Chapter 5: The Man Who Can't Be Moved



[A/N] It took me so long to write this chapter because I feel like crap writing this. LOL. So Hahahaha, enjoy this!

CHAPTER 5: The man who can’t be move

"I am the man who can’t be move
Moving on is what I must do
But tell me why I would
When silently loving you feel so good"



I was early to wake up. My eyes, though they’re small already, became smaller even more because of my drama yesterday. I wore dark rimmed glasses, black v-neck shirt and dark skinny jeans with my white sneakers on my way to school. I’ve been dressing with black and white and vaguely with colorful clothes since 3 years. When I arrived on the seat that I usually take in, I slumped myself in the chair and I’m knock out.

I woke up when someone was poking my arm. I looked at the person with an irritated look though I know my death glares are not visible because I still have my glasses on. The creases on my forehead were gone when I saw a very dear friend of mine. A friend I thought I lost since he was gone. I jumped out of my seat and hugged him tightly.

“Seungri! What are you doing here? I miss you!”

He chuckled. “Hello noona. It’s been a long time neh? Can’t I visit my favorite noona?”

I laughed and before I knew it, the classmates who are left in the class were gaping at us. Oh, so classes are done already and my oh-so-dear friends left me without notice.

“Of course you can. But, why so sudden? You know I’m not complaining, it’s just that, I’m surprised. Really surprised.”

He smiled that warm smile I used to like about him. “I’m glad you were surprised. Come, let us first have a snack, probably? Are you hungry noona?”

“Well, I haven’t taken breakfast yet so, yes I am. Let’s go!”

Seungri and I went to the cafeteria. Man! This little kid had grown up in to such fine young man. I've known and been friends with him since childhood, together...with his brother. He used to be, well, a huge pain in the back then. He always annoys me and he gets himself in to trouble very much often. I was one of the people who rescued him in the trap he himself made. He's very fond in doing silly stuffs and he never likes the idea of taking responsibility of anything, even if it will cause chaos to everyone. He puts himself in the center always, and the people around him come second. I guess he and his brother was spoiled too much since well, like me, they are left alone with nanny's and household staffs to accompany them. But unlike me, they got to spent time with their parents during occasions that should not be missed. As far as I can remember, he's the happy-go-lucky kind of person and what amazed me now is that he seems the exact opposite of the Seungri I once knew. 

We are eating quietly after he ordered me what I wanted to eat. He got himself a mango shake and egg pie while I got large fries, egg pie and apple juice. Being 'lady-like' was never in my vocabulary when it comes to free food. Oh please! Screw modesty when I am pigging out. I was famished and I guess Seungri might have noticed it that's why he kept his mouth mum until I got to finish my food.

When I am done and so he is, I broke the silence.

"So what are you cooking now Lee Seungri? What brought you here in my den?"

He laughed but less enthusiastic before speaking. “I just want to visit my favorite noona.”

I raised a brow as if not believing what he just said.

“It’s true! Why won’t you believe me noona huh?” He flashed me a smile while wiggling his brows.

“Lee Seungri…Lee Seungri…What would I do with you? All the while I thought you’ve grown in to a fine young man but I must have been misinterpreting your actions. I must apologize for concluding the wrong thing.”

Then we laugh.

“Really noona, I just want to visit you. It’s been quite a long time don’t you think?”

I fell silent but I returned him with a smile. Seungri must have felt the awkwardness because of our deafening silence so he brought up a new topic of which I am thankful since I don't want to ruin our mini reunion.

We continued chatting and catching about each other’s lives, not trying to bring up the reason why we parted ways before. He told me about the course he is taking at Seoul University. He told me that he is taking up Business Administration in order to help out his parents with the family’s business. He told me about the countries he went to. Of course I can still remember back when we were kids of how he wishes to visit all the countries in the world. He said he has been to 15 countries in 3 years. I was quite amazed when he told me that he graduated salutatorian in his batch. At first I did not believe him. Who would? Back then he is not the typical geeky, studious and serious guy but he is the complete opposite one. I never saw him being serious with his education back then. I even remembered him saying that he does not wish to be in a prestigious school if it means spending more time with books and private lessons.

He shared about his past relationships. I kept on laughing about his stories. Well, if there’s one thing that did not change in him, it’s his game in relationships. Seungri is a good-looking guy, no wonder he gets girls easily in his hands. I don’t know about this kid why he turned out to be like this. Back in our childhood days, we always he is gay because he never told us about the girl who caught his eyes. He was mum about that until middle school, we just learned that he keeps changing girlfriends; like for every month! It’s a shame why he became like this, a player, but anyway, it’s his life so I can’t do anything about it but just let him be. On second thought, we did believed that maybe, just MAYBE, he got hurt by the girl he loves and to ease his frustrations, he played with girls.

“Thank you for your time noona. I’m happy I am able to meet you up again.” He gave me his genuine smile.

“I’m glad you did pay your noona a visit. It’s nice to see you finally again Seungri.” I smiled.

“Can I ask for your number noona?”

“Yes, sure.”

He gave me his number, and I gave mine to him. After that, we hugged and bade each other goodbye. I watched him walked towards the parking lot until he got into his car and drove towards outside the schools’ premises.


I looked back and stopped, I saw a running figure. I can’t clearly see the person because the sunlight is blinding me. When the figure is already coming close to where I am, I can clearly see who she is. Yes, a panting Bommie stands before my presence.

“What’s up Bommie? I said in a straight face.

She caught her breath back first before speaking again. “Aigoo~ Why are you being expressionless again Dara?”

I just looked at her like I don’t understand what she’s saying. Well, I really do but I give no comment regarding her remark. What’s the use anyway, right? Sensing that I will not respond to her, she began to talk again.

“Aisht! Why you bad rabbit, let’s go to our room first.” She grabbed my hand and pulled be towards our next class.

This demanding woman was catching her breath when we settled ourselves in our respective chairs. I looked at her while she’s clutching her heart and breathing loud.

“What is it Bom?”

She pouts. “Why can’t you wait for a minute or so Dara-ah?”

“It’s past a minute already. And you’re the one dragging me here in a faster rate if I may remind you.”

She pouts again. I rolled my eyes and eyed her.

“Aigoo~ Why are you being grumpy? Aisht. I’m not telling anymore.” She crossed her arms infront of her and looked away.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged. Sensing that I’m not going to woo her, she gave up her little drama and sighed.

“Fine! I’m telling.” I looked at her. “Dara-ah~ Do you still love him?”

My brows met and my eyes turned to slits. “What’s with that question Bom?”

She held my hand and I looked down at it. “Just answer me, please?”

“What if…what if he is still here?”

I pulled my hand out and looked at her and I know anger is evident in my face because she was taken aback. My face softens when I saw her reaction. I sighed.

“I’m sorry Bom. But even if he is here and did not die three years ago, I do not know what future holds. Answering about the future is not within my powers.”

She smiled at me and held my hand. “It’s ok, I’m sorry. I know this is a sensitive topic for you, I should have not pushed it.” We then smiled at each other.


“Class dismissed.”

Finally I could get my off now from this place. It has been days since that Kim Jaejoong and I talked. Oh well, last time we did was when we met at our hotel. Well, that’s great news and the best news so far is that I think he is over picking on me cause right now, he is flocked with their term ‘hot ladies’.

I gathered my things and prepared to leave. Gosh! This is such a tiring day and I can’t believe I am able to survive with the tremendous works that we’ve done.

“Sandara-ssi!” called from a voice behind me.

I looked back and I saw a red-faced Kwon Jiyong bowing his head low.

“What is it?”

“Uhm…” he keeps looking sideways and I kind of reading it as a mannerism of his when he is…shy? His eyes get glued to one particular spot while still hanging his head low and bit his lips. I raised a brow and saw Jaejoong eyeing us. I shrugged.

“What is it that you want from me Kwon?” I asked again.

He looked at me for a second, took a deep breath before speaking again.

“Can I come with you? Uhm….just to walk with you up to the gate.”

I want to laugh at his face. He looks like a tomato because he is all red. Too bad I have to hold my laughter since that Jaejoong guy is around plus we are still in a very public area.

“Okay.” I briefly and nonchalantly added. He beamed at my reply and quickly went beside me then we went out of the room.

“What is your favorite ice cream flavor?”

I raised a brow at him.

“What’s with the sudden question?”

He scratched his head. “Aish! Can’t you just answer me? Please?”

I rolled my eyes. “Strawberry.”

“Favorite desserts?” he asked with all smile.

“Is it necessary to answer more than one?” I said without stealing a glance at him.

“Of course! The more the merrier don’t you think?”

I sighed. “I really love ice cream, that comes first in my list of faves. I like egg pies and cakes. Well, used to like sweet stuffs.”

“Used to?”

I nodded.

“But may I ask why?”

My face must’ve changed since he looks taken aback.

“I…I’m sorry. I don’t mean to eavesdrop in to your private issues.”

I sighed. “It’s ok. Let’s not talk and try to avoid questions like that.”

“Sure. Sorry again. So, what is your favorite color?” he smiled, looks like he recovers already.

I smiled. “Pink.”

He did not utter a word for a minute or so, so I glanced at him. He was hanging his head low with his face turning to tomato red.

“You’re blushing?” I laughed a little. He looks really adorable and cute with his gummy smiles.

 Huh? Adorable?! Wait! That sounds foreign! And, bleeeech! I’m puking with my choice of words.

“Well, yeah.” He turns red even more. “It feels good that you’re kind of, opening to me and…” he is now exposing his gummy smiles even more and becomes red even more.

“…you smiled at me.”

I laughed at him. He looked at me with a shocked expression and briefly joined me in my laugh.

“You’re cute.” I said not looking at him. No matter how I try to stop myself from smiling, unexplainably I can’t. There's something with his gummy smiles that I became glued to it.

“Yeah. I could say the same thing to you too.” he smiled without looking at me.

Why does he always hang his head low whenever he is near me?

“Are you in some way ashamed to be seen with me?” I said seriously.

He quickly snapped his head back at me with hell-no-I-did-not-say-like-that kind of look and quickly waved his two hands in front of me.

"Heck no! I never did felt that way with you. Infact, I appreciated it that you are not ashamed to be seen with me.” He looked down with his face turning to beet red again.

I chuckled. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

We were engulfed with silence once again and before we knew it, we were standing right in front of my van.

“Thank you Sandara-ssi. Take care on your way home.” He smiled shyly.

“Take care as well.” I smiled and we bowed to each other.

He ran towards the opposite direction that I am taking when I turned back and went inside the van to which Mr. Shin was holding the door open for me.

“It must have been a good day, isn’t it?” Mr. Shin asked while his head is still focused on the road.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I smiled at him before turning my head back outside of the van.

“Hmmm, I’m glad you made a new friend.”

I nodded without looking at him.

Yes, it has been a great day. Seungri gets to visit me after a long time is one of the best things that happened so far this day. The sudden appearance of his is still bugging me for a reason I can’t seem to answer. I mean, after all these three years, he suddenly popped out of nowhere. I am grateful, truly I am, but I have this feeling that it could mean…something else. But I don't want to raise any expectations or whatsoever that is inclined to him so I must not put another meaning to it.

When I got home, I opened my laptop for my social networking sites. Well, I just don’t know why but I had the sudden urge to do so. It might be because it has been a long time and the feeling of welcoming myself back to being social excites me a little.

When I opened my account, I was greeted by 3 messages. The messages are from those three weird names again. I chuckled. I think these are still kids who think I am still in their same age because of my profile picture.

The first name that appeared is from Goldfish, the second is from Warrior and the third one is from Chaerin.


Goldfish: Hello miss beautiful! Have a great day! ^________^

Warrior: Thank you for accepting my friend request. ^_^ I hope to meet you soon!~~~

Chaerin: Dara! Hey you little sneaky ssantoki! Why did you not tell us you’re facebooking again? Kekekeke!~ Welcome to civilization!~~ ^____________^


Pfft. Goldfish guy again. I did not bother replying as I know he'll annoy the heck out of me if I continue to converse with him. I ignored warrior's message as well. I chuckled at Chaerin's message. At one point I did wonder how on earth she knew that I opened my account, but knowing Chaerin, well she's not CL if she did not know the newest of everything.

I replied to Chae and then I find myself scrolling down in my newsfeed...just like good old times. Well, not literally good though.

Since I got bored pretty much so fast, I logged out and turn off my laptop. I had freshened up and was about to go to bed when my phone rang. I picked it up and saw an unknown number. I frowned and slide it to answer the caller. I kept silent and waited for the caller to talk first, but nada! I heard nothing from the other line. I looked at my phone and saw it still in the line. I was about to turn it off when a voice came out.

"Yo-yoboseyo? Dara-ssi?" It's a man's voice.

"Who are you?" I said monotonously.

"Ah...neh, this is K-kwon Ji-jiyong."

"How did you get my number?"

He was silent for a moment before he spoke again.

"Ah...mianhe. I took it from the,uhm...Bom-ssi."

"Bom? Why? What do you want from me?" I am starting to get irritated by his stuttering. Not to mention he has my number! Also that corn maniac woman should be taking full responsibility for this and if she thinks she can get away easily, she is wrong.

"Mianhe Dara-ssi. I just want to ask you if you could..."


He sighed. "Ijustwanttoaskifyoucoulddomethefavorofgoingoutwithmetomorrowduringlunch?"

I was startled. Did he- did he just asked me out?

"What did you say?" I said almost a whisper.

"Can I have lunch with you tomorrow? treat?" he said carefully.

I was not able to move my lips and answer him back. I just don't know why my tongue get tied after he asked me to go out with him for lunch. I have not gone out with anyone for the past three years after everything that...Aisht! Why am I even talking and thinking about what's gone with the wind already?

"Uhm, hello? Dara-ssi? Are you still there?

I was cut-off from my thoughts. Seriously Dara, what's happening to you?
"Just call me Dara. Tomorrow then. Just text me."

I did not wait for further more drama so I cut-off the line before he can even say a word again. Oh crap wait! Did I...did i just agree to go out with him? And!!!!! Why did I told him to call me Dara? What are we, close?!

I strangeled my own hair while smashing my head in my headboard. Yes, it's smashing because I have been hitting my head so hard that I think any moment by now I'd collapsed and by the time I wake up I'll have amnesia. Yes dear Lord! I think I need to be amnesia, or much better, let that Kwon Jiyong guy have amnesia so that he'll forget about going out with me tomorrow. Or...make him do something that will keep him busy and not get tracked on the time. It would also be nice if something very urgent will came up the way when we'll meet that he has to leave me before I can say flash.

I had a sleepless night for who knows what reason! I mean, it's just Kwon the nerdy Jiyong. Why am I even exerting too much effort? And here I am with my petty excuses just to came up something in order to avoid him, but I guess it is not possible.

He was casually leaning at the wall outside of our room. I can say he did groomed up a little bit. Should I feel flattered because he tends to look, uhm...presentable for today?

He looked up to me and smiled. I just watched him scratched his head and shyly smiled again.
"Give me your bag Dara, I'll bring it for you."
"No, it's ok. I can manage."

I walked past him and began to walk my way to the exit. He was just following behind me until we reached the car park and he went to his car and opened the passenger seat for me. He held it open until I was able to get in. He went to his side of the car and droved away.

"Wh-what do you want to order Dara?" he asked.

We are inside of a restaurant, not so far away from our school. The place is very beautiful. It's like an indoor garden with lots of flowers in different colors that gives compliment to the place. The sides are filled with vines hanging in each side of the place and there's a mini fountain at the back part of the restaurant. Not bad I must say.

"I'll just have whatever you'll have Jiyong-ssi."

"Uhm, if it's not too much to ask, can we quit the formalities?" he said in almost a whisper.

I was kinda hesitant by his request. I mean, I was the one who told him to call me informally right? But if we are going to call each other informally, it's like taking a chance of opening myself to other people besides from the people I have been accustomed to be with for so long. It would be a big step for me after years, but come to think of it, what could go wrong? I think he can be trusted enough to be a friend. I mean, it's just Kwon Jiyong, the school's famous geek.

I sighed. "Alright, let's call each other informally from now on."

A huge smile showing his gums is plastered on his face after I said those words.

"Oh gwiyowo!" I gushed.

The smile on his face fade out but then a few moments later, he smiled even bigger.

"Wow! It's my first time to hear you speak like that! It's more nice to here you having life with your words, actions and face. You look more beautiful when you smile you know." He shyly smiled away after saying the last sentence.

I smiled at him. I don't know why but I just felt good when I heared him said that.

"Thank you." I said almost like inaudible.

He smiled. "So, I'll order for us then?"

We ate in silence. The awkward atmosphere is taking over us. It must have been because we have not been fully accustomed with each other, nor have other people to drive us closer that we came in this awkward position.

We finished eating without any special events. He drove me back to school since I told him I still have 2 classes in the afternoon. Good for him he does not have any classes. The classes we have together is two among the 5 classes he is attending.

"Thanks for the ride." I said while unbuckling the seatbelt.

He smiled at me, "It is I who should thank you for coming to lunch with me."

I got off the car and bowed to him before he drove his car away.

I turned around and headed to class. But when I was near my room, I was shocked to see two men talking. One with a suit and the other, a student just like me.

They stopped from talking when the guy in suit saw me. He smiled and waved over to me, obliging me to join them. I looked at the guy beside him with furrowed brows. I eyed him with so much hate while going near them. I gave the guy in suit a warm hug before shoting the other guy with deathly glares.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, still not leaving my eyes to the guy I am starting to detest.

"I have come to talk with your boyfriend. Just want to check if you two are getting alone just fine." he then quickly gave me a squeeze while smiling sweetly at me.

Just when I thought I'd be pestered no more, the topic with Kim Jaejoong resurrected again.


Olla!~ I really don't know if this is good enough to catch up for a month delay of update. Kekeke~ Still I hope you like it.
Leave some comments though, I'd appreciate it very much and would make me boost up my energy.

Kamsahamnida~ Cheers *bow*


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pooppoop #1
Beautiful Story!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 14: Sounds so exciting please update soon authornim
tokki9 #3
Chapter 14: Still Daragon hate jaejoong here.
tokki9 #4
Chapter 13: I go for Daragon!!!!
marissachan #5
Please continue the story. the story seems interesting.
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 11: short update.. nxt button pls
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 10: next button please
babyhuwey #8
Chapter 10: Curious the reason behind donghae's fake death . Update soon authornim
kiarrahmah #9
Chapter 9: I hate it when I have to stop reading right before you unwrapped the backstory. What made Dara seclude herself? *sigh* The dead just rose.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 9: update please