Chapter 6: I need to forget..

Twinkling Hearts 반짝 하트

SoYeon's POV



I'm scared to go to school >.< after what happened last Thursday =__=.. by the way last Friday it was a holiday! =D..

anyways... NOO~ I don't want to go to school.. =__= why does Jinyoung have to touch my feet?! why did dad thought that he's my boyfriend?! =___=..


.. slowly walking to my classroom.. as I arrived.. I took a deep breath before I entered.. I opened the door and looked for Jinyoung.. Yeah~ he's absent... he's absent.. I'm sad but I'm relieved..

Class started.. our Homeroom teacher announced "We will have our new seat plan today!" 

"Noo~!!!" All of us shouted.. 

our teacher was transferring my classmates while me and HyoRi was acting like we don't know each other so our teacher won't transfer us.. "You, SoYeon here" O_O! nooo!! HyoRi!! I pouted and took my things "annyeong~ (fake cry)" HyoRi said.. O_o I was transferred at the 1st row.. =__= ... O_O wait.. where was Jinyoung's seat? I looked to my right.. Omo~ it's 3 seats away from me! Nooo~ 

HyoRi wasn't transferred.. T___T.. I'm kinda happy that I'm already near Jinyoung but.. no~ I'll feel super uneasy..

For the whole day, Jinyoung was absent.. =__=..



Now going home.. I was just walking home.. I'll not take the bus..

As I was walking.. I saw the building Jinyoung entered last time.. maybe it's his dorm?.. or his apartment? >.< noo~ I won't visit him, we're not even close... we're just... acquaintances.. I'll just check the building.. who knows it's not his home or something..

I entered the building.. o.O? it doesn't look like an Apartment building.. I went to the 2nd floor and-- eep~! I saw Jinyoung walking to my direction but he was looking down and wearing his-- headset(?) what? Is he not sick? Why in the world was he absent? I hid behind a wall.. then I followed him.. He went out of the building.. then he walked inside a store and he bought some snacks.. he.. bought some... snacks...... I'm sure it's for his girlfriend.. I want to know! I followed him.. he went back the building and went to the 2nd floor.. he entered a room.. my heart is aching.. I'm sure his girlfriend in there is already like "Aww~ thanks Jinyoung!" =__=..

I was about to go downstairs but I saw someone went out of the room Jinyoung entered.. it.. it was a girl... she's pretty.. he was bringing one of the snack Jinyoung heart got stab.. I left the building and thought it was a bad idea to enter that building.. I just walked.. nowhere to go.. spacing out.. suddenly a water was blocking my eye.. I rubbed my eye and the water dropped.. it continued to fall... what was I thinking?.. Jinyoung would never like a girl like me... then I sobbed.. sniff... cry.. I kept punching my chest and thought... you stupid heart.. why did you have to chose Jinyoung?.. it's funny how I care for someone that who doesn't even think of me for a second.. I whispered to myself "babo.." 

I arrived at home.. nobody was home yet.. it's good.. I can shout.. I dropped my bags on the floor and shouted "Jinyoung! you babo!..." I said as my voice faded away.. then my tears was slowly falling again.. but I rubbed them.. "Ani! I won't like Jinyoung anymore!.." I said with my confident voice.. my mind is saying to forget about him but my heart is so so so beating for him..


Next day

I won't walk to school.. I am taking the bus..

I was sitting at the back of the bus while I was writting on my diary about happened yesterday and:

"From now on, I'll forget him! Heart! follow my mind! she knows best!...."

the bus suddenly stopped, I locked my diary and placed it inisde my bag.. someone entered the bus... I didn't mind him/her.. I was just looking outside the window.. then I saw Jinyoung in front of the chair I'm sitting.. I peeked.. to know if it is really him.. I looked at him from above.. he was about to look at me but I went back to my sit and pretended I didn't do anything.. he didn't mind me.. T__T.. oh well... the bus arrived at the bus stop near our school.. I went out the bus first and ran to my classroom..

sigh*.. new seat plan.. 

I went to my new seat.. then Jinyoung was like "o.O?.. " .. Jinyoung asked his friends what's happening.. then he was like "aahh..." =__=.. 

I was doodling in my notebook.. so I can pretended that I didn't mind that Jinyoung is near my seat.. but inside me.. half of my body which is facing Jinyoung is melting! I stopped doodling and slowly peeked at my right side where Jinyoung is sitting....  ⊙_⊙... stare.. I ended up staring at him.. my pen was slowly dropping.. but he stood up.. I got startled and quickly doodled in my notebook again.... I slowly looked at where he was going.. he went near our teacher then he left the room.. >.< I'm sure he knew I was staring at me >.< then he got annoyed~! =__= I need to stop looking at him..

after a while he went back to our classroom.. I didn't looked at him.. I just looked at our teacher discussing.. 


After I ate my lunch, I went to the library where I usually stand by.. I just love the library, so peaceful.. =D.. I took a book and pretended that I was reading but I was just enjoying the pleasant atmosphere.. after a while, Somebody went in the library.. it was Jinyoung and his friends,  then they went outside o.O? what's wrong with them?.. 

I left the library.. I was walking to my classroom.. I passed by the school gate..



that's.. .. ...

my heart is throbbing.. its beats is killing me.. it made a water on my eye.. 

Jinyoung is with that girl at the building again.. she's holding Jinyoung's hand.. I looked away.. and tried to forget that I saw him with her.. 

I'm in the classroom.. Jinyoung was sitting on his chair.. the scene keeps flashing back to my mind.. then he suddenly went near me and said.. "SoYeon-ssi, I have finished our project.." my mind went blank when I saw Jinyoung's face, it makes me remember that scene.. "oh...o..ok..." I just want to end our conversation quickly "SoYeon-ssi are you ok?" Jinyoung asked, I don't want to hear his voice! it's making tears on my eyes.. "I..I'm fine.." I said, "You don't look fine.." Jinyoung said, "really.. I'm fine.." I said.. I can't let my tears fall.. "SoYeon-ssi.." he said as he held my shoulder.. but I removed his hands and stood up "I'm FINE!" I shouted.. >.< one tear fell off my eye.. "I..I..I'm sorry.. really.. I'm sorry.. I was just.." I stuttered.. my tears fell off randomly.. I left the classroom and went to the restroom.. 

I looked at the mirror.. ugh.. I look stupid.. I even look more stupid with my tears.. I turned the faucet on and washed my face.. 

SoYeon.. I told you to forget him! for now.. don't follow your heart.. fate is telling you to forget Jinyoung! Why can you accept that he has a girlfriend!

I thought to myslef.. this will be the last time I'll cry! I washed my face again and wiped it with my small towel.. I took a deep breath.. and closed my eyes 1....2....3... I snapped my fingers and opened my eyes.. I'm good..

I went back to our classroom.. "SoYeon-ssi... I'm sorry.. I bothered you.." Jinyoung said.. "Aniyo! it wasn't your fault.. I don't even know why I did that.. (fake laugh) just forget that happened =D" I said as I tried to smile.. "ok," he said and he went back to his seat.. 

I took my diary and wrote:

"Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder.."


SORRY IF I UPDATED TOO LONG! I'M SORRY IF IT'S SO SHORT.. >.< computer is damaged.. =D but its fixed now =D I'll try to make the story more intersting!

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charleneshii #1
this story made me cry :) i love this story so much <3<3
JinyoungsBlingGirl #2
Ah can i request? for the first time I read this I really want it now I ended it XD (it takes me a long time to read this cos' I do imagine I'm Soyeon) XD can you continue this story :D I'm like crazy visiting this site again and again just for more chapters :( please. JEBAL! can you add more long chapters? please ^^
melon_dew #3
damn!i can imagine Jinyoung said Bling Girl~n i was like dying..ahha
melon_dew #4
i did put intention to wrap up my comment till i read all the chapters..but in chapter 4 i suddenly burst into tears~huhu..i never know how my crush felt towards me..cause last year...i was really close to him..n feel like we were couple..huhu..ur story really nice n the main character Jinyoung just make this story turns to reality to me..hehe :)
melon_dew #5
oh my!i've just read chapter one..n you know what this story resemble mine a lot...hehe..but the marker part isnt mine..hehe...really love ur story... :)
lol,, its funny how the first chapter sort of describe how I react when I saw my crush,, I like your story eventhough im only in Chapter 1. :D
lemonylimes #7
Cute ~~
What a cute oneshot! haha Kya~ my heart beating fast~ Lolz i'm new here! so this is my first time commenting :) i luv ur stories! Please make a sequel~
Sequel Please :)