
The Smartass and The Kingka
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Blue text means the character is speaking in Japanese.


Arriving to the airport, they were greeted by the sight of Exo.

All of them were nicely dressed. Moreover Tao who seems really interested with branded gucci stuff.

"Eun Mi!" Sehun beamed and ran towards her.

"Yes Sehun?" She asked the boy who seems overly excited.

"Come on, we don't want to be late" Sehun said and grabbed her hands.

Suddenly Luhan pulled of Sehun's hand harshly and said "Hands up from my precious girl"

"Whatever hyung" Sehun replied while scratching the back of his neck.

Her other classmates were dressed somehow weird. The girl dressed with super low cut shorts, some even wear skirts.

'Don't they know that it's still snowy in Japan?' She thought to herself.

They proceed to tag their bagage and  the teacher gave them their boarding pass, turns out Luhan and Eun Mi didn't seat in the same column.

Luhan was really pissed, he was seated with another 2 girls who apparently were really annoying.

"Calm down, it's only few hours" She said.

"That's the point. I was seated with 2 girls for few hours. And you, with whom you'll be seated ?" He asked her.

"I don't know. I probably sit alone, considering that my number is in the last column and in the edge" She said.

"Just leave it like that Luhan, as I said it would only took few hours" 

"So.... Kiss me then?" He shyly asked.

"For what?" She replied and put both of her hands on each side of his shoulder.

"Be-because I won't see you for a few hours?" He uttered and looked to her eyes.

"Please?" He said again.

"Luhan, you d

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Chapter 39: this is really beautiful
Chapter 39: this is really beautiful
Chapter 39: this is really beautiful
Chapter 39: Such a wonderful story , my 3 favourites - naruto, exo and song joong ki are here .... I loved it so much !!! Thank you author !!!
ctnajihah #5
Chapter 36: <3<3<3
Wow, I found out. It was my first Lu Han fanfiction and I was wondering about how it's been going now. Glad I have found out ^^ I really loved the story :) Thank your authornim!
Chapter 35: Hahaha! Luv the story (err, I'm kinda late on this one). The end though... Bow 90 degrees, clap like a retarded seal, speechless. :) Retarded seal :)))
dhiya_arisa #8
Chapter 4: only a few chapters and i love this amazing story already
p/s: luhan is one of my bias in exo