Chapter 7: Chance


Chapter 7: Chance


Cherish the things you value the most

Always keep them near your coast

Cause if you loose them in your hands

Having it back has and not a possible chance


Author's note: This will be a short but full of Daragon bliss. I hope you like it! Leave comments, it makes my heart happy and inspired upon reading those. Enjoy!



It has been weeks since I have been going out with Jiyong. And I was able to realize that first impressions don't always seem right and that sometimes they do not lasts. It's amazing how one nerdy dude came out to be someone cool though. Can you imagine a bookish kind of guy talking about almost anything under the sun?  Not even a chance I got bored. He manage to keep our conversation going no matter how short my replies are. I did test him of how long he can keep me entertained in spite of acting bored and uninterested and stuffs but he can still get my attention back which is quite amazing for me. He just knows his way through me like he used to learn psychology and social whatevers.

Would you believe that he is also an excellent singer and that he knows how to play guitar? On one hangout we had, I saw this restaurant with a mini stage where performers performed. I made a bet on him that if he would loose, he'd go up there and sing a song for everyone. It was really funny how he can be so talkative whenever I am around but his knees just wobbled when talking to other females. He really looked like a baby when I called one waitress he can talk to. But boy! He just left his mouth wide open staring at the girl. It is weird, yeah, but it was damn funny. The woman looked disgusted at him, took a last glance at me then scampered away. It was a first after a long time that I laughed that hard seeing how funny his and her reactions are. So he went to the manager and asked his permission to have a number to which the manager gladly agreed since the next performer is still getting ready. He sung Your Body Is A Wonderland by John Mayer and I was literally laughing my off and so does the people around us. Who would have thought of someone like him gets on the stage and sing a song of two people having their y time? Kwon Jiyong, ladies and gents, just did it. He was then welcomed with a huge applause from the audience after he sang and he was so red when he came back to our table. I had the performance recorded without him knowing. This will serve as a remembrance that I will forever keep.

Yeah, in spite of how nerdy he looks, he is like one of the coolest guy that I ever met. Of course I would not say it straight to his face though, it would just surely boost his ego. Urgh. I am beginning to get comfortable with him, that I would have to admit but I am not giving everything away. I am trying to give myself a chance; a chance to be happy again. I have been miserable enough and if I will still continue doing so, I would probably go crazy. I have been planning to go to a shrink for a real medication but who needs them when you have friends who supports you all the way anyway!

I was watching Jiyong's crazy dance during our last bet. The girls, him, and I went to a karaoke bar to unwind. But then, we had a game where the one will lose should drink three shots of soju in one gulp. Jiyong was so drunk already because he keeps on saving me when I loose, I had decided to save him this time only if he will show us his best dance. And as drunk as he is, agreed to my proposal and he did dance, a very funny crazy dance that made everyone of us laugh for like 10 minutes. At first he was like seducing us, placing one finger at his mouth while swaying gently to the song Careless Whisper. When George Michael sang the 'Oh' something, he was making a body wave while holding tightly to the plasma TV that made everyone erupt in laughter. Then he ily made his way towards me wile singing ' As i take your hand. And lead you to the dance floor...' he held out his hand to me to which I gladly accepted and made our way to our so-called dance floor. I was still holding my phone while recording all of his idiocy while he is drunk. He did grinding, footworks on the floor, lying on the floor while singing the song with emotions and the rest are history.

"What are you watching sneaky rabbit?"

I quickly hid my phone after realizing whose voice it was coming from. 


Am I just seeing things or what? Should I start worry now and find myself a good shrink cause oh boy what I am seeing now is one of the hottest guys alive in the town!

"Why are you staring at me like that? Do you find my new look okay? Is it bad? Aish. I should have just stayed in my safe zone." he said with uncertainty. He scratched his hand and awkwardly looked at me.

"Who are you and what have you done to Kwon-the nerdy-Jiyong?" I said in between laugh as I was getting off my chair while trying to have a good view of the new look of our little Jiyong.

"What? Is it really...bad?

"Heck no! You look awesome dude. I am sure women will start to flock over you." I then gave him a teasing smile.

And it sure did.

Jiyong was wearing a cap and a hoodie when he walked in the campus to hide his transformation. He told me that he wanted me the first one to see it and check out his new look if it is okay or a fail. I was laughing at him but it sure did made me feel good knowing that he was asking my opinion. As soon as we were out and he was now not hiding behind the cap and the hoodie, girls are starting to make 'loud-whispers'. What are they really trying to do? Whispering when in fact it can still be heard? Geez.


"Who is that hot guy Dara's with?'


"Why is he with Dara? He is so hot!"


"Is Dara dating that guy? Wow. What have he eaten to fall for her?"


"He's to gorgeous for Dara! He is a good catch."


Bla bla bla. Pathetic bi*ches. If it's not for Jiyong's transformation, who would want him? When he was all old fashioned and stuf, they keep on picking him and now that he looks like a model coming out from a magazine, they'll compliment him? Okay well, I know it's kind of absurd, my rant, but hey! I really hate people taking notice of other people just because they will be of benefit to them.

Lesson 101? Don't pick on someone just because of their outside appearance. Who knows they'll turn out to be the most handsome or pretty in the near future. Such stories like ugly duckling turns in to a swan do happens in reality. Really.

"What's with the frown?"

I turned my head to look at Jiyong. Wrong move.

When did he looked good with that half-smile of his? I must say he looked good with his blond hair plus without his eye glasses, his eyes are exposed, emphasized to be exact. He have brown eyes that somehow gives me the impression that he has a lot of things unsaid. I just noticed how agood-looking man he is after a few weeks of knowing him.

I looked the other way and calmed myself.

"Nothing." I said monotonously.

"You know, it seems like people are whispering when we pass by."

I rolled my eyes. It's because they find you gorgeous idiot.

We went to the parking lot and went towards his car. Since that day when he sung at the restaurant due to our bet and after I slipped in complimenting his singing ability, he was giving me special stages. I just don't know what's gotten in to this guy that made him prepare good performances for me. Maybe because he wanted to cheer me up or just want to annoy the crap out of me which actually I don't find annoying though. Am I even making sense?

"Where are we heading?" I asked without looking at him while buckling my self.

"I was thinking of going to Lotte?"

"Geez thanks. I've been there a lot." I said looking straight ahead.

He laughed. "Your welcome. But as much as how you dislike it, the others are there already."

"Chae, Bom and Byul are there? How come when they still have class?" I raised my brow at him. He gave me a small smile. I waited for him to say something but did not talk anymore.

Bored as I am, I am plugged my earphones to listen to music while waiting for our destination. I was so indulged in the music and also because I fell asleep, I did not notice that the car have stopped already. But where the hell is that Kwon! Why did he left me inside his damn car?!

I got out from the car and found myself walking inside Lotte World with the thought of killing Kwon Jiyong when I get my hands on him. How dare those to have a good time while I am still sleeping?! I fished out my phone from my bag and dialed Chaerin’s phone number. But, nada! She’s not answering my call. Next was Bom then Byul but both of them are not picking up my phone calls! It’s so frustrating already! I have the last option and that is to call the all-mighty-guy-who-left-me-dozing-in-the-car Jiyong. After a few rings, he picked it up.

“Yah! Pabo! Where are you guys?! Why did you left me there in the car for 30 minutes, huh?!”

He chuckled. “See you in xxxxxxx after 10 minutes.” Then he cut off the line.

As much as I hate him and the others, I still went to the place he told me to go since I have no choice then.

When I get to be near in the place, there’s a box-like mini stage there with colorful balloons hanging above the canopy and on the floor. In the canopy, there are flowers and it was decorated with veins, you know those green stems creeping the walls and stuffs like that. There was a microphone stand placed at the center and it was decorated with butterflies. All over, it was a cute stage and very girly.

My attention to the stage was stolen away when I heard music from the speakers above. It was an instrumental of a song that I never heard before. It was soothing to the ears and there’s something in it that I can’t explain.


It’s all about you, my Butterfly


The singer began to sing and immediately after hearing the first lines, I instantly knew who it was coming from. He came out of nowhere and made his way through the microphone stand and placed the microphone there. I was stunned for awhile when I saw him looking good with his casual get-up. I stared at his eyes and it was full of things that I cannot decipher.


Unintentionally, I look the sky like
It looks similar to when you smile
Specifically your dazzling [smile] baby
My day consists of our romantic drama
Make me cry and smile no no no

I can’t sleep, I call your name
I turn my head shyly (no matter what)
I like it this much
I rarely stop walking


The song seems to be speaking to me with the lyrics it has. I don’t want to sound conceited or something but is this a song he wrote for me? I know Jiyong is the kind of guy full of surprises and that he loves composing songs but I don’t know why I feel so overwhelmed and flattered at the same time.

Beautiful girl


My heart skipped a beat when he winked at me! After seeing my reaction, he smiled and continued singing. I looked around and saw ladies oggling at him with admiration and awe in their eyes. Though the men may crossed their arms, they were also looking at him in awe. Can't blame them though. Kwon Jiyong just looks so enticing and adorable at the same time whil swaying his body with the melod of the song. It's just too romantic and so full of sincerity that I can't even imagine how a jerk and nerd like him will be able to create something as amazing as this.


Unintentionally, I look at the ground like
I flutter so much at your 3 lettered name baby
I’ll heal your one small wounds
My love is you


3 lettered name? Is...this really me? But why is he making a love song for me?


Like a butterfly
You look for a flower, flutter around like a child
Your innocent eyes have a smile
Your body moves like the sky, the sky
Your eyes glimmer, glimmer
I’ve become like this
(You’re the only one girl)


I don't know why but I feel like tearing up. But it's not out of sadness or anything negative, it's just pure happiness while hearing him singing the song. He's coming down the stage and I heared people whooping and whistling while holding their cameras, capturing every bt of the moment. Darn! Why was I caught tongue-tied that I was not able to caught every thing on cam?


What, it’s this confusing
Though you can’t trust guys
Love can be forever
Why do you push and pull
Can’t act any more honest

He is coming near me with a boquet at hand. Wait...what? Where did that boquet came from? 


Look at my eyes
You see my eyes
You see my lips
Listen to my heart


He handed me the boquet of flowers. I smiled at me and I did the same. 


If you’re listening answer me
Kiss me on the cheek


He pointed his cheeks while winking and I playful punched him in the arm. I then saw Chaerin, Bom and Byul coming out from the crowd. They're joining Jiyong in singing the almost end part of the song with huge smiles plastered on their faces. Where were they all this time? For the record, I was confused about this whole set-up. I really don't know what's their game this time.


My memories
Yes my heart
Yes that be all I say
If our lovingness continues a lot
Then we’ll never break up, trust me
I’ll make love to you


The girls stop singing but their smiles never leave their faces. Urgh. I hate that teasing look Bommie is giving me. It irks the hell out of me but instead of getting mad, I find it funny and amusing. Oh wait...what's gotten in my system?


Ye you’re special to me
Your turn


Jiyong placed the microphone between us and I joined him singing. He was looking again at me with that different feel and as much as I want to look away, I just can't. I was magnet to him.


La la la la la la la


He took themicrophone and what he said next made my heart flutter even more when he addressed me...


Yeah my butterfly

Hey there! I have another amazing people subscribing to my story.

Thank you lizacabias babyhuwey , xxxdaragonxxi lavendergal18 micaelsa ,corea18 ,vthadithyas bumweh 
,vlahana Gingerz  ^______^ *bows*

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pooppoop #1
Beautiful Story!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 14: Sounds so exciting please update soon authornim
tokki9 #3
Chapter 14: Still Daragon hate jaejoong here.
tokki9 #4
Chapter 13: I go for Daragon!!!!
marissachan #5
Please continue the story. the story seems interesting.
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 11: short update.. nxt button pls
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 10: next button please
babyhuwey #8
Chapter 10: Curious the reason behind donghae's fake death . Update soon authornim
kiarrahmah #9
Chapter 9: I hate it when I have to stop reading right before you unwrapped the backstory. What made Dara seclude herself? *sigh* The dead just rose.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 9: update please