Eating Day

My Ex-Boyfriend is my brother's....boyfriend?!

We can't dance until one minute because Suga is still hungry even though he ate 2 packets of snacks and 3 glass of Coke.

"Can we go to Dominos?" Suga ask cutely.

"No. You eat too much." Kai said.

Suga start to cry like a baby and Victoria is trying to comfort him.

"Minzy ah please said thank you and slap your boyfriend for making him cry." Rap Monster said and sir down. 

"Kai oppa. How dare you make Suga cry." Minzy say and slap his boyfriend playfully while me, Sehun, Amber, Rap Monster and J-Hope just stand with our poker face.

"I think it's better if we go now." I said and walk out without taking my laptop and speaker. We walk to my room to take our bag.

We walk down and pass the group.

"Hey, where do you think you're going young men and ladies?" Tao asked with his hands on his waist.

"Eat. Problem?" I ask while walking like a boss.

"Fine. Just go. I will tell your brother that you're being rude to me." Tao say and continue to talk with his friends.

"Whatever." I say while sticking out my tongue.


We reach there and Suga is acting like a little kid. We wait for the waiter to bring us to our seat and my brother call me.


"Hello. Luna."

"What do you want?"

"Where are you?"

"Eating." I lie.

"Can you buy me a manilla card later?"

"Huh? For what?"

"Something. Don't be so busy body." 

"OK. What colour should I buy?"

"Anything except for black."

"OK. Bye." I say and hung up.

"Who is that?" Victoria ask.

"My annoying bro."


We ordered our meal and the food came. Suga is very excited while Rap Monster keep saying 'BEHAVE'.

Suga eat like about 5 pieces of pizza and we just look at him with our mouth hanging.

"Suga, can you eat like a human?" CL ask.

"No, I can't. I'm too hungry." Suga answered while munching his food.

"Whatever."" CL say and we continue to eat.


We finish eating and I said to the boys that I have to buy a manilla card. They said OK and they will

go home first.

"Why do you want to buy a manilla card?"

" I don't know my brother."

We walk to the stationary shop and search for the manilla card. I just take a random colour and pay.

To:Annoying Brother

from: Luna

I just bought a manilla card. Pink colour.


To: Luna

From: Annoying brother



I switch off my phone and ask Amber to send me home.


I reach home and the group is not there anymore. So, I walk to my room and I could here some laughter in my brother's room but I don't care.

I walk in my room and throw my bag on the bed and switch on the laptop to see what class I am in. I'm in the same class like the others and there will be 2 new students and it's guy. I'm not sure what's their name.


My brother came back and Tao's girly-friends have gone back. 

"LUNA!" My brother call.

"What?" I shout back while eat open the door.

"Come down and eat dinner." My brother shout back.

I went down and walk to the dining table which have a lot of food that my brother bought at a Thai Restaurant nearby. 

We sit down and start to eat our dinner.

"Ge, how did you meet Tao?" I start a conversation.

"Oh, you remember that day went I go to a nightclub with Chanyeol?"


"That's where I met him."

"But how? I'm not trying to be a busy body. I'm just curious."

"Me and Chanyeol are leaning against the wall like a gangstar. Then, Chanyeol notice Tao and his friend Baekhyun. So we walk to both of them and trying to introduce us to them and ask them for a dance. Now, he's my soulmate and Chanyeol have two soulmate which is Zelo and Baekhyun."

"Playboy. Should I tell Zelo?" I ask.

"Don't you dare." My brother say while widening his eyes.

"Anyway, your manilla card is in my room. I'll give you later."


"How did you meet J-Hope?" Tao ask all of the sudden.

"School. My classmate since I'm  10 years old."

"I heard you have a group. Who is in it?"

"J-Hope, me, CL Minzy's cousin, Minzy, Kai, Sehun, Rap Monster,Suga, Victoria, Amber"

"That's a lot." 







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Chapter 17: hey hey hey nandos
Arisakanesaka #2
Chapter 1: PLEASE UPDATE~~ <3 <3 <3