Does time fly? Well, yeah. More if you were a student, because with the final exams, final reports and finally get the chance to be a graduated and have your liberation letter leaves you with no free time.


And that was exactly what Tao was going through. No time for think and no time for love. He was so focus on his studies, and tried hard for everything went well on his graduation party.


Well, he was sad because YiFan was on some sort of business with his father so he wasn't able to attend Tao's party. At the same time he was happy, It would be hard for him to tell a  lie to his parents saying that the blond was only his "friend". He really didn't want for his parents to know about his uallity yet.


He was scared to death. He let his own feeling controled his body, mind and soul. He tried hard for not falling in love. At first was cute for him and at the same it was amused to go out with a boy but soon he know that this wasn't some joke and the was going deeper and deeper in feelings for the blond one.


Does it hurt? Like hell. He was inbetween, a love for his parents and for the man he was in love. He really didnt want to choose. His parents raised him well. With love, and convictions and with the knowledge that when the time comes, he will choose the right path. And that was killing him forn inside because his right path was YiFan.


If Tao has to choose, he was sure with no regrets, that he will always choose Kris against his parents. It was true love and with that, no matter what, it has no strenght into Tao. True love is only one in a life time. And that was Kris for Tao. The right one.


Tao was aware that he was not a anymore. He lost his ity with Kris and he couldn't ask for anyone else. fifteen days has passed and he still can't believe that he was Kris and Kris was his. The little thought about it, made him blush like a cherry tomato.


He was lost in thoughts that he barely heard the talk his father was having with one of his friends. Until a certain name caught his atention.


"Yes. Thats the news and the new. Gossips around says that the Byun kid is pregnant" The gentleman said to Tao's parents who, both of them, had a disgust on their faces.


"Oh my god, what a nasty thing. Can you believe it?. It gives me chills only thinking about it. And the worst is that they are agree with that relationship." Tao's mother coed. "And with a bastard baby on the way."


"The Byuns went to far with this stupidity" The head of the Huang said. "Well waht can they expect when his son is so could I say this? So easy. How old is he?."


"Baekhyun is 17 years old or so I guess. I don't know him too well. Only some dinners here and there but i never expect the Wu son to be...well you know...rare..." The man


"It's such a disgrace. The Wu and the Byun are really crazy. Please darling, end all business with them and cut all ties. I don't want to be near those dirty people." The beautiful lady waved his hair with a classy moved.


"I will for sure. I'm not letting my family socialize with that kind of persons. And for sure, not letting my son go near them." Tao's father was having a drink, trying to get a grip of himself.


Wu. Byun. Those surname was in Tao's mind. Pregnant? Baekhyun? Like the same name of YiFan's exboyfriend?


Tao was dying for curiosity. He need to know what they were talking about because it was clear that he known a Wu person and for so odd reason he for sure known a baekhyun person too.


"Mama, what are you guys talking?" He ask with his cute voice.


"Oh my darling pretty boy. Such a shame on them." His mother hugged him tightly.


"With whom mama? What was dad saying?" Curiosity all over him.


His father and the gentleman were off. Walking and talking about business, was the right time for that. This was not only a "graduated party" more like a way to make some business and get conections. Thats what rich peoples parties was for.


"The worst my son. The worst. The Wu and the Byuns join forces and not only they are merging companies but also their sons." The pretty lady said.


"What I dont get it. Their sons are going  to work together?"Tao tilted his head in confusion.


"No my sweet boy. Oh you are so inocent. What im trying to say here is that, They got married their sons. The son of the Wu's got married a couple days ago with the Byun's son and  both are males!" The woman almost cry at the fact.


A chill got in Tao's body. "Wu? Wu YiFan?" He asked with fear, this was a joke a bad one.


"Yes. Wu YiFan is married with Byun Baekhyun. Gossips say that they were a couple before the marriage" she made a disgust face.


"No, this can be true." Tao tried hard to precess the info. It cant be true because YiFan was going out with him. The gossips most be wrong.


"I know. Is really disgusting knowing that gay people is around us. They marriedn and guess was the most awful thing? Well Baekhyun is pregnant with YiFan baby. Is disgusting as hell." His mother walked away.


What? He let a loud laugh. "No, this can be true. Not only married but having a baby..." Tao closed his eyes. He left pain trough his body. But nothing hurt more than his heart. Dizzy. Nausea. Dark. Cold. Wet.





He woke up in his bed. It was morning and when he asked what had happened the last night, the maid said he  collapsing on the floor and then his parent called a doctor and took some blood for test that were send this late noon.


His head hurt, and well how can't he not pass out when he just found out that his boyfriend was aparently married with his exboyfriend and he was going to be a father.


" it, I'm going to see it myself" Tao got up and went straight to showering. Faster as he can. He needed to known the truth. "This must be a missunderstanding. YiFan would never do this to me. I gave myself to him. He never do  something like this. He love me, not Baekhyun.


Tao took a cab and told him to drive to YiFan's condo. It was now or never.


The elevator was in his favor, fast as hell and less than five minutes, he was facing  the brown door. Rang the doorbell or not rang the doorbell. That was the question.


Tao was unsure, he was trembling with fear. He backed up and rested his back againg the next door wall. Breathed in and breathed out. He tried hard to remember his wushu class. Clear the mind was one of the first rules. And it was working until some giggles pulled him out of his mantra.




The little giggles were from Baekhyun. He was happy laughing about something, something that it was saying by the man next him.




He never felt so much pain like this. Not even when his little puppy died in a car accident. Not even when hi broke his leg in a competiotion. This was worst till the point his eyes can't even let the tears down to his face. The man he loved was with his exboyfriend happyly.


"Aww stop it Kris. You are the worst." Baekhyun playfully punched Kris' shoulder.


"But why? Is true. You were eating like a little mouse. Cute." Kris chuckled.


'Cute. Aren't I the cutest thing you ever saw? Did you lie to me?'


His blood boiled. He was going to get straight the point and he was not going to cry, no matter what.


"Well, hello YiFan. It's been a while. Well not too long just fifteen days. Can we talk?" He asked, with much pride he had.


"T-Tao is that you?." Kris' mouth went dry. "What are you doing here."


Tao scoffed. "Well can we talk or not."


Baekhyun tilted his head and started walking. "Kris...I'm going, I guess...Well hum you guys can talk here. I'm just going to go in, ok. Nice to see you again Tao.


Baekhyun go inside the apartment. Leaving the black haired man talk with his husband.


"Well then. Is that true, isn't it?" Tao with a sad voice said. "I though that it was all lies from people. I need to see it with my own eyes and guess what? IS ALL ING TRUE!" He screamed. "How could you?! Why?! WHAT THE IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU ER.!"


"Tao please, let me explain things first ok." Kris tried to calmed Tao. "Look Tao, I'm so sorry, really. Is just that things are this way an-" Tao cuted him out.




"No Tao, not that way. Please stop screaming. You and I were not mea-" Hot, it was hot. His cheek hurts. Tao slapping was a hard one and he knew he deserve that and so much more.


"Shut the up. Don't dare to say it. I'm an stupid for coming here looking for an answer." Tao tried hard for not  sobbing.


"Tao I'm so sorry" Kris ran a hand through his hair in frustation. "What do you want to know"


Tao was beyond angry. He was so sad but most of all, he was deep hurt. The man he loved, was lying.


"Why" Tao's soft voice was music to Kris.


"Tao, Again I'm so sorry but." Kris thought for a second, he tried to hold a tear. "Damn it, I'm sorry for what I did to you Tao, I really like you, I do. But BaekHyun is my only one. I love him." 'Its better this way Tao'


"You asked me to stay with you, To be with you, to never leave you, to hold you, to love you. And thats what I did, I gave myself to you. Not only my heart and soul, you took my ity too and yet you never say those words to me, the "I love you" never comes. Only for him rigth?" Tao rise his head and looked into Kris eyes.


"Tao please-"


"Did you have fun with me? Did you enjoy having a in your bed. Did both of you laugh behind my back?"Tao let out  a bitter laugh.


"Tao, let's break up. You need someone who really love you and I can't be that person." Kris sadly said.


"Too late for say that. I really hate you Wu YiFan. I hate you the most and I don't want to see your face ever again. Be happy for the rest of your life, motherer." Tao was about to leave but Kris grabbed him by the arm.


"Tao no, please not this way. Lets fin-" A punched on Kris handsome face was left.


"Let go of me you er. Don't come near me. Not now, not never, not in this lifetime or another. I truly hate you."




He left, ran just as fast as he can. Not even the weather was on his side. Rain was threatened to fall down with rage. He needed to get home. He needed his bed. He needed to cry his heart out. He needed to think. He needed to scream. He needed his mother's lovely arms.


Once he stepped a foot on his house, the rain began. the little drops against the window were loud enough. He started to cry. Little sobs were hear on his corridor. He walked and passed his parents office, he want to go to his room. His was a mess. He began to feel dizzy, his head hurt and his stomach began to jump up and down.


While he was walking he was making  noises with his steps. At the same instant, the office door got opened, and a crazy lady came out. screaming and throwing curse out loud.


Tao stopped and turn around to see his mother in a rage state. He was going to talk but a hard slap cut him all his sense. Blinking some time. "Mama what is th-" He was cut with another slap, more stronger that the first.


"Don't you dare to call me that again. How could you do this to me, to your father!" The woman scream.


"I don't know what are you talking abo-"


"You don't know?. Are you sure? Don't ing lie to me. I know everything. I know that my once little baby boy is now a ing homoual bastard!


Tao's eyes got wide in horror. His mother knew about him. But how?


"Mama please let me explain." Tao started to cry harder.


"Explain what!. I know what you are and this family does'nt have freaks like you. So grab your coat and we'll going to the hospital. after that I'm going send you to England to study there. With some luck your father doesn't need to know about this." His mother grabbed a lighter and set fire to a paper. "I'm not letting you to dirty the Huang's name."


"What? Why are we going to a hospital?" Why his mother wants to bring him to a hospital? Does they are going to do electroshock on him to cured him like some other homophobic families do?. "Mom please, please. Don't take me to the hospital." He begged.


"Shut up. Now grab your coat. And of course I'll take you to the hospital. We need to get rid of that disgusting thing you have on your awful womb." his mother spitted with venom on his voice.


"Get rid of what?" Tao felt a cold sweat.


"I'm taking you there for an abortion. You are my son and not son of mine will have a bastard. You are pregnant."


Then, all went black.



A/:I was planning on update sooner like in noon but then i was on a war. It was kill or be killed. 

My war was with my damn net for SHINee's concert tickets. Well after all i got them. Now i need my plane ticket.

Thanks for your comments and for the new subscribers. Thank you so much. See you guys next chap.*o* And again, typos are my bad. 


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Chapter 35: Ugh. Did they really die? I'm a sobbing mess author-nim. This was beautiful ughhh. My heart my soul. Ughhh If ever you get better and better and decide to write some sequel(I'm greatly hoping), I wish they would have another ending where chantao ends up as a really happy family. The ending made me so sad and feel me sorrow and all stuff. It's like wht you said, 'de javu'. Wow thank you so much btw. It was great to experience a roller coaster of emotions right then and there. A great story indeed :)
CounterShock #2
Chapter 35: OH. MY. GOD you're back ! I loved this chapter !! But this ain't the last right... ?
OREON_3113 #3
Chapter 35: Why did they di. He died and I cried, how about the children and Chanyeol. ㅠ.ㅠ
IamMeGt12 #4
Chapter 35: so Tao died????
what about chanyeol and the children????
Lyn_95 #5
Chapter 35: Well it's been a while haha :) This was really beautiful, I hope you feel better authornim. I'll be checking out your other stories too (^-^)
thatoneweirdperson #6
Chapter 35: I am literally crying and bawling my eyes right now. That was beautiful and such great,emotional writing stuff you have. Good luck in your future stories and life. Right now, I gotta let the inner-fangirl out: (ಥ﹏ಥ) (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ 。゜(`Д´)゜。 *SOBS UGLISHY* I'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN
kennocha #7
Chapter 34: It's totally okay with me. Take your time. I'll be right here when you get back. Jiayou!
Chapter 34: Take your time! I actually forgot about this story for a while because I have so many fics and I started to write myself, haha. I still love this fic so take your time and update when you can and want to. Hwaiting!