Chapter 12: Trying to forget about yesterday's lies


Chapter 12:


"I used to think I could not move on

But somewhow things change at breaking dawn

I found myself looking forward for the sunrise

Trying to forget about yesterday's lies"



Byul and Chaerin called me. I told them that I was okay and that we should just talk about things when we'll see each other. I was so close in to bursting again because of the amount of concern they're showing.


I was touched they care for me so much.


A knock came from my door. I went to open it and I saw Jiyong holding out two white plastic bags.


"Hi," he said, smiling an awkward one.


I chuckled. "Come in."


I held the door open and let Jiyong in. He looked around my room and nodded for the reason I do not know. I scanned my room as well thinking maybe I could find the reason why he was nodding.


"I was just surprised by the pinkness of the room. It was not how I pictured it." He chuckled.


I felt my cheeks warming up. Oh right. It was last painted three years ago and those were the days that I was so in to pink. Not that I am not these days but it kind of not who I am right now.


The mood of the room just don't suit my personality now.


"I'll just get spoons," I said, trying to clear out the awkward atmosphere.


Jiyong smiled and held out two spoons, waving it in the air. "I've got them already."


I smiled and we both sat on the floor. Ji took out two tubs of ice cream from the plastic bag and varieties of junks as well.


"Are you trying to fatten me up?" I said, laughing at the mere sight of the food.


I opened the strawberry flavored ice cream tub while Ji took the mango flavored one.


He shrugged. "If only you could get any fatter than a twenty-five waist line, I would. But it seems like I could not get you any fatter than that."


I slightly punched him in the arm to which he laughed it off.


"Wanna watch some good movies? I asked as I scooped the ice cream.


He paused for awhile before saying, "Do you have a copy from the tv series My Love From The Star?"


My eyebrows narrowed, thinking if I did have a copy of that.


"Was it the story about an Alien living on Earth for four hundred years until he found love from the last three months of his stay in our planet?" I asked to be sure.

"That's the one! You have it?"


I nodded and prepared the said drama while Ji was placing the junks to the bowls the maid brought up.


We were silent the whole time we're watching. Only giving slight remarks in some scenes.


Wow. Kim Soo Hyun just keeps on getting better in each movie and drama I see him in.


It's funny how I could see my self in the image of Do Min Joon. He fell in love with a girl but the girl died. Four hundred years later, he found a girl having the same feature as the girl in the Joseon Era whom he learned to love.


It was like I found Donghae after thinking he died already. Only that in my story it was a fake death while in the drama it was a reincarnation of the girl.


I felt my eyes welling up when I realized how affectionate Min Joon was to Song Yi even though he would not want to admit and let it show. It was like he was always there for her; with her knowledge and not.


How come someone could love just this much?


"Here," I turned to look at the handkerchief handed out in front of me. Just then I realized tears were already falling when Jiyong pointed it out.


I took it and wiped away my tears while muttering an inaudible gratitude to Jiyong.


We continued watching it until the fourth episode. It was close to dawn already and we spent almost four hours in watching the drama.


"We must continue to watch it some other time!" He cheerfully declared.


I nod to Jiyong, trying to be as cheerful as him. "We should," I said.


He smiled a sad one and suddenly engulfed me in to a hug. I stiffened at the sudden contact. It was awkward how he could hug me so casually.


"I'm sorry," he said as soon as he released me. "I just thought you might need a little hug. I read it somewhere that hugs can release hormones that can make you happy." He scratched his head and looked away. "I hope it did."


For the first time this day I felt fine after hearing those words from Jiyong. Not to mention his sincerity by doing it so.


"Gomawo Jiyong-ah," I said, smiling genuinely.


"Aigoo," he patted my head, laughing.


"Ya!" I swatted his hand away. "Don't treat me like a puppy!"


"Aigoo. Uri Dara cried?" he said teasingly.


"Aniyo! My eyes were tired and a lot of times I yawned because it was too boring for my liking."


But of course it was a lie because I did not once yawned nor find it boring because I just so love the characters and everything in it.


"Jinjja?" He looked at me with scrutinizing look before he heaved out a deep breath. "Arasseo. If you say so."


"Geurae! It is the truth!'


He chuckled. "Aratta, aratta." Jiyong looked at his watch then to me. "I have to go now, Dara. Need to do some errands."


I smiled. "Alright."


I walked him through the front door and watched Jiyong as he got in the back portion of his car.


"Jal ga!" I waved at him when he rolled down the window.


He placed his right hand on his ear like a telephone. "Call me when you need me. Okay?"


I thumbs up. "Neh!~"


I watched his car drove out of our gate before I went back inside my room. It felt eerily quiet again without other presence than me. It felt empty again.


Now, what to do?


Thoughts about Donghae came rushing back in my mind as soon as I laid down on my bed. I was thankful enough that I did not burst out again. These are the moments where I wish I would run out of tears to shed. It gets tiring every time.


I sat bolt upright when I heard a knock from my bedroom door.


"Who's that?"


"It's me, princess," I heard it answered.


"Come in."


The door flew open and it revealed my brother still in his suit and tie. He loosen up his tie when he went near me. I felt his lips on my forehead as he kissed me before plopping at the side of my bed.


"How have you been?"


I managed to scrutinize my Teddy oppa's tired looking face. He looked so worn out since the last time I saw him. There seems to be a dramatic aging that occurred in a matter of months.


The thought of how time could just pass by without me noticing made me sad.


Oppa was surprised when I engulfed him in a hug. But not so long enough he wrapped his hands around me.


"Everything alright?" He said as soon as I released him. Oppa looked at me worriedly.


"Yeah," I managed to say without choking.


I want to smack Jiyong for saying that hugs could release hormones that makes you happy. It wasn't as effective as I thought it would be because right now, I feel like my iced tears are melting again.


Without a word, Teddy oppa wrapped me again in his arms. I found my self hugging him back as soon as tears started to fall once more. I must have been crying so hard for him to hum me a lullaby while soothing my back.


"Shhhh..." he whispered. "Let it all out, princess."


And here I am thinking I have been through with this phase. It was like that moment I remembered I was, three years that passed.


A/N: Thanks for the long wait! ^_^ Comments and votes would be lovely!

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pooppoop #1
Beautiful Story!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 14: Sounds so exciting please update soon authornim
tokki9 #3
Chapter 14: Still Daragon hate jaejoong here.
tokki9 #4
Chapter 13: I go for Daragon!!!!
marissachan #5
Please continue the story. the story seems interesting.
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 11: short update.. nxt button pls
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 10: next button please
babyhuwey #8
Chapter 10: Curious the reason behind donghae's fake death . Update soon authornim
kiarrahmah #9
Chapter 9: I hate it when I have to stop reading right before you unwrapped the backstory. What made Dara seclude herself? *sigh* The dead just rose.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 9: update please