Dreams I (SunYeon)

The Wonders Of Love

AN: I know I usually don't write author notes in the beginning that much but I just needed to get this straight. Even though Taeyeon is dating EXO's Baekhyun, I will still keep writing SunYeon. Just like how I kept writing JeTi, HyoYoung, YoonHyun. Another note is that I also might give up on YoonYul because I can't seem to get the feels going. Although that YoonYul fanfic I promised you guys will still be written, I will probably rarely write YoonYul and if I do it's gonna be ty. Now back to the Taeyeon dating thing. Once again I wallowed in depression because of broken!OTP and well I just cussed out my friend lol. But yes, I'll continue writing because it's better to live in a dream where things can seem true than live in reality where things aren't what you wished for. 

Now let's get to this sadfic! It gets happier at the end. *winky face*


One word described what Sunny felt.

Why didn't Taeyeon ever tell her that she was dating Baekhyun? Why did Sunny have to find out the hard way? They were best friends. They told each other everything. If that was the deal, then why didn't Taeyeon tell Sunny about her dating Baekhyun? The group even had a rule. If they were dating, they tell each other.

"Sunny.. I-" Sunny shook her head and smiled painfully.

"No Taeyeon. It's fine." 

The shorter girl spun on her heel and walked out the door, grabbing her jacket and hat along the way. She had just come home after the shocking news and she didn't even have time to take off her shoes.

It was her fault for falling in love with Taeyeon. 

No. No it wasn't. She can't control who she falls in love with. 

But it was her fault for confessing to Taeyeon.

The memory still lingered. It was painful. But they still managed a stable relationship. Although it's a little jumpy now and then, they still remained best friends. It took about a week of sleeping in Tiffany's room and avoiding Taeyeon to get over the rejection but it worked. But now, all of those months she spent trying to repair their friendship were wasted. Taeyeon used to be able to read Sunny through her eyes. But after the confession, Sunny closed herself off. To everyone. But just then, when Taeyeon was standing in front of her, phone in hand, and her smile that had turned into a frown while looking at Sunny's betrayed eyes, Taeyeon was unreadable. The only thing Sunny could make out was that Taeyeon felt guilty.

Her pocket vibrated and she took out her phone and checked the caller ID.


She never changed the ID even though she doesn't call Taeyeon by her nickname anymore. It was mostly to keep up the best friend act but she sometimes just stared at the nickname to reminisce the times where they were the best of friends.

Sunny let the phone ring as she stared at it before slipping it back in her pocket. She knew that Taeyeon would probably keep calling her and even go out and search for her but at the moment, she just grabbed a cab and told the driver her destination.

The SM building.


"Sunny-ssi! Do you need to see your uncle or?" The receptionist smiled and asked the question, oblivious to Sunny's fake smile.

"Yes, is he free at the moment?" 

"He's in a meeting but it's about to end. If it's an emergency I can call him down." Sunny shook her head and smiled.

"I can wait. How long do you think the meeting will last?"

"Just about 5 more minutes." The female receptionist answered brightly. 

That somewhat made Sunny feel better.

"Okay, I'll wait then."

Sunny walked over to the waiting area and sat on a chair while she looked at her phone again. For the whole ride to the building, her phone was vibrating. 5 missed calls. All from Taeyeon. 23 texts. All from Taeyeon. A lot of the texts had asked for a chance to explain and to apologize. All of them had hints of worry. Sunny decided to text back just so Taeyeon didn't bother her anymore.

To: Taeyeon

Message: I'm fine. I can't forgive you at the moment and your chance to explain will have to wait.

Sunny put her phone away just in time.

"Sunny-ssi, your uncle will see you now." The receptionist pointed to the door and Sunny smiled.

"Thank you!"

When Sunny walked into her uncle's office, her uncle immediately beamed at her.


"Uncle~ don't call my by that name~" Sunny whined and pouted.

"But it's your name." Her uncle continued to and Sunny let out a huff."

"Fine fine, but not in public."


Sunny's uncle let out a similar smile to Sunny's and sat down in his chair.

"So what does my short niece need from the old Soo-Man?"

Sunny pursed her lips and Soo-Man frowned.

"Uncle how come you never told me about Taeyeon dating Baekhyun?"

"I thought Taeyeon told you about it already.." Soo-Man sighed as he saw Sunny shake her head.

"I just found out today. Just like every other Sone."

Soo-Man leaned back in his chair and sighed. He looked at his niece and searched for any sign of hurt. Of course she was hurt. The person she was in love with was dating someone else. Sadly, he as an uncle and as the founder of SM Entertainment can not do anything about Taeyeon dating. Seeing his niece in an empty depression made him feel disappointed in himself.

"You should talk with her about this." Sunny looked at her phone as it vibrated while listening to her uncle.

"I can't face her now. I'm afraid I'll break down."

"You're allowed to break down. You're human Sunkyu-ah."

"I know uncle, but just not now. I need a little more time." Sunny read the reply as her phone vibrated a second time.

From: Taengoo

Message: I can wait. Tell me where you're staying tonight? Or are you coming back?

Sunny pursed her lips and tapped her fingers on her uncle's desk.

"Do you think umma would kick me out of the house if I told her I was in love with Taeyeon?" Sunny asked lightly and she saw her unce raise an eyebrow.

"I don't think so. She is your mother. But if you need a place to stay if she kicks you out, you could stay with me."

Sunny nodded and smiled in appreciation before sending a reply back to Taeyeon.

To: Taengoo

Message: I'm staying at my mother's house. If she kicks me out, I'm staying at my uncle's place. Please don't try to come after me.

Sunny put her phone in her lap and looked back at her uncle, who was getting his phone out.

"I'm going to tell your mother to expect you."

"Thank you Uncle."

Sunny rested her head on her arms and let out a sigh. As she tuned out her uncle's conversation with her mother, she started to think about her situation. How long would she stay out of the dorm? Probably a week. Taeyeon was probably going to get hate by the EXO fandom, and maybe her own. Sunny would feel terrible if she lashed out at the girl while she was being put down by her fans and her boyfriend's fans.

Feeling her lap vibrate, she picked up her phone and read the message.

From: Taengoo

Message: Okay. And I won't come after you. I know you need space right now. Please stay safe.

Sunny lazily slipped her phone back into her pocket and waited until her uncle finished talking to her mom.

"Okay Sunkyu, I'll ask your manager to drive you down there." Sunny nodded and got up.

"Thank you Uncle. I'll make sure this doesn't harm my career as an idol."

"Make sure this doesn't harm yourself first." Soo-Man sighed and watched as Sunny walked with her manager until they were out of view.

"Poor Sunkyu. What are you going to do about this?"

With a final sigh, he sat down and began working again.


Sunny stared out the window the whole ride to her mother's house. A couple minutes after she got in the van, it started raining. It was ironic. Something you would see only in the movies, or a drama. The clouds were grey and every so often, Sunny would stare at a water droplet, sliding down and colliding into other droplets, creating one ball of water. To her, that was what love felt like. It the two people in it first, and then it in even more people. In Sunny's case, it was true. It was first only with Taeyeon. But then Tiffany got involved. And then Jessica, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Yoona, Seohyun, and Yuri. Baekhyun, her uncle and now her mother.

She thought happier thoughts. She remembered that the first time in the van with Taeyeon, it was raining. The two would bet on which droplet would win the race down. It was childish, but it suppressed their boredom and eased the mood for the entire ride. 

Sometimes, Sunny wondered when she became such a depressed and pessimistic girl, unlike the energy pill of Girls' Generation on variety shows. Reality shows weren't even all truth. She had an image to uphold, and being a depressed wasn't going to help with that. 

Maybe she should quit. It would bring so much relief to everyone around her.


Taeyeon looked at her phone every few minutes to see if Sunny would initiate a small text conversation. Her worries for the girl were nagging at her and the fact that Sunny wasn't here in the dorm did not help the worry building up.

"Taeyeon, you're going to break your glass soon if you squeeze it any harder." Jessica pointed out and Taeyeon sheepishly placed the glass on the coffee table.

Jessica had made it her job to make sure Taeyeon didn't go on a rampage. All of the stress and hate she faced in the hour has made Taeyeon reach for the bottle of alcohol in one of their cabinets. Of course Jessica allowed Taeyeon to drink some Soju. A cup was all.

"Look, I'm sure Sunny will be fine." Jessica tried to ease up the situation but she understood what Taeyeon was feeling.

Hearing the door open, Jessica looked out of the kitchen and saw Tiffany walk in. Jessica gave a smile and waved but put her finger to her lips, signaling Tiffany to stay quiet. Tiffany obliged but she walked over to where Jessica was and saw Taeyeon staring at her phone in a depressed state.

"Wha.." Jessica stood up and clasped her hand around Tiffany's wrist, bringing her to the living room.

Speaking in hushed English, Jessica explained the situation, in which Tiffany listened intently, wanting to help out her friends. These were the only times that the two were able to speak without obstacles. When trying to help out someone close to them.

"Have you guys heard from Sunny?"

"Taeyeon said that Sunny texted her saying that she was going to stay at her mother's house. We don't really know anything else." 

Jessica sat down on the couch exasperated. Tiffany could tell that Jessica really did want to help the two girls out but at the moment, they can't do much. Tiffany couldn't help Jessica either. Their past experiences with the same problem that Taeyeon and Sunny were having had damaged their friendship. Tiffany sat next to Jessica, albeit just a couple inches farther away than before all of their drama.

"I guess all we can do is wait for the outcome of this situation."


"Sunkyu-ah!" Sunny's mother brightly greeted her daughter and hugged her immediately.

Sunny smiled and hugged the older woman back. She was tired from the somewhat long ride and the warmth of another friendly and close human being made her feel welcome.

"Hi umma." 

With a brief greeting, Sunny and her mother walked into the small house and her mother immediately walked into the kitchen.

"So your uncle told me to expect a visit from you. What's the occasion?" Teasing Sunny lightly, her mother continued to rummage the kitchen for something to make a meal.

"Yah umma, can't Sunkyu just visit sometimes?"

"Mm.. Well yes, but Sunkyu doesn't do that often, now does she?" Hearing the slight chuckle from her mother, Sunny felt guilty. It wasn't everyday she was able to visit her mother and usually when she did, it was a 'special occasion.'

"Um.. I have to tell you something really important. But that can wait for a bit."

No disagreement was given towards that as Sunny heard her mother reply with a quick "okay then" and resumed her cooking. 

Maybe a visit to her old bedroom would divert Sunny's attention, even if it was just a little bit.

Walking around the house, she walked up the set of stairs and stepped up to a door that she was so used to seeing for a third of her life. She remembered how she and her sisters used her door to mark their height and when their mother found out, she lightly scolded them but let them continue with the amusing battle of who was taller and who was not. In the end, Sunny fell short. By only an inch or so. Sunny smiled to herself as she placed her hand on the door and let it run over the door' surface. She put her hand on the knob and slowly twisted it, opening the door finally and walking in. The room was still just the way she left it. Maybe some things were moved so that her parents could clean the room every couple months but she didn't notice anything else.

Sunny sat on the bed and looked around the room once more. Her mother did a nice job keeping the room clean.

Laying down, Sunny remembered all of the times she and her sisters decided to have mini sleepover in her room, staying up until midnight when they had a day free from studying. She remembered how they because of being the younger one. How they acted like they couldn't care less about her problems but a small crack in their masks gave away the answer that Sunny hoped for. All of the happiness she had spending time with her family and all of the pain and tears. She wished she auditioned just a bit later than she did, just so she could have a bit more time with her family.

Reminiscing her memories, she forgot about the pain she felt from Taeyeon. She didn't even notice her mother sitting down next to her.

"Are you remembering your childhood?" Her mother asked in a soft and caring voice.

Sunny looked at her mother and nodded with a small smile. They both sat in a comfortable silence. Sunny and her mother always had a deep relationship. Being the youngest, she was mostly pampered but also was mostly pushed to thrive. When Sunny announced her decision to audition and see if she can become an idol, her mother immediately beamed and pushed her on. 

"Well, your father should be home in about 20 minutes."

Sunny nodded and sat up. It was probably better to confess about her uality with both of them at the table anyway. Although if things went wrong, there would most likely be panic.

The two females sat and talked about their lives at present time. It was only when they both heard the front door open that they ended their conversation and headed downstairs.

Sunny walked behind her mother with a small smile and when her father turned to greet his wife, he was shocked. Although that shock only lasted about two seconds until a fatherly grin surfaced and he held out his arms.

"Sunkyu!" Sunny walked up to him and he immediately embraced his daughter.

"Appa! You're getting old." 

"And so are you." He retorted playfully and Sunny pouted.

While Sunny's mother brought out the food, with the help of Sunny, her father got ready for dinner. Looking at the dishes her mom made, Sunny almost started drooling. It was like a dream come true. She heard her mother chuckle and she smiled sheepishly. It's been a while since she has tasted her mother's food. As soon as her parents started eating, Sunny dug in. Not literally, but she dug in. Her mother started up a small conversation.

Her mother asked how her life was at the moment, was she content and was she happy? Sunny answered, saying that her life was just any normal day for a KPOP idol and that she was somewhat content and happy. Her father asked if she was tiring herself out with practices in which she replied with a simple no. And then they start on the hot topics of SNSD. Her father asks how Yoona's relationship is doing, and I was about to blurt out that it was horrible. The way Yoona smiles at Seung-gi isn't a smile that would be shown to a boyfriend, it was a smile that was shown to an older brother. Yoona doesn't smile at Seung-gi like how she smiles at Seohyun. But Sunny stuck to the normal answer. Everything is fine with their relationship. Except the fact that Yoona was only dating him because he had the guts to ask her out. She left the last part out and smiled. Her mother brought up Sooyoung's relationship, asking if Sooyoung felt comfortable, finding out that Kyung-Ho was her first boyfriend. In fact Kyung-Ho was her first boyfriend, but he wasn't the first person Sooyoung has dated. Sunny always missed the times when Sooyoung and Hyoyeon were dating.

Sunny exclaimed that Sooyoung was comfortable and then before they could ask, she said that Tiffany and Nickhun were doing well. But Tiffany and Nickhun's news of them dating was fake. It was just a cover up for Jessica and Tiffany. SM and JYP teamed up and started a dating scandal. Although there were rumors of the two dating way earlier than said date, they were just rumors. SM got back up from JYP and JYP got more attention. Why else would the two companies try so hard to make everyone believe that they were dating? Sunny knew that next would be the new topic. Taeyeon and Baekhyun. She dreaded this moment because it broke her heart and she was going to confess to her parents about her emotions towards Taeyeon.

"So Taeyeon and Baekhyun.. Never expected it." Her mother said without a hitch. Her father nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Me neither." Sunny mumbled but her mother caught it and frowned.

"Did you not know about them?" Sunny shook her head. In fact she didn't know about anything these days. All of the drama about Girls' Generation's possible disband soon and now fans were even guessing who the members were dating. 

"That's strange. So you found out today as well?" Sunny nodded and wiped with a napkin, setting her eating utensils down.

"Actually, I have something I want to tell you both." Her mother and father glanced at each other and stopped eating, placing their utensils down and looking back at Sunny.

"What is it?"

"I don't really know how you'll react to this but um.." Sunny played with her hands and took a deep breath. It's now or never.

Looking up and meeting both of their gazes she almost faltered in telling them. Their gaze was serious but warm. Like it said they'll love her no matter what.

"I'm gay. I wasn't really attracted to guys even when I was younger and honestly being put in a 9 girl group and living with them day and night doesn't help." Sunny bluntly stated without any emotion heard in her words. But in truth her heart was beating rapidly and her palms were sweaty. Her anxiety was building up every second of silence that continued to pass. She was glad that they didn't immediately kick her out but shes still needed to see if they accepted her or not.

Surprisingly, small smiles surfaced their faces and Sunny felt her jaw unhinge. There was amusement apparent in their eyes and Sunny thought this was a prank.

"We already knew." 

"Oh okay- wait how?" Sunny asked with a confused expression and her mother scoffed.

"Dear, your airport fashion." Sunny blushed, knowing how many times she tended to dress up with a snapback and glasses. Most of the time she wore Adidas and Nike. She sometimes got comments saying that she was a boy in disguise, which she laughed off of course.

"And the way you look at Taeyeon." Her father added and Sunny frowned. They knew about that as well?

"When we had invited all of you over for the weekend on your break, we noticed some things. You stuck around Taeyeon most of the time and vice versa." Her mother explained briefly and Sunny quickly remembered about that weekend.

"Also, today was the day Taeyeon's dating news came out and coincidentally the day you decided to visit us and confess about your uality." Maybe that also gave her away.

Sunny sat there in silence. Of course her parents saw through her. Even if she did spend half of her life away from them, she was still their daughter. 

Wait, did this mean they accepted her?

"So you're fine with me being.."

"Gay? Love is love whether it's being in love with the opposite gender or the same gender. And in all honesty, seeing you happy is all we're asking for."

"Plus an invitation to your wedding."

Sunny felt her eyes sting and did nothing to stop her tears from spilling. She was a lucky girl. Her mother and father came over and gently hugged her and let her cry. 

Sunny had a chance.

And it was almost like a dream to her.


AN: HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS. a bit too early for that huehuehue. I'm still working on that YoonYul fic, and it's not coming out well in all honesty. The first part of it is horrible but we're gradually improving it keke. IT'S BEEN LIEK LIGHT YEARS DID U GUISE MISS ME? this is part one. i dunno how many parts there will be but i'm predicting about 2 parts. i'm set to  depart on August 5th and land in Vietnam August 6th or 7th. So just a heads up, if I disappear again it's because of that. kk see you guys later, bbuing!








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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
DanDyuDream #2
Chapter 32: Be strong in whatever u will face in real life... Hwaitaeng!!! I will wait for u :)
Yeey I love the cover <3
Chapter 31: ANYTHING that could make ma SNSD heart feel some HAPPINESS again is always DA BEST, ya know? >~<
JeTi ma babies will ALWAYS stay in ma heart as the SOULMATES! ;D

And i still hope and believe in SNSD as 9 ^~^
iuxailee pls tnx
Chapter 31: OT9. Oh how I miss the girls being 9. :(((
Chapter 31: Awww OT9 heyyyah author thanks for the update :) Hwaighting !!!!!! And Belated Merry Christmas
Kid_BunnyMushroom-- #8
More SunYeon pleawse~
limelight30 #9
seulrene pls