the manager called SHINee over to one side and he was yelling at them, the only thing you & Nina could hear were;’…THEY ARE TRAINEES MEANS YOU TRAIN NOT PLAY WITH THEM UNDERSTAND NOW GO GET READY YOU HAVE TO GO PERFORM AND TELL THEM TO CHANGE THEY ARE COMING AS WELL’

SHINee came in with their heads down and told us to get ready before quickly shuffling out the door with their manager, in a quick glance their manager looked back at all of the trainees and gave a look that sent shivers down all of your spines.

You ended up in black skinny jeans with a large white tee with your hair left out natural look, Nina wore a more girly look a cute flowing floral print skirt with a white singlet and hair pulled into a side bun.

The trainees were leaving and were split one group was the manager, Jonghyun, Taemin, Key & other trainees were put into the van. You, Nina, Minho & Onew rode in the small car.  The other group left first and as they did you went up to Onew and pulled his arm back so he faces you.

‘Sorry oppa you got yelled at, are you okay?’

‘I’m fine, we have to be more careful okay and you look pretty today’ he said as he fixed a strand of hair on your face.

Onew & Minho opens the door for you & Nina making you both give each other a look. The boys were dressed very colourful today, Minho wore a blue buttoned up shirt over the top a black jacket and his hair left in its cute curly way where  Onew wore a light purple buttoned up shirt and a white bowtie with his brownish-red hair spiked up.

Sitting in the tight space next Onew, your body was crushed up against his and the passenger side door your hand was placed on top of his but you were not holding his hand as you were waiting for him to make the first move to grab hold of yours. He obviously was clueless and was talking to Minho about sports that you noticed that Nina’s hand was placed exactly like yours waiting for Minho but boys are clueless. You & Nina gave both  looked at each other and rolled your eyes that made the two of youse to immediately burst into giggles that made Onew & Minho even more clueless.

Finally arriving at Music Bank we all became quiet and distant once more as the manager approached. He led us into SHINee’s dressing room. The room was large and contained lots of mirrors, inside many stylist and people with headphones were running around inside. The boys were pulled into their changing areas to put on their outfits.  The trainees were lost and you kept close to Nina, the manager told us to sit on the lounge and watch how a show is prepared. On the table where everyone sat was a list of all the performers that was on today. SHINee was last but before them was B2st. Nina & your eyes both lit up at the mention that B2st were in the same building. On the plasma screen in front of you the show was starting and Rainbow was on singing ‘To me’.

The boys eventually came out of the dressing rooms and all the girls immediately turned their attention away from the screen to something much better. The boys were dressed very formal. Onew wore a dark blue coat with a black tee that showed a lot of skin…

They then had to go do their hair and put make-up not that they need it! Onew was pulled into a chair that was close to you and you sat on the one beside him as the stylist noona worked on his luscious brown hair, in the corner of your eye you could see Nina squeeze past everyone towards Minho and there go the rest of the trainees.

As Onew got his hair done through the mirror he was making funny faces at you because the stylist noona refused to let him turn his head. She yelled at him because he turned his head to make a face at me and when she wasn’t looking Onew *mehrong* at herJ. That made you laugh at loud causing the stylist to give you a glare. After a while SHINee was prepared and ready but they weren’t on yet, B2st was on and all the girls went back to the screen. Today B2st was promoting ‘fiction’ and SHINee was doing a special stage. All the girls were singing along with Fiction and oogling the boys of B2st. You were sitting besides Onew, Nina & on the other side of Nina was Minho. When Yoseob sang and brushed his hair back Nina & You squealed causing Onew & Minho to get a little jealous they went outside and pretended they went to get a drink. Nina and you looked at each other but shrugged it off.

B2st’s performance was only third and there were still five more performances before SHINee so after B2st’s performance they came in to greet their SHINee sunbaes but they didn’t know that the trainees were there as well.  B2st came in and politely bowed at their sunbaes before they noticed that there were girls in the room as well.  SHINee introduced us and told B2st that we were here to learn.

Yang Yoseob was very friendly and smiled a lot at Nina which made Minho very jealous, You could see Minho’s eyes giving Yoseob flaming charisma and tried to nudge Nina but she was too busy flirting to notice the hint you were giving her so you gave up as you turned you clumsily bumped into Dongwoon who just happens to be your bias in b2st. Dongwoon had brighter reddish-brown hair similar to Onew, he was dressed in a black leather jacket and he had very nice brown eyes with double eye lids. Dongwoon politely smiled at you and introduced himself as you guys talked time flied and you noticed it was SHINee’s turn to perform. The trainee’s attempted to follow SHINee outside to the stage to see but it was too crowded outside so the manager told everyone to stay in the room  with a HAWITING from the trainee’s and the b2st boys SHINee went on stage.

B2st and the trainees all sat on the lounge you squeezed next to Dongwoon and Nina. Squeezed next to him you could feel his well-defined muscles underneath his leather jacket and his leg grazed yours. They were introducing SHINee and everyone became quiet. The song began and it was ‘Replay’ a song that everyone loved and immediately singing began.

Your favourite part began and it was Onew’s part where he said; Noona my MVP.

You sang loud and did the hand movement causing uproar in the room with Dongwoon smiling brightly beside you his smile lit up your own. After SHINee finished the song we all cheered and you saw that Nina was giving her phone number to Yoseob and touching his arm… Dongwoon was very sweaty in his jacket so he took it off revealing his muscled arms underneath taking a napkin you went up to him and on your tippy-toes you wiped his sweat off his eyes. He laughed when he saw you were on your tippy-toes and easily lifted you up and placed you sitting on the bench and let you wipe the rest of his sweat off. Smiling he let you back down and thanked you making you melt inside.

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lux-et-veritas #1
@ x__Tao: I love Onew as well so I would appreciate it if you would turn your attention towards the guitar instead. Much obliged.
I love onew :D
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwwwww <3<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
so cute :"><br />
OHHHMYYYGOOOSH! I totally love this story~!!! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
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anyway, new reader here! and I just finished reading the whole story .. it was really nice! The BEST! :DDD<br />
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Though at first I felt bad for Dongwoon but when I saw that he was kinda cheating with Alicia I was like "serves him RIGHT! D:" when Onew punched him before it happened .. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that this story is really GREAT! nooo! AMAZING! nooo, wait! FANTASTIC! okay .. there ain't enough words to describe how much I love this fanfic of yours! seriously! ♥ (:<br />
I hope you will make a new fanfic with still Onew in it as the guy that the main girl will end up with .. HWAITING~! (((: ♥
u finished already???