Chapter 1: The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face


Chapter 1: The first time ever I saw your face


"The first time ever I saw your face
You caught me in one gaze
I felt the world could be a better place
Even if our future is a haze"


“Sure thing though that that Jiyong guy is such an entertainment.”

I looked blankly at that guy with big eyeglasses, of whom my friend pointed out, gathering his things that are scattered on the floor. He became popular in an instant for a transferee. I wondered how he really feels about going to a new school and having this kind of attention from everyone. Take note, it’s not even a positive thing. He’s the new bullied person here in the university because he looks a total nerd with big glasses, humongous piles of books at hand, weird hairstyle from the 90’s and uncool get-up. You know, the usual costume for a nerd.

I went near him and help him gather his things as students who passed by kept on ruining his papers, not even bothering to help the poor guy. I really don’t do this, definitely not my style, but I should take pity to this guy since no one in here seems to bother. Besides, the people here won’t be harming me.

In my peripheral vision, I know he looked up to me, amazed I could say, as I gathered the papers. The students I know are gaping at us, or me, I would not mind though.

“Uhm, tha-thank you for helping me.” He stuttered as he was looking at me while standing as we are done gathering his things. I arranged his papers and I gave it to him without saying another word and left. The girls are still stunned by my sudden action but I know they still choose to keep quiet because they will know they’ll not be receiving any answer.

We went to our next class which is Literature something. I sat next to the window as I would really want to get unnoticed as much as possible by the instructor though. The class even started without me recognizing it. It’s quite dull actually, this subject, because it’s more of the history of paintings and their whereabouts and of the painters as well. I scan the room out of boredom, looking at every student here in the class. They seemed to be as bored as I am but then my gaze landed on that person who is seated at the first row, right in front of the teacher. He was scribbling furiously like he was making a book with the teacher’s words on it, well, that’s what I think. Only then did I realize it was that new guy that I met in the corridor just a while ago. I ignore and him and put again my attention to the teacher who is explaining with emotions about Da Vinci’s Last Supper.

Time flies so fast that it is dismissal already. I gathered my things as the girls are gushing near me. I looked at them like telling we need to go non-verbally and they knew that it’s time for us to go. It’s not that I am detached to them, it just seems like I am not so good at explaining my side very well and I am even more grateful because they understands. Bom, Chaerin and Byul are my great friends, well, the only friends I have. We have each other since forever and they know why I became withdrawn in communicating to people.

“Yah! Dara! What have you eaten this morning?” Bom, the talker in the group and the most outspoken one among us and who is seated across me, called me after for some decades of battling with herself whether to ask me or not. I stopped twirling my spaghetti then I looked at her with my impassive look. “I just.” Then I returned in twirling my untouched food. Byul touched my hand which is resting on the table. I looked up to her with one brow raised. She gave me a genuine smile and I know what’s next. “I am so proud of you Dee. Little by little you start to open yourself to other people.” After a moment of contemplating what she is saying, I turned again to the twirling I was doing. “I am opening up to no one except you guys.” I said without looking at her. Byul is a year older than us but I think we think at the same level though, well, almost. “You’ve been shutting yourself in your own jail Dara, even to us, for how many years already. You should be freeing yourself now.” I did not try to speak. The memory of how I came to be is just so painful, still unbearable for me after all these years.

“Hey guys! I found this new product from Etude. It’s kinda cute and all plus, as we all know, the quality is unquestionable.” Thank you Chaerin for that wonderful interruption. I am indeed grateful. I know she’s just changing the subject to lighten everyone’s mood. “I’m excited to hear that! What is it? The new product?” Bom clasped her hands and her big-doll eyes are showing excitement. Byul soon joined the conversation of the two and I began eating my spaghetti. While they were busy giving review of the products they used and using, I scanned the cafeteria out of habit I guess and I saw the nerd guy again who is situated at the far most part of the hall with his self only. It’s not that it’s my first time to see a nerd bullied but it’s my first time to see a nerd who is still all smiles amidst the bad treatment of other people. It’s still visible as he was munching his hamburger happily. Because curiosity kills, my reputation is dying also. I went to him, not knowing why I did. I stood infront of him and at the moment he noticed my presence, he came to a stop when he was about to take another bite in his burger. I sat across him and he shut his partially opened mouth. We stared at each other for a minute or so, I then felt everyone’s eyes on us. He nervously scanned the looks of our astounded schoolmates before leaning towards me.

“What are you doing miss? I don’t mean that you are not welcome but it’s just that, I don’t think that we should be, rather, you should be seating on my table. What I mean is the school’s cafeteria table…” His voice trailed off as I raised one eyebrow to him. “For a guy, you’re talking too much.” I know I sounded cold and bored, maybe he’ll get used to it as much as everyone does. He scratched the back of his head while giving me an eye-smile. “Sorry about that.” He held out his right hand to me and then continued, “By the way, I’m Kwon Jiyong.” I looked at him for a moment then I gently slapped his hand, my way of shaking hands. “Dara.” I said briefly and coldly. He smiled at me, so I take it that he did not take my action awhile ago as offensive. “You are my first friend here Dara.” I just nod in response. I saw him pouting like a kid who lost in a battle. “What are you doing?” He looked up to me, still pouting before heaving a deep sigh. “The longest response you gave me is a 7 letter word sentence!” Okay, this gave me the creeps. Seriously, this guy is such a kid. I thought nerds tend to be more mature and technical and whatever geekiness they should be having in their blood. But no, not this guy. He’s different I guess. I ignore him and before standing up, I took the slowly melting ice cream before heading back to my table. He was about to protest, I know, but it will not be of use though since I am walking briskly back to my table.

“What the heck is that?” Here we go again, what’s with the drama of befriending someone?

“Bom, you’re reacting too much. Just like everybody.” She looked stunned and as if trying to contemplate what I have said and she tried counting with her fingers.

“OMG! 8 words! Wow, I must thank that geek though for making you talk much.” I rolled my eyes. This will eventually lead to nowhere anyways.

“We MUST make friends with him. And, er—probably try to help him out with his reputation and style.” Did I just see amusement in Byul’s eyes? And did I hear that clearly?

“Yes, you heard that VERY clearly. Did I just emphasize the word very? Well, yes, we are going to make friends with him if that’s the only way we can thank him for making a slight change in our Dara.” Chaerin said dreamily. Like, what the hell? Why are they so flabbergasted with the thought? I shoved my tray towards them. Damn, I just lost my appetite.

“Dara-yah~ why don’t you open up yourself to new beginnings? Why lock up yourself to something, should I say, someone who’s long gone?” Bom’s words sent daggers right in to the very core of my heart. It’s true; everything that she said is the truth. But, no matter how they convince me to get back on track with my life, I just can’t. Maybe though I did not try enough, but, who cares? This is my life.

“I need to go guys. See you.” I did not wait for any approval from anyone. I stood up and went straight out of the cafeteria. I did not have anywhere to go in mind, but my eyes suddenly landed at the Engineering building’s rooftop.

It's a great place to stay whenever you want to clear your mind out from the stresses of life. I reached the rooftop in no time.  I went near the rails and traced it while inhaling the air, like absorbing the goodness life still has to offer. I looked at the view bellow me. Students are happily chatting with their friends; some are eating, reading and whatever nonsense there is. I sighed. I realized I’ve never been like that, well, for quite some time. Seeing Bom, Byul, and Chaerin tried to pace up with me and the changes I have gone through for the past years. I turned away to the sight bellow me and sat down. I was trying to recall the Dara before. The scenes that are playing in my mind are like memories that I have only imagined.  It feels odd and I don’t know why but I felt it did not belong to me. I buried my face in my hands. Now’s not the time to get sentimental again. I stood up from where I am and went behind the door that leads me out of the rooftop. I need to forget about this for the meantime and so I headed back to our room.

I was right in front of our class room when the bell that signaled for class to start began to rang annoyingly. I situated myself in the far most part of the room and admired the birds in the trees by the windows. I glanced over Bom who is busy texting, probably with Seunghyun, Byul who is cuddling with Dongwook, and Chaerin who is listening to music while tapping her pen in her desk. Probably they arrived before me or after, I didn’t notice. I shrugged the feelings off when the instructor came in to class. I saw nerdy boy walked behind the instructor and he sat in the first row again.

I don’t know why I am so caught up with this guy. Probably because he’s quite interesting, I guess? Maybe because I felt pity towards him. Or maybe because I have nothing to do. My mind stops to wonder when the instructor spoke.

“Class, we have a new transferee student from Seoul National University. Mr. Kim, please do come in.”

Oh, another new student. I wish that he is…

“Hello everyone. I am Kim Jaejoong, transferee from Seoul National University. I hope that we could get along.” He bowed and gave us a thin smile. I honestly saw some girls drooling over him, some are fanning themselves. Seriously though, the room is very well ventilated! Well, he’s not bad after all. He does wear glasses and he has black silky hair, well-built body and all but I don’t see anything so…interesting with him. He does not look a geek at all and I guess the glasses are accentuating his features, maybe that’s the purpose for wearing it. I rolled my eyes at them and turned my head back to the window. Blue, I thought. I love it when the sky is blue and white. It gives someone a soothing feeling. This is my reliever.

I felt a presence at my left side, frowning, I looked over the other side. I raised a brow at the beaming Kim J---whatever is his name, on me.

“Hi, Jaejoong.” He extended his hand on me. I looked at it and went back to look at him.

“Dara.” I said flatly and turned back him and watched the sky by the window again.

“You’re a tough one though. Not that sociable?”

“Not your business.” I said still not looking at him.

“Why won’t you look at me? Are you afraid of falling in love with me? Didn’t know am that irresistible.” I can feel that he is enjoying it with a playful smile painted on his face and that fuels my anger. I calmed myself before I faced him and gave him my cold look.

“Oh please. Am not like the girls over there that would drool over someone. Perhaps you could find entertainment with them. Leave me at peace before I slit your throat and pull your eyes out of its sockets and smashed them to pieces.”

He was stunned. I knew it. I am so winning this. The huge smile in my head faded out when he began to give me creepy sly smile.

“You know what, I like your style. It’s not mine though but maybe I could get a long for some time. I know you like me and I am open arms …and legs anytime you want to confess.”

I smirked at him, much to his surprise. “I would not say the cliché lines you’re expecting me to. However, I wish you the best of luck for that dreadful anticipation of yours. Great things happen with great imaginations though yours don’t make the cut.  I’m sorry to inform you but as of now…It’s game over boy.”



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pooppoop #1
Beautiful Story!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 14: Sounds so exciting please update soon authornim
tokki9 #3
Chapter 14: Still Daragon hate jaejoong here.
tokki9 #4
Chapter 13: I go for Daragon!!!!
marissachan #5
Please continue the story. the story seems interesting.
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 11: short update.. nxt button pls
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 10: next button please
babyhuwey #8
Chapter 10: Curious the reason behind donghae's fake death . Update soon authornim
kiarrahmah #9
Chapter 9: I hate it when I have to stop reading right before you unwrapped the backstory. What made Dara seclude herself? *sigh* The dead just rose.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 9: update please