Chapter 2: Getting To Know Each Other


Chapter 2: Getting to know each other


“I could not believe it in my eyes

That you have become my sweet surprise

Let us take one step in to forever

By getting to know each other”



I walked out of the room with grace as soon as the bell rang, not looking back to that crazy guy sitting beside me. It’s a routine that whenever classes are over, literally we could say Home Sweet Home, I go to the library first before heading home. No, I am not studying there. I just browse good books to read, novels about love and all. Come to think of it, I just love torturing myself in believing that that happily ever after in fairytales do exists, to which I am most uncertain of. As I head to the library, I felt a hand grabbed my arm and turn me to face that person. Oh, that cocky guy again, I thought.

“What is your game now?” I asked nonchalantly.

“It’s rather I wanna know what your game is, pretty lady?”

Oh my goodness! The cockiness and self-confidence are oozing that I cannot contain another second to be in close proximity with his presence. He disgusts me! Literally!
I hold his arm, which is holding mine, and twisted it until he winces over what I am doing.

“Stop! !”                                

I let him go and he was holding his ‘injured arm’ like he was really in pain. I rolled my eyes at him and folded my arms. Oh gosh! Is he a man? He can’t even be stronger enough to fight against a woman. I scoff with the idea. A playboy. That’s it, just a mere playboy. Far in being a man.

“You sounded like a kid. I didn’t even twist it forcefully.”

He smiled. That boyish grin he was showing the girls back in our room. “It’s because you’ve become my kryptonite. I could get hurt by being near you. But unlike superman, you’re also giving me strength.”

I was left in shock, no, scratch that! I was horrified! I want to burst out laughing to which I hold myself not to. It’s because of the reputation that I am holding in our school’s student body.

 “Wow! You sound like a total idiot to me.” I said flatly. I looked over my watch and turned to him. “Bye pretty-boy-who-is-not-pretty-but-just-a-mere-playboy-you’re-just-waisting-my-ing-precious-time!”

I turned around and decided to leave before I pull out my expertise in martial arts and use it against him if he will give out other filthy words from his mouth.

I was rooted in my position when he suddenly called out to me with the words, “Nothing’s too hard for me Sandara Park. I could get you in any ways I know. You’ll soon be head-over-heels for me.” With that, I can sense my temperature rising like a kettle whistling as it is in its boiling point. But I know I can do better game than he could. Yes, I will not let him see through me just because of mere teasing. And so before I turn back to face him, I composed myself while mentally wishing him dead. I smiled seductively and walked right in front of him. I caressed his face, just like what I thought, he thinks that he’s already got in to me as he flashes me a broad smile. I smiled wickedly in response and he gave me a questioning look. The moment I reached his chin, I placed my palm in his face and harshly pushed him backward.

“I would like to see you try your delusions put in to actions. But I bet you can’t. Back off as early as you can before I smash your manhood so that you can’t spread out your impudent nature to our world.” And with that, I ambled my way through the library.

I looked up to the novel books, and there it is, the book that I wanted to read. Gone with the wind, I read the title. I wiped the cover of the book. After I got the book that I want to read, I sat at the secluded area of the library. I wish to not be disturbed but it seems like I’ll be doing the disturbing. There at the far most corner of the hall, just a few tables from me, I saw geeky guy reading his books fervently. I observe him as he reads from one book from another, scribbling these and that to which I guess are information he gathered from the different books that are laid before him. I noticed though that he got looks if you’ll look closely. He seems to be ordinary probably because he wears glasses and his choice of clothes is an insult to fashion designers of the 20th century. Not that he looks bad with mismatched clothes; it’s just that it seems to be unfit in the current generation.

He looked at me, perhaps he sense that someone is busy staring at him while he is doing his thing with his books. When he recognized me, I thought I saw a smile which abruptly changes in to nervousness as he scans the room. He gets back to reading and busied himself. I walked over to him with the book at hand and sat beside him in his right. He peeked at me then quickly read again his books. Cute. Why did I find it amusing to see him fretting whenever I am around?

“You’re nervous.”

He looked at me then he showed me a brittle smile; a kind of laugh that does not show a trace of humor or happiness.

“I um…how do I say this? Uhm, I am in awe with your presence. You seem to be the only one who gives positive notices of me though I would like to commend you for being the reason why I don’t get to be bullied much.”

“Oh don’t be.” I said coolly while I leaned back in the chair while holding the book near my face. I smiled inwardly. I may have looked disinterested but deep inside I am happy that I receive good feedbacks from my actions.

“Well, it’s a good thing, a very good one, because I get to have my peace time without worrying too much of bullies.”

“Well, you’re welcome.” I said sounding disinterested.

“Why are you so distant?” He looks irritated?

I closed the book and faced him with irritation. “Why are you so nosy?”

He sighed. “Why are you like that?”

I raised a brow. “Why do you care?”

He takes a long breath intake before interrogating me again. “Why are you indifferent?”

I chuckled. “Why would you like to know?”

“Oh come on! I just want to be friends with you!” He snapped at me. It’s a first after 3 good ole years.

“Why are you snapping at me?”

His face relaxed as I said those words. He hangs his head low while biting his lower lip.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

I sighed, barely audible before I turn to him. “It’s ok. I better leave now.”

He looked up to me with a surprised face. I know he was going to apologize so I stopped him.

“If you are going to apologize, don’t be. It’s my fault anyway for messing your time schedule.  Instead of studying, you are giving your efforts of indulging me in to decent conversation but I’m putting a wall between you and me.” I stood up and swing my bag on my shoulder. He stood up as well and hangs his head low.

“No, I don’t have the right to snap at you in the first place though. I’m sorry.”

I rolled my eyes. “Too much drama.” I patted his shoulder before heading off.

I went to the librarian and have her marked my borrower pass for the book I am about to borrow. If you’re wondering why I am borrowing it instead of buying it myself, the answer is to save money. Thinking of buying books for convenience had crossed my mind. But seeing that things will worn out eventually or I might lose interest to it as time goes by, better borrow it than use my money to which I can do a lot of things with it more. I left the place as fast as I could. I reached our car in no time and my driver, Mr. Hyun Joong ahjussi is bowing curtly before me.

“How was your day Ms. Park?” flashes me his curtly smile as he opens the passengers sit for me to get in.

“It was nice though. Thank you for asking. How was yours ahjussi?” Then I flashed him a genuine smile. Mr. Shin is like second father to me. He watches over me and cares like how a dad should be. Sometimes I even wished for him to be my biological father. I was somehow envious of his daughter Minzy, not so far from my age but a little bit younger than I am. Mr. Shin usually takes a 3-day leave every two weeks to spend a great deal of time with his only daughter. I have never been with a vacation with my parents for so long since they are quite busy with business and such. I used to shrug that feeling when oppais still with me every day. But I began to feel the loneliness in me when oppa graduated from college and starts to manage our other business. I am well provided, of material things I may add. And if I would choose between material things and my parents, I would choose my family’s affection more than anything. Although I sometimes think the ‘What If ‘if they are asked to choose. I hate to think they would choose business over me and try to reason out that all things they have done are for my future.  Screw future if I don’t have them though! It’s not that I am pushed away by my parents, it’s just that, I don’t feel their presence or love for that matter because of their absences. And just like any other rich kid problem, it’s all goes to the business.

“Mine’s a good one too.” He smiled before shutting the door. He is on the wheels before I knew it and he started the engine and drove our way to my house. Well, I consider it mine because I am not living with anyone but with the staffs. We were quiet in the car and that made me think of my parents. I miss them dearly but I cannot demand more. They have given me a lot and I know it is my duty to fulfill my obligations as their daughter. I have a brother, the name’s Teddy, of whom I am not seeing often. I am close to him though we barely get acquainted because then again, business. Business is stealing everything away from me. But sad to say it’s also the thing that keeps my family intact, somehow.

“When will Teddy oppa come home?” I asked although I know the answer.

“Two days from now miss.” He replied and get back in his driving. I sighed. I miss my brother. It’s been a week that I have not seen him. I looked at the view passing before me as to distract myself from getting overemotional again. And I won’t let that happen especially Mr. Shin is around.  I sighed again. How can I experience a lot of torment in my life at such young age? Are these circumstances even inevitable? I groaned at the thought. The thoughts circling my mind are cut-off when Mr. Shin declared that we have arrived already. He was about to get out of the car to hold the door for me but I cut him off, telling him I would be fine in opening it myself. He obliged although unsettled. He gave me a sincere smile and a nod as his way of agreeing. I smiled back and hold the handle and made my way through. I walked in ‘my’ empty house while the staffs are greeting me synchronically. I smiled at them and bowed as well. At home, I am like this. I tried to be civil amidst everything that had gone through from the past three years. I know I may be unfair to Han Byul, Bom and Chaerin for acting cold and distant, but that’s how I want it to be. I don’t want others to see a flicker of the old me right under their noses because I know that they would want more of it. They wanted me to be the good old Dara whom I wish to forget. I reached my room and grasp the doorknob, only to find out that my room is not empty. I jumped happily to the person’s lap who is sitting comfortably on my bed. I hugged him tightly and so does he. I released him from my tight embrace and cling to him like a kid while pouting.

“Oppa I miss you! I thought that you would be back two days from now?” He chuckled before responding. “Aigoo this kid. You missed me so much right?” Oppa then playfully touched the tip of my nose. I swat it and pout, then he laugh. “Aniyo! It’s not like that. I was going to spend my remaining peaceful days to my extent before my buzzing brother will be coming home.” He narrows his eyes on me. “Is that so?” He fishes out his phone from his pocket and looked at it. Oh wait…is that a new phone? He scrutinizes it, acting like he was kind of disappointed while holding that damn iPhone5s!! asdfghjkl!!!

“Then I guess this could wait.” He said nonchalantly. As he was about to put it back to his pocket, I grabbed it and he swat it away from me while laughing boisterously. I pout and get off his lap then sat beside him while crossing my arms.

“Hahahahaha! Just like what I have thought.” He offered the phone and wiggles it right in my face. Oh my goodness! He is teasing me. I snatched the phone from his hand but this time he did not pull it away.

“Oh gosh! Thank you oppa! But…” I look at him closely. What does he have right under his sleeve this time? “Why are you giving me this?”

He shrugged. “Just because I miss you, that’s all.”

I raised my brows as if contemplating what he just reasoned out. “We both know you just don’t give out gifts like that. Spill.” It just seems absurd, unfit for the intention oppa’s giving me. And I can sense that he is somewhat tense when I asked him for his real purpose. I seriously hope that it was just nothing, that he only wants to give me a little present not as an exchange for something he wants me to do for him.

“Well, you see…” Oh gawd this could not be happening. I roll my eyes at him and looked the other way. “I knew it! You are up to something. Urgh!” frustrated? Well, I guess I am a little bit. But somehow, I can’t decipher it just right now. There’s something off about him because he looks neurotic as he fidgeted. “Mom and dad called me…and…” He briefly looked at me, I gave him a look like saying go on I’m all eyes and ears. He sighed. “They want you to meet someone, a guy to be exact. He’s from a very wealthy family. His parents owns large companies across Asia and is building to branch out to Europe.” I took this paused from him as a cue for me to inquire.

“And so? What is it for me then?” My breathing hitches. To be honest, I am afraid of what will come next. I don’t want to draw a conclusion but I hope that what’s going around in my mind is not the reality.

“They wanted you to meet him tomorrow. It will be your first day as a couple, I guess.”

I felt a pang of anger inside my heart. Why? “They want me to hook up with someone I’ll be meeting tomorrow? Are they nuts??!” I stood up and storm out of my room. Gosh! The air is suffocating me within the four walls of this structure. I need air. And to have that means of getting out of this house.

I went to the nearby park and made my way to the swing. I tossed myself to and fro while thinking about the recent revelations. They want me to meet someone. They want that someone and me to be in a relationship. And should I be imagining the disgusting future of hearing wedding bells out of their own will? The thought makes me abhor. They are metaphorically asking me to eat up a ball of feces just to pacify themselves.

I was lost in my own thoughts then I suddenly saw a familiar figure walking pass me. It was geeky guy! Uhm, what was it his name again? I wanted to call him but since I can’t remember his name, and of course it would be rude if I call him geeky guy seemingly he did not look like one at all! He is exemplary gorgeous with his V-neck shirt and tattered jeans. His hair is disheveled but he looks hot in it. Oh crap! Did I just say hot? I shook my head, trying to disagree what my eyes are seeing and my mind is digesting as of this moment. I hang my head not as low as I watch him until he was out of sight. Holy cow! What was that? Why did my heart go thumping uncontrollably just like that? Probably it’s because of the information overload that makes my heart constricted. I must go home. I can’t run again, well, there is exemptions of course, though this one I can still manage to handle. I just have to get a deal with that guy I will be meeting to not push through the crappy deal with our parents. That’s it! Problem is solved.

 I went back to our nearly desolated mansion only to find out that my dear brother is cooking dinner. I smiled when I saw him whistling while cooking Jajangmyeon, Ddukbokkie, and Yangnyeom Tongdak. He is completely bribing me with my favorite dishes! I groan. I hate it when my brother uses food to get me in approving him.

Sensing my presence, he looked back and flashes me his smile. I noticed my brother is not so young after all. His features are showing a complete grown up man, reflecting his stress and hard work in life. I felt a little guilt inside me. I could not see the young Teddy Park who used to be the guy I despised back then due to his mischievousness.

“Hey.” he called out to me. I motion myself to sit at the stool in the counter. “Hey. What are you cooking?” I said coolly. “Your favorite dishes. I barely come over here so I decided to cook.” He returns in his cooking.

“I see. But that’s not what I mean.” He chuckled. So I guess it’s still about the you-should-meet-someone-and-get-hooked-with-him matter after all. “It’s not like what you have in mind. I just want to cook for you.”

“Oh, so you’re a mind-reader now?” I was becoming disinterested with talking with him. Mind you, I’m not the usual who would dump food because I am in a sour mood. “Can we talk about this over after eating? I am really starving.” He said while carrying the post and placing it in the long empty table that is good for 10 people who get to have two people eating. “Sure.” I shrugged and help him prepare the table.

We ate quietly that it is almost deafening. I saw him made a glimpse of me for a few times but I choose to ignore him just the same. I have to wear my mask and pride right now so that I could make him not to make me meet that stranger tomorrow. “So…” He broke the silence when he was almost done eating. Eat faster; I might lose my appetite if he will bring up that damn topic again. “Hold your horses’ oppa. I don’t want my food to get spoiled just because I lost my appetite to unnecessary interruption.” He laughed, but a forced one I presume as he gave me an impassive expression afterwards. “As you wish my princess.” I rolled my eyes at him and this time he gave me a genuine smile.

I was done with my plate and so I faced him while still wearing the dead-pan expression I used in my day-to-day doings. “What is it that you want to negotiate with me? And what is it in store for me? What credit and beneficial I get from it? Are there other ways I could get out of this ?” I throw him questions after question in which he was caught off guard. He cleared his throat before speaking once again. “I would like to answer that and explain it to you as precise as possible. Although the future is at haze as of now but what I am certain is that you are going to pursue a relationship with him. Even I disagree with it at first but I cannot counter our parents’ decision. They know, possibly, what they are doing. Although I am not that confident about it, but I’m sure the results will be positive for us, and most especially with the company.”

I scoffed at his last words. “And so that’s what it is. Ah, a tool to establish a huge empire in the business world. Now it makes me want to think of the possibilities if I was not born in this family. Sad to say, I regret my existence.” He sighed and when he looked at me again, I saw sadness and his face reflects that he is tired. “I wish that you would take back what you have just said but in case you couldn’t, I understand. So you see, I want you to remember that I am not part of this predicament but I wish not to interfere as I solely want the best for everyone.”

With that, I felt a rage in my heart. Like a volcano which is about to erupt. I can’t contain it anymore. Instead of crying my hearts out, despise for my parents, my brother and the people around me is what engulfs my heart. “So you are coming clean?! Huh?! What is with business that you guys value it more than my happiness? Business has taken everything from me! Business is stealing your company and our parents’ affection away from me? Why oppa? Why?!” I can’t help it. I was crying and I cupped my face with my hands. Teddy gently caressed my back and hushing me at the same time. He made me face him and I swear I look fugly with my sore eyes and puffed face. His smile is soothing me for I don’t know what reason. “Dara, I have not been snatched away from you, same goes to our parents. They wish nothing but our well-being.” I sighed. I can’t do anything about it as of this moment. I must be strong and be strong-willed to fight for my freedom. I gather myself before speaking as to not squeak in front of my brother.

“Who is this guy that I am about to see tomorrow?” His face lightens a little bit. I know he thinks that I am thinking of considering it even it is against my will.

“He is a son from a Kim family.”

Kim? Oh I am starting to hate the Kim’s living in this country already.

“Who is it?” I blankly said.

“Well,” he lingered his gaze on me for some time before saying the name I am to be in a relationship with. My jaw dropped as the mere mention of the name I loathed the most.

“His name is Kim Jaejoong.” 


A/N: Wow! 250 views for 3 days. Thank you so much! I wish that you will continue to support this story of mine. Cheers everyone! ^________^


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pooppoop #1
Beautiful Story!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 14: Sounds so exciting please update soon authornim
tokki9 #3
Chapter 14: Still Daragon hate jaejoong here.
tokki9 #4
Chapter 13: I go for Daragon!!!!
marissachan #5
Please continue the story. the story seems interesting.
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 11: short update.. nxt button pls
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 10: next button please
babyhuwey #8
Chapter 10: Curious the reason behind donghae's fake death . Update soon authornim
kiarrahmah #9
Chapter 9: I hate it when I have to stop reading right before you unwrapped the backstory. What made Dara seclude herself? *sigh* The dead just rose.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 9: update please