Open Your Eyes (JeTi) 1/?

The Wonders Of Love

Jessica Jung was the first born of King Henry. She was happy that she was the beloved princess of the Kingdom of Moed. 

When she walked the streets with her mother when she was younger, the adults would smile kindly at her, the kids around her age rushing up to give her small flowers or gifts. Of course she took them happily and thanked each and one of them. Sometimes they gave so much that she needed her mother to help her. In return for the happy memories and gifts, she promised to herself that when she grew up, she'd do the best she could to make their lives easier.

But with that promise and the expectations of a princess to be, she suddenly felt heavier and heavier each year. Color started to drain from her world. Although she had regained much of that color ever since her younger sister was born.

Her lovely sister. Both charming and adorable she captured the hearts of her and their parents the first time they laid eyes on her. But even with her life being better than it was, she was still missing something.

The Kingdom of Moed was a large kingdom that was rich with resources that many other kingdoms and fiefdoms needed. Their trade system was advanced, and most of the citizens of the kingdom lived a relaxing life. Although with rich resources, their army was quite small. Their were many soldiers that enlisted every year, both men and women but their army wasn't as large as the armies of the neighboring kingdoms. 

So as a result, the King of Moed and the King of Kilan made a deal. Moed would supply them with their abundant resources and Kilan would become allies, supporting the rich yet weak kingdom with an advanced army.

Sometimes Jessica watched the soldiers and mages train. Although the soldiers dominated the Moed Army, the mages always caught her eye. They wore different uniforms, had a different emblem and were even treated differently. Everyone respected them, maybe even more than the light soldiers. 

There wasn't a large number of them, but they were quite a bundle. Some big, some small. Some were ex-thieves, some were noble. Even with the huge difference that was obviously seen in their group, they all trusted each other with their life. That always caught Jessica's eye the most.

She wanted to be able to trust someone like that.

As a member of the Royal Family, she too had exceptional magical power. Her father was a great magician, her mother as well although she was always more on the healer side. Her sister Krystal as well, was an avid mage. All of Jessica's teachers called her a prodigy. Her spells casted with ease and perfection. 

She was also trained to handle any sort of weapon. She remembered hearing her father telling her that everyone from the Royal Family must know how to defend themselves. Her father taught her patiently and she couldn't have asked for a better teacher. 

One day, she was walking around the castle gardens. She usually did this in her free time, when her training had ended or when her tutor had left. 

She heard a thud behind her and swiftly turned around while pulling her sword out of it's sheath in unbelievable speed.

Her eyebrows furrowed when a girl about her age pouted and started dusting herself off and even rubbed her bottom. After a while, the other girl finally noticed her and laughed nervously while slowly moving the sword down with her pointer finger.

"It's rude to point." Jessica's jaw dropped and she nearly let her sword go but regained her composure.

"It's rude to surprise a princess, not to mention trespass into the castle gardens." The other girl scratched her nape and looked around.

"Oh. Sorry, I didn't really know where I was going. I don't think you'd believe that I came from another world. Or not really another world but just from another time?" Jessica scoffed and held her sword up again, moving towards the girl slowly.

" 'Tis not a good lie.." Jessica watched as the girl held her hands up slowly and glanced around.


The girl had vanished in thin air. Jessica frantically looked around but to no avail she, found the girl no where. Sighing, she sheathed her sword and went back into the castle.

Meanwhile, the girl from before smiled and looked at the princess one last time before a pink spell circle formed from under her.

"I think I'm gonna come back here again."

Indeed the girl did return. And on more than one occasion. Every time, Jessica would find herself a little excited. The girl had told her about why she was in the castle gardens in the first place. After a while she believed the girl and softened up to her.

"So Jessi, can you do magic too?" Tiffany, the girl, was bouncing up and down while walking with Jessica.

"One, the correct term is to cast magic, and two, every royal family member can." Jessica sighed while Tiffany rolled her eyes at the correction.

"Why do you have to be so uptight? Chill out a bit!" 

"I do not understand your way of speaking. Especially this 'chill out' bit." Tiffany giggled and grabbed Jessica's hand before pulling her to the fountain in the middle.

"It just means you need to relax." The two girls sat on the bench nearby and basked in the sun.

They always had a moment of silence like this. It was comfortable and Jessica enjoyed. But she enjoyed hearing Tiffany speak and laugh more.

"I heard that your kingdom is being threatened." 

"Yes, what you've heard is truth. It seems that four fiefdoms have banded together. At the moment, we're ready for any attacks but if this gets serious, we'll have to call for our allies." Jessica felt Tiffany lay down.

Tiffany's head laid on her lap and looked up at Jessica who was observing the girl with unreadable eyes.

"Your eyes." 

"My eyes?" Jessica's eyebrows furrowed when she saw Tiffany frown.

"They look.."

Tiffany was cut off by a ringing of a bell and both girls shot up from their seats.

"That's signaling an attack on the Eastern Gate." 

Before Tiffany could respond, mages had appeared along with guards and had surrounded her. They mages wore a dark green cape and the foot soldiers wearing a dark green shoulder cape. The girl was about to open to cast a spell but immediately she saw Jessica moving towards her and her eyes were steeled.

"Stand down, stop pointing that sword at her!" The soldiers looked at the princess with confusion.

Jessica grabbed Tiffany's hand and pulled her next to her. The soldiers sheathed their sword but the mages still did not let down their guard.

"Princess, the Eastern Gate is being attacked. We were told to head to you right away. Your father called for you." The mage, who was also the captain of the small squad, spoke while inspecting the other girl.

"I suppose I'll have to go meet my father then. Lead us."

"Us?" One of the foot soldiers blurted out and was immediately glared at by his superior.

"Yes ma'am." The mage turned around and lead Jessica and Tiffany to where the King was.

"Your Majesty, her Highness Princess Jessica has arrived." Quickly the small squad shuffled out orderly and the King turned around.

Tiffany felt steel eyes staring at her and she was glad that her mother had taught her lady etiquettes. She let out a mental sigh when his eyes finally looked over to Jessica.

"A companion of yours?"

"Yes father." Jessica glanced at Tiffany, who was seemingly sweating heavily.

The king stepped forward and observed Tiffany. From what he gathered she was most likely well-bred, as she stood with a very mannerly position.

The king was a tall man, broad shoulders and a strong build yet signs of age could be seen. His hair was starting to turn grey and a beard was growing. His face showed signs of exhaustion.

"Your name, young lady?"

"Stephanie Miyoung Hwang. I go by Tiffany." Jessica made a mental note on Tiffany's full name.

"Hwang? A daughter of the great Hwang Clan I presume?"

Tiffany didn't know how to respond to that, and she was sure that she had some ties to the supposed Hwang clan so she nodded.

"You must be a very talented mage as well." 

"I would not like to be overconfident with my skills." A thunderous laugh echoed through the room and Tiffany saw Jessica smile gently.

"A very humble Hwang indeed. Most of the people I've complimented would have boasted about their accomplishments!" 

A pat on Tiffany's shoulder and she smiled gently at the King, seeing Jessica wink at her.

"Anyway, Jessica I'm sure you've heard, our Eastern Gates are being ambushed."

"By the fiefdom's private armies?" 

"Only one of them. I'm sure they're only trying to test out our army. At the moment, they're trying to climb over the walls but our men are doing fine with keeping them at bay."

As the two family members continued discussing the situation at hand, Tiffany felt a growing sadness in her. Jessica and her father interacted so.. Warmly to each other. She saw it in their eyes. 

Yet whenever she saw her father, all that remained in his eyes was hate and sadness. 

She suddenly wished that her mother was here with her. Or at least with her father, he deserved more than she did, taking care of her even when she was the cause of her mother and siblings' death.


"Eek!" Tiffany squealed and jumped back when she saw Jessica's face so close to hers.

"Sorry. Are you feeling ill? You look quite pale." 

"Y-yeah, I was just thinking about something."

Jessica nodded with concerned eyes before grabbing her hand and saying a quick goodbye, in which her father said good luck back.

"I'm about to go check on the Eastern Gate, would you like to come with me?" Tiffany nodded and they rushed down the hall, their hands still clasped tightly together.

After arriving at the gate, Jessica immediately grabbed a shield nearby while Tiffany grabbed a random sword. 

"Are you sure you can use that?" Jessica watched Tiffany with an amused smile. 

"I can try?" Tiffany's cheek turned a light pink when she saw Jessica shake her head.

It wasn't like Tiffany was a physical fighter anyway. She was always on the mage side. 

"Your Highness!" A tall male who looked about 20 years of age quickly ran to Jessica and gave her a large hug.

"Dear God, Tyler!" Jessica laughed as Tiffany watched the scene before her.

Jessica never laughed so merrily around Tiffany, and it made her seethe with jealousy. 

Shaking the negative thoughts away she looked around and noticed that they were in a vulnerable area. A strange noise caught her attention. It was a hissing noise and as Tiffany turned to the right, she saw a very large cannon ball fired at them.

"Protection ward." 

Jessica and her companion immediately looked at Tiffany as she shielded them from the incoming cannonball. 

"Rebound." The mechanic and monotone voice casted a spell and Tiffany immediately pulled her fist back.

"Shoot!" Punching the spell circle, the cannonball flew back into the crowd of opposing soldiers.

Letting her guard down, Tiffany glanced back at Jessica and nodded to her. In return, Jessica nodded back and Tiffany walked up to her.

"Don't forget, we're still in danger of being blown up to smithereens!" Jessica and the man looked confused and Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"Blown up to pieces." 

"Oh." Jessica shrugged and they continued walking to the main area of the attack.

"Your Highness, would you like to introduce me to your friend?" Jessica nodded and smiled.

Tiffany felt ticked off already. The soldier almost seemed like he was boasting about his relationship, which still hasn't been confirmed, with Jessica.

"Tiffany, this is Tyler. My fiancé and Captain of the Guard."

Oh, how Tiffany wished that she was hit with the cannonball.

"Pleasure to meet you Captain." A blank and blunt tone was used and Jessica suppressed a frown.

"Pleasure is mine, milady." 

The yells of the battle became louder as they got closer and Tiffany felt herself tensing up. She had already seen a couple of dead bodies lying on the cold stone. 

"Protection ward." Holding her hand to the right, she blocked an incoming attack from an enemy soldier that had managed to climb the wall.

Grabbing the sword it's secure resting place, she parried the next attack and pushed the soldier over the ledge. Quickly, she cut the ladder and saw a couple of soldiers fall.

"Stop flirting with each other! You can have some other ing time!" Jessica was surprised by the other girl.

Tiffany scoffed at Tyler, who at the moment looked extremely offended.

"This is why I never like noblemen." She muttered the statement quickly and glared at the two betrothed persons.

Jessica only nodded and walked with Tiffany, no longer distracted by the Captain. 

"Mother of Jesus.." Tiffany and Jessica looked over the ledge, where many cannons were being lined up.

There were less people trying to climb up the wall and instead they were all loading the cannons and getting ready to fire.

"Perhaps, a defensive perimeter would be useful."

"Exactly what I was thinking! So which defense should we go with?" Jessica stared at Tiffany in bewilderment as she seemingly talked with the monotone voice.

"I will put out Defense Strategy #4 as an option." 

"Alrighty, Jessica, I'm gonna need your help with this." Tiffany turned to Jessica with determined eyes.

"What's this defense strategy you were going on about?"

Tiffany told Jessica the plan and the girl agreed that it was an extremely intelligent plan. 

Jessica gave Tiffany command of the mages and she gathered all of them and told them the plan. Many of them nodded in approval and Tiffany felt a rush of pride. Setting them in their positions she backed up and inspected all of them. Equally distanced with strong postures and from what she knew, magical energy. The empty position was of course, where she would come in. 

Meanwhile, Jessica called all of the foot soldiers and hurriedly set up mortars. Placing them behind the mages, she distanced them enough so that the firepower doesn't overwhelm anyone. 

"We're ready Tiffany!" Tiffany looked back and nodded.

Walking up to the empty space she nodded to the person next to her and one by one, each of them start to create a large dome. This would shield them from intense cannon fire. Tiffany would boost their magical energies and after the cannon fire had stopped, she'll boost the mortar power.

Jessica observed the enemy artillery. They seemed finished with preparations and the commanding officers all raised their swords. Tiffany looked at the other mages, who had a look of determination on their faces.

Taking in a deep breath she closed her eyes. A spell circle appeared from under her and she clasped her hand together.

"Energy boost." 

"Roger." The monotone voice replied to the command and immediately, everyone was turned to the mage who had pink particles forming around her.

Opening her eyes, looked back at Jessica and gave a small smile.

A large boom signaled the attack. 

Immediately, the particles flew to each of the mages and the dome glowed brighter. 

Jessica felt the spell circle appearing under her and held up her hand. 

One by one, cannonballs hit the dome and one by one they dropped to the ground. Soon after the attack, the mages let the dome down. Jessica and Tiffany boosted the mortar power and immediately loud shots were fired.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she smiled as she saw the enemies retreating. Looking over to Tiffany, the girl was getting pats on the back for her successful plan and loud cheers erupted.

Tiffany was going to be a great addition to her life.

AN: AYOOOOOO it's been so long, amiright or amiright. anyways i'm back and i think i've gotten over the jessica thing and my family problems. i've always liked medieval fanfics or like anything that has to do with magic or whatever. i'm a huge fan of fantasy so keke. i hope you liked this even if there is minimal jeti feels in this sniff.

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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
DanDyuDream #2
Chapter 32: Be strong in whatever u will face in real life... Hwaitaeng!!! I will wait for u :)
Yeey I love the cover <3
Chapter 31: ANYTHING that could make ma SNSD heart feel some HAPPINESS again is always DA BEST, ya know? >~<
JeTi ma babies will ALWAYS stay in ma heart as the SOULMATES! ;D

And i still hope and believe in SNSD as 9 ^~^
iuxailee pls tnx
Chapter 31: OT9. Oh how I miss the girls being 9. :(((
Chapter 31: Awww OT9 heyyyah author thanks for the update :) Hwaighting !!!!!! And Belated Merry Christmas
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More SunYeon pleawse~
limelight30 #9
seulrene pls