ZiTao was sitting on a chair on his porsche. Watching the night sky that for some odd reason had more stars than the night before.


He was in deep thoughts, and also in deep trouble with his feelings. But as everyone else says "Why not". So he gave himself the chance to feel for the first time what he call as "maybe" a lover one.


The fact that YiFan was honest with the feelings he was starting to developed for him in their after class coffee date, left him amazed.


As he can remember the talk started with a warm smile.


"How was your day Tao?" Kris smiled while took a drink of his coffee.


"Not too good. Rumors says that teachers wants the students do a 'baby project'. You know, pregnant teens these days. Anyways, how was yours?"


Kris frowned "Baby project? That's sounds a bit creepy. Mine was good. I scored a 97 in a test. Thanks to someone whom says that I need to put more attention in class. Hope that person be happy for me"


ZiTao giggled soft. " I know that person will be happy for you, I can tell. YiFan stop smiling like that, it's creepy" Zitao punched Kris arms lightly.


"Why should I? And if someone to blame that must be you, you make me smile this way" He smirked. "But again with the creepy things. Can you imagine having a baby at our age? Can't even thing about it. It gives me chills"


"You are so cheesy. And i feel you. I feel bad for all those kids who has our age and they already have kid or are in pregnant state." Tao pouted.


"That will never happen to us" Kris took Tao's hand in his.


"Well of course not. I dont have anyone for that' to happen anyway." Tao laughed.


Kirs let out a sigh and tight gripped on Tao's hand.


"Tao i really want to tell you something and please dont get me wrong. Just please let me finish all and then you can answer to my question, ok?"  Kris asked.


"Alrigth, i will listen till the end" Tao say with a warm smile, encouraging kris to keep going.

"Once, i had someone who I really liked. I thought that he was the one for me. You know, we were really close I mean after all he was my bestfriend. We liked each other the same way. Not in a friendly way. Finally I asked him if he wanted to go out with me, and he said yes.


We spend all our time together, we did things that boyfriends do. I really liked him, too much for my sanity. And I thought that he liked me too. I'm not a showy person, its hard for me to show my emotions, is not my style but you see, with him I really tried.


One day he come and said to me that he like me but he need to move on, that I wasn't what he was looking for and he needed to be free for search  that person. He was breacking up with me. After all i gave him and after all hard time i had, he was leaving me behind.

The funny thing was that he already had the person he was looking for. They were going out behind my back. It hurts, you know. i was blinded with my feelings.


I wasn't able to forget him. He was happy, all smile and love around him while me, i was devastated, physically and emotionally. But i didn't let it showed, my pride was bigger than my pain. And no one left alone  Wu YiFan.


I try to go out with girls, boys but nothing. Every single  minute his face crossed to my mind. I was helpless. But one day trying to loss myself I took the bus."


Tao's heart jump and Kris cling his grip on Tao's hand.


"And what i found there, was the most enchanted person. I was stuned by his beauty, my hands begun to sweat. So nervious but i couldn't take my eyes off him.


In my eyes, that black hair boy was perfection. From that day, I started to take the bus just because i wanted to see him once more.

After some time i took the courage to talk to him. And you know what? I was right, he was perfect. Unlike those people, the black hair boy do wonders in me. When i'm with him, all i could see or think is him. No more ex-boyfriend just him. all my mind is for him. For you ZiTao. You are the person I was looking for so desperately.


I really like you, i've been liking you for a few time ago and now i can tell you face to face. All this time we've been together makes me wants more of you.


I don't know if you feel the same way about me, and I hope you do because in this moment I want to ask you Huang ZiTao, do you want to be my boyfiend?"


Tao froze in his spot, not knowing what to say.


I promise that i will always take care of you, cherish you, be there for you, you can count on me. I like you like no other. You are the owner of my thoughts and heart in this right moment. Please Tao, let me be your boyfriend."


Kris looked Tao in the eyes. He really like that boy and no matter what he want it, he will keep wooing him untill he say yes.




Tao was overwhelment he can believe what has happened a few hours ago. It was true that he was so shocked, he didn't expect that at all. YifFan, the handsome and hot old guy that he met a few weeks ago confessed to him.


YiFan had said to him that he took a lot courage to tell his story. And Tao as promised, listen to the very end.


It kinda hurt the fact that YiFan wasn't able to forget about his exboyfiend. But he felt good afterward  when he told him he was the one person he was looking for.

Tao was troubled. It was not for YiFan's informations and feelings but for himself.


He was sure that he had developed feeling for the blond. He has a problem with his family. They will never understand the fact that his only son is gay. Sure, tao's parents doesnt pay much attention in the way people love his son. Womens and mens, girls or boys, older or youngster. His son is loved for everyone.


Tao's parents are really happy with his son, they let him do whatever he pleased. But the only thing they will never allow is let his son be in a homeual reationship.


Tao is aware of that, He loves his parents too much to cause them any trouble. He is a good son, he always do what they want, good grades, good behalf, good manners.


And it hurts him. Both, his father and mother had had the chance to fall for each other and be in a loved story. Why he can't? While life give him a chance to created his own love story, his family and society says no to him.

“‘People say you only live once. Too young to live. Too young to experience. Too young to fall in love. Too young to get hurt. Love hurt. love is joy. Love is tears. Love is smiles.' I want all that. i want to feel of those feelings with YiFan. I really do. Sorry mother, sorry father for having a gay son  but I cant help it. I've fallen for YiFan. I want to give a try, give us a try."


ZiTao took a deep breath and after a few seconds he let it out. With a smile he look for more stars that appeared in the sky, shinning brightly like they know what Tao was feeling.





"What do you say Tao?" Kris began to get nervous.


" I ...YiFan, i don't know. This is all new to me. I've never experienced these feelings before. I do like you too. But I'm scared" Tao bit his lip.


Even thought the sight was so y and cute, Kris got worried about Tao's words.


"Why Tao, why are you afraid of? I'm here, I will protect you. so tell me, i want to help you. I want us together" Kris took tao's hands in between his.


" Is my family YiFan. They don't like gay people, gosh I didn't even know I was gay untill I met you. They will hate me for sure." his lips began to trembling.


"Dont worry Tao, I'll be there for you. You can always lay on me. I'm never let you down, alone or sad. In good times and in bads I'll be by your side." Kris caressed Tao's soft cheek with the back of his hand.


"Thank you YiFan" Tao said and with bright smile he intertwined his and kris hands. "And i'll be glad to call me your boyfriend"


Kris's eyes were wide open, and he let out a loud laugh.


"Really Tao! Thank you so much, you will never regret  this. I swear"


" I hope so, I really do"


They stayed like that for a few minutes more, looking at each other eyes, feeling the warm their hands produced by being intertwined together.


Their love story has begun.




A/N: Another chap, just because i can! 

school is a but i try to forget a bit and do a chap. Enjoy and comment if you like *3*



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Chapter 35: Ugh. Did they really die? I'm a sobbing mess author-nim. This was beautiful ughhh. My heart my soul. Ughhh If ever you get better and better and decide to write some sequel(I'm greatly hoping), I wish they would have another ending where chantao ends up as a really happy family. The ending made me so sad and feel me sorrow and all stuff. It's like wht you said, 'de javu'. Wow thank you so much btw. It was great to experience a roller coaster of emotions right then and there. A great story indeed :)
CounterShock #2
Chapter 35: OH. MY. GOD you're back ! I loved this chapter !! But this ain't the last right... ?
OREON_3113 #3
Chapter 35: Why did they di. He died and I cried, how about the children and Chanyeol. ㅠ.ㅠ
IamMeGt12 #4
Chapter 35: so Tao died????
what about chanyeol and the children????
Lyn_95 #5
Chapter 35: Well it's been a while haha :) This was really beautiful, I hope you feel better authornim. I'll be checking out your other stories too (^-^)
thatoneweirdperson #6
Chapter 35: I am literally crying and bawling my eyes right now. That was beautiful and such great,emotional writing stuff you have. Good luck in your future stories and life. Right now, I gotta let the inner-fangirl out: (ಥ﹏ಥ) (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ 。゜(`Д´)゜。 *SOBS UGLISHY* I'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN
kennocha #7
Chapter 34: It's totally okay with me. Take your time. I'll be right here when you get back. Jiayou!
Chapter 34: Take your time! I actually forgot about this story for a while because I have so many fics and I started to write myself, haha. I still love this fic so take your time and update when you can and want to. Hwaiting!