Chapter 9: Prom night..

Twinkling Hearts 반짝 하트


SoYeon's POV

I feel like I'm getting closer to Jinyoung.. which I think is bad.. I'll like him even more and leads me to sadness.. he loves somebody else.. someone more prettier and cuter than me.. I've got no chance on him..



It was time for Jinyoung to leave.. my parents are arriving tomorrow so he doesn't needs to sleep here. 

"Annyeong" I said to him.. "ne. annyeong" he said..

he held the door knob.. "wait!.... umm..." I shouted, he looked back and asked "what?.."

"umm...gamsahabnida!......jeongmal gamsahabnida!.." I said.. he smiled  and said "it's alright.. anyways I had fun.."

O_O.. I blushed and covered my cheeks.. then I pushed him out of the door while looking down.. "gamsahabnida!" I said as I closed the door.. 

I was holding my cheeks.. what's wrong with me? >.<.. I slowly opened the door ..... he was not there anymore.. then I closed the door again.. I took a deep breath as I walked away the door..




I was thinking of what to take on college.... I'll take......... dermatology, since I really love my hair! but.. I don't like working on skins.. but I'll try to work hard on it xD

owaaaaaaa~! 3 weeks left!! school will end! >.< why is time this fast?! next week will be our final exams.... then prom will come after a week.... then our graduation after another week.. omo~ >.< I'll miss my school.. wait! our thesis is due this week! omo~!! busy month~



after a week..

=D I passed my Thesis.. phew~ Final exams are also over =D.. I THINK.. I did.. good(?) xD I hope I did!


I was searching for my dress for the prom.. =____= I can't pick any.. until I saw one.. O_O.. >.< I want that!!

₩800 000 

O_O... for real? =___=.. noooO~ I want it =___=.. why does it have to be that expensive T__T..

I called my mom.. 

"mom?... um.. I have a pick a dress already.." I said.. nervously >.<

"ok, then buy it" she said, "for real?" I asked excitedly

"yeah, how much does it costs?" she asked =__= "now that you've mention it.. umm.. it's.. something.. like.. you know.. ₩800 000." >.<

"₩800 000?!!" she shouted at the phone.. "sigh*.. SoYeon dear.. I want to make your prom perfect but.. is there any other dresses there that you like that is cheap?" mom said,

"well... nope." I said.. "...fine.. buy it.. but your college allowance will decrease. arraseo?" she said, "yes! THANK YOU MOM! saranghaeyo!!" I shouted as I hung up..

MOM! YOU'RE THE BEST! I immediately bought the dress.. 


I arrived at home and showed the dress to my mom.. "Omo~! that's beautiful!" she said, "I know!" I said, "I can't wait for you to wear that tomorrow~.. I'll make you absolutely beautiful! wait, I'll just call my bestfriend" she said,

"oh~ HyeSeo.. ne.. my daughter's prom is tomorrow.. ne.. YES! thank you!" she said as she hung up.. "my bestfriend will be incharge to put make-up on you!" mom said, "eomma~ gomawo!" I said,  "of course it's for my baby girl.. well.. she used to be.." she said =__= "eomma!" I said, "I know~ but it was just like yesterday that I was teaching you to say eomma.." she said, then I hugged her..


Next day

I was already dressed up.. my mom's bestfriend is really good on doing make-ups and she style my hair just like SNSD's SeoHyun! >.<

left the house.. O_O.. HyoRi and JinHo was waiting for me outside.. 


HyoRi was waving at me while JinHo was looking at his cellphone he didn't even galnced at me.. >.< 

I went near them, "SoYeon! >.< you look so beautiful!" HyoRi said. Finally, JinHo oppa looked at me and looked at me blankly.. "bwo? do I look that bad?" I fakely asked, "huh?.... oh!.. a..aniyo! it's just you look so.. I mean.. just.. just get in the car.." he said as he went inside the car. JinHo oppa will drive us to the Hotel.

We arrived at the hotel.. and WOW a lot of girls were so beautiful >.< HyoRi immdiately ran to restroom.. 

I was alone with JinHo now.. it was so silent.. we haven't been communicating since he confessed to me.. 

I cleared my throat to break the silence "ahem.. let's go?" I asked, "ye" he said as we walked towards the ballroom door. We entered the room together.. the moment I entered the room I immediately saw Jinyoung crowded with girls..sigh*..

"umm.. SoYeon.. can I hold your hand? ahem.." JinHo oppa asked nervously.. I smiled at him as I said, "of course oppa" O_O.. I don't know why answered that.. 

JinHo held my hand and my body freezed by his touch >.<.. but I ignored it, trying to act naturaly.. I looked at Jinyoung and he was still crowded with girls but the girls lessen.. T__T I can't help it, watching Jinyoung around tons of girls.. and not just girls! pretty girls! >.<.. 

I held JinHo's hand tighter and dragged him away from Jinyoung's presence.. 


JinYoung's POV

I was crowded with tons of girls T__T I keep trying to get out of the crowd but they keep pushing me back.. suddenly the ballroom door opened and I saw SoYeon.. waa.. she looks so beautiful!! engk.. she's with JinHo T__T.. SoYeon looked at me, I got startled and looked away from her.. after a while I slowly looked at her again ignoring the girls around me.. SUDDENLY SoYeon smiled at JinHo and he held her hand, what the.. T_T 

some of the girls left and I tried to get away from them again. As I was trying to get away I saw SoYeon dragging JinHo to a table far from me.. she looks pissed.. 

finally, the girls left me.. phew~ I stood up and enhanced my necktie.. I looked around and searched for SoYeon. I saw her with HyoRi and.. JinHo.. T_T SoYeon was sitted between JinHo and HyoRi.. I went to a table near them.. I spied on JinHo.. GHA!! T___T SoYeon seems to have so much fun with him.. 

somebody entered the room and I saw GyuMin O_O.. I didn't know outsiders were allowed.. by the way GyuMin is a worker at Seoul and she's the one who helped on some stuffs so I can be a trainee to be a singer.. she's older than me for about 3 years.. GyuMin went near me as she smiled.. omo, something good has happened "Jinyoung!" she shouted as she waved at me. I stood up and waved at her "what brought you here?" I asked her with my smile "nothing.. (laughs) but seriously.. guess what? you are an official trainee after your graduation this year!" she smiled as she held my hand and showed me a paper to prove her words.. my eyes widened as I looked at the paper.. "Noona.. jeongmal gamsahabnida!!" I said as I hugged her.. "that's what I came here for.. I just can't wait to tell you!" she said, "I'll be leaving, annyeong!!" she said with a wave and left the room..

I stared at the paper blankly.. I can't believe I'm a trainee already! >.<


SoYeon's POV

O_O! what the! it's that girl again! T__T why does she have to come?.. sigh*.. O_O! I snapped.. ani SoYeon don't mind Jinyoung! don't mind him! I said to myslef, but.. I can't help but look at Ji-- O_O! she held her hand! (gasp) worst! Jinyoung hugged her! >.<.. sigh* I wish I could be that girl.. my heart is beating so fast.. it's working too hard.. it's ing inside.. 

I felt sad.. arggh SoYeon! snap out of it! he's never gonna be yours! I said to myself.. the girl left?.. why so soon? o.O? oh well.. 

O_O.. a romantic song suddenly .. couples started to fill up the center of room.. the lights started to fade off and turned to red, pink, white lights.. it looks so romantic.. one girl went near Jinyoung and asked him to dance with him.. but he rejected her in a nice way.. "ahem.." JinHo cleared his throat.. oh no.. I know what his trying to pull up here! but I pretended I didn't get what he means.. "umm.. SoYeon? Would you mind?" JinHo said as he opened his palm to me.. "wha.. umm.. fine.." I said.. I have no choice.. I can't reject JinHo again.. 

JinHo held my hand and we both went near the crowd.. he placed his hands at my back and I placed mine on his shoulders.. JinHo was staring at me.. "bwo? is there something to look at?" I asked nervously.. "yes, there is.. why are you so beautiful?" he uttered O_O!.. I blushed and I looked down... but JinHo raised my head and caressed my face.. suddenly.. O_O!

"would you mind if I take your dance for a while?" O_O! "J..J.. Jinyoung..?" I stuttered, he was holding JinHo's wrist and dragged it away from my face. He grab my hand and dragged me near him as he touched my back.. all of the girls were looking at us.. my eyes widened as I looked at him.. "Jinyoung-ah.." I said as my cheeks turned red.. he chuckled as he danced slowly.. 

>.< my gosh! Jinyoung is actually dancing me! HE IS DANCING ME!? why? he has a girlfriend right? wae Jinyoung?

Jinyoung just smiled.. is this kid not feeling awkward? I was feeling uneasy.. knowing that a lot of people is staring at us.. "Jinyoung-ssi.." I whispered, "bwo?" he said, oh my gosh! he's voice sounds seductive! argh! I can't utter a word anymore then he dragged me closer to him again.. I'M ACTUALLY 1 inch away from him! I squeaked and closed my eyes.. then I heard a small laugh.. "Yah!" I said.. my cheeks feels so hot!

the girls started squealing at us.. then Jinyoung's face went near mine.. "KYAAA!!" the girls shouted, he chuckled then we stopped dancing..

I went near HyoRi with my face looking blank.. I sat down and spaced out.. "yah! SoYeon! you hit the jackpot!" HyoRi shouted at me.. "bwo...?.. I am dreaming.. am I?" I said.. HyoRi pinched my arms "OWW!" I said as I glared at her, she smiled and said "no you're not!" HyoRi said..


the Prom ended at 11:00 PM..



note* SoYeon and HyoRi is a fictional character xD..I didn't notice that a name SoYeon is a name of a celebrity, T-ara's SoYeon LOL.. xD so is HyoRi.. Lee HyoRi xD

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charleneshii #1
this story made me cry :) i love this story so much <3<3
JinyoungsBlingGirl #2
Ah can i request? for the first time I read this I really want it now I ended it XD (it takes me a long time to read this cos' I do imagine I'm Soyeon) XD can you continue this story :D I'm like crazy visiting this site again and again just for more chapters :( please. JEBAL! can you add more long chapters? please ^^
melon_dew #3
damn!i can imagine Jinyoung said Bling Girl~n i was like dying..ahha
melon_dew #4
i did put intention to wrap up my comment till i read all the chapters..but in chapter 4 i suddenly burst into tears~huhu..i never know how my crush felt towards me..cause last year...i was really close to him..n feel like we were couple..huhu..ur story really nice n the main character Jinyoung just make this story turns to reality to me..hehe :)
melon_dew #5
oh my!i've just read chapter one..n you know what this story resemble mine a lot...hehe..but the marker part isnt mine..hehe...really love ur story... :)
lol,, its funny how the first chapter sort of describe how I react when I saw my crush,, I like your story eventhough im only in Chapter 1. :D
lemonylimes #7
Cute ~~
What a cute oneshot! haha Kya~ my heart beating fast~ Lolz i'm new here! so this is my first time commenting :) i luv ur stories! Please make a sequel~
Sequel Please :)