My Romeo

I'm the one for you

It’s finally seven and you are practically bouncing up the stairs of SME until of course you slip but luckily catch yourself on the railing before anyone notices.

Before entering you smooth out your now wrinkled outfit large off the shoulder tee and black shorts. Walking in your heart beats fast and you try to take deep breathes but it doesn’t help. You turn up at the front desk and they tell you to turn right into one of the large dance practice room. So you slowly turn around and there is like a billion dance rooms so you have a mini heart attack by yourself in the middle of SME!! You slowly start to walk towards one of the rooms when you bump into someone causing you to end up on the floor.

‘OUCH!!’ a young girl says that is also on the floor, she is a very pretty girl with long dark hair tied up in two piggy tales and you notice you are both wearing similar clothing.

‘Are you okay?’ You quickly ask while bowing down because you think she is your sunbae

‘I’m fine, why are you bowing? I’m probably younger than you… I’m Nina and I’m a trainee’

‘Oh… I see sorry I’m Alicia I’m a trainee to do you know where we are supposed to be??’

‘No I’m lost and I’m freaking out lets work together and try to get there’

And that is how you and Nina ended up as best friends J

Walking around looking lost as ever you both look through each room with SHINee’s AMIGO in the background…

Finally you both find the room and luckily the class hasn’t started yet. In the room there are three more girl trainees so you sit beside them and they are nice girls but you are closer to Nina.

In walk in F(X), so all of the girls stand up and immediately bow down and say hello. F(X) bows all of you and tells you to sit back down.

‘Today we are going to learn more about each other and see what all of you are capable of okay.’ F(X) tells us

One by one we had to do our own introduction and do a cute pose/move to introduce ourselves with; F(X) did one first to show us…

‘Hello, I am cutie pie Sulli’ as she said that she winked.

Each of the girls did their own move and as it came towards you quickly thought of something…

‘The girl that will make you smile, sweetie Alicia is here’ as you puffed your cheeks and poked one of your cheeks, you saw the faces of F(x) smiling. You noticed through the door SHINee and Super Junior were watching the whole time, embarrassed you covered your face but Nina gave you thumbs up that made you smile.

The boy groups then walked in, Nina & you had to hold each other down so you won’t run after and molest them, SHINee & Super Junior told us that they were taking over because F(x) had to go to their schedule and all the girls nearly jumped up for joy. We all bowed and greeted each other. You saw Nina’s eyes trailing after Minho’s every move and just laughed when she pushed you as a joke you almost toppled over Onew. Onew then grabbed your arm before you stumbled over but didn’t release your arm for a while but then Taemin kind of coughed as a gesture for us and Onew let go.

‘Let’s get started’ Onew said taking over like a real leader. He was wearing a white and blue cap with a purple plaid jacket but ped showing his light blue tee with Skinny black jeans.

They split you into two groups one group would be taken by Super Junior and one group will be taken by SHINee. You and Nina were split into SHINee’s group.

SHINee took you & Nina into another dance room and told the both of youse to change into trackies because they are going to teach us to dance. In the change room you and Nina both start spazzing over SHINee and telling each other your biases. You are dressed in light purple track pants with a black jumper on and your hair left out. You walk out and SHINee’s eyes light up and you and Nina gave each other a look. You start by stretching and you sit beside your bias and of course Nina sits beside Minho. You sit next to Onew and see his lean body stretching over to reach his toes since you have arthritis like the weak person you are, you look very stiff while stretching so Onew comes up next to you and places his hand on your lower back lightly bending your back towards your leg even though you are in slight pain you love it !!!

You look over to see Minho bent over Nina helping her stretch and you give her a funny look. You are finally done stretching and look over at SHINee. They then told you and Nina to just watch while they show you what you & Nina are going to learn.

The music starts and you both immediately recognise SHINee’s Juliette. The boys start and they are flawless both you & Nina have your mouths open wide going WTF!!!

They stopped and you applauded, they came back sweaty and thirsty you watched Onew grab a bottle of water but some of the water trickled down his now sweaty throat.

Minho then pours water over his head and sprayed it on Nina and we all started laughing. Now it was our turn…

SHINee slowly started showing us the moves we learnt the intro, now the chorus is the tricky part!!

The part after Juliette Oh where they move the shoulders is the hardest part ever!! When you couldn’t get it Onew rushed to your side and held your waist from behind and taught you how to move your shoulder and move your body at the same time. After many tries later you finally got that part It was now 9:30pm and Nina & you have accomplished Juliette but now we have to show SHINee, they were about to play when Super Junior and the other girls came in to watch as well. They all sat down and you & Nina were both freaking out when you both saw SHINee and they all screamed HWAITING ALICIA & NINA!!

The music played and you both made the teeniest mistake that only SHINee could see but everyone cheered after it was done. Both you & Nina wanted to sleep on the dance floor right there, it was very tiring.

After rehearsing the dance a million more times and perfecting it, we were allowed to go eat. You & Nina were about to go get something from the shops when SHINee asked to go with because they said we did so well they would treat us.

‘What do you girls want to eat? We will pay for whatever you two want?’ Jonghyun told you & Nina.

‘PIZZA OPPA’ Both you & Nina said at the same time.

It was raining outside, so you cuddled up under Onew & Taemin’s giant umbrella where Nina had to huddle with Minho and Jonghyun but Key stayed behind with the others. Your hair was getting wet so Onew took off his cap and placed it on your head but it was too big so it covered your eyes so he & Taemin laughed when you looked at them. Onew lifted up the hat & fixed it so it fit perfectly on your head.

Thank god it was so late that no one was in the pizza shop they ordered when you & Nina sat down and started squealing like the fan girls you two are…

T-ARA’S Bo peep came on over the radio as SHINee boys sat down, they nudged the two of youse to dance BO peep for them and you both obeyed.

After dancing the dance the boys hooted and cheered as the food was done. Walking besides Onew in the rain felt good he kept you safe under the umbrella and whenever you got the teeniest out under the umbrella’s reach he would move the umbrella in turn wetting Taemin making Taemin whine but Onew told him to be a gentleman.

SHINee, Nina & you all sat down in a circle with the delicious pizza in the middle. You were still wearing the hat and didn’t realise until Onew lightly took it off your head but as he did a few strands of hair flew out of place, he immediately fixed them and as he did he was smiling…

‘Let’s eat’ Onew told everyone before it got awkward.

He grabbed the first slice and everyone dug in, Minho and Onew had the most slices there was one slice left, Nina & Minho both reached out for the pizza at the same time and their hands collided so after a while it was like…

‘You eat it’

‘No you can’

‘No, it’s okay’

Until Taemin had enough and grabbed the pizza before Minho & Nina put us all to sleep.

After eating we got bored and we were still too full to rehearse again but were to hyperactive to rest so of course we decided to play a game.

Taemin mentioned a game that he played in school called ‘come out’

Basically the rules were that one person stand with their back towards the rest of the group, Then the person facing the other way has to shout out something that that you think other people would think of them for example ‘I am very loud’ and if you think that is what that person is then you come out. If no one comes out the person is punished but if there are people then the rest of the people have to run away if that player catches you, you are in. J

Taemin starts off the game he stands with his back facing everyone and he shouts;

‘I am shy’

Everyone stepped out and Nina was the closet to Taemin when he suddenly turned around he just tapped her and she was in. Nina’s turn…

‘I am smart’ you stepped out along with all of SHINee.  Nina turned in a flash and smiled running as quick as you could you could see, Nina had Onew in her grasp and laughed to cover up your jealousy.

Onew’s turn but before he began he flashed a cute smirk your way and you know he was going to try and get you.

‘I AM HANDSOME’   Damn him! He knew you couldn’t resist that and you stepped out along with Taemin and you both giggled at each other, everyone expected you & Taemin to step out.

Slowly walking up close to Onew, you & Taemin nearly had a heart attack when Onew spun around and you attempted to run away but somehow his muscled arms ended up around your waist not that you are complaining.

Your turn; ‘I AM QUIET’ you spun around and no one stepped out and you all started laughing.

‘HEY I CAN BE QUIET SOMETIMES… MAYBE…. A LITTLE… OH YEAAAH’you told them sending everyone in a laughing fit.

After laughing til tears started forming Key announced that your punishment was awaiting. They all pulled out their large water bottles and told you to sit down and bear through the cold water. As you sat on the chair Onew came out in front of you;

‘How about I take Alicia’s punishment for her?’

‘No deal’ Key said and he added ‘You can take the punishment with her now’

With an evil Mwhahaha they started spraying causing you & Onew to become soaking wet until both Onew & You pulled out your own water bottles causing an epic water battle. Water squirting here and there with everyone in laughing seizures and soaked from head to toe, the battle finally ended up with everyone in a giant heap on the floor rolling around laughing until TVXQ walked in.

Everyone immediately quieted down and stood up bowing your heads greeting the TVXQ sunbae’s. Changmin & Yunho both started smiling at us and asked if we were having fun… SHINee braved up & told them that we just having some fun when TVXQ pulled out water guns and sprayed all of us in surprise we found a bunch of water guns behind them and it started again.

After a while Changmin & Yunho had to go change for their next schedule at 11pm. Now it is only 10.40 so after they left us, we all sat down more like lied down because we were all really tired now but the dorm rooms were too far so everyone settled to sleep in the dance room.

You lay down next to Onew and Taemin, slowly the room became quiet as everyone fell asleep.

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lux-et-veritas #1
@ x__Tao: I love Onew as well so I would appreciate it if you would turn your attention towards the guitar instead. Much obliged.
I love onew :D
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwwwww <3<br />
I LOVE IT<br />
so cute :"><br />
OHHHMYYYGOOOSH! I totally love this story~!!! ♥ ♥ ♥<br />
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anyway, new reader here! and I just finished reading the whole story .. it was really nice! The BEST! :DDD<br />
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Though at first I felt bad for Dongwoon but when I saw that he was kinda cheating with Alicia I was like "serves him RIGHT! D:" when Onew punched him before it happened .. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that this story is really GREAT! nooo! AMAZING! nooo, wait! FANTASTIC! okay .. there ain't enough words to describe how much I love this fanfic of yours! seriously! ♥ (:<br />
I hope you will make a new fanfic with still Onew in it as the guy that the main girl will end up with .. HWAITING~! (((: ♥
u finished already???