Chanyeol rushed out of the restaurant. He forgot about his car and took a cab instead, told him the driver to take him as soon as possible to the hospital. 


Chanyeol was a human mess. He totally forgot about the fact his ex-lover was, a few menutes ago, face to face with him. He forgot that his ex-lover was holding a baby, the baby who could have had been theirs. He forgot the humilliation moment Mr Byun made it. He forgot  that in that restaurant he met his ex-lover's husband. He forgot about Byun Baekhyun, the love of his life.


His mind was full with Tao. The thought about Tao being alone was eating him alive. What went wrong? When he left for school, Tao was sleeping so peacefully, then before his shift in the restauran he called Tao and everything was normal, everything seems good. But then three ours later he not only saw the person who made his life a drama, he was told that his wife was in the hospital. What about the babies? What about Tao? 


"Why is this happening." He whispered, gaining a little gaze of the driver. "Can you please, go faster." The driver only nooded, looking at the desperate boy.


He could swore the ride from his work to the hospital was like 1000 millions miles away but in fact it was only 20 minutes. He was in a mental break. He finally arrived, payed the taxi driver fee and went inside running like a loony.


He hated hospitals, The white color make his stomache flip around.And now here he was again. He went to the nurse station and asked information about Tao.


"We are sorry, we can't share info if you are not a family member" 


"But he is my wife! How could you say that to me. Where is he? How is he?" Chanyeol almost yelled.


"Sorry young man but it seems that I can't give you the info." 


"You must be stupid or have some brain injury, I'm asking you about my wife's condition and you just tell me you can't give me information. What the is wrong with this system." He shouted out full of angry.


"Look young man, this is a hospital so please be kind and stop yelling." The nuerse said. "Now if you wait a bit lon-"


"I can't wait. My wife is pregnant, he was fine this morning and now he is here. Stop being a useless and tell me were he is or I'm going to punch you in the face." 


The nurse went pale, she only nodded and gave him intructions on were the operation room was. "He must be there." 


Operating room?......


He was panting really hard, it was the nerves, it was the adrenalin, perhaps the fear. But why does he was feeling all of this? Because it was Tao. 


He really didn't get it, not until now. He always worry for the young boy, but who wouldn't. Tao was too young and of top of that homeless and pregnant. Everything he did was because he remembered him his mother. 


But now, here, waiting for information about his state. Everything hit him. He was falling in love with the black haired boy. He love his smile, the way he giggled, his sparking eyes, the cute bags under it that make him cute. Tao's sweet voice. Tao's soft touches. His smell. The way his name rolled on his mouth. The naturally as they called themselves husband and wife. The way the younger complemented his other half. Not even with Baekhyun he felt this was. This was the real love. The love for Tao, and he needed to tell him. Tell him he wanted to be a real family, it doesn't matter if Tao didn't love him back, he was going to wait. 


Seconds turned in minutes. Minutes turned into hours. And finally he heard it. The sound of joy and happines. The sound of life. A new life. It was the most beautiful sound, aside for Tao's voice. Three different cries. The babies. 


He didn't know when the tears were running down his face. He was crying. The babies seemed fine. 


Doctors and nurses were running inside and outside the OR. Soon he saw, three doctors, three nurses and six male nurses were escorting the incubator. One of them came closer to Chanyeol.


"You must be Park Chanyeol right?" He asked and Chanyeol nodded his head, wiping the tears away. "The babies are fine. We have a protocol with special babies. And the park babies are in that protocol. Each of then will have a doctor, on nurse and two male nurse for his care."


"Are they fine?" Chanyeol asked.


"They are fine, even if they are a bit down on weight, those babies are strong enough. You will see. Everything's going to be alright."


"Can I see them?" Chanyeol looked how the were taking to another floor.


"Yes you can, but not now, we still ned to check some test, and feed them." The doctor smiled. "Come in a few ours to the nursery. They're going to be in a special incubator but nothing to worry." 


Chanyeol looked the doctor take his leave. But the most important...Tao.


Another doctor came out and he found who he was. Doctor Zhou Lian. In that moment Chanyeol smiled, doctor Zhou promised to take care of Tao's pregnancy.





Tao was doing some easy chores. Cleaning the table...well, he was doing nothing. Chanyeol called him and they talked for a while. After hung up, Tao was waiting for his exam. He was done about study, so instead of that, he turn the t.v on. Nothing was his like. He was doing zapping here and there, until something caught his atention.


It was the news chanel. And a tear rolled down his pretty face. Then another one, until he was a sobbing mess. In the news was the Wu family. He didn't pay atention to what the reporter was saying. He only looked at the screen. It was YiFan with Baekhyun and a baby.


YiFan wasnt looked to happy, His eyes were so black, no spark. When they were together, the stars should be ashamed because each time YiFan looked at Tao, his eyes shine bright. And now there are no bright at all.


YiFan wasn't happy. But why? Why he let Tao and go back with Baekhyun.


"Why YiFan, Why you left me?!" Tao cried. " I'm pregnant too!! I'm going to have your children. Our childrens, they are triplets." Tao sobbed and started to get really pissed. "I hate you, I hate to love you. I hate that my babies would look like you. I hate Baekhyun so much! No one will love you the way I do. No one, hear me out Wu YiFan, no one.!"  Tao threw the control against the screen. " I hate you Baekhyun, never in my life I had this feeling before, but with you is pure hate, you took what is mine, he doesn't love you. He wants me, he loves me. I hate you so much that ir hurts, so much that ...Ahh" 


Tao felt a really nasty pain in his lower womb, it was a hard one, he tried to be calmed but nothing worked out. He tried to breath just as he was taught but nothing made the pain  went less. He was in tears, the time wasn't now, it was next week and everything was ready. Not now. He can't let this happening but the pain was getting stronger and he can't handled it. His mind was a mess but somehow he could grabbed the phone, he didn't think twice and called the hospital asking for help. The air was not reaching his lungs he felt his body went limp, dizziness, hyperventilation. Then a name came to his mind. "Chanyeol." he barely said before pass out.





"Where are you going" Kris asked.


"To the hospital."




"I Need to see if everything is alright"


"Why do you care? He is nothing to you anymore." 


"He was my boyfriend, Kris."


"Don't tell me." Kris' scoffed. 


"Please Kris, I still care for him. I love you, you know that but...what if something happen. He has no money." Baekhyun's eyes were wet.


"I don't ing care. If he doesn't have money. Is his problem, not mine, not yours." He said picking Bae up.


"Stop being so damn selfish. What if it was that boy." 


"Leave him aside this. You have no right to talk about him. I'm warning you, not to him." Kris caressed Bae's little back.


"Please Kris, juts this time." Baek plea.


"Just to see if its ok. Then we go back to Korea. I don't like China anymore." 


"Thank you Kris." Said baekhyun giving a kiss in Kris's  cheek.




"Sorry Chanyeol." Doctor Zhou said with a sad gaze. 


"Sorry? Sorry for what?" This was not good.


"We tried,  we really tried. But it was so much for Tao's body." 


"What do you mean." Chanyeol was stiff. 


"We saved the babies just as Tao asked us to. But everything went complicated. Tao is too young. His body wasn't ready. We have ti put in into a coma for pulling the babies out." The doctor said with a sigh.


"Is he in a coma?" Chanyeol whispered. "You put him on a coma...then you're going to pull him out, aren't you?"


"Is not at easy at it seems. He was in pain Chanyeol. He was suffering. He had internal bleeding. We do what we can for the babies. We are trying to wake him up but is not that easy, I'm so sorry Chanyeol."


"So, is he going to wake soon?...When." Chanyeol looked at the doctor in the eyes.


"Chanyeol list-"


"I asked when?!" Chanyeol demanded.


"I don't know...hours, days, weeks, maybe months, maybe....maybe never." 


Chanyeol eyes went bigger. Never. Maybe never? What about the babies? What about him? 


"What the are you talking about?!" Chanyeol yelled out gaining the attentions of all people in the hospital. 2What the mean 'maybe never'. You ing promised us. You piece of promised us everything was going to be fine. And here I'm, being told that my wife is going to be awaken in maybe hours maybe never!! I want him alive, you hear me, alive!!"


"Chanyeol, it was not my fault, when he ca-"


"I don't ing care. It was your responsibility. If something happen to him, I swear to god, I'm going to kill you with my own hands."Chanyeol was lost in anger, lost in pain.


No one saw the two boys coming closer to the sad young male and the doctor.


"Baekhyun, isn't he your ex. Whay wrong wtih him?" Kris asked. 


Baekhyun looked and indeed, it was Chanyeol holding the doctor by his shirt. 


"I'm so sorry." The doctor said once again.


"Stop saying sorry. He is not dead. You heard me, he isn't dead. So do your ing job and wake him up." Chanyeol was crying like never before, he was loosing Tao, he can not loosing him. " I SAID WAKE HIM UP, WAKE MY WIFE UP!!!!"  


The doctor slipped from his grasp say once again 'Sorry' and left Chanyeol.


"Chanyeol, Chanyeol. Whats wrong? Are you ok? Talk to me." Baekhyun ran towards his ex.


Chanyeol was crying. In silence but crying. He didn't even know that Baekhyun and his husband was here with him.


"Hey man, do you need something?" Kris asked him.


Chanyeol looked at them....not knowing what they were doing there.


Baekhyun pulled him into a hug. He didn't like the way Chanyeol was acting. He didn't like when his big bear cried. It broked his heart.


"Channi, whats happening? Are you ok? Do you know anything. I can help you so please, tell me." Bakehyun said with soft sweet voice. Just as went they were going out.


Bae whimpered, and Kris' tried to rocked him side to side, little by little the baby boy went calm.


Chanyeol heard the baby whimpered. He have had  three babies to be strong for. They needed him. Maybe Tao was going to awaken in a few hours, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, but the babies were there, healthy and waiting for someone who take care of them. He was going to wait for Tao, day and nigth, minute and hours, days and months, years and forever. But now, the triplets needed him. So he was going to he a strong-caring father. 


He broked the embrace. "I'm fine, this has nothing to do with you as I said before, so thank you both, but you can leave now. "He said wiping his face with the back of his hand.


"Hey, we want to see if you are alright, and sorry for say this but you look like right now, so let us help you." Kris said Bae's little head.


"I ..Thank you but I don't need yout help...specially yours." 


"Let us help you. Kris is such a nice man, come on." Baekhyun said with a little smile.


"Thank you but no." Chanyeol keep declined the help.


Baekhyun took Chanyeol's face in between his hands. "Please Channi, let us help you."


Chanyeol denied moving his head side to side. "Stop calling me that." 


"Baekhyun lets go, if he doesn't want our help, we can't force him." Kris turned his back to Chanyeol and went to the  elevator. Baekhyun shared a tear with Chanyeol and gave him a kiss on the cheek, the tall guy cleaned the zone. "This face is for someone else. Not for you, now go. Don't cross in my way anymore Byun Baek..sorry, Wu Baekhyun." With that he made his way to the nursery.


And they there were. Three little baby boys. So small. So delicated. So precious. He felt like his bioligical father. "I'm their father."


"Oh are you Park Chanyeol? The father of the Park babies?" A nurse said with a big smile.


"Yes I'm." He said smiling...but it was a sad one.


"Don't worry." The nurse gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Your wife is young, he'll wake up in no time. He just need some rest, so don't cry and let him rest. Help him with the babies and you'll see that everything will be good.


Chanyeol cried one more time, nodding while a smile appeared in his face.


"What a good looking dad, you're wife is beautiful too, ahh those babies sure has some good genes. So tell me Park dad, I need to put a name on the tag in the incubator so does the babies have a name yet? or should we still call them 'Park babies'?" 


Chanyeol let a little laugh. 


"Yes, they have korean and chinese names. The older baby's name is Fei Long. The second older baby's names is Jia Heng. And for the younger, his names is Yue Yao." He said, looking at his babies. Face bright with the sighted of his family.




A/N: Oh oh oh oh ah ah ah! *jojo song* 

Thank you for your comments, im going to reply all!!! GOSH!! Thank you for upvote this story and for the 117 ~~~~~

Well yeah poor Tao but hey what can i do?.....Does anyone has realized that there is no much taoris out there? crying that kris bastard went to luhan or baek or suho but no Tao...well we dont need you kris...Tao has Sehun suffering because taoris.

 Ugh anyways be ready bc papa huang is coming! see you...another week or maybe sooner! kiss kiss for all!


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Chapter 35: Ugh. Did they really die? I'm a sobbing mess author-nim. This was beautiful ughhh. My heart my soul. Ughhh If ever you get better and better and decide to write some sequel(I'm greatly hoping), I wish they would have another ending where chantao ends up as a really happy family. The ending made me so sad and feel me sorrow and all stuff. It's like wht you said, 'de javu'. Wow thank you so much btw. It was great to experience a roller coaster of emotions right then and there. A great story indeed :)
CounterShock #2
Chapter 35: OH. MY. GOD you're back ! I loved this chapter !! But this ain't the last right... ?
OREON_3113 #3
Chapter 35: Why did they di. He died and I cried, how about the children and Chanyeol. ㅠ.ㅠ
IamMeGt12 #4
Chapter 35: so Tao died????
what about chanyeol and the children????
Lyn_95 #5
Chapter 35: Well it's been a while haha :) This was really beautiful, I hope you feel better authornim. I'll be checking out your other stories too (^-^)
thatoneweirdperson #6
Chapter 35: I am literally crying and bawling my eyes right now. That was beautiful and such great,emotional writing stuff you have. Good luck in your future stories and life. Right now, I gotta let the inner-fangirl out: (ಥ﹏ಥ) (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ 。゜(`Д´)゜。 *SOBS UGLISHY* I'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN
kennocha #7
Chapter 34: It's totally okay with me. Take your time. I'll be right here when you get back. Jiayou!
Chapter 34: Take your time! I actually forgot about this story for a while because I have so many fics and I started to write myself, haha. I still love this fic so take your time and update when you can and want to. Hwaiting!