A Mother's Heart

Birthday Gift

Minam and Onew were interrupted by a scream coming from the bathroom. They both stared at each other shortly before rushing upstairs. They found Hani kneeling on the floor and had stopped picking the pieces of a broken vase to stare at the door or the bathroom. Minam rushed by her side and hugged her tight feeling Hani shivering slightly in fear. Onew rushed to the bathroom and entered it closing the door behind him.

Minho was sitting in the tub with half of it having been emptied. He was panting and shivering. Hearing the door closing, Minho looked up to Onew. He had tears in his eyes and was shivering quite much. Onew walked to him and sat on the edge of the tub without saying anything. He had his brow furrowed. Minho, unexpectedly threw his arms around Onew’s neck and hugged him tight, crying on his shoulder. He calmed down only after some minutes and let go of the leaders. He was still sobbing but was calmer. Onew asked him quite sternly, “Are you alright now?” Minho stared down at his hands on his thigh under the water and muttered in sobs, “He hates me Hyung… Taemin… he hates me…” PAK!

Minho placed his hand on his burning cheek. He stared in disbelief at the leader. The latter was red. He stood and placed the bag he was carrying down on the tiles. Onew was about to walk away when Minho caught his wrist. Onew had never raised his arms on any of the members except on Jonghyun once when he was behaving too recklessly and had almost got killed. Minho asked, “You hate me too Hyung don’t you?” Onew sighed and shook his head. He freed his wrist out of Minho’s grip and walked to the door. Minho let himself sink down on the floor. He knelt down staring at the leader’s back. Onew took the door knob in his hand and turned his head slightly only to be able to see Minho. Yet the latter could not see him completely. “Minho, we are a team… I am the leader. If I break down the team will break too and none of us want this! Yet if you continue to act like this you are going to push me to my limits. This team is now our family! I am telling you this for the last time- we are one and none of us hate you! We care for you so learn to control yourself before we are forced to leave you. Minho, if you are not clear about your feelings how you expect Taemin to know about them. Be honest to yourself first then you can be honest to him. Are you sure that you are not telling him the truth because according to you he won’t be able to handle it? Or is it because you are afraid that he will go away from you and you are too egoistic to let him go and lead his life as he wish? He is still young but all of us have come to realize how much loves you. I am not telling you that you are evil but only that if you also you love him then be true to him. The only reason why I am talking to you like this is that I still love care and value you as much as the others. The team will not be the same without our flaming charisma Minho. You understand? We are like the five fingers of a hand and if one is missing then it is no more the same.” Onew said calmly but putting great emphasis on each and every of his words. He sighs and glanced back at Minho. The latter was still kneeling down. He had lowered his head and was holding the bag tightly in his hand. Onew continued, “And yeah, my slap was not out of hate but out of anger and worry which we feel only for those who are close to us. Like a mother I’m worried for the happiness, safety and health of each member. I’m angry at you for letting go and hurting us like this. Yet I’m also worried about you, about you hurting yourself.so don’t get wrong ideas! Dry yourself quickly and come out okay? You still need to apologize to Hani and Minam. So hurry, I will be waiting for you downstairs. I will always be there for you…”

Onew opened the door and closed it immediately behind him. He sighed and let his back rest against the bathroom door. Some tears escaped his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. Minam, who had managed to calm Hani down and got her to smile again and to relax, walked to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay, Hyung?” Minam asked. Onew simply nodded and sighed. “I will be waiting downstairs. He is getting ready.” Onew said softly and went outside the room. Minam looked at Hani worriedly but the latter smiled and mouthed, “Thank You!” At that moment Minho opened the door and walked out. He walked to the two girls. He bowed and whispered, “I’m sorry” Minam furrowed her brows. She was not going to forgive him for hurting her best friend so easily. Yet on seeing Minho’s tearful eyes full or regrets and shame she squeezed Hani’s hand. The latter understood and said, “It’s okay Minho… just go to Taemin and console him already.” Minam in turn added, “And be more careful next time or you will be dead, understood?” Minho nodded and hugged both of them grateful that they did not hate him. Then he rushed downstairs to Onew who was waiting beside the car. Onew smiled at him. Minho was shocked but smiled once again grateful that he had such a good and kind leader. They drove home silently. Minho knew he would have some explaining and apologies to present to the others especially to Taemin…

Shinee’s Apartment…

Key had woken up 15 minutes after Onew had gone out. The moment he had woken up he knew something was wrong. He found Jonghyun standing by the window and staring at him. The first thing that came to his mind was Taemin. He quickly got out of bed and rushed to the older boy and asked “Taemin?” Jonghyun had reassured him that Taemin was quite fine only emotionally shaken up due to jealousy and had closed himself in his room. From then Key had been sitting in front of Taemin’s door who had not replied to any of his call. Jonghyun walked to Key and extended him a piece of paper and sat down next to him. “Write you will feel better…or you can write and slid the paper under Taemin’s door.” Jonghyun said trying to cheer Key up. The latter had puffy eyes and was sobbing silently. Key took the paper and the pen and started writing. Jonghyun simply sat quietly and watched Key writing. He did not even noticed when he had started crying while he was writing. Finally he finished the long letter and they slid it under Taemin’s door. Just a second later they heard a scream coming from the door. Key banged on the door with his two fists calling out for Taemin but in vain. Finally Jonghyun pushed him aside and opened the door with force by hitting it with his shoulder. Key rushed to his baby who was crying on his bed. Taemin threw his arms around his Umma’s neck and cried muttering incomprehensible words. Key hugged Taemin tight in his arms and caressed his hair trying to comfort him.it took several minutes before the Maknae finally calm down. He looked up at him Umma and said, “Umma… he hates me… he said I disgust him…” Key hugged Taemin and whispered to him, “No one hates you baby no one…” “But he told me…Minho told me so in my dream…” Taemin explained. Key shook his head and pulled back. He smiled at the younger before cupping his cheeks. “He does not… no one can hate you baby… you are the angel of our life.” Key reassured him and smiled at him. Jonghyun who was standing by the door and letting mother and son talk smiled and said, “Your Umma is right, Minnie…” Taemin turned his head to Jonghyun and his eyes soften. “Appa…I’m sorry for making you worry…I’m sorry Umma.” Taemin whispered. Jonghyun walked to the bed and sat down beside Taemin while ruffling his hair. Both Key and Jonghyun hugged Taemin tight. Key sighed quite relief that his baby was fine but also he was glad Jonghyun was there to handle things. He smiled thinking about this. Jonghyun smiled too grateful that both Key and Taemin was feeling better. As for Taemin, a small drew on his lips as he thanked god for letting him have such loving Umma and Appa in form of Key and Jonghyun. For some reason. Key felt good feeling the warmth of his baby and the security Jonghyun’s arms was giving him. It felt right. They felt like a real family.

After having stayed like this for several minutes thy finally pulled back. Key tucked Taemin back in bed by and both he and Jonghyun kiss Taemin’s cheeks wishing him good sleep. Taemin felt better. He was still worried about him and Minho but he felt relieved by having Jonghyun and Key by his side. Jonghyun went to the kitchen to prepare something for the two other to eat. Key ruffled Taemin’s hair one last time before turning to go. Yet the latter caught Key by the wrist. Key turned to look at Taemin. The maknae gently asked, “Umma, you and Appa are always going to be there for me aren’t you? Even if you date Minam you and Appa will always be together for me right?” Key smiled tenderly and replied, “Your Appa and I will do anything just for you…” Reassured Taemin let Key go. Key threw a last glance at the Maknae before closing the bed room door and sighs.

Taemin watched the door as it was closed. Suddenly a piece of paper attracted him. It was the letter of Key. While they had barged into the room the paper had flied to a corner of the room. Taemin slowly got up and went to get it. He started reading it:


You are the heartbeat of my heart.

When you are hurt I am hurt.

You may not come from my blood

But you are my child are you not?

Nowadays you tell me nothing.

But you are still my everything…

Dried tears seen in your eyes

Now flows from mine

How helpless I am today

Why can’t I take your agony away?

I want to erase your pain

To hear your giggles again

So cheerful and sincere

Taemin you are the rose that I could not protect

Yet you are still the sun that I want to shine forever

Child of my soul

The life of my music

The stars of my eyes

For you is my life

Why are you going far from me?

Please come back to your Umma

I know you don’t want to be alone

What if love is gone

I will always be there for you like tonight

Let me in please I want to help you let me be close to you once more…


Tears welled up in Taemin’s eyes as he read the message. He hurried outside his room and hugged his Umma who was standing beside Jonghyun in the kitchen. “I am sorry Umma... I am so sorry…” Taemin said crying uncontrollably. Noticing the paper in Taemin’s hand, Key smiled and patted his head making him calm down. Key smiled to the Maknae. The latter smiled back before hugging his Umma once more. “I was stupid to think that my Umma will leave me… thank you Umma…” Taemin thought while hugging Key with close eyes. They only pulled away from each other when the door opened.

 Minho and Onew entered the apartment. A cold breeze went through Taemin as his eyes met those of Minho’s. They both stared at each other for a long time. Finally Minho spoke, “I am sorry Key and Jonghyun. Taemin, I… I love only you…” Taemin remained immobile looking at Minho.


A/N I am sorry guys for taking so long for updating i was kinda busy and was not having any inspiration -_- hope you like this chapter hmm kinda dramatic with a lot of crying but i guess by next chapter it will go a lot quicker now that Minho has told Taemin I love only Key remains to say I love you but to whom should he tell it? Jonghyun? or Minam? see it in the next chapter 

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Chapter 7: Taeminnie no matter what hapend key will always be you're umma
Chapter 5: It's so cute ^^
keep on doing it
gaterdou #3
Minho?? o.O hihihi it can also be some creepy guy god knows