Chapter 20: JunHyun

Twinkling Hearts 반짝 하트

SoYeon's POV


I ran up to the hospital and went in my grandpa's room..

"oh.. SoYeon-ah? are you ok?" JunHyun asked, 

"Yeah.. yeah, I'm fine.." I said as I placed the plastic bags on the table..

"Where's mom and dad?" I added as I sat beside JunHyun

"Oh.. they went to the doctor" JunHyun said,

"Where's Jin-ssi?" he asked,

"oh.. he's.. he's coming.." I stuttered,

suddenly the door opened.. I was thinking it would be my parents but no.., it was Jinyoung..

my body frozed the moment he went in.. I tried to cover my face.. He sat on the empty seat..,

suddenly his phone rung..

"yeoboseyo?" he said.. "oh.. ne.. I'll be right there.." he said..

is he going to leave?

"SoYeon-ah.. I need to go now.." he said, "oh.. s..sure.." I said.., >.< I'm sure he's laughing in his mind right now after he heard what I said,

when he touched the door knob.., "wait!" I said.. "umm... th..thanks for helping me out and visiting my grandpa.." I added,

"oh.. sure.. no problem.. annyeong" he said as he waved and he left.., phew~ I hope he'll be fine on his way..

"SoYeon-ah.., our holiday is almost over.. we need to return after the next 2 days.." JunHyun said..,

"oh.. yeah.. thanks for reminding me.." I said,




after 2 days..

my grandpa was discharged from the hospital.. and he has personal nurse at his home..

I need to leave Seoul already.. since I need to continue my college course..

Me and JunHyun left Seoul together.. my parents stayed at Seoul to take care of my grandpa..

I texted Jinyoung that I'll be leaving..




upon arrving at my dorm.., Jinyoung texted back.. that took him long.. but of course he's already a busy man =D

"Already?.. mo... I thought you'll stay here in Seoul >.<.. anyways.., good luck! Study well =D"

O_O!.. eeeep.. he texted back.. I mean >.<.. kya~! xD I'm falling all over him again-- KYA!! I remembered the one I slipped out of my mouth.. I hope he think I was joking.. and why in the world did I say that.. =__= I'm so stupid..


School life is starting again.., and.. I hate my teacher for giving me hardtodo projects.. but I'm glad it was a group project..

I was grouped with JunHyun and 2 of my other classmates in my Biology class..


I was researching for our project at my dorm... suddenly my phone rung.. I recieved a photo.. O_O!!!!!

it's Jinyoung with b1a4.. they look like they're having fun.. I hope could be there with them.. there's a message:

"SoYeon-ah! our rapper wants to know you haha.. just kidding.. we are practicing for our performance! SoYeon-ah please sign-up to twitter!"

O_O.. I feel so lucky.. of all the girls Jinyoung know.. he sent me a photo! >.< I just smiled and looked at the picture..

wait.. Twitter?.. I've heard that before.. it's about tweeting and stuffs.. I should try that..

I searched twitter and signed up..

while I was answering the registration form.. my phone rung.. 

"SoYeon-ah! Let's work here at home! I alomost finished our project.. I want you to see it! our groupmates will be coming over too!" JunHyun texted..

omo.. KYA! I almost forgot! our project.. I'll just register later..

"REALLY? that's good! I'll be going then!" I replied..




I arrived at their house.. I clicked the door bell.. and my classmate came out from JunHyun's house.. "SoYeon-ssi!!" her name is YeoRin.. "oh.. what's wrong?" I asked,

"Nothing! I'm just happy!" o.O? what's got into this girl.. I don't usually speak comfortably with my classmates..

we both entered JunHyun's house..

"oh! SoYeon, our project is finished" GiHyuk said, my other classmate..

I looked through the paper.. and wow! it is really finished.. 

"wow.. I wasn't able to help at all! mianhe.." I said, 

"pfft.. it's fine.. it was just a piece of cake!" JunHyun bragged.., =___=

"want some foods to eat?" JunHyun offered,

"oh sure!!" YeonRin said, "ah.. no thanks.. I need to leave early.. I have a date with my.. girlfriend.." GiHyuk said,

"aww.." YeonRin said, "Ok.. good luck!" JunHyun said, "annyeong!" I waved at him.. then he left..,

JunHyun went to his kitchen to get some food..

"speaking of relationships.. SoYeon-ah.. are you currently dating someone?" YeonRin asked.. 

"huh?.. no.. I don't have any at all.." I said, 

"Are you not dating JunHyun?" she asked, "he's even cute.." she added,

"ani! we're not.." I said, "aiyeee~ but you like him!" she said as she tickled me..,

"yah~.. stop it.. I think of him as my little brother.. nothing special.. but I love how he's so nice to me.." I said,

"hmmm.. that'll make you fall for him--" suddenly I heard a loud crash from the kitchen..

Me and YeonRin ran to the kitchen..

"JunHyun-ah!!!" I shouted as I ran to him.., "JunHyun-ssi? are you alright?" YeonRin asked,..

he dropped the glasses of juice.. "JunHyun-ah.. what's wrong?" I asked,

"I'm fine.. just slipped my hands.." he said as he tried to clean up the mess.., "yah! you'll get wounded!" I said as I took his hands..

"I..I'm fine..." he said,

"You don't look fine! your finger is bleeding!" I said,

"I'm fine! that's just a small cut!" he shouted as he ran upstairs..

"what's wrong with him?" YeonRin asked, "I don't know.." I said,

I ended up cleaning the mess.. 


"SoYeon-ah.. I'll be leaving first.. I need to be home before 4 PM or my mom will kill me.." YeonRin said..,

"oh sure.." I said as I throwed the pieces of glass on the trash can.. JunHyun's maid helped me out..

"ahjumma.. what happened to JunHyun?" I asked,

"I don't know.. he locked himself in his room.." their maid said..

"aha! ahjumma.. do you have the key for his room?.." I asked,

"I have.. but don't you think you'll disturb him?" 

"It'll be fine.. I just want to check on him.." I said..


me and their maid went upstairs and slowly unlocked JunHyun's room..

"I'll be downstairs.." the maid said, "oh.. sure.. I'll be quick.." I said,

I entered his room.. 

"JunHyun-ah?" I said as I slowly went near him.. he was lying on the bed.. covering himself with his blanket..

I went near him and slowly removed the blanket.. he was asleep.. O_O!.. I touched his cheeks it was wet.. he's crying? ah.. he didn't even cured his wound.. I took a cotton and wiped the dirt on his hands..

"So..Yeon..." O_O!.. he whispered my name.. 

"JunHyun? are you awake?" I asked,

he opened his eyes.. and glared at me.. 

"wa! your awake!" I said, "SoYeon-ah.. why.." he moaned as he leaned closer to me..

"yah! JunHyun-ah!" I said as I pulled him back and tidied up the blanket on him.. suddenly

he grabbed my arms and pulled me to him.. he was hugging me..

"SoYeon-ah.. why can't you see me?.. am I really just a brother to you?" he whispered..,

O_O! so that's why.. 

"JunHyun-ssi.." I said as tried to pull myself away from him.. but he suddenly pulled me and caused me to lie on his bed.. he was above me..

"I'm also a man.." he said.. "yah.. JunHyun.. stop being like this.." I said, "why would I stop being like this when you can't even realize that I!!!---" he stopped..

I pushed him and climbed down his bed.. I tried to leave the room.. 

"wait!!" he said as he closed the door quickly.. he suddenly hugged me..

"I love you.. SoYeon-ah.. but you never tried to look at me as me.. you just keep on looking at Jinyoung.." he said..,

O_O!.. this getting so tense..

"JunHyun-ah... I .. I don't know what to say.. I never meant to hurt you.. but my heart isn't going to you.." I said.. as I slowly let him go.. he was crying..

I wiped his tears and hugged him again.. I patted his back.. "I'm sorry JunHyun.." I said,

"mianhe SoYeon.. for acting too much.. I just can't resist it.. maybe I'm just over reacting.." he said,

"JunHyun-ah.. thank you.." I said.. he let me go and said, "but my words were real.. I love--" I stopped him..

"arasseo!" I said, "please try to open your heart for me.. even just a small hole.." he said,

"omo~ my dongsaeng is grown up.. therefore! I'll treat you differently from today onwards" I said.. suddenly my phone rung..

it was a call from Jinyoung.. JunHyun knew it was Jinyoung.. I looked at him..

"it's ok.. answer him.." he said.., I smiled at him and kissed his cheeks.. 

"yeoboseyo?" I said as I left the room..


JunHyun's POV


"yeoboseyo?" SoYeon said as she left the room.. she... she kissed my cheeks..

I touched my face... A smile formed my lips...

"why am I acting this way?...... I really do love her.."


SoYeon's POV


"Cheongmal?!" I shouted, Jinyoung said they are going to held a fansigning event here..woooow~

"I hope you could come!" Jinyoung said,

"of course!.. I mean.. why wouldn't I go?.." I said, he chuckled..

"ok! I'm expecting you! annyeong!" he said,

"ne.. annyeong!" I said as he hung up..

omo~ my life is getting up.. then down.. UP! then down down down.. xD it's funny how fate plays with me..

I wonder how's HyoRi and JinHo is doing =D I hope they're fine..


I left JunHyun's house.. and told HyoRi about the news..



KYA~! xD scene with JunHyun.. I just want to add some parts with JunHyun in it.. as an author! I need to take care of my characters lol..  anyways.. sorry if it was too cheesy

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charleneshii #1
this story made me cry :) i love this story so much <3<3
JinyoungsBlingGirl #2
Ah can i request? for the first time I read this I really want it now I ended it XD (it takes me a long time to read this cos' I do imagine I'm Soyeon) XD can you continue this story :D I'm like crazy visiting this site again and again just for more chapters :( please. JEBAL! can you add more long chapters? please ^^
melon_dew #3
damn!i can imagine Jinyoung said Bling Girl~n i was like dying..ahha
melon_dew #4
i did put intention to wrap up my comment till i read all the chapters..but in chapter 4 i suddenly burst into tears~huhu..i never know how my crush felt towards me..cause last year...i was really close to him..n feel like we were couple..huhu..ur story really nice n the main character Jinyoung just make this story turns to reality to me..hehe :)
melon_dew #5
oh my!i've just read chapter one..n you know what this story resemble mine a lot...hehe..but the marker part isnt mine..hehe...really love ur story... :)
lol,, its funny how the first chapter sort of describe how I react when I saw my crush,, I like your story eventhough im only in Chapter 1. :D
lemonylimes #7
Cute ~~
What a cute oneshot! haha Kya~ my heart beating fast~ Lolz i'm new here! so this is my first time commenting :) i luv ur stories! Please make a sequel~
Sequel Please :)