Chapter 3: JinHo or JinYoung?

Twinkling Hearts 반짝 하트

SoYeon's POV


It has already been a week since the 1st day of school.. I'm trying to get over with Jinyoung.. =_=.. I'll try to be a normal girl who doesn't like Jinyoung =D..



at home.. writting in my diary. 

"I can't help but smile when I think of you." GAH! scratch that "I can't help but smile when I think of you."

I'm trying to forget him so.. no diary for today..

so boring.. the house is so quiet.. and I'm alone.. =_=..

then our telephone rang.. 

"yeoboseyo?" I said, "SoYeon-ah!!! better come now quick!" HyoRi..

"What? What's on?" I asked, "it's about JinHo, here where we always wait for a bus, hurry!" I shouted at the telephone "fine fine! I'll be there!" I said and place the phone down..

I went upstairs to change my clothes and immediately left the house..

I was running to the bus stop.. "HyoRi!!" I shouted as I waved at HyoRi.. O_O it was crowded

I slowly went near the crowd as HyoRi pushed me in..

O_O! JinHo is fighting with my classmate "JinHo Oppa! what are you doing!?" I shouted at him, "Oppa!!! stop!!" I shouted again, "STOP!!!!" I shouted AGAIN.. then JinHo stopped, my classmate was about to punch JinHo but HyoRi stopped him "JinHo-oppa, What's happening?" I asked him

"This guy is judging you!"... he said...(breathing heavily) "he.. he said your weird! that's why I punched him.." JinHo explained.. "....." I just kept quiet after he said that.. JinHo was about to punch my classmate again but I stopped him.. "oppa.. stop it.. you can't blame him.. after all what he said was true.." I said, "See? I told you she's weird, she even agrees that she's all of those traits!" my classmate said.. and I can't hold it anymore, unexpectedly I slapped him, "And you! what if I'm all of that?! huh?! Why would you care if I'm like that?!" I shouted at him, "I mean... just leave.. your ruining the title of our school.." I said as I slightly pushed him.. then he left... "what? he didn't even say sorry!" JinHo said, "And you oppa! you should've just ignored him!! you just created the mess" I said, "but I was just--" I slapped him.. "Why do you have to do all of that just because of what he said?... you hurted yourself because of me.." I said as drop of tear went off my eye.. "SoYeon-ah..." HyoRi said, "SoYeon-ah.. Can't you see?" JinHo asked.. "see what oppa?" I asked, then JinHo slowly walked away from me... HyoRi followed him.. I'm sweating a lot.. plus my tears added my sweat..

After he left, the crowd suddenly decreased... and one person stayed..

O_O... "J..Jinyoung?" He just looked at me.. "That was one scene.. you two look like your having a drama in that crowd O_O" he said.. he look shocked >.< "What was your name again?--" he asked but his phone rung.. "yeoboseyo?.....oh!..! I'll be there!.." he said and he placed his phone in his bag "annyeong!" he said as he waved and left.. T_T I didn't even answer his question =_=... he doesn't even remember my name.. =_=..

I arrived at home.. I immediately grabbed my diary >.< I can't help it! I wrote:


"I'm just invisible, and almost impossible for me to make you remember my name"



gah... tired..I was walking to school.. by the way.. what does JinHo-oppa mean by can't you see? o.O?... could it be?!... ngyaaa... why would he like me... but.. what if?... >.<... it's making me feel uneasy.. 

I arrived at school.. I was walking to my classroom, I saw JinHo-oppa and he just ignored me.. >.< awkward..

I went in my room and directly took my seat.. and lied my head on the table..

sigh*.. what did I do to deserve this feelings?.. =__=.. "SoYeon-ah!" HyoRi shouted at me, "Are you ok..?" HyoRi asked and I looked at her.. "T__T yup..I am so ok.." I said sarcastically.. "=_= SoYeon-ah.. I'm sorry I didn't told you about this before.." HyoRi said, "What do you mean?" I asked, "....... thatmycousinhasacrushonyou!" HyoRi quickly said and she closed her eyes.... after a while she slowly opened her eyes, she saw me dropping my jaw while looking at her... "I know.. >.< I'm sorry" she said.. then the bell rung..

it was English class.. =__= I was still dumbfounded after what HyoRi said to me.. her words just keep flashing back in my mind.. I was spacing out and I wasn't able to listen to the teacher.. "Ms. SoYeon? Are you listening?" my teacher called my attention.. snapped.. "Oh!.. I'm sorry ma'am..." I said and my teacher continued to discuss.. phew~.. then I suddenly remember Jinyoung about yesterday O_O.. he saw everything.. I also remembered my classmate who fought with JinHo yesterday.. I slowly looked at my back.. I saw him glaring at me >.< scary.. then I looked at the front again.. why is he so mad at me?.. I looked at Jinyoung.. he seems happy =_=.. he didn't even care about what happened to me yesterday.. I'm sure he forgot it already.. sigh*.. I should not be so problematic about this.. I should focus in my studies.. then I listened to the teacher..



It was my time to clean.. I'm with... O_O.. Jinyoung.. and some of my classmates.. it was so awkward.. T_T the guy who hates me was there too.. "Jinyoung-ah! I'll not clean today, please tell our teacher" he said, T_T.. now I'm with 2 of my girl classmates and Jinyoung.. they keep giggling looking at Jinyoung cleaning =__=.. sigh*.. I just continued to sweep the floor "umm.." JInyoung said while pointing at me "SoYeon right?" he asked =__= "ne..." I replied, "SoYeon-ssi can you pick up those books and place them here" he ordered me.. I also followed him.. I placed the books on the table while the 2 girls was still giggling hayzz.. one of their friends call them, then they left.. GAH~! me and Jinyoung again!

my heart is beating so fast and he can't hear it.. he was humming something.. o.O? what song is that? I don't even know it.. =_=.. I was reaching the upper shelf to get the dusts off then I fell on the chair.. O_O.. of all times.. why did I have to fall now T_T.. my knee was bleeding.. "oh! SoYeon-ssi! Are you alright?!" O_O he remembered my name! " this is nothing.." he ignored my words and took something from his bag... it was a small bandage, he slowy placed it on my knee.. "You should be careful next time.." he said O.O.. my heart is beating so fast and my cheeks are growing tomatoes >.< his face is so close to me.. "I'm sorry..." I said >.< and I'm sure I sounded weird for a second =_=.. can't believe that we are actually having a skinship.. "....g..g...gomawo..." I said =_=... awkward... then he stood up and he lend his hand to me.. I was like o.O?.. then he grabbed my hand and helped my up.. after I stood up, I bowed to him.. "...I'm sorry.. and thanks..." I said "it's ok.." he said, then he left the room.. >.<

.... silence... standing up like a statue... for a moment he was worried.. for a moment he helped me... for a moment he noticed me.. I wanna cry >.< my heart is in motion...


I left the room.. then I arrived at the school gate.. it was already 4:45 PM.., I left the school gate and I saw Jinyoung walking.. I was also going in his direction.. I look like a stalker >.< he stopped at the bus stop.. and so did I.. after a few minutes a bus arrived.. he entered the bus.. I also entered the bus.. I looked for a seat.. I took the seat at the back.. I was taking glances on his direction.. he was listening to music with his headphones.. while I was sitting, I looked at the bandage he placed on my knee.. and I still can't believe that he personally placed it on my knee.. 

the bus stopped and Jinyoung stood up and left the bus.. o.O? were not even near a neighborhood yet.. he went in a building.. o.O?.. 


I arrived at home.. "I'm home~" I said, "Unnie!! look at my new stuff toy, oppa gave it to me!" my sister... wait.. oppa?.. "annyeonghaseyo.." O_O.. JinHo~!!! "what are you doing here?!" I shouted, "I'm with HyoRi T_T" he said, HyoRi was waving at me "what's on? why are you two here?" I asked, "I just want to tell you that my cousin here likes you.." HyoRi said, "I've heard that already you don't need to repeat it again..=_=" I said, "wait! I'm not finished yet.. and he wants you to be his girlfriend---" HyoRi said, "SAY WHAT?! I mean.. I'm not ready with this stuffs... plus.. I like someone else.." I said, "I know it's Jinyoung.. but he doesn't even tries to notice you!" JinHo said, "still!" I said, "SoYeon-ah, what happened to your knee?" HyoRi asked, "I fell on the chair while cleaning.. >.< and Jinyoung helped me..he gave me this bandage" I said, "you mean Jinyoung Jinyoung?" HyoRi asked, "yes! >.< I still can't believe he personally placed it on my knee >.<" I said, JinHo-oppa was doing a T_T face, "it's just bandage no big deal.. hmmp" he said, "don't worry he's always like that when he's jealous.. (laughs)" HyoRi said.. "Yah! HyoRi!... I mean....let's go home!" JinHo said, then HyoRi and JinHo left the house...

JinHo-oppa likes me >.< and it's proven already.. >.< 

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charleneshii #1
this story made me cry :) i love this story so much <3<3
JinyoungsBlingGirl #2
Ah can i request? for the first time I read this I really want it now I ended it XD (it takes me a long time to read this cos' I do imagine I'm Soyeon) XD can you continue this story :D I'm like crazy visiting this site again and again just for more chapters :( please. JEBAL! can you add more long chapters? please ^^
melon_dew #3
damn!i can imagine Jinyoung said Bling Girl~n i was like dying..ahha
melon_dew #4
i did put intention to wrap up my comment till i read all the chapters..but in chapter 4 i suddenly burst into tears~huhu..i never know how my crush felt towards me..cause last year...i was really close to him..n feel like we were couple..huhu..ur story really nice n the main character Jinyoung just make this story turns to reality to me..hehe :)
melon_dew #5
oh my!i've just read chapter one..n you know what this story resemble mine a lot...hehe..but the marker part isnt mine..hehe...really love ur story... :)
lol,, its funny how the first chapter sort of describe how I react when I saw my crush,, I like your story eventhough im only in Chapter 1. :D
lemonylimes #7
Cute ~~
What a cute oneshot! haha Kya~ my heart beating fast~ Lolz i'm new here! so this is my first time commenting :) i luv ur stories! Please make a sequel~
Sequel Please :)