Chapter 3: My Girl


Chapter 3: My girl


“My girl, that’s what you are
You are now my shining star
We may be so near yet so far
Yet my love for you will never sour”



I stared blankly at my reflection in the mirror. Teddy oppa made me wear a black sleeveless dress from Forever21 that reaches just right above my knee. I wore a little make-up and half-tied my hair. I sighed. I don’t want to look like I want to make a good impression with that bastard that I am meeting today. Thinking about him makes me want to vomit. If given a chance and  I’d get to feel nauseous towards him when we are together, I swear to the most high that I would vomit in front of him no matter where our location is.

I went downstairs and asked the maids for my brother’s location. They told me he already left the house early as he has a meeting to attend to early in the morning. I ate my brunch first before heading to our hotel. Why on earth have they decided to make him meet me there? Park Hyatt’s supposed to be my haven when I want to unwind but now it seems like hell to me. I hate this kind of feeling. I may sound like a brat but that’s just how I feel. Even I felt trap inside my own head and body. I glanced at the wall clock. 11:35, I read. Still have 25 minutes left before the dreadful destined time. I decided to get going in order to finish this ridiculous business I got in to. I asked Mr. Shin to drive me to Han River first before heading to Park Hyatt Hotel so that I can have time to collect myself and clear my thoughts. I have to think that it is just like any other meetings. No other matter to discuss but plain business.

It did not take long for us to reach Han River since it’s just minutes away from home. As soon as we arrived, I get out of our Honda Skydeck Van after telling Mr. Shin that I’ll just take some fresh air. I looked around me and I saw that there are a lot of families and couples enjoying leisurely the warmth of the day. I envy them. I don’t get to spend such quality time with my family for who knows when it started. I went near the river and extended my arms and try to breathe all the air my lungs can consume. It’s freshening. How much should I pay to feel this kind of peace in me for all of my life? I sighed knowing well enough that I cannot escape the path that is laid out for me since the day I was born. But can I compromise? I would love to try and negotiate this with my parents since it is a huge step for me. A huge step it is to take after 3 years. I must face things differently this time. My friends are right, I should live my life again as to how it was, but even better than I was before. I smiled inwardly at the thought. After breathing a few more times, I turned back again to where the van was parked. As I was near the van, someone caught my eyes. He was wearing a black Vivienne Westwood suit and he looks pissed while talking with someone on the phone. He gets in his 2014 Porsche 911 Carerra swiftly before I can say AMEN! Damn. It’s not even out in the market for Pete’s sake. This is enormously outrageous! How can he be so chic outside the school and so meek when in the inside? Who knows that this geeky guy could turn out to be some godly creature when he’s out of the school? Wait a minute… Could he be deceiving everyone with his change of aura inside and outside of the school? Awww nah! Guess not. He does not seem to be that kind of guy though. Maybe he wears them out of his parents will just like what how I am doing mine. On second thought, maybe my eyes were playing on me. It must not be him.

I looked at my watch when it produced a bling sound. Oh goodness! I almost forgot about the bastard. My brother’s going to flip if he knows I was still not there. I hurriedly went to the passenger seat to which Mr. Shin was already holding out for me the moment he saw me approaching.

“I’m sorry Mr. Shin for asking you to drive me as fast as you can to the hotel. I know it’s my mistake that I’ve lingered around for too long.” I said apologetically.

“No worries Dara. I’ll get you there in a blink.” I felt the van moved swiftly and in no time I reached the hotel. I walked gracefully as I can to the Cornerstone, the dining area to where we had a reservation. I was instructed that Mr. Kim was waiting for me at the corner of the room. There I saw him tapping the table, one hand at his cellphone looking bored and all. The moment my eyes landed on his face, I gritted my teeth and I have the urge to strangle him and chop him into million pieces. I gave him a poker face, a clear indication of my indifference with him, as he looks up to me. I did not do curtly with him in our school, what more if we’re the only ones in my family’s hotel. So I did not even bother handing him my hand to shake with his or let him kiss my hand, to which I find very repulsive, you see. I stood there in front of him but silently killing him inside my head.

“Good afternoon Mr. Kim.” I said in a business tone manner.

He looked at his watch before turning to me while frowning. “You are quite stunning today Ms. Park but You are late.”

I sat in front of him before speaking again. “I could not say the same thing to you Mr. Kim. Well, I am late for a minute or so, I believe. It would have been more inappropriate if a woman would wait for a boy.”

He smirked. “And you acknowledge me as a boy not as a man? Am I hearing it correctly Ms. Park?”

“If you don’t have hearing incapability Mr. Kim, I believe you have heard the very same.” I still kept a poker face and lowered my voice even if I feels the very opposite. Right now, I just want to shout right in to his face the words, Get home you ! You think you can win this game huh? Fine! Let us have it your way but you will never ever get through me! You ing understand the words coming out you dimwit ? But of course I have no intention of telling him that, not when we are surrounded by high-class people in the area. I have to keep my poise, that’s how I was taught and groomed by my parents.  It’s really hard to control the raging lion inside you just because you want to keep the sense of honor of your family’s name. But his fondness of himself is something intolerable. I just want to crack his bones as he is giving me that sardonic smile.

“Feisty, I like that kind of girl.” Before I could even utter a word, he signals for the waiter, who is patiently waiting for us not so far away, to come near us to take our orders.

“What would you like?” He said while looking over the menu.

“I would like to have a peace of mind and that you would leave at this moment.” He chortled and looked at me and shaking his head before looking again at the menu.


“Not so fast Ms. Park. I would still want to enjoy your company; you can’t get away just like that. If I may, I would like to order for the two of us.”


I rolled my eyes and shrug. “Do as you please, not hungry anyway.”


He raised a brow. “I believe it is still noon. Should you wish to order for yourself then?”

“This is our hotel Mr. Kim, let me remind you. If I wish to get something for myself, I could do it at ease.” I said in as-a matter-of-factly.


“Very well, let’s just order wine then.” He looks impatient and is about to burst but he remained his composure and turns to the waiter.  “Two glasses of Chteau Mouton Rothschild Pauillac 1986 please.”


After jotting down, the waiter turned back again to Mr. Kim, “Would that be all sir?”

“Yes please, for now.” He replied without leaving his gaze at me. The waiter nods and went to get our, rather his, order. When the waiter is out of reach to hear our conversation he turns back to me with a serious expression. “Sandara, would you like to know the reason why we are meeting up today?”

I raised my brow, “To piss the hell out of me?”


He rolled his eyes. “Oh, aside from that of course.”


“Your family wants me to marry some dimwit-retarded-conceited .” I said in between gritted teeth. God knows that I just want to cut his lifeline by throwing him out of the building so that the wonderful people of Seoul will be rejoicing as one humiliation to Korean population will be taken 6 feet under the ground. How can I not hate him if my second impression of his is 10 times worse than the first one?


We are consumed by silence when he was kind of taken aback from what I just said. We are cut off from the staring battle when the waiter arrived with the wine at hand. He placed it gently before us while filling our wine glass. He then asked if we want anything but the bastard told him that he would like to order the best course we have. “Will get you that sir in no time.” With that, the waiter left.


He took a sip from the glass and he gave me that sly smile that I am beginning to hate from the bottom of my heart.

“Yes. That’s true. I was the one who told them that I want to marry the fierce, beautiful and the only daughter of the Park family.”

“I hate, loathe, despise, dislike, abhor, execrate you.” I said monotonously with my impassive look. I should congratulate myself for holding up my temper in a long duration. Bravo Dara! I feel like I am inside a volcano and I just have to stay inside it in order to stop the rising lava with all the powers that I have.

He frowned. “That’s too much Dara. But I can’t help but smile to my accomplishment. It’s good that I won over you though. It feels good that you don’t have any other choice but to be good to the person you, hate, loathe abhor and whatever crap synonyms there is.”

I chuckled. “Maybe you got it wrong then Mr. Kim, I am not willing to submit myself to you. It is pretty much given that I don’t want to be in close proximity with you. Lucky you that you got to hold me for let us say,” I looked at my watch.” For 30 minutes or so. You should be paying the time you are consuming from me.”

He gave me that Cheshire smile that I oh-so-not like at this moment. Seriously, he is giving me the creeps!  “I would love to pay your time for a lifetime Ms. Park. Only one ‘I do’ from you will do I guess? And I do believe that the sooner we get to settle ourselves in pursuing our marriage, the faster I am obliged to spend forever with you.”

My jaw literally dropped! What the ing heck is that?! I am pretty much disgusted with this inhumane sight that is before me. I want to spit on him, pluck out his eyes and burn them until it will turn to ashes, staple his mouth and stitch it and cement it so that it can’t talk anymore, and the more I’ll be happy to send him to funeral and cremate his body! But of course, I kept my posture amidst the things that are running in my head. This is just too unbearable. I can’t stand him any longer. I sighed and smiled at him. “Thank you for that not so wonderful invitation Mr. Kim. As you see, you may think your proposal might be appealing to other people, or the women of your like, but not to me. I don’t seek other people’s company nor in need of anything aside from my basic needs. And I do hope that you, with a bird like brain, will be able to comprehend from such smart lady as I am. Now if you excuse me, I would love to get on back with the more important things that I had left unattended.” I stood up, not waiting for an answer. I grabbed my purse and was about to go when I turned back and gave him a smirk. “I would also appreciate it if you’ll quit this game of yours.” With that, I turn around and left the conceited Kim Jaejoong fuming red on his seat.


I reached our car and the car flew open as Mr. Shin held the car’s door out for me. We were silent on our way back to our house. I noticed that for some time, Mr. Shin kept on glancing at me, wearing a very worried look on his face. I guess he can’t contain his concern to himself when he finally broke our silence.

“Dara dear, what happened back there?” he glanced at me worriedly and returned his head back to the road.

I sighed. I did not take it as him being nosy towards the situation. I completely understand his concern as he treat me like a second daughter and me to him as my second father.

“I just wished that I could have peace of mind. They want me to be in relationship with a rich son’s bastard you see. I never thought that I would come to abhor such person for a very short period of time!” a tear escaped my eyes to which I quickly wiped away. No, they cannot see me go pathetic again. Never should I cry in front with other people, although Mr. Shin is not any ‘other’ person. I pledged that I will never cry. I pledged I will not let them see the fragile side of me ever again for I know no one would even care to wipe away my tears, fears and heartaches away.

“I’m sorry Dara. As much as I would like to do something for you, there’s nothing that I could do but lend you my ears and hanky.” He then smiled even worry is written on his face.

I smiled. “Thank you for being the best second dad I could ever have!” I gave him a quick hug and returned to my seat.

“Anything for my not-so-little anymore, Dara.” He chuckled.


I got off the van even before Mr. Shin could have opened my door. I wore my impassive look as I walked through the school’s corridor. I am building my walls around everyone when I am encountering people, and sad to say it may be, I choose to be like that towards my friends. It saddens me sometimes because I seemed unfair. I shrugged the thoughts off when I caught sight of that guy again gathering his belongings with a broken eyeglass at hand. Three guys were laughing and pointing at him like he was some kind of a big joke. I frowned. I don’t like seeing people mocking other people who are obviously have no fight against them. My fist curled and before I knew it, I landed a good punch in to the biggest guy among the three. He was thrown to the ground like some paper! Ha! He looked like a little kid, which suits him. He held his bleeding nose and returned his head glaring at me. The other two guys and the people around us are left shocked with what I did. Who am I to blame? I am a petite girl with a very small body but with an attitude and strong fist. I smirked at their mortified expressions.  Gosh! How I wish to steal someone’s camera and capture the moment and let them see how stupid each one of them looks like. I looked at nerdy boy who too is left quite surprised to the turn of events. Eventually they are wakening up to reality after maybe convincing themselves that what happened is the awesome truth.

“How dare you land a punch to my gorgeous face?!” he is wiping off the blood running out of his nose. The two other guys came to his rescue and helped him get up. The big guy shrugged the other two away. He resumed glaring at me while holding his nose.

“I just did.” I said nonchalantly. I went to nerdy guy and looked down at him; he looked up at me with his shocked expression. I raised my brow and looked back to the big guy who still has his eyes glaring at me.

“Get up. And get back on your suppose whereabouts.” I said monotonously, directing what I am saying to nerdy guy. He stood up and went behind me and scooted off before I can say anything again.

“Yah! That’s our prey! Why are you interfering?” the chinky-eyed guy said while pointing to the guy who just left.

“Yeah! You should learn to not meddle in other people’s business missy. I am not scared to the consequences of hurting you even if you’re a girl. It will suit you for hurting TOP.” The guy with---I don’t know. I can’t seem to decipher where his damn eyes are.

I hold my laughter. And due to their action of taking care of that so-called TOP whom they said are in hurt, I wasn’t able to contain it anymore and burst out laughing. I laughed so hard I guess that when I am finished laughing, they are all gaping at me. Jaws dropped and mouths wide open with bulging eyes.

“Ahhh, I should give you the credits then for making me laugh to which I haven’t done for quite some time.”

I left the stunned people stunned and head off to class before I am caught late.


My first class ended with my head wandering around. Bom approached me and get me back on my senses as she told me it’s time for lunch. I nodded and followed them to our usual table in the cafeteria. We are not like those people that labeled everything as our own even though we are not the rightful owners. I guess though that what happened is that, we are seen usually having lunch here and I think we have that kind of reputation that all of the students acknowledge. Bom is much known for her awesome voice. She is the school’s chorale’s pride because whenever she joins a contest, she always ends up garnering the awards. CL here is known for her badass attitude. She’s one of the most admired female rapper; it may be in underground rapping or not. And here, our lovely Byul is one of the most sought out models in Korea. She is featured in many magazine covers inside and out of the country. Well, I am known for myself. I am not known as the daughter of whomever or sister of whomever as my family tried to hide personal information to the public.

I was silently eating while the girls are busy chatting about stuffs like fashion, music, boys and the likes. I sighed. I used to be one of them, gossiping about stuffs like that, and I felt bad that I have come to neglect their presence and company just because I am mourning over something that has been long way gone.

“…And then, Mr. Yang told me that I am going to model for Elle. Gosh guys! I am so excited!” the girls squealed and giggling. I smiled.

“Congratulations Byulie! I know you would do well in the shoot.” I said enthusiastically. The three girls, Bom, Byul and Cl was frozen in their spot. After a few blinks, they rushed to me, hugged me and began to sob overdramatically. I was quite left dazed by their unforeseen action.

“Oh my gosh Dee! Are we going to throw a party tonight to celebrate your comeback?” CL said in between sobs.

“You look awful with your smeared eyeliner CL. Better clean yourself up.” I smirked.

“Yah! Dara-ah! Welcome back.” Bom pulled me away from the others and quickly gave me a bear hug.

I inwardly smiled. Yeah, it somehow felt good that I am breaking the cracks of my facade.


Aigoo~ It's nearly a month since I have updated my story. Kekekeke~ Anyways, I made a few changes in the first part. Minzy should've not be in the scene, just yet. Oh well, I did not know I have not edited it. So yeah, I hope you did like my update. If you like it, drop some comments bellow. Kamsahamnida! Cheers!

Additional info: I used TOP because I want it to sound cocky or smth. LOL. I was laughing the whole time when I didn't notice the flaw because I was not able to explain it well. Mianhe~


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pooppoop #1
Beautiful Story!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 14: Sounds so exciting please update soon authornim
tokki9 #3
Chapter 14: Still Daragon hate jaejoong here.
tokki9 #4
Chapter 13: I go for Daragon!!!!
marissachan #5
Please continue the story. the story seems interesting.
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 11: short update.. nxt button pls
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 10: next button please
babyhuwey #8
Chapter 10: Curious the reason behind donghae's fake death . Update soon authornim
kiarrahmah #9
Chapter 9: I hate it when I have to stop reading right before you unwrapped the backstory. What made Dara seclude herself? *sigh* The dead just rose.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 9: update please